
  • Having a pet can be a lot of work, especially when there are already kids in the same home as the pet! Every kid begs their parents for a pet, and every parent has to either come up with a good excuse as to why they can't have one, or they cave. Team pro-pet and team no-pet both weigh in to help prepare parents everywhere for that special day when their child calls them at work and begs you to bring home a pet (while possibly reciting scripture, right Amanda?).

  • Could we all thrive a little more in "May-cember" if we adopted the 4-day work/school week? We debate our own pros and cons, as well as the listeners' hot takes on whether or not the 4-day week is a good idea. Megan gives us the insider take from a teacher's perspective, and Amanda is a self-labeled "work ox" (is that a thing?) concerned about members of society becoming "lazy lemmings" (is that a thing too?). But who doesn't want an extra day added to the weekend?! Chores, appointments, and long weekend trips... oh, the things we parents could do with one extra day!

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  • Mothers do it all and a little more. This episode is all about how to treat her right. Did you get her the birthstone jewelry she's been hinting about? Did you send her away solo for the weekend? Did you clean up dinner AFTER you made it? No... well that's okay. She'll forgive you after you make it right by sending her away next weekend. Show that woman you appreciate her and give her what she wants!

  • Gift cards? Stickers? Fancy lunches everyday? We know what the teachers really want because, in this episode, we asked a real life teacher! With nearly 20 years in the classroom, high school teacher Christin LaMourie walks us through Teacher Appreciation Week. The good, the ideal, and the... appreciated efforts.

    We want to celebrate the incredible work teachers do to educate, inspire, and prepare students to go on to be successful adults! So, be like Amanda, and go write a thank you note to a teacher. Or, better yet, have your kids write one!

    Here's the Ideology Quiz link! Print it, take it, learn from it. Discuss it with your parents! Yeah, you read that right.

  • You know that song from The Lego Movie "Everything is Awesome?" Well that's basically the theme song of this episode. Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you're part of a team, everything is awesome when you're living the dream.... and by the dream we mean the PARENTING DREAM!!!

  • Amanda recently lost her 4 year old. Megan has lost a few of hers... but found them. Amanda ran away as a child. Megan also did, but she hid. In Kids-R-Us. And apparently we are not alone in these shenanigans. All of you have lost your kids as well, but luckily, we've all managed to find them again. This episode has many happy endings.

  • With summer right upon us it's time to start thinking about how to keep these kids reading! We tried to make it easy for all of us by having the one and only Aimee Smith join us from "Keep A Book Out." Find her on Instagram @keepabookout. You will not regret this follow. This parent knows what she's doing and it was so fun to hear her book recommendations (which we linked below!)

    We asked her if she "pre-read" all the books her teenagers read and she said "no! There is no time!" But she did enlighten us by saying she will check out COMMON SENSE MEDIA & AMAZON REVIEWS for info on book content.

    Here are the books mentioned in this episode:

    - Anything by Kate DeCamillo
    - Anything by Dan Santat
    - Anything by Mac Barnett
    - Anything by Shawn Harris
    - The First Cat in Space Ate Pizza
    - Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales series

    Books for teens:
    - Brandon Sanderson
    - Hunger Games

    Books for tweens:
    - Kelly Yang
    - The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise
    - From the Desk of Zoey Washington
    - Ella Enchanted
    - A Wolf Called Wander
    - Bob
    - Cranky Chicken
    - Wilderwood
    - How to Survive Anything

    Books for kids:
    - Zoey and Sassafras
    - Bibi
    - Chester Van Chime who Forgot How to Rhyme
    - A Dog Named Doug
    - When Charlie Met Emma
    - The Giggles are Coming & The Yawns are Coming

  • Keeping it short and sweet as many of us start Spring Break! This week let's talk about all those things your kids do that just aren't worth talking about. From rewearing dirty clothes, to picking their nose, to backseat bickering. You cannot address it all and you don't want to! We don't blame you because we feel the same way.

  • We have ALL been lectured or given unsolicited advice at some point or another. And if you've had the courage to say something back, good on you! But some of us (most of us even), don't dare to respond, so we just mutter a chill "oh, uh-huh, k thanks" and walk away only to have a long mental conversation later with all our good responses. You're not alone, we all do it. Today it's your turn to GIVE the lecture. From shoes on the carpets to driving, we're covering all of it, and honestly, it feels so good to be on the other side...

  • We all want to have fun at home, but why is it so hard?? It takes time, it often results in a mess, and my kids will probably end up fighting. But our friend and fellow mom, Kate Mulford, says go for it! You gotta put some work into making memories. And it can be as much work as you want it to be. A dance party is minimal work, all you need is music and some booties to shake.

