Подкаст від організації #stop_sexтинг, який допомагає батькам подбати про безпеку дітей в інтернеті.
Проєкт створюється у співпраці із The Ukrainians Media. -
Здесь не выбирают подгузники и не спорят о прививках.
Здесь своими вдохновляющими историями делятся мамы, для которых декрет стал поводом расправить крылья!
Почта: [email protected]
Instagram: @mama_mozhet_podcast
Telegram-канал: @mamamozhetpodcast -
О семье, детях и самой себе. О безусловной любви и воспитании без страдания.
About every day life
Не знаете, что почитать с ребёнком? Слушайте обзор самых интересных детских книг от литературного обозревателя «Детского радио» Натальи Кочетковой.
Join Emily Tisch Sussman as she sits down with a diverse group of women to explore how their personal experiences led to their pivot and eventually their success. She Pivots challenges the typical definitions of success and explores the role our personal stories play in our professional journeys. The series will celebrate those who have made bold moves with a view towards inspiring others to pursue their own non-linear paths. Be sure to subscribe and follow us on Instagram @ShePivotsThePodcast.
Мама может все!? Согласны?
Я абсолютно уверена, что любая мама может справится с огромным количеством задач и дел!
Но самая главная наша задача - быть счастливыми и дарить радость и любовь нашим детям!
А с остальным я вам помогу!
В подкасте "Мама может все!" вы найдёте полезную информацию о развитии и воспитании детей, советы, как совмещать работу и материнство, как расставлять приоритеты и реализовывать свои цели, также будем говорить об организации времени, внутренних ресурсах, помощи и поддержке.
Подписывайтесь на подкаст и следите за новыми выпусками)
С любовью, Кузьо Олеся -
Анна Самарина - эрготерапевт Санкт-Петербургского Института раннего вмешательства, эксперт в области питания маленьких детей. Она расскажет уникальную информацию про малышей и их развитие с точки зрения эрготерапии, которую вы нигде больше не найдете. Питание, туалетные навыки, поведение - это все области работы детского эрготерапевта.
Ріал Мамас мають знати, що таке #girlpower. Ми знаємо, що таке валитися з ніг але при тому робити 100500 справ. Ми плачемо в подушку і вважаємо себе нещасними, а вже за хвилину дитина бачить перед собою найщасливішу жінку. Ріал мамас - це дуже складна формула виживання в цьому світі. Як на це наважуються? Чому природа заохочує тебе стати мамою, а по факту ти до цього не можеш бути готова на 100%? Як поєднувати материнство, кар'єру, стосунки і купу всього іншого? Хто знає? Може і не знає але точно таке може - ріал мама. Подруги, ви може вже, а може ще ні. Плануєте, чи вже стали такими. Але. Досвід у кожної свій. Нема правильного чи не правильного. Я вірю, що слухаючи одна одну ми зможемо стати ще потужнішими матерами. Велкам ту май подкаст. Пам'ятай: все можливо ;)
Welcome to the podcast,
Full PreFrontal: Exposing the Mysteries of Executive Function hosted by Sucheta Kamath.Executive Function is a core set of cognitive skills that allow humans to focus attention, block out distractions, plan ahead, stay engaged, temper emotions, and think flexibly while creatively solving problems to fulfill personal and social goals. The prefrontal cortex region of the brain, which governs Executive Function, is often compared to an air traffic control system at a busy airport. Much like an air traffic controller guides planes on different flight paths in the direction that each needs to go, the prefrontal cortex intercepts thoughts and impulses in order to direct them towards situationally appropriate and productive outcomes that serve the need of the future self.
Significant research in the field suggests that developing strong Executive Function is critical for school-aged children and remains one of the most reliable predictors of overall success, shown to have profound life-long implications beyond the formal years of learning. On this podcast, host Sucheta Kamath will converse with neuroscientists, social psychologists, learning experts, and thought leaders who will illustrate how Executive Function is inextricably linked with mental health, physical health, school readiness, job success, marital relationships, and much more.
