BlackJeans speaks to AP regarding his party series, keeping the play in producing and their wild upbringing at Lartis P’Chonskis club.
Tobi joins us to discuss confidence, his lore and the process and upcoming debut of his short “The Coretta Show."
Episodes manquant?
Srymae joins us as the season 5 opener to discuss her success at the Toronto Film Festival, Forming a creative studio and navigating life in a military family.
Follow Srymae on IG at @srymae and 8til Studios at @8tilstudios
Find FILMGRAB at https://film-grab.com/page/2/
Find their Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/filmgrab
Welcome to Season 5!
Miller & Art sit down to have an open conversation about their fears around the ongoing genocide in Palestine, discuss the accomplishments of all the artists we spoke to this past season, and get excited to talk about future plans. PLEASE NOTE: All proceeds from this episode will be donated to the families at Operation Olive Branch.
Veinumb is a Bronx-raised rapper and joined us in the studio to discuss a greatness mentality, overcoming the unknown, and his unusual creative process.
Kira joins us in the studio to discuss grief, the writing process and learning kindness to self through a really open, bubbly and exciting interview.
Find Kira's lyrics here https://www.kirametcalf.com/setlist-lyrics
Sophie Hunter joins us in the studio today to discuss her TikTok career, knowing when to record music & best ways to go about it, and how writing and sense of humor have helped lead to her successes.
ZAB joins us in the studio to talk about turning off the producer brain when creating, finding new passions after education & upcoming collaborations
Malik English joined us in the studio to discuss his approach to education, the relationships he’s built creatively, and his upcoming goals.
Camara Porter, Art collector and creator of Gotham Arts News joins us to discuss the art of collecting, curating and the business side of the art game.
Art and Miller discuss big personal changes, summer successes and upcoming goals in our first ever long-distanced mini-episode
Art and Miller catch up with all of the incredible guests from season 3!
Hud Oberly
Park Angel
D.G. Noble
Katherine Maxwell
Andrew New York
Andrew discusses the joy of being delusional about success, some big recent achievements, and creating a product that has meaning in every individual part
You can find Andrew on his TikTok, Instagram, and check out his work on his website
You can find us on Instagram, TikTok, and Patreon @apstudiobk
Miller invites Hivewild founder and choreographer, Katherine Maxwell, into the studio to discuss her southern Montessori upbringing, the ins and outs of starting a dance company, and the dialogue between dance and film as mediums.
Follow Katherine on Instagram @kmxwell and her website katherine-maxwell.com
Follow Hivewild on Instagram @hivewild and their website hivewild.com
Follow us on Instagram, TikTok, and Patreon @apstudiobk
D.G. Noble talks with Miller about his process making 127-749, Street Photography and Dinosaurs!
Transcription available to the public via Patreon here
follow D.G Noble on Instagram @d.g.noble , you can pre order his book on his website visualsbydg.com
keep up with ApartmentPARTY updates by following us on Instagram and TikTok and Patreon
Park Angel joins us in the studio to discuss the Soho Mentorship program, creating community and finding a home in NYC.
Follow Park Angel at @yourparkangel on Instagram and watch his music video Superstar here :)
Follow is on Instagram, TikTok, and Patreon @apstudiobk
Ma’at joins us in the studio to discuss balancing work & creative life, growing up with a powerhouse of a Mom and upcoming album
Follow Ma'at on Instagram @i.am.maat and @beats.by.maat
Follow is on Instagram, TikTok, and Patreon@apstudiobk
Hud Oberly, creative director & founder of fashion brand Here’s to You, joins us to discuss his previous work in LA, finding joy in pattern making and pushing for new opportunities in NYC.
Follow Hud on instagram @huddleberryfinn and @herestoyou_h2y
Follow is on Instagram, TikTok, and Patreon@apstudiobk
Join Art and Miller for the final public access mini episode! Continue to listen on our Patreon for a small monthly fee, details coming soon...
- Montre plus