  • It honestly is almost like committing to a reality TV show. Naked & Afraid? Have you seen that one? It's based off the casual act of trying to potty train a kid. They're practically naked and you're afraid. But if you can commit and survive the week, then you win. What do you win? Well you won't have to buy diapers anymore. Maybe you'll treat yourself to a cold beverage of your choice. But the biggest prize of all is just knowing that you successfully potty trained a human.

  • They mean no harm, but sometimes you wonder. That brand new TV? Destroyed. Burning down your parents house? Unintentional yes, but definitely next level. We share all your tales of the expensive fixes you've had in your lives and share a few of ours. Again, sorry, mom, for almost burning down the house that one time with the chicken....

  • If you have the privilege of having a child ever be in your home, then chances are high you learned REAL FAST what items you *should have* hidden. Seemingly harmless, boring items, that "surely no kid will find that interesting...." but alas, everything is interesting when you're under the age of 6. So whatever it is, no matter how boring, and especially if it's sticky or permanent or non-washable.... lock it up! Probably in a fireproof save with a passcode that is not "0000."

  • From seasons to familial relations, there are some things that are just too big and too complex for these little growing brains! And we are here for it. It will take a lot of explaining and a lot of patience on your part, but we know you have it in you. And maybe after this episode you'll feel a little more inspired to answer those questions. Press on, dear listener!

    Podcast Show Notes: Episode - "Kids Just Don't Understand"


    Megan dreams of a spa day while Amanda mourns her chickens lost to a bobcat.

    Segment 1: Kid Logic Gone Wild:

    Amanda's son predicts her early demise, prompting a discussion on kids' quirky understandings.Listener tales include kids' shock at daily routines, defiance against toothbrushing, and confusion about seasons and clothing choices.Kids puzzle over family ties and teachers' off-duty lives, leaving adults amused and flustered.Megan shares the surreal experience of students discovering her home address, turning her apartment into a fan shrine.


    The hosts revel in the hilarity of kids' misunderstandings, urging listeners to embrace the chaos.They sign off with gratitude for the audience's support and a reminder to spread kindness.
  • We all have one, a rough day of the week. A stressful, jam-packed, high intensity day. And if you don't.... LUCKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. But then on the other hand, there is always that one day of the week you look forward to. The bright spot in your week. Most people say that's Friday, but then there is the minority who says it's Monday. And to those people, we see you, we're standing, and we're applauding.

    Podcast Show Notes: Episode - "Weekday Woes: Surviving the Grind"


    Amanda reveals her Tuesday blues, while Megan sympathizes with her own Thursday troubles.

    Segment 1: A Day in the Life:

    Amanda paints a vivid picture of her chaotic Tuesdays, filled with an orchestra of kids' activities and logistical nightmares.Listeners share their own weekday horror stories, from Monday mayhem to Thursday overdrive.

    Segment 2: Weekday Woes and Weekend Wins:

    Listeners dish on their least favorite days, with Sundays and Mondays topping the list for many.Megan and Amanda commiserate over the unique challenges of Tuesdays and Thursdays, offering solidarity to fellow sufferers.A humorous look at optimal days for activities, from traveling on Tuesdays to scoring bargains on Thursdays.


    The hosts wrap up with a nod to the universal struggle of weekday woes and the sweet relief of weekends.Practical tips for navigating the week with humor and resilience are shared, along with a reminder to spread positivity.
  • We are thrilled to have Monica Packer with us in this episode as we chat all the things we THOUGHT we knew before we had kids. It was only a matter of time though before it became apparent just how little we knew. And boy, did our kids make that apparent. It's because of us that we have as much humility as we have ;)

    We're thrilled to have a special guest with us today, Monica from About Progress. She's not just a fellow parent but also a passionate advocate for progress, especially in the messy journey of parenting. Monica is known for her expertise in supporting women, helping them live with purpose, and connecting with their greater potential.

    If you haven't already, make sure to check out Monica's podcast, About Progress, and follow her on Instagram @aboutprogress. Trust us; she's a wealth of knowledge that you don't want to miss.

    Getting to Know Monica:
    We're diving right in! Monica, tell our listeners more about yourself and your mission. We know we can't do it justice, so we'd love to hear from you directly.

    Parenting Realities:
    Now, onto the real talk about parenting. A For Effort podcast aims to prevent unintentional birth control, but if you're on the fence about having kids, stick around—listen with open hearts and eyes. These real and raw insights from parents might just teach you something valuable.

