Feedback: it's not always easy, but it doesn't have to be a nightmare. Join us on "Feedback Culture" as we tackle the awkward, the uncomfortable, and the downright side of feedback. We'll share stories and offer practical advice to help you navigate the feedback landscape with confidence and maybe even a few laughs along the way. Get ready to transform feedback from a four-letter word into a superpower for your team and your career.
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
www.antagilesofos.lt [email protected]
Sharing our last Bonus episode from Agile Tour Vilnius 2023. This time Simas had a nice conversation with Nisha Joshi about empathy in estimations.
How trust and empathy can influence sharing opinion? Why it is important to have team agreements? Why it is even more importan to agree how we will dissagree in a team? Answers to these questions and more can be found in this episode so tune in!
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
Are you a leader trying to build a more agile team? A team member looking for better ways to collaborate? Or simply curious about the buzz around cross-functional teams? Join us as we break down the secrets of these collaborative powerhouses, sharing stories of triumph, lessons learned, and challenges.
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
www.antagilesofos.lt [email protected]
Agile Turas 2023 - užkuliusiai su Diana Borovik
Tradiciškai kalbiname Agile Turo organizatorę, Diana Borovik (dabartinę Agile Lietuva prezidentę). Šį kartą Simas su Diana aptarė organizacinius ypatumus, ką pavyko pasiekti, su kokiais iššūkiais susidūrė organizuojant didžiausią konferenciją baltijos šalyse.
Klausydami šio įrašo sužinosite kodėl svarbi Agile bendruomenė, kaip tai padeda organizuoti tokius renginius kaip Agile Turas ir ar renginio organizatoriai patys eksperimentuoja? 🧪
Na o šią ir visas kitas mūsų 4-tojo sezono laidas remia mūsų partneris Reiz Tech - patikimas ir visapusiškas IT konsultantas jūsų verslo sėkmingam gyvavimui. Daugiau informacijos apie Reiz Tech: https://www.reiz.tech
Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis!
Mūsų šio epizodo svečias - Donatas Kunigonis. Su Donatu pabendravome neįprasta tema - kaip sujungti darbo kultūras kompanijų, departamentų ar komandų susijungimo / prisijungimo atveju? Koks skirtumas tarp susijungimo ir prisijungimo? Kokių klaidų nepadaryti ir ką svarbu prisiminti atliekant tokį sudėtingą pokytį? Atsakymai į šiuos ir daug kitų klausimų šioje mūsų laidoje, tad kviečiame klausyti!
Na o šią ir visas kitas mūsų 4-tojo sezono laidas remia mūsų partneris Reiz Tech - patikimas ir visapusiškas IT konsultantas jūsų verslo sėkmingam gyvavimui. Daugiau informacijos apie Reiz Tech: https://www.reiz.tech
Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis!
Continuing our Bonus episode cycle from Agile Tour Vilnius 2023. We have our old friend Vidas Vasiliauskas back On the Agile Couch. And as usual we talk about Kanban. How is Kanban doing? How popular it is in Lithuania? Answers to these questions and more can be found in this episode so tune in!
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
Nearly 5 years passed since Team Topologies book was released by Manuel Pais and Mathew Skelton (in September 2024 it will be an anniversary). It is a good opportunity to reflect together with Manuel what people understood from the book and what has happened within the community. In our newest episode Simas and Manuel talks about common misconceptions, struggles and as well success factors of Team Topologies practices.
Want to learn more about this and get some inspirational tips from book co-author?Tune in and don't miss a chance! 😉 📻
🔗 Useful links:💡 https://teamtopologies.com/ - Main website with loads of free resources💡 https://academy.teamtopologies.com/ - TT Academy for self-service learning💡 https://www.teamperature.com/ - New product for assessing and managing team cognitive loal
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
Cracking the code for cross-team collaboration
When company is small, it is easy for the teams to collaborate as they know each other quite well, no certain rules needs to be, agreements or processes. But what happens when company starts to grow? How to manage all of the different collaboration connections, what can we do to make it less painful, more pleasant and achieve better outcomes?
During Agile Tour Vilnius 2023, organised by Agile Lietuva, Simas discussed this topic in more details with Paulius Tuzikas. Curious what was shared and what you can do in such situations?
Tune in to learn more about this topic 😉 📻
💡 Small tip: the tool that Paulius presented was Relationship map.
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle.
You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
Join us for a discussion with Cliff Berg about Agile 2. The Agile movement took us away from big up-front plans, micromanagement, and projects-by-numbers. It shifted the focus from big initiatives to small teams, from big promises to incremental deliveries, and from handoffs between specialists to collaboration and self-sufficiency. But after some time, people started to notice that something is not right, and joined together for a fresh start – not an incremental one: a start that is informed by the first Agile experiment, but that does not hesitate to make major departures: a new beginning. They call it Agile 2.
Important point is that Agile 2 does not presume to answer every question. Agile 2 is a set of ideas – nothing more.
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
www.antagilesofos.lt [email protected]
One more Bonus episode from Agile Tour Vilnius 2023! We have a talk with Algirdas Milašius about Scrum Master role. What does it mean to be a Scrum Master? What is next in the journey after becoming one? Tune in and find out!
