
  • In this week's podcast episode, I'm sharing five hot tips for a balanced and fun summer that every working mom needs to hear!

    From handling big emotions to mastering unplugged vacations, these strategies will help you enjoy a fulfilling season with your family without sacrificing your professional goals.

    Tune in to discover how to make this summer your best one yet!

    Topics in this episode:Navigating big emotions Setting realistic expectations The importance of fully disconnecting during vacation How to maintain balance and prevent burnout Explore ways to inject fun into everyday tasks
    Show Notes & References:This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg  Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program  Book a free breakthrough call here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/book
    Enjoying the podcast? Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts.  Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.
  • In today's podcast, I want to share with you the top three mindsets that are holding you back from going after your big dreams and big goals and causing you to feel stuck.

    These three toxic mindsets, as I like to call them, have you playing it small. Have you stuck in confusion, not knowing what to do.

    I'm going to cover why each of these three mindsets are holding you back and I will also offer to you one powerful question that you can answer immediately that's going to help you get out of this mindset and into those big dreams.

    You ready, working moms? Let's get to it.  

    Topics in this episode:Overcoming limiting mindsets Addressing toxic mindsets: fear of failure, indecision, and complacency. Practical advice to move from feeling stuck to pursuing your dreams.  
    Show Notes & References:This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg  Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program  Book a free breakthrough call here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/book Follow me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/rebeccaolsoncoach/ Follow me on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebolson/ 
    Enjoying the podcast? Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts.  Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.
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  • In this week's episode of the podcast, I dive into a topic that has given me goosebumps - realizing that you are living your dream life.

    We explore why it's crucial to bask in this belief and celebrate the progress and goals you've already achieved and I share a personal story about a beautiful morning with my husband that led me to reflect on how far I've come.

    This episode is all about acknowledging your accomplishments, and I will offer 4 actionable steps to help you embrace this truth.  

    This episode is a powerful reminder for all ambitious women to pause and appreciate their journey. Let’s get to it! 

    Topics in this episode:Recognizing and celebrating current achievements. Tips for handling stress and finding balance in daily life. The importance of acknowledging progress. Practical steps to embrace living your dream life. Practicing being present and satisfied.
    Show Notes & References:This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg  Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program  Book a free breakthrough call here: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/book Want ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin 
    Enjoying the podcast?Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts.  Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.
  • Today on the podcast I’m offering to you 10 essential things that you need to do in order to create an ambitious and balanced life.

    I have distilled so much of what I teach my clients, and what I teach here on this podcast, down to 10 essential things.

    I’m going to cover each of them one-by-one, highlighting why they are important in creating an ambitious and balanced life. And even offer some tips and tools on how to get started with them right away.

    You ready? let’s get to it. 

    Topics in this episode:Tips on separating thoughts from truth to reduce stress. Advice on blocking time for important tasks during the workday. Importance of setting clear goals and priorities for balance. Creating space to feel and process emotions. Practicing intentional thinking daily. 
    Show Notes & References:This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg  Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program  Book a free breakthrough call here: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/book Want ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin 
    Enjoying the podcast? Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts.  Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.
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    On this week’s episode of the podcast, I chat with Orli Cotel from Moms First about the urgent need for systemic changes to support working moms.  

    We dive into the shocking fact that one in four women return to work just two weeks after giving birth due to the lack of paid family leave, and we cover the importance of advocating for better workplace policies, cultural shifts, and legislative changes.  

    Orli shares personal stories and practical steps for driving change, making this episode a must-listen for anyone passionate about supporting working moms.  

    Topics in this episode:Lack of paid family leave in the U.S. High return-to-work rates for new moms after childbirth. Need for better workplace policies and childcare benefits. Cultural shifts to support working parents. Advocacy tips from Orli Cotel. 
     Show Notes & References:This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg  Find Orli on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/orlicotel/ Follow Moms First on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/momsfirstus/ Follow Moms First on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/momsfirst/ Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program  Want ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
    Enjoying the podcast?Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts. Leave a rating and review...
  • On this episode of the podcast, I talk with my client Melissa about how she learned to handle her inner voice of self-doubt. 

