Spend the weekend in Boston with 4 Feet Running! Known in the metro Boston area as Faw Feet Runnin. In this very special episode:
- Nik and Dan drive to Boston and get a wicked good paaakin space
- They get ready to run the Poco Loco, a 13-mile group run of Boston and Cambridge along the Chaaales Rivah, with Steve Runner, Zen Runner, Eddie Marathon, Chris Russell, Tim D., Tim C., Jay and Deb Kumar, Kelly, Jim, Ninjarunner, Kevin Z., Alett, and special guest appearance by John Ellis
- You will barely hear from any of those people because of technical difficulties
- Find out what Nik & Dan have been doing since December, and where they're going in 2011
- Talking skepticism with Steve and jazz with Zen Runner
- A walk through the park in the Fenway, and then a walk through Fenway Park
- Put on your mittens and long underwear, Satan: Nik attends her very first Red Sox game
- Dan gets super-excited while praying in The Cathedral of Baseball
- More of that appalling 4 Feet Running sound quality you crave
- Email: 4feetrunning@gmail.com / Blog: 4feetrunning.blogspot.com
Thanks for listening! Enjoy!
[5.5.11] -
It's another 4 Feet Running video special! Nik & Dan go for a run with John From The Poi from Run New England and behold the beauty that is Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, in winter. Check out John's video podcast at RunNewEngland.blogspot.com.
(2.9.11) -
Episodes manquant?
This is part 2 of a very special episode of 4 Feet Running with Nik and Dan! Use this one for a long run, folks, because it's gonna take a while. In this episode:
- Nik and Dan drive from St. Augustine, Florida, to infinity and beyond
- Infinity and beyond is located at Kennedy Space Center, apparently
- They reflect on the great time they had at the Mojo Loco 50-mile-ish relay in December
- Dan gets fed up with back-of-the-pack gripes and tries to run faster
- Nik overcomes her various dietary quirks at the Philadelphia Marathon
- A vague at their plans and goals for 2011, mostly vague because they're only sort of sure what they are at the moment
- Nik gets indoctrinated into The Cult of Crossfit
- Speaking of cults, they see an Amish person (don't worry, Amish people won't see this because it's on a computer)
- Apologies for the sound quality -- moving cars are noisy to record in
Thanks for listening, and enjoy! -
It's another 4 Feet Running video special! In this instructional tutorial, Nik and Dan make screw-shoes: they drill screws into the bottoms of their running shoes to make cleats for winter running. This is where they got the idea: http://www.skyrunner.com/screwshoe.htm
(12.26.10) -
It's a very special episode of 4 Feet Running with Nik and Dan! Remember them? This episode:
- Nik and Dan are in St. Augustine, Florida, to run the first ever Mojo Loco 50-mile relay run to Daytona with 11 other friends from the online running community
- Special guest appearances by Adam Tinkoff, Maddy Hubbard, Steve Runner, Steve Chopper, Ed Marathon, Stormin' Norman, Marathon Chris, Susan Stout, Samantha UF, Chris Russell, and the Crazy Runner
- Nik and Dan ain't afraid of no ghosts
- You asked for it, you got it! More of that classic "4 Feet Running ear-splitting traffic noise roar" you love so well
- They talk about a few great developments in their running since their last episode
- Go on a Gallowalk with the Zen Runner, Maddy, and Dan
- What else do 13 runners talk about when they get together? Shoes, shoes, and more shoes
- Everyone nearly freezes to death ... in Florida
- Nik survives almost a whole day entirely on Boost liquid
- A little bit of a short leg at the end due to a calculation error, but after 12 hours of running nobody's complaining
- Stay tuned for Part 2, coming very soon, where Nik and Dan go over their 2010 year in review!
4feetrunning@gmail.com | 4feetrunning.blogspot.com
(12.21.10) -
Another 4 Feet Running video special! Nik and Dan wear their Awesome Magic Champion Shoes and teach you how to tie your laces like an awesome magic champion. Special guest appearances by Stanley, Myrna, and the contents of Myrna's colon. Check out more videos and the whole series of audio podcasts at http://4feetrunning.blogspot.com. Enjoy!
It's a 4 Feet Running video special! Nik and Dan have been whipping up homemade running-related goodies in their kitchen, and they're going to show you how they make homebrew energy gel. There are more recipes for electrolyte drinks on their blog at http://4feetrunning.blogspot.com. Enjoy!
It's another 4 Feet Running video special! This time around, Dan runs the New Jersey Half Marathon and Nik (who had to bow out of the New Jersey Marathon) goes for a 26.2-miler all by herself.
Enjoy! -
It's a special video podcast from 4 Feet Running! Watch as Nik and Dan, plus some special guests, run the New Bedford Half Marathon.