On the path of self-development, we all experience a constant struggle between trying to optimize our talent and effort while still facing difficulty in mobilizing the inner tools and strategies that can lead us in the right direction. Tune in to
Full PreFrontal
to figure out how best to manage your thoughts, habits, and attitudes to enhance your self-awareness and future thinking and to achieve your best self.Sucheta Kamath is an award-winning speech-language pathologist, a TEDx speaker, a celebrated community leader, and the founder and CEO of ExQ®. As an EdTech entrepreneur, Sucheta has designed a personalized digital learning curriculum/tool (ExQ®) that empowers middle and high school students to develop self-awareness and strategic thinking skills through the mastery of Executive Function and social-emotional competence. Outside of her business, Sucheta previously served as President of the Georgia Speech-Language-Hearing Association, where she started a free Social-Communication and Executive Function Training program for inner-city men afflicted with addiction and homelessness—a program she continues to oversee as a coach and a trainer today. She is also a long-time meditator and is currently working on her Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification. A firm believer in the “Pause, Reflect, and then Respond” philosophy, Sucheta hopes to spread the word on how every person can reach higher levels of self-awareness and achieve lasting growth of their Executive Function.
If you are an expecting or new parent looking for support and guidance with your pregnancy, birth, and first year of your baby’s life, then The Baby Pro Podcast is for you!
Join your hosts, Shelly Taft, a lactation consultant, doula, childbirth educator, infant sleep educator, and licensed practical nurse, and Nicole Glover, a doula and childbirth educator, as they bring you conversation and interviews with experts regarding all things pregnancy and baby related.
Each episode will tackle the burning questions that all expecting and new parents have, like Will I ever sleep again? How do I write the perfect birth plan? Does intimacy after birth exist? We will also answer listener questions and talk about the latest news in the parenting world. -
Breastfeeding and infant feeding related topics. Parenting from early years and beyond with an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Sophie Burrows IBCLC
The Impactful Parenting Podcast helps parents turn their chaos into connection with their children. Through meaningful stories, the podcast provides parenting tips for making family life easier!
Why? Because school-aged children bring different challenges to parenting that younger kids don’t! The Impactful Parenting Podcast provides help for raising your adolescent child.
So if you’re asking yourself questions like:
• ”Is this normal?”
• ”Why is my teenager doing this?”
• ”How do I get my child to stop?”
• ”I am so frustrated. What do I do?”
• ”Is anyone else experiencing this? I can’t be the only one.”
• ”I am worried. What can I do?”
Hi! I am Kristina Campos. I am the founder of the Impactful Parent and my passion is creating better relationships between parents and their children. I am a parenting coach, a teacher who has taught every grade level from Pre-K through high school, and most importantly, I am a mom of 4 kids! (Yep, those are my kiddos in the podcast photo).
The teen years don’t need to be difficult. Teenagers CAN have a special bond with their parents! Listen and discover the tools and techniques you need to create connections, build trust, and have a stress-free household. This is only the beginning! Let’s get started, together!
-Kristina Campos
Founder of The Impactful Parent -
Koly za druhym
Коли за другим - це мій особистий досвід про материнство. Дуже хочеться розібратися чому там не всьо так однозначно.
Я ділюсь своїми історіями, пережитими подіями, страхами і невдачами. Розповідаю про цінності, прочитані книги і відповідаю на найголовніше питання,- коли за другим?
Всі побажання можна написати на сторінку в інсті -
Також в мене з’явився YouTube -
«Подружки и винишко»- это подкаст, где старые подруги обсуждают темы самореализации, личной жизни, воспитания детей, делятся тревогами, переживаниями и обычными историями из жизни. Возможно вы найдете в них себя или подчеркнете что-то новое.
Ціль – радіти життю у сім'ї.
Робота зі своїми почуттями. Відносини тата й сина.
Аналіз своїх дій у минулому та теперішньому при спостеріганні життя дитини. -
Parents come with problems and leave with solutions. You will receive practical, researched-based advice on how you can build a strong, more loving family during these turbulent times. If you are ready for less contention and more kindness in your home, this show is for you!
Размышления коуча и психолога Лены Добренькой на темы целеполагания, мотивации, детско-родительских отношений и многого другого.