    We discuss simple tools she uses to prepare for tough situations and shift her mindset, helping her feel more confident in her work and home life. Melissa’s story shows how important it is to accept our insecurities as part of who we are.

    Tune in for tips on balancing ambition and motherhood and turning self-doubt into strength. Let’s get to it.

    Topics in this episode:How to manage self-doubt.Balancing work and being a single parent.Tools for shifting your mindset.Accepting our insecurities.Turning self-doubt into strength.
     Show Notes & References:  This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program Book a free breakthrough call here: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/bookWant ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
    Enjoying the podcast?Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts. Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.
  • In this week's episode of the podcast, I dive into the topic of being the "default parent"—the one who primarily manages our child's basic needs and household duties. 

    I explore the heavy mental and emotional load that comes with this role. Many working moms, including myself, often find ourselves as the default parent, not necessarily because of our partners, but due to our own choices and behaviors. 

    I share insights on how stepping back and redistributing household responsibilities can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life, both professionally and personally. Working moms, this is one you’ll definitely want to tune into.

    Topics in this episode:The concept of the "default parent" who primarily manages children's basic needs and household tasks.The mental and emotional load carried by the default parent.Reasons why working mothers often become the default parent beyond partner involvement.Strategies for relinquishing control and redistributing responsibilities within the household.The impact of these changes on achieving a balance between ambitious career goals and active parenting.
     Show Notes & References:  This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program My invisible load: https://youtu.be/_MNczxuzla0?si=zrdoJfwikwgrlAobBook a free breakthrough call here: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/bookWant ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
    Enjoying the podcast?Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts. Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.
  • In this episode of the podcast, we delve into overcoming the burden of 'shoulding'—that nagging feeling of always having to meet certain expectations.

    I chat with my client Marilyn about how this constant pressure was dictating her life choices, causing stress and preventing her from being present with her family. Throughout our coaching, we explored identifying these intrusive thoughts and finding strategies to pivot away from them.

    Marilyn shares her journey of shifting from feeling overwhelmed by obligations to embracing a more balanced, fulfilling life as a working mom.

    Topics in this episode:Tackling the pressure of "shoulds" and how to shake them off. Insights from Marilyn's coaching experience and key takeaways. Strategies for juggling career goals and motherhood effectively. Marilyn's personal growth journey and the shifts in her mindset. Handy tools and techniques from coaching to live more intentionally.  
     Show Notes & References: This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg  Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program  Want ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin  
    Enjoying the podcast?Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts.  Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser. 
  • It's not easy to travel for work particularly if you have young kids at home. There’s lots of feelings of guilt, sadness, likely anxiety. There’s a lot of coordination and plans that have to be made, traveling for work is just hard.

    In today’s podcast I want to talk about the cocktail of emotions that we experience as working moms when we travel for work. I’m gonna talk about my own experience of traveling when my daughter was young and how I ugly cried on the floor of my hotel room, and then will dig into the three choices you have if you travel for your job and are experiencing lots of guilt and sadness. 

    Topics in this episode:Chatting about how tough it is to keep up work-life balance when big changes hit. Real talk on why the usual calming tricks sometimes don’t cut it. Believing things will get better, even when it’s all up in the air. Sharing stories about the tough emotions of traveling for work as a mom. 3 options for dealing with travel guilt and sadness. 
    Show Notes & References:   This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg  Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program  Listen to Episode 66 here: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/podcast/2022/6/20/cultivating-satisfaction-at-work Want ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin 
    Enjoying the podcast? Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts.  Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser. 
  • In today's podcast episode, I tackle the challenging topics that resonate deeply with many of you. I delve into listeners questions on the struggles of feeling undervalued at work, the complexities of networking, and the harsh realities of the motherhood penalty.  

    It's a packed episode filled with heartfelt inquiries from the Ambitious and Balanced Working Moms community, highlighting the universal challenges and offering guidance on how to navigate these tough situations with confidence.  

    Whether you're dealing with workplace issues or personal development hurdles, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable advice. 

