Use this episode to walk and listen to as you assess your decisions on the topics of compromise and consistency.
Click here to learn more about the 4K poster mentioned in the show. Enter Petra as you checkout to receive a 10% discount.
In this episode, Petra shares her personal journey with a challenging program called 75 Hard, where she had to make decisions on whether to compromise or start over. She discusses the importance of aligning our actions with our values and goals, and how sometimes compromising can be the best choice for our growth and progress.
Here are three key takeaways from the episode:
Compromise with Integrity: One of the main points discussed was the importance of compromising while still maintaining your integrity and values. It's essential to know when to adjust without completely giving up on your goals. By compromising a little but staying consistent with your values, you can continue on the path towards your best possible future.
Trust Your Instincts: We also talk about the significance of trusting your instincts when faced with decisions about quitting, starting over, or compromising. Your intuition can guide you in making the right choices that align with your goals and well-being. It's crucial to listen to your gut feeling and make decisions that feel right for you.
Regular Self-Assessment: Lastly, we emphasized the importance of regularly assessing your goals, progress, and emotional well-being. Reflecting on your habits, boundaries, and past experiences can help you make informed decisions about when to make compromises and when to stay firm. Setting milestones, seeking feedback, and trusting your instincts are key components of this self-assessment process.
Questions to Ponder as you Walk:
Which of your habits are non-negotiable? In which areas of your life are you a little more flexible? In your past where did you have to enforce boundaries around your habits Can you identify the distractions or temptations that most often derail your self-discipline and your consistency What daily routines or rituals have you established to build and maintain self-discipline?Remember, every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. Let's continue making choices that feed our hearts and lead us towards our best possible lives.
Stay in Touch with Petra
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
Use this episode to walk and listen as you reassess your daily routines, identify time-wasting habits, and make intentional choices to create a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Click here to learn more about the 4K poster mentioned in the show. Enter Petra as you checkout to receive a 10% discount.
In this episode, join Petra as she explores the topic of time management and the importance of investing our most precious resource, time, wisely. Reflecting on the concept of return on investment (ROI) for our time, the episode delves into strategies to optimize how we spend our days and make the most of each moment.
From discussing the impact of social media on our time to addressing the pitfalls of excessive worrying, Petra offers practical tips and insights to help you reevaluate your time allocation and prioritize what truly matters. Drawing on personal experiences and research findings, the episode encourages mindfulness, intentionality, and the cultivation of positive habits to enhance productivity and well-being.
Questions to Ponder as you Walk:
What is one activity that adds value to your life daily, and how can you create more space for it? If you could eliminate one time-consuming habit or task, how would it impact your productivity and happiness? What are your top three priorities in life, and how much time do you dedicate to them each week? What are the top three distractions that steal your time, and how can you minimize their impact? What is one new habit you can start today to invest your time more wisely, and how will you measure its impact over the next month?Join Petra on this week's episode and learn how to optimize your time management skills and make the most of every moment. Remember, time is the most valuable thing we can spend.
Stay in Touch with Petra
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
Episodes manquant?
This Episode is sponsored by The Catalyst Community, a membership for Ambitious Procrastinators in Mid-Life. To learn more visit Petrakolber.com/join
This weeks show is all about how to take confident actions before we actually "feel" confident. I'm also trying something new this week. At the end of the show I'll be asking 5 questions to help you tap into your inner coach. These questiones are desgined to be done while walking or moving and I've added some music to keep you company.
Confidence is something that I never thought I would be known for teaching, considering my own struggles with it as a child. Growing up, I was riddled with anxiety and self-doubt, always feeling like I didn't measure up. It wasn't until I encountered a group of confident Americans in my late teens that I realized there was a different way of being in the world.
Confidence, I've come to learn, is not something we are born with but rather something we can nurture and strengthen over time. It's like a muscle that requires daily practice and intentional effort.
Here are three key takeaways from this episode that I believe can truly make a difference in your journey towards confidence:
Actions of Confidence Always Come Before Feelings of Confidence: One of the most powerful insights shared in this episode is that confidence is not a destination but a journey. It's about who you are becoming along the way. Remember, actions of confidence always come before feelings of confidence. It's through taking action, practicing, failing, and learning that we truly strengthen our confidence muscle.