    Listener Submissions:
    We asked our listeners to share what they thought they knew going into parenting but soon realized they knew nothing. Let's dive into some of these eye-opening submissions:

    Magical Recoveries: Kids complaining about stomach pain is a daily occurrence, but the magical recovery when they cuddle up with a parent is a true miracle.Fashion Expectations: Expectations of cute Janie and Jack outfits turned into the reality of the trendy, effortlessly disheveled looks.Dirty Dishes Dilemma: The struggle with dirty dishes multiplying faster than rabbits, and the challenge of stacking them like a game of Jenga.Co-Sleeping Confessions: From being against co-sleeping to just wanting to sleep – a candid revelation.Patience Tested: Parenthood as a crash course in patience, with a reminder to be gentle on oneself.Unexpected Affection for Kids: A surprising turn from not liking kids to realizing they're actually great, the essence of the A For Effort podcast.Parenting Multiple Personalities: Parenting multiple kids compared to solving a Rubik's Cube – an ever-evolving challenge.Freedom and the Little Sidekick: A reflection on the total lack of freedom with a little one always by your side.Breastfeeding Expectations: The assumption that breastfeeding would be natural versus the reality.Yelling and Parenthood: The unexpected realization of yelling despite hating it when parents yelled.Adult Growth: The revelation that adults do the most growing in the parenting journey.Sleep Struggles: The challenge of getting kids to sleep and the underestimation of its difficulty.Eating as a Living Thing: The misconception that kids instinctively eat to survive.Textbook vs. Parenting: The vast difference between textbook child development and the unpredictable reality of parenting.Poop-Centric Conversations: How much of the day and conversations revolve around another person's poop.Influence Over Behavior: The realization that having influence over children's behavior is more challenging than expected.Parenting Feast: The humorous realization that parenting is simply the practice of eating your words.

    And there you have it, folks! We hope you enjoyed these honest and relatable insights into the world of parenting. Before we wrap up, take a minute to rate, review, comment, and share your thoughts. We appreciate each one of you and look forward to connecting with you in the next episode. Be a friend to everyone! Bye!

  • Honestly, you already knew this, but we all occasionally need the reminder. It's the small things that really add up to big things. When you get that early morning workout in. When your kids get dressed for school without your prompting. When none of the crayons slip into the washer or dryer... all of it. It's just so refreshing to find sanity in those small things.

    Lately, life has been all about the small things that keep us sane, those tiny victories that save us from running away to join the circus or Disney on Ice – wouldn't that be cool? Today, we're shining a spotlight on these unsung heroes, the minuscule victories that turn into big wins by the end of the day.

    The Power of Small Wins:
    In this episode, we explore the importance of the small things that make a huge difference in our daily lives, helping us keep it together – well, most of the time. Because let's face it, sometimes there's just no hope at all.

    Listener Submissions:
    We reached out to our amazing listeners and asked them about their small wins, and boy, did they deliver! Here are some of the gems they shared:

    Exercising Before Kids Wake Up: The mythical "pre-dawn" victory of getting a workout in before the chaos ensues. The struggle to prepare stealthily is real, but the feeling of being wide awake when the kids wake up is unbeatable.Neighborhood Synchronization: Living in a neighborhood with families of similar ages and trading services, creating a parenting alliance. It's not just a neighborhood; it's a support system that makes parenting a tad bit easier.The Magic of Chocolate: One listener simply said, "Chocolate…" because sometimes, a little sweetness can turn the day around. Peanut butter enthusiasts can relate to this secret indulgence.To-Do Lists with Deadlines: Writing to-do lists with deadlines based on priority, turning daily tasks into urgent missions. Crossing off tasks is not just a win; it's a testament to parental prowess.Prepping for the Next Day: Getting things ready the night before, from outfits to lunches, creating a smoother morning routine.Kids Turning Clothes Right Side Out: A listener's dream come true – kids turning their clothes right side out before tossing them into the hamper. Laundry enlightenment at its finest!Costco Grocery Delivery and Time Affluence: Embracing modern conveniences like grocery delivery, monthly house cleaning, and telemedicine services as sanity savers. The holy trinity of parental survival!Meal Planning: A shield against the 5 PM panic – meal planning as a way to stay organized, avoid grocery store impulse buys, and tackle the witching hour with a plan.Gratitude Practices: A listener shared the power of gratitude practices in finding joy amidst the chaos of parenting. How does gratitude whisper in their ear during the never-ending laundry saga?The Ultimate Life Hack: "My Wife": A humorous yet heartfelt acknowledgment that a wife is not just a life hack but the Swiss Army knife of marriage, seamlessly handling various aspects of family life.Scheduled Chore Days: Some parents swear by scheduling specific days for certain chores. A parenting strategy that might be beyond the capabilities of others – do you schedule chores in your home?

    Thank you to our amazing listeners for sharing your small wins and parenting life hacks. Before we go, please take a moment to rate, review, comment, or share your thoughts. We appreciate each and every one of you. Be a friend to everyone! Bye!

