On this episode, I read out a letter I wrote to the version of me at the start of 2024 filling them in on what's happened since. This was a new way to reflect on the year and was surprisingly therapeutic. Listen in for a vulnerable journal entry.
Best wishes to all of you in this coming year!
This episode explores how we can encourage/discourage behaviours and the reason why some people find it more challenging to stay motivated than others. I chat about the different ways our body keeps the score and why particular painful experiences can leave wounds. I also cover how attachment styles impact our romantic relationships. I'll share some helpful words of wisdom for staying motivated when developing new habits or making personal development changes!
Check out @agoodkindofscary for more
Episodes manquant?
On this week's podcast episode, I explore the meaning of 'freedom'. What is the difference between individual freedom VS collective freedom? Are people more likely to fight for freedom when something has been taken from them? Is freedom something we have to fight for or is it all about letting go? Is it about chasing dreams or is it about detaching?
Listen in to hear more!
Message me @agoodkindofscary to let me know your thoughts on 'freedom'.
Today's episode is all about the benefits of taking yourself on dates. I chat about the beauty of learning to spend time on your own and how to romanticize your daily life. I give suggestions for easing yourself into trying new things and doing things solo. Fear, discomfort and uncertainty are all a part of the process.
Listen to this episode for more!
Share your thoughts on Instragrm @agoodkindofscary
On today's episode I talk about how consuming art can be helpful for:
-Healing painful experiences -Nurturing parts of yourself -Calming emotions
-Feeling less alone -Personal growth
I foucs on books, tv series, movies, music & other art forms. I share my personal experience of how art has helped me throughout life. I also reflect on why words can only help so much during difficult times.
Share your own experiences of healing through art with me @agoodkindofscary
Today I'm talking to James Lindsay all about his experience of being diagnosed as 'schizoaffective'. He explains more about his own experience of having a psychotic episode as well as what it was like recovering afterwards. James has a lovely way of looking at his painful experiences and explains how they have changed his life in a positive way. He is passionate about breaking mental health stigmas and he has also written a book 'Befriending my Brain'! We talk about how creativity can be healing but also the importance of having a balance in all areas of life.
Follow James @jameslindsay_23 on Instagram
Message me @agoodkindofscary with any feedback on today's episode.
On today's episode I chat about the 'shadow self'. Many of us shame the unwanted parts of ourselves into the shadows. I discuss an activity I did at a workshop recently to explore and have fun with these neglected parts of who we are. Many of us are oblivious to our 'shadows', but once you become aware of them, you can start healing them through love, compassion and acceptance. Listen for more!
On this week's podcast, we confront imposter syndrome.
Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, your efforts are never 'enough'? Do you struggle to take credit or accept help? Then you might be familiar with the feeling of 'imposter syndrome'. There are five sub-categories which came as a surprise to me. I give a run down on each and chat about how I can relate to some.
Follow @agoodkindofscary for more.
On today's episode, I welcome someone who gave me a lot of guidance when I won a free birth chart reading. Caitríona (@caitrionaastro) and I sat down to chat more about astrology and her own personal story. She works as a teacher during the day and a karmic astrologer in her free time. She is a nature-lover with a hiking page (@caitrionani_anluain) and also has an MA of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. We talk about what it’s like to choose an unconventional path in life, the stigmas linked to spirituality, and the fear that comes alongside sharing online & offline
Check out Caitríona's website: https://www.caitrionaastro.eu/
Message me at @agoodkindofscary with any feedback on today's show.
Today I chat about some of the harmful impacts of putting people on pedestals and how we can navigate this tendency. I have been becoming more aware recently of my own tendency to put particular people on pedestals and exploring where this emerged from. Here's a breakdown of some topics covered:
Romanticizing partners Glorifying celebrities and politicians Putting high expectations on ourselves Separating who people are from what they do Figuring out what you value in people and in yourself Societal influence of how we view the worldIf you enjoyed today's episode, you can support the show through buying a cup of coffee here. Never any pressure as you are already doing a lot by listening 🌻 Thank you!
Follow @agoodkindofscary for more.
On this week's episode, I'm chatting with Orla Bredin. Orla is a cofounder of @anamyogaandmeditation. She is passionate about traveling and trying new things but also values where she comes from and the Irish culture. We chat about her love of being in nature and how healing this can be. Something else we kept coming back to was the power of the story we tell ourselves and how important it is to push past our limiting beliefs and just take the first step. I had the joy of going to school with Orla so we were like giddy teenagers again throughout this episode. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Sign up to the guided Himalayas Yoga & Trek Retreat to Nepal Oct 2024 here
In this week's episode, I chat about how you can make your mornings more enjoyable. I delve into some habits I found useful for motivating me to wake earlier. I explain the benefits of waking up early and having space to yourself in the morning.