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem: We talk about the pillars of self-esteem outlined by Nathaniel Brandon in his book "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem." These pillars include living consciously, self-acceptance, self-responsibility, self-assertiveness, living purposefully, and personal integrity. Reflecting on these pillars can help us understand how to nurture our self-belief and build a strong foundation of confidence.
Visualizing Confidence and Taking Empowering Actions: Visualizing what confidence looks like in a specific area of your life and taking empowering actions can be transformative. By supporting yourself through self-care, positive self-talk, and surrounding yourself with uplifting individuals, you can boost your confidence and step into your full potential.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
This Episode is sponsored by The Catalyst Community, a membership for Ambitious Procrastinators in Mid-Life. To learn more visit Petrakolber.com/join
In this episode of The Ambitious Procrastinator, I explore the concept of the sunk cost fallacy and its impact on our decision-making processes. Drawing from my own experiences I talk about how we often hold onto projects, relationships, or commitments longer than necessary due to past investments, whether it be time, money, or effort. Here are three takeaways from this weeks show.
1️⃣ Sunk Cost Fallacy: In this episode, we dive into the concept of the sunk cost fallacy. It's all about making decisions based on past investments rather than current alternatives. Are you holding onto something just because you've already invested time, money, or effort into it? It's time to reevaluate and make choices based on what truly matters now.
2️⃣ Embracing Change: We discuss how our brains resist change and prefer the status quo. But what if staying in familiar situations is actually hindering our growth and potential? It's essential to let go of past commitments that no longer serve us and embrace the unknown for new adventures and opportunities.
3️⃣ Reflect and Act: The episode ends with thought-provoking questions to help you reflect on your current commitments and projects. Are you making decisions based on past investments or future benefits? Take a moment to consider if your choices align with the person you want to become and the life you envision for yourself.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
This Episode is sponsored by The Catalyst Community, a membership for Ambitious Procrastinators in Mid-Life. To learn more visit Petrakolber.com/join
In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of changing our minds. Changing your mind is not a weakness. It's a sign of strength and growth. It means you're betting on yourself and your values, allowing room for new opportunities and possibilities to step in. Here are the key takeaways from this week's episode.
Changing Your Mind is a Sign of Strength: Many of us fear changing our minds because we think it's a sign of weakness or lack of commitment. However, changing your mind can actually be a powerful decision that shows you are willing to bet on yourself and your values. It's about evolving and aligning with who you are today and who you want to become in the future. The Sunk Cost Fallacy: We discussed how the sunk cost fallacy can hold us back from making necessary changes in our lives. Whether it's in relationships, investments, or projects, we often cling to something because we've invested time, money, or effort into it. But sometimes, cutting our losses and changing our minds can lead to greater rewards and growth. Embracing Change and Possibilities: Changing your mind opens up the gateway for new opportunities and possibilities to step in. It's okay to change your mind about your goals, dreams, or even your current path. By exploring the reasons behind your decision to change, you can uncover new paths and potential outcomes that align better with your values and aspirations.Remember, even a small step is a step towards your dreams. #AmbitiousProcrastinator #ChangeIsStrength #EmbracePossibilities
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
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In this episode of The Ambitious Procrastinator, I share a metaphor of surfing, to illustrate how we can navigate through life's challenges and opportunities. Drawing inspiration from observing surfers at Redondo Beach and watching the documentary series "100 Foot Wave," I discuss the importance of seizing opportunities, taking action, and having faith in ourselves.
In this show I compare our life to three choices that surfers make daily:
When to Ride the Wave: Just like surfers navigate the ocean, we too must learn to ride the waves of life. Whether it's seizing opportunities, taking action, or having faith in the unknown, we need to be willing to go for it and embrace the momentum.
When to Go Through the Wave: Going through challenges head-on is how we build our courage and resilience. Every time we face a wave, we stretch our confidence and grow stronger.
When to Wait for the Wave: Patience is a virtue, especially in a world of instant gratification. Sometimes we need to wait, sometimes we need to go through the wave, and sometimes we need to listen to our feelings and adjust our approach. It's all about mindset and being willing to get back up again, just like a surfer in the impact zone.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
In this episode, Petra explores the importance of TRUST - especially when it comes to trusting ourselves and teaches us five ways to strengthen our beleif in ourselves.