  • We know you love your Honda Odessy and your Toyota Sienna. But does it have a built in vacuum or even better, a built in ROOMBA??? We didn't think so. But thanks to Megan and her ingenuity you will soon be able to find such features in our dream car.... THE VACAY!!! No one knows about it yet, it's not even on the market, but you heard about it here first and because of that you get first dibs when it comes out... but it'll be awhile. We hope you're patient!

  • It's our annual visit back to the land of "Glad I did, Wish I had, Looking forward to..." In this episode the listeners share what they did in 2023 and what they wish they had done. Frankly it seems like it was an overall good year for you listeners and we hope that positive momentum carries you, crowd surfing style, into 2024. You have some great things to look forward to and we are cheering you on big time! Keep it going, guys, you're crushing it!

    Title: Glad I did, Wish I had, Looking forward to...


    Dive into the comedic chaos of listeners' reflections on 2023 and their wild aspirations for 2024.Last year's episode got us chuckling over 2022 reflections and dreams for 2023.

    Glad we did:

    Megan's adventure out of her comfort zone sounds —a year full of growth, emotionally, mentally, and even physically! Amanda's recount of 2023 might as well be titled "How I Survived a Year of Endless Chaos."

    Listener Highlights:

    From embracing Swiftie fever to celebrating baby arrivals and epic family vacations—cue the confetti and baby giggles!We're cheering for the grandparent squad and the heroic finishers of school! Go, you!Beyond thrilled for the person who discovered the joy of running again. You've got this!

    Wish we would've:

    The collective wish for less stress... Let's commiserate over failed workout goals while balancing a plate of nachos on our laps. It's all about that healthy balance, right?We dissect fitness stats while contemplating if lifting a TJ's bag counts as strength training. Asking for a friend.Dive into nutrition facts, hidden ingredients, and a book recommendation. Outlive—because reading about aging is the new fountain of youth!

    Looking forward to in 2024:

    Get ready for less butt wiping and more toddler shenanigans—bring on the chaos!And the countdown begins for missionary returns, retirements, and kid-free vacations. Can we get a hallelujah?

    Closing Thoughts:

    We wrap up with the perfect parenting motto: "Be like Bandit and Chili from Bluey." Yes, animated characters are our role models too!


    Thank you, listeners, for this hilarious rollercoaster of reflections! Here's to more laughter, surprises, and crazy adventures in the upcoming episodes.
  • We asked and you responded: what do parents really want for Christmas?? What do you give the people who have it all?? Well apparently they simply need a thank you note, probably a little caffeine and a few more hours in the day. It's not much to ask for, is it? How hard can it be?

    Podcast Episode Show Notes:


    Sponsored by Mariah Carey's Christmas anthem, the official soundtrack of every parent's December.Reflecting on what parents truly want for Christmas – hint: it's not just clean air and world peace.

    Segment 1: Listener Responses - What Parents Want for Christmas

    Survey exposes the holiday desires of parents: appreciation, more time, sleep, and an escape – aka vacation.Majority wish: A vacation! 51% of listeners yearning for Santa to put them on a plane.

    Segment 2: Specific Wishes from Listeners

    More Energy:The eternal struggle between extra sleep and the prime hours of 7-9pm.No magic shortcuts for more energy – just a reliance on preworkout and morning exercise.Kids Not Being Sick:Celebrating the preemptive sickness strategy: "Cough on us now, but not over Christmas!"Nervous anticipation of the impending puking doom when school ends.Matching PJs:Unwrapping the Christmas PJs drama and Amanda's quirky Christmas Eve traditions.Kids' love for holiday PJs, even in July Kids Throwing Away Their Own Garbage:Offering condolences to the brave soul dreaming of kids responsibly handling trash.New Wardrobe and Time to Shop:Costco finds don't count in the quest for a new wardrobe.A loving nod to the joy of discovering hidden gems in the aisles of Costco.More Time:The ongoing quest for more hours, contemplating whether it's about time or a need for a superhero mindset.The Mom Orchestra conductor juggling chaos with grace and a dash of chaos.

    Segment 3: Parenting Affirmations

    Proclaiming 2024 as the year of positive parenting affirmations – because why not?Two affirmations: Being the funniest person your kids know, unintentionally, and a master negotiator turning tantrums into giggle-fests.


    Saluting the hilariously relatable wishes and parenting affirmations.Wishing listeners a Christmas filled with unexpected laughter and parenting triumphs, even if they come in the form of accidental humor.


    Episode maintains a whimsical and humorous tone, connecting with parents through shared comedic experiences and playful reflections on the chaos of Christmas wishes.