Enjoy! -
It's the end of 4 Feet Running as we know it, and they feel fine! In this final episode:
- Nik and Dan read strictly feedback from you, the listeners
- No other news, to be honest -- just your e-mails and voice messages
- A huge thanks to everyone who wrote us, called in, left a review, listened to the show, interacted with us in any way, from us, Nik and Dan, and Stanley and Myrna
(2.10.10) -
It's the final 4 Feet Running! Which actually turns out to be the second-to-last 4 Feet Running. Again. It makes sense when you listen. This episode:
- Nik and Dan talk about why they're ending the show and their plans for the future
- They discuss what they thought would happen when they first started the show years ago
- Nik: "Now you have more time to run. So that means less griping?" Dan: "Not likely"
- They talk about the power of accountability to others, and how that helps
- Special guest appearance by their crazy neighbor who wants QUIET
- Nik has a comeback from her horrible bout of bronchitis and rib pain
- Dan's running plans in 2010 have changed again -- goodbye Hyannis, hello New Jersey
- Good running tip: register early for races now, because it's mental out there
- Science-based self-help with Richard Wiseman, author of "59 Seconds"
- Nik teaches you how to determine your child's personality using 3 marshmallows, and Dan describes how to lose weight using smaller plates
- Dan likes the new Nike Frees that Nik bought him as a special Martin Luther King Day present
- Nik and Dan review their 2009 year in running: more miles, more speed, more improvements
- Nik: "You wouldn't want to be at the top -- where would you go?" Dan: "I'd stick around there for a while"
- They read the results of the 2009 Feet Running Challenge
- Stay tuned for one more episode with just your feedback!
(1.30.10) -
It's a sick, sick, sick, sick world with 4 Feet Running! Where the hell have Nik and Dan been? And where are they going?
- Nik is waylaid by another long and arduous illness -- this time bronchitis
- Dan is waylaid by a small and squishy exercise ball
- A nurse laughs at Dan's pain
- After being floored by various ailments, they get knocked over by 2 feet of snow and then the holidays
- But they use the opportunity to try out their new screw-shoes (some assembly required)
- They adjust, and then re-adjust, and then re-re-adjust their training plans
- Dan's mom gets new kicks
- Nik reviews a nice running shirt from Thriv, but will not be seen in it in public for reasons of modesty
- They read more emails from wonderful listeners
- Hey! Adam Tinkoff has a new show! Go check it out!
- This is the second-to-last episode we will be producing. We have a brief note about the upcoming final episode of 4 Feet Running
(1.6.10) -
It's Rocky II: Rock Harder as 4 Feet Running takes on the 2009 Philadelphia Marathon and Half-Marathon! This episode:
- Nik is raring to run the full marathon (her sixth) and Dan shrugs toward the half-marathon (his second)
- They stop by the expo for some race swag first
- Due to technical difficulties, there's no live race-day audio, but that doesn't mean there's no drama...
- Dan almost burns down their hotel room and/or almost floods it, all because of green beans
- Nik almost misses the marathon entirely, possibly because of cheese
- Then they can't find their corrals, the race announcer forgets about some runners, Nik and Dan skip the porta-potties, a pacer gets floored, and Dan accidentally goes 100% caffeine cold-turkey (which is BAD)
- Nik is plagued by hunger and thirst in the wilds of Fairmount Park
- Her rationale for eating and drinking all kinds of stuff she shouldn't: "How much more sick could I possibly get?"
- Dan sees nudity
- He runs with his eyes shut in the hopes of taking a brief nap on the road
- Nik continues her PR domination, and Dan just misses it because of a pit-stop
- Uncle Pfitzy is definitely her favorite -- Uncle Higgy's kicked out of the family
- Lousy advice on where to run in Massachusetts and where to eat in Philadelphia
- They make big race plans for next year and read some email from wonderful listeners
(12.1.09) -
Get two spooky races for the price of one with 4 Feet Running! In this giant-sized week:
- Nik and Dan run the Witch City 5K in Salem -- Nik in devil horns and Dan in his lucha libre mask
- Nik's out for fun, Dan's just hoping not to suffocate in the damn thing
- Gear up with some Brooks and Nike shoe chat, free tech-shirt talk, Halo headband convo
- The wrestling mask is surprisingly comfy and warm when it's cold in New England
- Nik has a great week! Oh wait, did I say great? I meant "not great"
- In case you were wondering which company makes the best ketchup chips, it's Herr's
- Obligatory parasite mention this week: whipworms!
- Some jerky douchebag asshat cuts Nik off on purpose -- some bozo in a yellow shirt
- Some 5-piece living room set books it past Dan going up a hill
- Nik and Dan also run the New Bedford Spooky Run 10K and 5K, respectively, with John from the Poi, Dan's mom, and a bunch of Nik and Dan's friends
- They wish for a Saturday morning cartoon where bad guys turn into monkeys. Someone get on this
- Nik and Dan get psyched up for the Philly races in a couple of weeks
- Too many cool costumes at the races to mention
- Too many PRs to mention -- Nik and Dan get THREE of them between them alone, plus more for John and Dan's mom
- Too much great email to mention from wonderful people
(11.11.09) -
Think global, run in Connecticut this week with 4 Feet Running! This episode:
- Nik and Dan do the World Wide Festival of Races at the ING Hartford half-marathon and 5K (respectively)
- Hartford is full of cranky people who like to cut in line
- Nik and Dan need to practice their geography to figure out where the races begin -- South? West? Huh?