If you have any questions or feedback please message me @agoodkindofscary
Thank you for listening!
Welcome back! After a bit of time away from podcasting, I explore the difference between expressing from a place of creativity & authenticity vs sharing for validation and a need to fit in. I also talk about a range of random stuff in between.
Message me @agoodkindofscary for more.
In this week's episode, I talk about how meditating regularly has transformed my life. I give different examples of what meditation means to me and discuss the benefits of it. I compare what we believe meditation should be VS what it actually is.
Message me @agoodkindofscary with any feedback or quesitons around this topic.
If you enjoyed today's episode, you can support the show through buying a cup of coffee here.
Never any pressure as you are already contributing a lot by listening 🌻 Thank you!
This week's episode is all about being brave. I take a look at what many of us are raised to believe 'bravery' is and how some beliefs can be toxic/unhelpful. I explain my own personal defintion of bravery while examining others'. I also question if we ever really 'overcome' fears and I talk about why feeling nervous can be a good thing.
If you enjoyed today's episode, you can support the show through buying a cup of coffee here. No pressure as you are already doing a lot by listening 🌻 Thank you!
Follow @agoodkindofscary for more.
In today's episode, we are talking about love. Not just romantic love, but how you can let yourself feel more love in your everyday life. Last weekend was super sunny and I find the Irish are great at soaking in the good weather when it's here - the shift in mood is very obvious and understandable! But I also discuss ways we can find more sunshine in our life without just relying on the weather. I also talk about birthdays (considering mine has just passed), my experience at the 'Where Is My Mind' live podcast, & the power of letting go.
If you enjoyed today's episode, you can support the show through buying a cup of coffee here. No pressure as you are already doing a lot by listening 🌻 Thank you!
Follow @agoodkindofscary for more.
In today's episode, I am joined by Ciara Meere, the founder of SAOR. SAOR is a wellness community that creates a space for people to feel free within themselves. Ciara and I discuss anything and everything including:
- What it's like to create a new community
- The low points on the road to success and why it's important to speak about setbacks when trying new things
- Pushing past the need to be liked and learning to show up as your authentic self instead
- The benefits of sea swimming
- Setting boundaries as a people pleaser
- Overcoming the fear of failure by embracing risk-taking!
- The September SAOR weekend retreat that I'll be taking part in
Check out @saor_free to hear more from Ciara, upcoming saor events or to book onto the September retreat!
**Note: apologies that my sound system isn't up to scratch. My usual high quality microphone wasn't working, but you will be able to hear Ciara's lovely voice clearly! Promise it's worth sticking with.
In this episode, I share some challenges that have come up while adjusting back home to Ireland after living abroad and how I have faced them. I also chat about the pressure to be constantly living it up in this fast-paced yolo world & why it's okay to feel this and not follow what everyone else is doing. We may feel a need to be doing more with our lives than what we already are, but sometimes just being here is enough.
If you enjoyed today's episode, you can support the show through buying a cup of coffee here. Never any pressure as you are already doing a lot by listening 🌻 Thank you!
Follow @agoodkindofscary for more.
In this episode, I talk about crying.
Ever wonder why one friend cries easily and will openly share their problems, then another friend will never tell you what they are feeling let alone show it?
There's a bit of a social shame and awkwardness attached to crying, especially in situations that feel 'unsafe' like social gatherings. I chat about the benefits of crying, alongside how each of our individual upbringings can shape how comfortable this feels. I also delve into how discouraging men from crying can lead to internal struggles.
If you enjoyed today's episode, you can support the show through buying a cup of coffee here. Never any pressure as you are already doing a lot by listening 🌻 Thank you!
Follow @agoodkindofscary for more.
Today's episode was a go with the flow Q&A. Topics Include:
- Is the obsession with needing to turn hobbies and interests into careers/business healthy
- Playing for the sake of playing VS always just doing and producing
- How I played as a child as well as joyful childhood memories/ambitions
- Taking pictures for showing off what you are doing VS capturing moments for the memories
- The year I won so many raffles I began to dread entering competitions
- Feeling like a little kid trying Muay Thai, but learning more about myself after the session
- Revelations I had in Thailand
- Times where I felt proud
- Using your pain to help others
- Lessons we can learn from the BFG
- Shibby the cat and his new girlfriend
If you enjoyed today's episode, you can support the show through buying a cup of coffee here. Never any pressure as you are already doing a lot by continuing to listen 🌻 Thank you!
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