She uses the acronym Truth, Respect, Understanding, Self-Awareness and Time to build her case for why this is such an important tool for you, and how to use it, as you create your best possible future.
Here are three key takeaways from the episode:
1️⃣ Trust in Yourself: Trusting yourself is about living out loud what you already know to be true. It's about believing in your abilities, strengths, and intuition. By trusting in yourself, you can take radical, beautiful, and unique actions that move your dreams into reality.
2️⃣ Self-Compassion and Understanding: Self-awareness and self-compassion are crucial components of trusting yourself. Understanding your feelings, respecting yourself, and treating yourself with kindness and respect are essential in building trust in yourself. It's about owning all the goodness inside of you and embracing your flaws with empathy and curiosity.
3️⃣ Time and Patience: Building trust in yourself takes time. It's a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and growth. As we navigate through life, it's important to remember that trusting yourself is a continuous process that requires patience and perseverance. Trusting in your worth, your future, and the universe's plan for you can lead to incredible outcomes.
Trusting yourself is a powerful tool that can propel you towards your dreams.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
In this episode, we dive deep into the concepts of fixed mindset versus growth mindset, inspired by the work of Carol Dweck.
Here are three key takeaways from this episode that I believe can truly transform the way you approach your goals and dreams:
1️⃣ Mindset Matters: Your mindset shapes your reality. Whether you believe in a fixed mindset or a growth mindset can significantly impact how you approach challenges, setbacks, and opportunities in your life. By cultivating a growth mindset, you open yourself up to endless possibilities and growth.
2️⃣ Embrace Challenges: Challenges are not roadblocks; they are opportunities for growth. Instead of viewing obstacles as reasons to give up, see them as stepping stones towards your success. Embrace challenges with resilience, grit, and a can-do attitude, knowing that each hurdle is a chance to learn and evolve.
3️⃣ Feedback is Fuel: Feedback is not a personal attack; it's valuable information that can propel you forward. Embrace feedback as feedforward, using it to refine your skills, enhance your performance, and move closer to your best possible future. Learn from criticism, separate it from your identity, and let it fuel your growth.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
In this week's episode of The Ambitious Procrastinator, I dive into the ABC's of turning negativity into possibility.
I introduce a simple framework:
A for activating event - the trigger
B for belief (particularly irrational beliefs)
C for consequences
And then I talk about the important reframe. Learning to question the belief instead of questioning yourself and in turn how to create the freedom that comes when we exchange the negative emotions of our past with the positive emotions for our best possible future.
I share a personal example of an activating event from my past, as I guide you to identify your own triggers, irrational beliefs, and consequences. And by bringing awareness to yourself and your surroundings you will be able to exchange the negative emotions for positive ones, as you learn to shift your perspective and approach these events with confidence and optimism.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
In this episode I visit the science of positive psychology and explore how positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishments can live alongside ambition and procrastination.
Key Takeaways:
Positive Emotion: Learn how to infuse your day with gratitude and anticipation to attract more positivity into your life.
Engagement: Dive into the power of being fully present and engaged in your life, fostering deep connections and meaningful experiences.
Relationships: Explore the golden rule of treating others as they wish to be treated and discover the importance of nurturing a compassionate relationship with yourself.
Meaning: Uncover your ikigai, your reason for being, and reignite your passion by revisiting moments of joy and excitement from the past.
Accomplishments: Reflect on past successes and strengths to propel yourself forward, overcoming procrastination and embracing new challenges.
Action Steps:
Embrace small daily habits to bring 1% more joy and positivity into your life. Strengthen your engagement with others by being fully present and attentive. Deepen your relationships by treating yourself with kindness and compassion. Move closer to your meaningful goals by reflecting on past moments of fulfillment. Harness the power of past accomplishments to propel yourself towards future success.Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
If you would like to join the waitlist for a one of a kind community for Ambitious Procrastinators in mid-life sign up here: http://petrakolber.com/wisdom
In this episode, we dive deep into the power of self-reflection and tuning into your heart to overcome self-doubt and take inspired action towards your dreams. Think of this show as your mindset meditation that you can use anytime you need to realign your actions with your ambition.
