Kuunii sagalee abbaa alangaa godina jimmaa kan tora interneetii irrattii tamsaafamuudhaa. Tamsaasa fm WAAGJ kallaattidhaan hordoofuuf linkii jedhuu fayyadamuu ykn Google jalattii Jimmaa Attorney FM jechuun search goochun Sagalee Abbaa Alangaa Godina Jimmaa kenya dhageffachuun baasii tokkoo malee boohartidhan bekkumsa seeraa kessan gabbifachuu dandeessuu.
ይህ የጅማ ዞን አቃቤ ህግ ፅህፈት ቤት የFM ድምፅ ነው። ስርጭታችንን ለማዳመጥ የፅፈት ቤቱን ኦፊሴላዊ ድህረገፅ በመጠቀም አልያም በጎግል Jimmaa Attorney Fm ብለው በመፈለግ ያገኙናል። ስርጭታችንን በማድመጦ እየተዝናኑ የህግ አውቀቶትን ያዳብራሉ።
Jimma Attorney FM is a podcasting service. -
انطلاقا من أحد أهداف مركز التواصل والمعرفة المالية في نشر الوعي والمعرفة المالية ، جاءت فكرة إطلاق (بودكاست متمم )الذي يستضيف عدداً من صناع القرار و المختصين بالقطاع المالي والاقتصادي .
בפודקאסטים האלה נעדכן אתכם עם כל מה שחדש בפוליטיקה המשוגעת שיכולה להיות רק בישראל, נעלה נושאים מיוחדים שגם רק בפוליטיקה הישראלית וביחד נסדר ממש טיפה את הפוליטיקה- בישראל
سلسلة حوارات عن الانتخابات البلدية في لبنان.
As his final CEP capstone project, Liam Collins explores the history of protest and civil unrest in Washington State. A mix of narrated and interview segments show our past and help us explain how it still shapes our present.
A thought provoking and insightful look into issues of politics, entertainment, law, business, economics and social issues in Nigeria and beyond.
Discussions of issues of national and regional significance with Mmusi Maimane
Apple Valley Vibe is a produced weekly detailing happenings around the city of Apple Valley. For more information on these and other happenings visit
final for seminar- rosie ryu and journey
Celebrate the role played by audit professionals in the vital area of patient safety with the clinical audit and improvement podcast. This monthly podcast is brought to you by AMaT and its community of super users from around the country in the NHS and elsewhere. In each episode we bring together experts to talk about a range of topics centred around the world of clinical audit for the benefit of everyone involved in clinical audit and improvement projects across healthcare, regardless of which system is used to carry them out.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Europe Inside Out brings together experts to explain Europe's foreign policy challenges and opportunities. Every month, go beyond the headlines with Carnegie Europe and explore where the continent stands, how it got here, and where it is heading.
تأملات من المشاركات في برنامج جيران
I Talked AboutThe Basic Essence Of The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
يقدم بودكاست "خذ حقك" رفيقًا موثوقًا ومفيدًا للجميع في رحلتهم نحو الحرية والمعرفة، يُركز هذا البرنامج على تمكين المستمعين بإطلاعهم على طرق التقاضي وتقديم الشكاوى في حال التعرض لإساءات أو انتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان والحريات الشخصية.
من إعداد وتقديم فاطمة وشاح، يناقش البودكاست قضايا واقعية وحالات حقيقية تتعلق بحقوق الإنسان والحريات الأساسية، مما يعزز الوعي والمعرفة بين المستمعين حول هذه القضايا المهمة والحساسة، برنامج "خذ حقك" يسعى لتمكين الأفراد من الدفاع عن حقوقهم والتأكد من أنهم يتمتعون بالحرية والمعرفة للتعامل مع هذه المواقف بشكل مستنير.
انضموا إلى بودكاست "خذ حقك" لاكتشاف الطرق الفعَّالة للتعامل مع القضايا القانونية المتعلقة بحقوق الإنسان، وتعلموا من التجارب الواقعية التي تمس حياتنا اليومية، لأن المعرفة هي السلاح الأكثر فعالية في الدفاع عن الحرية والحقوق، فإن "خذ حقك" يمثل المصدر الأمثل لتعلم كيفية الحفاظ على حقوقكم والتمتع بحياة حرة وآمنة.
من إنتاج راديو النجاح الذي يضمن جودة عالية للبودكاست وتقديم معلومات دقيقة وموثوقة.
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Discourses on life, liberty, and leadership with U.S. Army Major (Ret.) Will Ostan and his wife, Jennifer. Will brings over two decades of experience at the highest echelons of government, military, and faith-based organizations. Jen speaks from her experience as a Military Spouse (12yrs) and Veteran Caregiver (10yrs) to Will. Fight In The Shade podcast provides thoughtful commentary regarding current events, shared conversations on meaningful topics, and personal interviews with fascinating leaders they have encountered on the journey of life. -
To tell stories of the interesting people are not very well known
في هذا البودكاست ستستمع لقصص عالمية دونها التاريخ، جسدت ابرز مفاهيم السياسة العالمية، #بودكاست_ساس .
A podcast from the Office of the Washington State Auditor? Yes, your dream has come true. OK, maybe you think it will be about boring and complicated audit stuff but we plan to confound your expectations. Our goal with The Aud Pod is to give you some inside scoop on what we do, make our work easier to understand and also share how we help local and state governments along the way. Join us for some real #GoodGovernment talk. Email us any time at [email protected]. Thanks for listening!
Today, civilization is centered around our cities. More than half of the human population resides in an urban environment and by 2050 that will rise to over 70%. Yet the cities of today must not become the cities of the future. Our current urban landscapes lack the sustainability and equity needed for a healthy and happy twenty-first century. Transportation will play a key role in the future of our cities. This four-part podcast interviews four different experts in the field of transportation as it relates to our urban spaces.