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
Šioje laidoje pas mus svečiuojasi Dov Zavadskis ir kalbame tikrai aktualia ir karšta tema - Dirbtinis Intelektas ir kaip jis siejasi su Agile?Kas yra tas dirbtinis intelektas? Kokių skirtingų tipų jis būna? Kaip jis gali padėti pagerinti mūsų kompanijos agility?Atsakymai į visus klausimus šiame mūsų epizode, tad kviečiame klausytis!
Na o šią ir visas kitas mūsų 4-tojo sezono laidas remia mūsų partneris Reiz Tech - patikimas ir visapusiškas IT konsultantas jūsų verslo sėkmingam gyvavimui. Daugiau informacijos apie Reiz Tech: https://www.reiz.tech
Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis!
Have you ever been asked to get back to office from remote work?
Over the last year we have seen many companies asking their employees to get back to the office. Sometimes we are unhappy about it and instead we want to work remotely. How to deal with it, what are your options, what does work and how to make your employer to trust you?
During Agile Tour Vilnius 2023, organized by Agile Lietuva, Simas discussed this topic in more details with Cheryl Hammond. Curious what was shared and what you can do in such situations?Tune in to learn more about this topic 😉 📻
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
When autonomy hurts?
We met with Jovirdas Linkauskas - experienced engineering director right now working as Head of Platform at Sendcloud. Jovirdas has seen many organisations over his experience and has tons of examples to share when autonomy is really helpful and when it actually hurts. This time we tried to focus on what are the main examples or reasons of it, what is the impact and most importantly what to be aware of?
It is all about our awareness where we are and what we do within organisation - if we don't check our surroundings, pains might grow exponentially. Tooling, process, ownership ar just few bits that we discussed with Jovirdas this time.
Check this episode to learn more and expand your awareness about autonomy and organisational challenges ahead.
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
www.antagilesofos.lt [email protected]
Another Bonus episode from Agile Tour Vilnius 2023 is here for you! This time we had a talk with Susannah Chambers. We had a really interesting discussion about congruence in coaching. What that is? Listen and find out!
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
In this episode, Monika Krojegaard discusses the Agile practice team journey at Adform. If you’re interested in hearing about experiments in the agile way of working, don’t skip this episode. Unlike focusing solely on best practices or following a rigid playbook, this talk delves into experimentation. The podcast participants share insights into why this change was necessary, the challenges their teams encountered, and the achievements they’ve made along the way. Although the journey has just begun, there are already valuable lessons that others can benefit from. Join us by tuning in to this podcast!
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
www.antagilesofos.lt [email protected]
Here is the new Talk on the Agile Couch with Christ Stone and Simas Torgovickis about Continuous Improvement that was recorded during Agile Tour Vilnius 2023.
Chris shares what is important about Continuous Improvement compared to what people think. What are the tools for it, how feedback loops helps here, how to get out of the comfort zone? 🛋
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
We met with Deividas Gineitis - Team Lead and Front-end engineer from Reiz Tech - to discuss a really important topic, that sometimes we forget to talk about - long-term productivity. How not to sacrifice long-term goals over short-term ones? How not to burnout both personally and as a team? How can organisations help their employees and teams to stay productive in a long-run? Tune in for this episode and find out all the answers!
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
Tęsiame savo pokalbius Ant Agile Sofos Agile Tour Vilnius 2023 konferencijoje. Šį kartą (iš viso jau trečiąjį) pas mus užsuko Agnė Kelminskienė. Su ja pakalbejome apie eksperimentus. Atrodo paprastas dalykas, tačiau kaip juos daryti teisingai? Klausykite ir išgirskite!
Na o šią ir visas kitas mūsų 4-tojo sezono laidas remia mūsų partneris Reiz Tech - patikimas ir visapusiškas IT konsultantas jūsų verslo sėkmingam gyvavimui. Daugiau informacijos apie Reiz Tech: https://www.reiz.tech
Mėgaukitės, būkite Agile ir kaip visuomet jei turite savo komentarų ar pastebėjimų susisiekite su mumis!
This time Simas met with Akvile Rykove - experienced engineering manager and certified Clifton Strengths facilitator who works at Vinted. The discussion was around strengths and how that helps to build successful teams. There are different type of strengths that each person has, usually these strengths are ordered in certain way, depending on personality. But how to use them in a good way to achieve the best results? Why it is important to know your team strengths? Why there are certain actions/responses that you or your team members does?
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
www.antagilesofos.lt [email protected]
We are presenting you the first Talk on the Agile Couch with Maarten Dalmijn and Simas about key not speech that Maarten gave during Agile Tour Vilnius 2023!
Conversation is about Planning - what is important, how to make it suck less and what to be aware about?
This and all other 4th season episodes are sponsored by Reiz Tech - a trusted end-to-end IT advisor throughout your business lifecycle. You can find more information about Reiz Tech here: https://www.reiz.tech
Enjoy, stay Agile and as always - if you have any comments or questions, get in touch with us!
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