    Topics in this episode: Navigating feelings of being undervalued at work. Addressing the challenges of networking as an introvert. Understanding and overcoming the motherhood penalty. Strategies for self-advocacy and boosting self-confidence. Encouraging personal growth and effective communication in professional settings. 
    Show Notes & References:   This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg  Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program  Join my email list here: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/emaillist Want ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin 
    Enjoying the podcast? Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts.  Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.
  • In today's episode, we are doing a listener question and answer. We are diving into questions that you submitted via email or social media. Today, we are covering questions around what happens when you simply do not have enough time to get everything done and how you handle all of the overwhelm that comes with that. 

    We will talk about what happens when you slip back into cycles of over prioritizing work and scheduling over times of self care. And lastly, we will dig into compromising on parenting boundaries and what to do when your kid just wants to eat fruit snacks for breakfast! 

    This is going to be a two part series, and next week we are going to be covering additional questions that were submitted from listeners just like you. So be sure to hit the subscribe button and tune in wherever you listen to your podcasts.

    Topics in this episode:Managing time effectively and coping with the feeling of never having enough hours in the day. Establishing and sticking to parenting boundaries while dealing with children’s demands and tantrums. Prioritizing self-care and breaking the cycle of reverting to work-centric habits. Addressing the "motherhood penalty" and advocating for oneself in the workplace. Networking strategies for introverted moms and maintaining energy levels post-events. 
     Show Notes & References:  This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg Learn more about coaching with me by clicking here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/aligning-motherhood-program Listen to the 75/25 podcast episode here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/161 Want ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
  • In this episode, I sit down with Kim, my coaching client to talk about managing a successful career and being a devoted mom. We dive into how society often expects us to be everything to everyone all at once, the importance of truly being present in both our professional and personal lives, and how coaching turned out to be a lifesaver for her in navigating a balanced life. 

    Kim shares her personal journey of how coaching opened her eyes to what's genuinely important and taught her to be at peace with the balancing act of career and family life. 

    This episode all about shaking off the guilt, discovering what really drives us, and making choices that allow us to thrive in our careers while being a present and connected mom.

    Topics in this episode:It’s okay not to be perfect.Sorting out what really matters to you, both as a mom and in your career.Looking after your mental health and dealing with the mom guilt.Highlighting how coaching can really change the game for moms trying to juggle it all.Personal growth, figuring out who you are, and making choices that fit your life.
    Show Notes & References: This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBgStop the mom guilt and people pleasing by hiring me as your coach. Click here to book a call and to start the process. https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/bookWant ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
  • “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” or “Come on, come on, come on!” these are familiar phrases when rushing through daily life, particularly as a working mom. Although every working mom can relate, rushing is completely optional. There is a physical, mental and emotional impact that a “rushed” life has that takes away from the calm, present and joy-filled experience of everyday life and there is a way you can avoid it.

    In this episode, I dive deep into the mindset behind this hurried life, dissecting how our day-to-day hustle shapes our interactions and well-being and how, in the end, we bring this upon ourself (yikes!). I will also dive into 3 steps to help you shift from the relentless chase against time to a more controlled and present approach to life's demands.

    Topics in this episode:Busy moms often feel rushed – why does this happen?How rushing feels stressful and chaotic, leading to impatience and hasty actions.Rushing is a mindset you can change, not just a result of having too many things to do.If you had to choose between being “on time” or present, which would you choose? It’s important to know your answer. 3 steps to feeling less rushed and being more in control of your time/energy
    Show Notes & References: This podcast is on YouTube! Check it out by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBgStop the constantly rush and take back control of your time, energy and presence by hiring me as your coach. Click here to book a call and to start the process. https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/bookWant ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
  • In this episode I introduce the "75/25 rule," where you make it a goal to ONLY be 75% ready for meetings, presentations, or talks with clients, instead of stressing out to get everything perfect. I will explain why going beyond 75% preparedness often doesn't pay off in terms of the extra time and energy spent.

    In this episode I will discuss the downsides of overpreparing, like missing out on quality time with family or personal hobbies because you're too caught up in work details. When you are not aiming for 100% preparedness, you can save yourself from feeling stressed and make room for the things in life that make you happy.