Here are three key takeaways from this week's episode:
1. Aligning with Your Core Values: Take a moment to reflect on your core values and how they align with your current activities and habits. By prioritizing actions that resonate with your values, you can move closer to your true purpose and fulfillment.
2. Identifying Energizing Tasks: Recognize the activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. By focusing on tasks that energize you, you can gain clarity on where to direct your energy and attention, leading to a more fulfilling and successful future.
3. Visualizing Your Perfect Day: Envision your ideal, perfect day a year from now. Imagine where you would be, who you would be with, what you would be doing, and how you would feel. By embodying this vision and taking inspired action, you can manifest your best possible future.
I invite you to listen to the full episode for a guided meditation and reflection session that will help you realign with actions with your aspirations.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of perfectionism and its relationship with procrastination.
Here are three key takeaways from this thought-provoking episode:
1️⃣ Perfectionism can be both a friend and a foe: Perfectionism is not inherently bad. In fact, it can drive us to excel and go above and beyond. However, when perfectionism becomes an oppressive force, it can hold us back and prevent us from taking action. It's important to identify the areas of our lives where perfectionism serves us and where it hinders our progress.
2️⃣ Embrace the Land of And: The Land of And is a magical place where we can find balance between perfectionism and procrastination. It's the opposite of the Land of Or, where we are forced to choose between extremes. In the Land of And, we allow ourselves to have both perfect moments and moments of disappointment. By embracing this mindset, we can move forward with our ambitions while also giving ourselves grace and room for growth.
3️⃣ Give yourself permission to be human: Perfectionism often stems from a fear of making mistakes or not meeting our own high standards. But it's important to remember that we are only human, and it's okay to have flaws and make errors along the way. By letting go of the need for perfection, we can experience more joy, celebrate our wins, and continue moving forward even when things don't go as planned.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
In this episode, I dive into the four roadblocks that often hinder us from taking action and achieving our goals: clarity, consistency, confidence, and comparison. Inspired by a social media post I made about the "Four Cs of Procrastination," I explore each of these obstacles and provide practical strategies to overcome them.
I begin by discussing the importance of clarity in goal-setting. Many people know what they want to achieve but struggle with determining the first step. To overcome this, I suggest reverse engineering your goal. By starting with the end in mind and working backward, you can break down your goal into manageable steps, making it easier to take action.
Next, I address the need for consistency in pursuing our goals. I share my personal struggle with financial procrastination and the importance of consistently taking small steps towards financial responsibility. Whether it's setting up automatic deposits or investing regularly, I highlight the significance of staying consistent in our actions.
Moving on to the topic of confidence, I discuss how it can often be a roadblock to taking action. I share my own experience of feeling hesitant to ask for help with my finances due to shame and a lack of knowledge. However, I emphasize that confidence is not a prerequisite for action. Instead, I encourage listeners to take action first and build confidence through competence. I introduce the concept of the "circle of confidence," where we continuously iterate and improve upon our initial actions.
Lastly, I address the detrimental habit of comparison. I caution against comparing ourselves to others, as it can rob us of joy and hinder our progress. While it's important to learn from and be inspired by others, I emphasize the need to stay in our own lane and focus on our own journey.
Join me in this episode as we tackle the four Cs of procrastination and empower ourselves to take action and achieve our goals.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
In this episode of The Ambitious Procrastinator, I dive into the art of procrastination and how it holds us back from achieving our dreams. Tune in as I share 5 powerful reframes to help you overcome common self-doubts and start betting on yourself. Here's a recap of the key takeaways:
1️⃣ "I bet they will judge me." Reframe: "Today, I believe that my work is worth sharing and I'm not concerned about the opinions of others, especially strangers on the internet."
2️⃣ "I bet I'm going to fail." Reframe: "I believe I am willing to show up for myself and learn all the tips and tools I need to move my message forward."
3️⃣ "I bet it's too hard for me." Reframe: "I believe I have the resources to learn and I am not afraid to ask for help."
4️⃣ "I bet it won't be worth it." Reframe: "I believe it is going to help someone else, even if it's just one person."
