What are Pearl Law's core areas of expertise?
Pearl Law's expertise spans several areas, including international trade, brand management, marketing, and luxury goods brokerage. She has experience managing retail brands, developing and sourcing products, and providing business consultation, particularly in the areas of sales and marketing strategy. Her work also includes a strong emphasis on cross-border e-commerce and assisting Canadian brands expand overseas, primarily to Asian markets. She also has expertise in the luxury sector including fine wines, retro cars, jewelry and art. She also has a personal interest in entrepreneurship, particularly in supporting women with limited resources.
What is the primary focus of MonGlobe United Trade Agent Inc., the company founded by Pearl Law?
MonGlobe United Trade Agent Inc. provides a wide array of consultation services including sales, marketing, and brand management. It also acts as a trading company involved in luxury goods and commodities like gold, rough diamonds and agricultural products. Moreover, the company offers personal shopper services for high-net-worth individuals and delves into areas like luxury lifestyle, coaching, franchising, and creative services. They have been serving the high net worth individuals for years in areas such as real estate, vintage wine, super cars, and gourmet products. -
Procedures to be Authenticated 品牌專業認證程序
Professional Authenticity Service Affects Value of your Brand Name Assets
How to avoid buying counterfeits 如何避免買入假貨 -
Episodes manquant?
#係咪真係要人請 #自顧與商機 #洗錢態度
EverutsHK Event 網上講座
March 20, 2024 00:30 - 02:00 (Eastern Time) / 12:30 - 14:00 (Hong Kong)
下載簡報投影片Presentation Sides Download:
奢侈品投資策略 Luxury Purchase as Investments
Topic 1: 選擇合適的鑽石作投資
Select the right diamond to serve your Investment purpose
Topic 2: 轉售二手設計師服裝和手袋以獲取利潤
Reselling Preowned Designer Clothing and Handbags for Profits
Topic 3: 陳皮、茶葉、松露蘑菇、海味等稀有食材的投資價值…
The value of rare food ingredients liked aged orange peels, chinese tea leaves, truffle mushrooms, dried seafoods…
我是一名為世界各地VIP提供專業奢侈品採購服務的採購員,很高興在Everuts 上向我的朋友分享經驗和知識,如何明智地購買具有高價值奢侈品為明天創造財富並且作為私人財富管理一部分。
As a professional personal shopper to serve the VIPs around the world, I am happy to share my experience and knowledge for my friends on Everuts how to make wise purchases in luxury that create wealth over time as private wealth management. -
#點選購鑽石 #價錢不等如價值 #天然鑽代代傳承可望升值 #人造鑽造珠寶可以當水晶看待但不會升值 #為何納米樓無人買 #日後再長談買鑽石的四個C
#小時候在香港的聖誕 #大大食聖誕大餐 #家庭聚會 ##尖東中環看燈式 #加拿大人聖誕做咩呢
#加拿大工會 #新移民到加拿大打工被剝削 #公司與移民中介合作不斷開無職位以即利潤 #新移民被剝削影响整體加拿大經濟 #魁省通脹情況
#在加拿大精神病和情緒病很普遍 #職場和家庭成員的精神病處理 #為何在加拿大精神病那麼普遍 #希望華人社區多討論精神病問題
#荷包乾硬化 #全球經濟處於低迷 #自雇的好處 #在加拿大如何開源節流 #士多關門大吉 #全球發貨是大勢所趨 #在加拿大生活財務計劃是必須的
#收一蚊雞禮金背後的智慧 #早結婚早買樓 #男主外女主內不如分工合作 #選女婿最重要是責任感 #隔山買牛貪抵食夾大件 #永不開動的jacuzzi
#網上文化藝術創作集資途徑 #自資拍電影真係好難頂 #網上寫作 #在加拿大當自雇藝術家都不容易
#中學生談買樓 #affordablehousing
#中央管理食品供應鏈 #反壟斷 #PriceFixing #網店提供多元化商品選擇
#女人選擇雪卵當單親媽媽 #沒有長久關係所生子女法理上如何介定父親的定義 #魁省女性不能法律上跟夫姓的原因
#發放色情資訊背後出發點 #在魁省做妓女但不能不交税 #法語行先製造貧窮 #應包容和尊重少數族裔文化和宗教
#利用 AI 發展網上生意 #以前做采購同現在有了北美采購平台的分别 #下年農曆新年及情人節訂單 #如何節省運費
#共同富裕 #能者多勞 #國家政策的傾斜 #公平競爭非平均瓜分財富 #年輕人和中年人都有不勞而獲的心態和對蘇維埃的留戀 #派錢行不通 #土改留下的傷痛
#加拿大網店如何直接入口貨品 #韓國美粧品及自家品牌的商品選擇 #美加電商跨境貿易和集運 #聖誕網上購物及團購外國貨品
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