    At the end of the episode, I will offer 3 tips to adopt the 75/25 rule in your daily routine. I will share stories from working moms who've strived for only 75% preparedness and found a better balance between their work and personal lives.

    Topics in this episode:Rebecca Olson talks about the "75/25 rule": Be mostly ready for stuff, not perfectly ready.Trying too hard to be 100% ready isn't worth the extra work.If you don't aim for perfection, you'll have more time for fun and family.People who tried the 75/25 rule ended up happier with their work and home life.3 tips to adopting the 75/25 rule
    Show Notes & References: Check out my 3 tips to a non-rushed morning on my new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBgTake the next step to end over-preparedness, procrastination and people pleasing by scheduling a free coaching call: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/bookWant ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
  • Most women don’t quite understand what is at the heart of mom guilt. They’ll say they feel guilty for working or for sending their kids to daycare or for not spending more time with their family, but this is not actually where guilt comes from.

    In today’s episode I’m sharing with you the real story behind mom guilt. Here is a hint: It does not have to do with how much you work, or how much time you spend with your kids or the fact that they spend more time with a caretaker then with you during the workday…it is about the story you are telling yourself. 

    I will also normalize the experience of mom guilt and explain its connection to the mama bear phenomenon. At the end I will offer 3 reflection exercises to help pull yourself out of any guilt that you’re experiencing so you are able to be more present and engaged at both work and home.

    Topics in this episode:Mom guilt doesn’t have to do with working or with the amount of time you spend with your kids.  You are not a bad mom for working  Changing the story from being “not good enough” as a mom because you work What do your kids gain from being at daycare? The difference between sadness and guilt  What is the mama bear phenomenon and how does it contribute to guilt?
    Show Notes & References:Check out the Ambitious and Balanced podcast on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg  If you don’t want to waste any more time in a job you find unfulfilling or where you lack balance, click here to schedule a free call to learn my 3 step coaching process to creating an ambitious yet balanced working mom life: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/book  Want ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
  • As an ambitious working mom, burnout and exhaustion come easily. Your brain is hardwired to want to do more and achieve more, it’s part of who you are and what makes you successful, but it’s also causing exhaustion. The most natural thing for you to do is to achieve more, not to rest. Resting, prioritizing yourself and your family, choosing to do fun and spontaneous things instead of work more, this kind of life doesn't come naturally to ambitious women and so requires intentionality and effort.

    In today’s episode I’m sharing with you 7 practical things you can do to help you prioritize rest and fun instead of doing more so you can create the sustainable ambitious (yet balanced) life you want.

    Topics in this episode:Why exhaustion and burnout happen is so common for working momsWhat it takes to ensure burnout doesn’t happen to youControlling your time and energy is the opposite of exhaustionCommitting to none work timeSleep as a strategyMy favorite practice to give my brain some space
    Show Notes & References: Thought download reference: Ep 91: #1 tool to get out of negative thoughts and emotionsCheck out the Ambitious and Balanced podcast on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBgIf you are ready to learn how to shut down your work brain and to be “unavailable” to work, sign up for a free breakthrough call where I will walk you through the 3 essential steps. Click here: https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/bookWant ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
  • Most ambitious women have a core value of “being available” that they're almost ashamed to admit. It's like a value that they don't want to value. Always being available makes it difficult to create work-life balance because it has you always being “on” and unable to shut down your work brain, rest or be present with your family.

    In today's episode I dive into 6 excuses that your brain is likely using to justify being available and the over-working behavior that comes with it. You cannot be both present and available, at some point you will need to choose and I’ll explain the first steps on how to do that.

    Topics in this episode:The core value no one wants but most women have: being availableWhy valuing being available is not helpful to creating work-life balance How to know if you are over-valuing being available 6 excuses your brain is using to keep you feeling tethered to your phone and to responding to messages and emails You are still good at your job, even if you are unavailableThe first step to stop being available: decide when you are working and when you are not and communicate that to your team
    Show Notes & References:Check out the Ambitious and Balanced podcast on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBgIf you are ready to learn how to shut down your work brain and to be “unavailable” to work, sign up for a free breakthrough call where I will walk you through the 3 essential steps. Click here: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/bookWant ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
  • The pivot moment is the moment you realize you’re about to say yes to something you don’t want to, or you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming presentation even though you’re prepared. It’s the moment you feel your anger rising at your kids that usually results in yelling., or the moment you feel the urge to log back on to work even though you know the best thing is to rest.

