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Cattlemen are without a doubt one of the most resilient groups of people on the planet. While the cattle industry has weathered its fair share of market ups and downs, this current point in the cattle cycle is treating producers selling cattle pretty well.
On today’s episode our very own Shauna Hermel sat down with Senior Beef Analyst with Rabobank, Lance Zimmerman, to discuss:
The current marketWhat to expect in the near futureWhat expansion might look like for producers down the road And much more!A huge thank you to CustomCattleTags.com for their sponsorship of this episode.
Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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While estate planning is likely to rank low on activities that bring most of humanity joy, agriculturalists need to devote time to getting their transition plan right.
But how do we go from broaching the topic of estate planning with loved ones to setting in motion an iron-clad transition when the time comes? Luckily, Shannon Ferrell - professor of Agriculture Economics specializing in Agricultural Law at Oklahoma State - has more than a few ideas. On this episode, we discuss:
The estate planning essentials everyone needsAssembling your team of transition expertsReasons to update your policies after big life eventsWhy transition is an area of concern in agricultureWhy no plan is a bad planRural mental healthAnd much, much more!Additional resources:
OSU Farm StressAngus Convention estate planning featureFind more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
Episodes manquant?
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While policy related to the cattle industry is undeniably important, as producers we typically fall into one of two camps: those of us who understand the importance of beef policy but who have seemingly one million things also requiring our attention back at home and those of us who derive great pleasure in the happenings related to beef in our home states and in Washington.
No matter where your preference lies, every four years like clockwork one event comes along that turns everything related to the inner workings of government on its head: the election of a new president.
The state of affairs over the last four years in our capitalThe typical transition of powerHow NCBA’s policy direction is developedThe role that we all play is directing beef policy here in the U.S.And much, much more!
With the inauguration and first few days of a new presidency fresh on our minds, this episode is devoted to all things policy. We are joined by Ethan Lane with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association to discuss:Additional resources:
NCBA's Policy webpageThe NCBA Policy BookFind more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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Welcome to a brand new season of Angus at Work! To kick off this year we visited with two individuals who are very familiar with cattle markets and customer service.
On this episode we travelled to Beaver, Okla., to sit down with Jeff Slatten, owner of Beaver County Stockyards, to hear his opinion on the current cattle markets, what is going well when it comes to cattle marketing, what producers can do to capitalize on the value of their cattle and how the staff at Beaver County keep their buyers and sellers coming back for more each week.
Later in the episode we also took the opportunity to visit with Layne Conkle, voice of the Beaver County Stockyard market report, to hear more about how marketing cattle has changed at Beaver over the last several years.
For more information about cattle markets or the stockyard itself, please visit the Beaver County Stockyards Youtube channel.Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you!
We’re smack dab in the middle of a season of celebration and the beef industry certainly has its fair share to be thankful for.
On this episode - as part of a new quarterly market update feature - we chatted with Troy Marshall, Director of Commercial Industry Relations, about current trends in the cattle market, how Angus feeder-calf sales in several states got their start as well as an update on recent feeder-calf sales held in December, and where we see the cattle markets heading as we celebrate the new year and head into 2025.
We thank Purina Mills for their support of this episode.Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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When considering the genetics you're currently using in your own herd (or those you're planning to use moving forward), a major challenge arises when bulls from multiple breeds are considered for the role of herd sire.
Cross breed EPDs and how they're calculatedWhy having data comparing multiple breeds is revolutionary The role MARC plays in strengthening the U.S. cattle herd And much more!
While in the past across breed expected progeny difference (EPD) comparisons might have been valid cause to pull your own hair out, researchers at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) in Clay Center, Neb., have flipped the script.
On this episode our host, Miranda Reiman, visited with the American Angus Association's Esther Tarpoff, director of performance programs, regarding:Additional Resources:
Across Breed EPD Adjustment Factors
Making Comparisons Across Breeds
U.S. Meat Animal Research CenterFind more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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With the holidays upon us, 2025 will be arriving before we know it. Keeping that idea in mind, our team wanted to switch things up to give you a sneak peek at our January 2025 edition of the Angus Beef Bulletin.
