On this episode of Aqua Alex LIVE here on Aquarium Hobbyist Podcast, I interview one of my favorite fish keeping Youtubers! Payton has many awesome aquariums and many different tropical fish species. He is quite knowledgeable and knows a lot. He works at a local fish store and has great content on Youtube. It was a pleasure having him on Aquarium Hobbyist Podcast and I look forward to interviewing him again.
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It's the 2nd episode of Aqua Alex LIVE! Aqua Alex LIVE, where I Aqua Alex interview tropical fish keepers from all over the world and give you the fish keepers a chance to hear about their experiences and their knowledge.
Our special fish keeping guest today is Flowerhorn and Cichlid lover Gabriel Gomez. Gabriel has bred numerous species of cichlids including Midas Cichlids and Cuban cichlids.
Gabriel has some awesome information on cichlids and flowerhorns that he shares with us!
Enjoy the show and thanks for listening! -
Episodes manquant?
Welcome to Aqua Alex LIVE!, a new fun series where I will be interviewing tropical fish keepers from all over the USA and world. It will be great to hear from fish keepers and learn about their experiences and their love of tropical fish.
On the debut episode of Aqua Alex LIVE, I have a very special guest lined up! New listener to my fish podcasts and Aquarium Hobbyist Podcast, Mr. Eric Sherwood joins me for a fun discussion on tropical fish. Eric and I ask each other wonderful questions and have a fun conversation.
Eric has kept oscar cichlids and has had many large aquariums but at the moment he has only a betta aquarium.
Enjoy the show and thanks for listening!!! -
Welcome to the 500th Episode Celebration Party for Aquarium Hobbyist Podcast. in 2013, I created my first aquarium and fish keeping podcast called Aquatic Wetline. Fast forward all these years later, Aquarium Hobbyist Podcast has become the longest running tropical fish podcast. I could have never imagined that I would be celebrating 500 episodes but today I am doing just that with all of you the wonderful tropical fish keepers!
To celebrate 500 episodes of Aquarium Hobbyist Podcast aka formely known as Aquatic Wetline, I have 4 awesome tropical fish keeping special guests, tropical fish chat, we hear from fish keepers who tell us about their proudest moment as a fish keeper, and more! Hear the ground breaking announcement at the beginning of the show that relates to the past, present, and future of AHP!
Planned for the show:
- Little Egypt Aquarium Club Founder Jeremy Stellhorn
Jeremy will discuss his club and angelfish and apistogrammas.
- Pet YouTuber Matt Thibodeau
Matt will discuss hermit crabs and tropical fish.
- Fish Keeper Anthony Naples
Anthony has over 30 aquariums and he will be discussing freshwater shrimp, African Cichlids, and Flowerhorns.
- Nature Artist and Tropical Fish Expert Sam Garcia JR AKA Sam Scalz
Find out about Sam's latest tropical fish art work and more!
Special Party Guest: Author of the Truth of the Unknown Intrepreter Paul Aramouni
My best friend and author comes on to promote his book and Youtube as well as announce the winner of his book giveaway!
Tropical fish chat! Learn about rummynose tetras, flagtail prochilodus, Florida Gar, Pink Tail Chalceus, and Geophagus Brasilnellis.
Fish Keeper's discuss their proudest moments
Winners of the Truth of the Unknown Intrepreter Book Giveaway and $50 Live Aquaria Gift Certificate announced
Thank you for tuning in to this fun 2 and a half hour show!
Enjoy and we will see you for 500 more episodes!!!!