    It's the pivotal moment where you have a choice. You can either keep thinking, feeling or doing what you’re doing (which won’t result in what you want) or you can change course. In today’s episode I’m talking why learning how to navigate the pivot moment it is one of the most powerful things you can do as a working mom and I will share what it takes to create an effective pivot.

    Topics in this episode:It’s ok to have urges to compromise on your boundaries when you learn to pivot. Why pivoting is one of the most powerful tools in your toolkit.I’m launching this podcast on You Tube! ½ the battle is becoming aware of the pivot moment2 parts to an effective pivot: process the default emotions and learn to direct your thoughts and emotions in an intentional way
    Show Notes & References:Check out the Ambitious and Balanced podcast on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPZA5JKXYxjCMqodh4wxPBg Episode reference:https://www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com/podcast/2022/10/24/get-back-on-track-in-2-minutes-or-less Get back on track in 2 minutes or lessThe fastest way to learn how to pivot out of bad habits and behaviors is to hire a coach. Click here to learn more about my ambitious and balanced process and sign up for a free call: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.comWant ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
  • What happens if you were raised by a stay-at-home mom (and that is not what you have chosen to do) or the way you see other working mom’s balance life is not working for you?

    When you want to do things differently than your parents or peer group and you have no examples on how to do it, there are two specific questions your brain needs you to answer to ensure you are making the right decision and there will be no regrets.

    Your brain is craving direction and in today’s podcast I walk you through exactly what you need to do in order to feel clear and confident in your decision to work and to live regret-free. And I’ll also cover what it takes to be an amazing parent despite not having more time with your kids.

    Topics in this episode: The challenges of being an ambitious career-focused women raised by a stay-at-home parent  What happens when you want to do things differently than your parents or peer group? How to wake up every day with certainly you are doing what is “right”, despite doing it differently than your parents or others 2 questions your brain needs answers to if you are going to live a regret-free working mom life  The importance of refocusing on what is “right” for you  A specific journaling exercise to redirect your brain from what you are missing out on by not being a stay-at-home momMore time with your kids does not make you a better mom
    Show Notes & References:  If you’ve been considering taking a break from work but aren’t sure if that’s what you really want, I can help. In coaching, you will make a confident decision on what you want to do with your career and feel clear on why so you don’t have any regrets. Learn more about the process, here: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.com Want ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin
    Enjoying the podcast?Make sure you don’t miss a single episode! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or where ever you listen to podcasts. Leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts or Podchaser.
  • 11 years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I felt like I was in the middle of an identity crisis. I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted out of life, my career or motherhood. I was driven by success and achievement and I knew that wasn’t going to serve me as I started a family. I knew I needed to make some changes, but I had no idea what to do or how to do it.

    I went on my own self-discovery journey, that eventually led me to become a coach. But it was an up and down journey that took getting comfortable with failure, uncertainty and required an increase in confidence.

    In today’s episode, I share my personal working mom journey and how I went from confusion and unfulfillment to success and balance. It required several leaps of faith and I will tell you how I navigated each of them.

    Topics in this episode:I was the breadwinner of the family and it felt too irresponsible to make a changeI had to get comfortable with potential failureDeveloping an internal compass to help guide my decisions was keyI never knew “for sure” if things would work out, but I did it anyway It took risky investments of money and leaps of faith to get where I am at today
    Show Notes & References: If you want to hire a coach that has been where you are today, schedule a free breakthrough call and let’s discuss exactly how to get out of feeling stuck: www.rebeccaolsoncoaching.comWant ongoing support as a working mom? Sign up for the free 19-day audio series: How to be a present and connected mom. Each day you will receive an email with a downloadable audio of 5 minutes or less that will teach you a tool or strategy for being more present and in the moment. Click here to sign up and receive the first audio: https://www.ambitiousandbalanced.com/be-present-optin