On this episode, Lynsey McAnally checked in with your Angus regional managers Casey Jentz (Region 4), Will Harsh (Region 7), Quanah Gardiner (Region 12) and Shawn Gray (Region 13) - on the road - to discuss key thoughts to keep in mind when it comes to bull buying and the questions you might ask your seedstock provider to ensure the best possible fit for your own operation.
Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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Here at the Angus Beef Bulletin, our staff works to provide you – our subscribers – the most up-to-date information regarding health, nutrition, marketing, genetics and management. When we had the opportunity to interview a Kansas veterinarian at Angus Convention about a company working to provide effective vaccinations for immediate animal health concerns, we knew we had to bring you the information.
On this episode, we are joined by Bob Gentry, key account manager with Medgene Labs, along with our very own Shauna Hermel, to discuss:
How Medgene's "platform technology" allows vaccines to safely and easily adapt to multiple animal disease targetsWhy a quick response to newly emerged illnesses in criticalWhich vaccinations are currently available from MedgeneAnd much more!We thank Purina Mills for their support of this episode.
Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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When it comes to the vehicles used on cattle operations, one could say they’re the modern-day workhorse. But unlike nearly all the equipment we use in day-to-day operations, our pickups aren’t always purchased from a salesman who understands the unique needs of farmers and ranchers. Enter the Certified Agriculture Group, an entity set on changing the landscape when it comes to purchasing your next farm or ranch vehicle.
On this episode, we are joined by Pat Driscoll, CEO and founder of the Certified Agriculture Group, along with our very own Shauna Hermel, to discuss:
The catalyst for forming the Certified Agriculture GroupThe unique needs farmers and ranchers have when it comes to vehiclesHow a pickup dealership driven model like that of tractor dealerships could work for producersAnd the exciting new vehicle developed by farmers for farmersWe thank Norbrook for their support of this episode.
Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you!
Whether cattlemen are marketing their calves through a sale barn, selling strictly through video sales or retaining ownership through the feedlot, one commonality shared by every producer is the desire to continue developing high-quality fat cattle.
On this episode we are joined by Chad Barker with National Beef, along with our very own Miranda Reiman, to discuss:
- What cattle buyers are looking for
- Branded beef programs
- The thought behind growing heavier cattle without getting animals too large
- And more!Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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Did you know the current red meat yield equation was rolled out in 1962? While our cattle have certainly changed over the last 60 years, the calculations used to compensate producers haven’t kept up with the times. Enter Dr. Dale Woerner and his team at Texas Tech University who are determined to find a better way to calculate true red meat yield using state-of-the-art technology.
The future of red meat yield calculation How yield could be predicted with 90% accuracy using x-ray technologyThe relationship between ribeye area and true musclingWhy putting on the right pounds to increase quality is important to consumersAnd more!
On this episode, we are joined by Woerner – Cargill Endowed Professor in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences at Texas Tech. Tune in as Dale and our very own Shauna Hermel discuss:We thank Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health for their support of this episode.
Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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The cattle cycle is something everyone in the beef business is familiar with, but one incredibly bright spot in the current cycle is the quality of beef U.S. cattlemen are bringing to the table with less cattle overall.
On this episode, we are joined by Paul Dykstra, Director of Supply Management & Analysis with Certified Angus Beef. Take a listen as Paul and our very own Miranda Reiman chat about recent data on CAB cattle harvested, the data backing CAB brand standards, improvements in the quality of cattle over the last decade and the incredible job U.S. cattle producers are doing at bringing high quality cattle to market.
We thank Westway Feed Products for their support of this episode.Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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There isn’t a cattleman alive who would argue against a strong relationship with their local veterinarian. While rural vets often grace our barns and working pens at odd hours, the optimum time to build a relationship and herd success plan probably isn’t at 3:00 a.m. while wrapping up a c-section.
On this episode of Angus At Work, we invite you to take a seat and join the conversation as our host Shauna Hermel chats with Randall Spare, president and veterinarian at Ashland Veterinary Center, regarding his experience with herd health consultation, problem solving with producers and how cattlemen play an important role in telling the story of beef.
We thank Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health for their support of this episode.Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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Challenges come in all shapes and sizes for livestock producers, but when it comes to expanding your operation, building a home or embarking on a new business venture, interest rates are probably at the top of the list.
