Welcome to Podcasts of Dentistry #POD. This is session #1. Todays Session is with the podcaster Johnathan Van Horn, of Start your dental practice podcast, He is a writer, CPA, and intimately related to the world of dentistry. He discusses everything from podcasting, to his Garage Band. We talk about his podcast, his techniques, his confession about naming DentistMetrics. how he entered dentistry, and got his first client, His story about being a guitar player to his best purchase. We even delve into talking about self awareness and how to get it. I am just a novice in the whole game of self awareness but listening to him i feel i can do some of it. His morning rituals, his productive hacks and tricks, his favorite episodes from SYDP, his favorite books and everything in between.
I hope you like this session as much as I do. -
This Solo episode talks about the reason and the rationale behind starting this podcast. #inspiration #Grow #IngredientsOfSuccess
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