- Dan helps a guy put on his timing chip
- Nik appears to have pooped her running skirt (but didn't)
- It's not the prettiest race course, but they both have great race times
- Except Dan has a problem with races that cheap out on the 5K timing mats
- Nik finds that the first mile of the half-marathon is a contact sport
- Assorted mayhem on the course: bloody nipples, baby stroller roller-derby, broken legs, impromptu football games
- Dan goes on a running gear shopping spree
- Nik feels weird staring at random people's feet
- They read some great email from wonderful listeners
(10.24.09) -
Welcome to Lifestyles of the Rich and Infamous with 4 Feet Running! This week is chock full of assorted topics:
- Nik and Dan go running in Newport, RI, where there are stray Bernese mountain dogs, wine corks littering the streets, and the resident wealthy eccentrics have personal croissant chefs
- They also have chicken breast on sale
- Nik gets faster in her Frees and breaks a weekly distance record
- Dan is a little faster too, because speedwork is agreeing with him
- He also has a drinking problem (he's addicted to carrying around his fuel belt bottle)
- They're both doing the Worldwide Festival of Races in Hartford next time
- A little about the psychology of goal-achievement with professor Richard Wiseman, and why Dan is always a nervous wreck
- Nik and Dan meet Stanley the German shorthaired pointer's doppelganger
- They discuss Nik's nutritional issues and various fun ironies involving the Paleo diet
- Anyone want some Del's frozen lemonade?
- Two more giveaways in the 4 Feet Running book club -- listen to find out how to win!
- Advice on how to arrive last in a road race
- They get some great feedback from wonderful listeners
(10.6.09) -
It's a do-over, reboot, renewed 4 Feet Running! After a little delay, they're ready to run again. This week:
- Nik and Dan explain where the hell the show has been for a month
- They're in an '80s mood for some reason
- Dan falls into a brief but crippling funk due to the heat, but finds redoing his schedule has improved his mojo
- Nik gets permission from famous listener Petra to revamp her schedule, too
- More grossness: bedbug nests, street trash, plus learn about the fascinating and repulsive life cycle of the hookworm
- Nik's knee issues are much improved thanks to forefoot running, and Dan gives her an elbow in the buttcheek
- They talk about the barefoot running craze and why they're skeptical of some of the more out-there magical claims
- Nik orders and tries out a pair of Nike Frees to help make her more speedy, though they make her toes feel like they've been working out
- Dan doesn't like the Frees because contrary to the name, they cost money
- They read lots of great feedback from listeners
- Special phone call from Hollywood Actor and runner Edward Norton, probably
(9.18.09) -
In the woods, no one can hear 4 Feet Running scream! Not even when they're slowly being bitten to death. This week:
- Even though last time Nik and Dan said they hate the woods, they try it anyway at Massasoit State Park in Taunton, Mass.
- They immediately regret not having brought bug spray
- Quote of the week #1: "So far no murderers. We've been walking for three minutes."
- Quote of the week #2: "You see one tree, you've seen em all."
- Stanley the pointer dog goes for a dip and tries to free himself from his leash
- Dan tries speedwork, strength training (again), and is awful at trail running
- Nik has trouble with the humidity, keeping her blood sugar regulated, and is a mosquito magnet
- Picture the Raiders of the Lost Ark tarantula scene but with mosquitos
- Drinking game: take a shot every time Nik or Dan says: "I HATE THIS!" or "I HATE THE WOODS!" or "I DON'T LIKE THE WOODS!"
- They eventually find a road and run on that instead -- hooray!
- They read email from some great listeners
(8.17.09) -
Celebrate 2 whole years of 4 Feet Running with Nik and Dan! This week:
- They're actually not at a race for a change -- weird, innit?
- Warning: There's so much gory news in this episode for some reason, it's like CSI: 4 Feet Running
- Updates on Nik's knees and ankles, and why she's not using Uncle Higgy anymore
- Dan remembers his running beginnings and first milestones - He also runs into a telephone pole
- They get to see actual cows (sorry, they forgot to take the camera), and they'll tell you where in Fall River the buffalo roam and the pigeons race
- They look ahead to their next year of running and the races ahead
- Lots of great feedback from wonderful listeners, and a Special Guest Appearance by Carnac the Magnificent and his sidekick Gordon
(7.26.09) -
It's a family fun-day road race on the 4th of July with 4 Feet Running! This week:
- Meet Dan's mom, who is walking her first-ever road race: the Mattapoisett 5-mile Road Race
- Dan's mom is kind of shy about talking into the mike
- Special guest appearances by John from the Poi and his friend Martin, a former marathoner and current cranberry engineer
- Nik tries to overcome a string of lousy runs, Dan's mom gets tips for a first-time road-racer, and Dan keeps his mom company
- Two stop-lights, a post office, and a lot of friendly people: that's Mattapoisett
- They set up another giveaway in the 4 Feet Running Book Club: Running and Being by Dr. George Sheehan -- listen to find out when!
- Nik realizes one meal of pancakes a day is her limit -- not two
- Dan decides to don the luchador mask for a special 5K road race in October (and possibly a cape)
- Tons of fantastic email from wonderful listeners
(7.11.09) - Montre plus