On this episode we invite you to take a seat and join the conversation as our host, Miranda Reiman, chats with Don Close, Chief Research & Analytics Officer at Terrain, regarding the mission of their company, what influences interest rates and where those rates are potentially trending in the near future.
We thank Westway Feed Products for their support of this episode.Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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If we asked you to identify one major concern for the ag industry, what would your answer be? Whether you’re a cattleman managing an operation on your own or a feedlot manager responsible for ensuring the success of customer cattle, labor will most likely be toward the top of your list.
Though not out to replace skilled livestock stewards, technology may offer some assistance in identifying animals in need of additional observation.On this episode, we invite you to take a seat and join the conversation as our host Shauna Hermel chats with Jason Nickell, Director of Insights and Outcomes at Merck Animal Health, about an exciting cattle tag designed to capture individual behavioral and biometric data, including body temperature and activity. SenseHub Feedlot creates daily pull lists based on outlier data, allowing caregivers to identify animals that need to be removed for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
We thank Purina Mills for their support of this episode!Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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Whether you’re new to the business or have family ties going back generations, marketing insight and opportunities are vital to the continued success of any operation. But how can producers get good cattle in front of the right buyers? Video sales are one option that might be worth exploring.
On this episode we invite you to take a seat and join the conversation as we chat with Troy Marshall, director of commercial industry relations at the American Angus Association, as he shares his perspective on two recent video sales, opportunities available via the AngusLink program and Genetic Merit Scorecard, where the national cowherd sits regarding expansion and much more.
We thank Westway Feed Products for their support of this episode!Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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Maybe you’re listening from an area that’s been struggling through a drought spell. Or maybe you’re thankful for the rain, but wishing Mother Nature would spread the storms out just a smidge ... Regardless of where our listeners are located and the weather conditions at home, one thing all producers can agree on is that efficient cows make tough times easier and times of plenty even better.
But how can we as producers select for more efficient females and build a more self-sufficient herd? Research is helping shed some light on feed efficiency and how cattlemen can put pressure on their herd to perform.
On this episode you’ll hear more from Miranda Reiman and our guest David Lalman, a professor and Extension Beef Cattle Specialist at Oklahoma State University, regarding research being conducted to help build a better cow.
Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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Determining whether to keep or market potential replacement females can be one of the most difficult decisions a commercial producer has to make. But even when taking into account the performance of a heifer’s mother, there can still be room for error when tasked with determining future productivity.
Enter GeneMax® Advantage™, a DNA test created in collaboration between Angus Genetics Inc., Certified Angus Beef® and Zoetis for commercial Angus replacement females.On today’s episode, you’ll hear more from Shauna Hermel and our guests, Jared Decker and Jamie Courter of the University of Missouri, regarding the features of GeneMax® Advantage™ and how testing can help identify females with varying levels of genetic merit for feed cost, temperament and end-product traits.
Looking for more information on research backing the American Angus Association’s Hair Shed EPD? Check out the May 28, 2024, Angus University Webinar featuring Decker and Courter!Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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With Memorial Day family gatherings fresh on the mind, the question begs to be asked: What’s the plan for the future of the family farm?
Though the upcoming Feeder-Calf Marketing Guide will include information on how to start the conversation, we couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to talk to an expert on the topic in advance.On today’s episode you’ll hear more from Shauna Hermel and our guest, Ron Hanson of the University of Nebraska, regarding how to discuss succession planning with loved ones so that everyone with a stake in your family operation is on the same page moving forward.
Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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You may have heard the saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Whether through genetics, management or vaccination, preventing Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) concerns in your herd should be at the top of most producer’s to-do lists.On today’s episode, you’ll hear more from Shauna Hermel at CattleCon 2024 where she sat down with our guests, veterinarians D.L. Step of Boeringer Ingelheim and Dave Sjeklocha with Merck, to discuss their top tips for managing your herd and feeder calves to prevent disease issues.
Find more information to make Angus work for you in the Angus Beef Bulletin and ABB EXTRA. Make sure you're subscribed! Sign up here to the print Angus Beef Bulletin and the digital Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA. Have questions or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact our team at [email protected].
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