Lana Tang http://stitch-n-bitch-shanghai.tumblr.com
今年初有机会参加一个手工艺的活动(Stitch and Bitch)认识了Lana,
1. We’re not born with developed skills.小编手记:没有任何一种技能是与生俱来的,所以当我们失败的时候不要沮丧,不要焦虑,停止严厉的批判自己,而是将注意力放在如何精进自我的技能上。——停止焦虑的方法就是立刻去做!
2. think outside of box.
3. 3 Tips for making foreign friends:
1. Practice to speak
2. Find the opportunities to meet the foreign people.
3. In order to be a friend (you don’t need to really speaktheir language), you offer some help for them. You have to satisfy people’sneeds for these 6 aspects. So here we have 6 cores human needs. 1. certainty/security 2. variety 3. connection/ love 4. significance 5. growth 6.contribution.
4.female energy
5.Chinese people put Australian, American, European people inthe same boat.
6. To western guys, you’d have been missing out if you hadn’tworn cologne.
Adi's 公共账号:Motivate Shanghai -
Episodes manquant?
Hi I’m Lily and thank you for joining me on Expat Ni Hao. Every week I’ll be interviewing the expats in China of today. Each interview will be captivating in its own right, as we will be telling a real life story of an expat in China. You can download this podcast now from iTunes or ximalaya application on your mobile devices and listen during your com or workout. Also, you can check out the show notes on my website: shanghaigreeters.com if you’re planning to visit Shanghai, you can even book yourself a free local walking tour with our greeter on this website: shanghaigreeters.com.
现在加入我们的微信“Shanghai_Greeters”或是搜寻公众账号“贵旅特”就可以下载节目的精华笔记,还有收到每日节目更新的最新消息,从2014.4月开始每周的节目表如下:星期一:英语秘密-访问英语超流利的国际工作者、星期二-老外你好,访问在中国工作与生活的外国人、星期三:北鼻是外国人-聊聊异国恋到底是怎么回事?星期四:不花钱学英语-分享如何不花钱打造口说与写作 星期五:英语老师魅力养成计划,分享英语老师如何赚高薪又抓住学生的心?还有每天我会和Mr.Wong...
Welcome to Expats Ni Hao podcast, where we brought you the expats’ interviews from China. Here's your host: Lily Wong.
If you're visiting Shanghai, you can book yourself a local volunteer greeter to show you around what's authentic Shanghai lifestyle is! Visit us at http://www.shanghaigreeters.com -
Welcome to Expats Ni Hao podcast, where we brought you the expats’ interviews from China. Here's your host: Lily Wong.
If you're visiting Shanghai, you can book yourself a local volunteer greeter to show you around what's authentic Shanghai lifestyle is! Visit us at http://www.shanghaigreeters.com -
Welcome to Expats Ni Hao podcast, where we brought you the expats’ interviews from China. Here's your host: Lily Wong.
If you're visiting Shanghai, you can book yourself a local volunteer greeter to show you around what's authentic Shanghai lifestyle is! Visit us at http://www.shanghaigreeters.com