5️⃣ "I bet this has already been done before and better than I could do it." Reframe: "I believe in my unique perspective and the value I bring to the table."
Remember, it's time to bet on yourself, believe in yourself, and stack the odds in your favor. Don't let procrastination hold you back from achieving your dreams!
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
Stay in Touch With Petra
Embrace The Remix Ted Talk by Kirby Ferguson
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign up at https://www.petrakolber.com/quickstart
In this episode, we delve into the topic of procrastination and explore three different ways people tend to delay their dreams. Discover if you are a procrastinator, a procrastilearner or a perculator.
Petra examines the reasons behind procrastination and offers insights on how to overcome it. Whether you find yourself delaying due to self-doubt, comparison, or the need for perfection, this episode provides valuable strategies to shift your mindset and take action toward your ambitions.
Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of procrastination and discover practical tips to move closer to your goals.
Stay in Touch With Petra
Find the How to Look Great on Zoom Video Here
Welcome To The Ambitious Procrastinator
In this inaugural episode of The Ambitious Procrastinator, I delve into the heart of what this podcast is about which at the core of it is helping you align your actions with your ambitions. Whether you're held back by a lack of clarity, consistency, or courage, this show is your go-to resource for overcoming procrastination and turning your dreams into reality.
What's In Store
Short, Actionable Episodes: Expect solo episodes around 15 minutes long, packed with strategies and tips to combat procrastination.
Monthly Interviews: Once a month, I'll bring on guests who have successfully navigated their procrastination to achieve remarkable things.
My Journey: I share my personal journey, from starting my first podcast in 2016 to the various reiterations that reflect my growth over the years. I discuss the importance of embracing change and allowing oneself to evolve rather than being stuck in the past.
Embracing Ambition: I touch on my experiences, from writing my book "The Perfection Detox" to learning how to DJ, traveling through Europe, and working as a vice president of mindset and personal development. These stories highlight the importance of taking small, consistent steps towards our goals, rather than getting caught up in the grand gestures that look good on social media.
The Heart of the Show: At its core, The Ambitious Procrastinator is about bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be. It's about showing up imperfectly, taking action, and building a life that excites you.
Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here
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YouTube (don't judge - please subscribe)
This week I am excited to interview my dermatologist from NYC Dr Estee Williams.
I am not sure about you but I am so confused as to the difference between Botox, fillers, resurfacing, tightening and more. It's time to find out what we are talking about.
In this episode I ask all the questions I imagine you have been thinking about, but perhaps were afraid to ask.
The more educated we are, the better able we will be to advocate for our own care, and make informed decisions as to what we wish to do or not do to our face.
Tune in and learn all about the different options available to us, to stay young and vibrant looking, while still looking like ourselves.
Stay In Touch With Dr Estee Williams
Products mentioned in the show
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Serum
La Roche-Posey Toleraine Double Repair Moisturizer
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This short episode is a Part 2 from last weeks show, Episode 16. Landing in Paris just two weeks ago to a heatwave, construction, and no Air Conditioning, it was time to quickly make a Plan B and then another plan B.
Life is a series of choices and when we make a choice we can then change our mind if need be.
Mentioned in this episode: Misaphonia
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Email: Petrakolber@gmail.com
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This catch-up episode comes to you from Paris, France. Part one, of two episodes that were recorded just before, and right after the first heatwave of 2022 hit Europe.
Travels can teach us so much, about ourselves, about life, and about our blind spots. It is my hope that this episode will give you some tools to use, the next time you find yourself wondering if you need to push through or make a pivot.
Just like a GPS navigation system, life rarely comes at us in a straight line.
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Email: Petrakolber@gmail.com
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This week I have the pleasure of talking with fitness icon and my dear friend Keli Roberts.
In this candid conversation, we go behind the scenes and talk about Keli's past struggles with mental health and drinking.
Now at the prime of her life, Keli is the epitome of creating a life of possibility. I know you will enjoy this conversation and for anyone struggling, this will give you hope that it is never too late, to create a life that you are excited to live.
Stay In Touch With Keli
Let's Stay Connected
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Join my private Facebook Group: Petrakolber.com/pass
Email: Petrakolber@gmail.com
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Sign up for weekly updates from around the world at Petrakolber.com/news
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