
  • Frequency is the medicine of the future, and the future is upon us. So many people are plagued with chronic illness and depression that only seems to be subdued, at best, through Western medicine. But by using frequencies and taking into account past trauma, these illnesses can be freed and removed from our bodies as we let go of pent up emotions. This episode is critical to the understanding of our bodies and how they get sick, how they get better, and why like attracts like.


    Show NotesWait, Stress Does WHAT?

    We know that stress is responsible for 90% of the illnesses that manifest in our body--and really, who doesn’t have stress in their life, right? If you get right down to it, manifestation is a result of frequency. Frequency is the ideal situation that we want to be looking at in order to improve all the aspects of our being. Frequency is the place where everything begins. So if we already find ourselves dealing with symptoms, or imbalances in the body in some way like our emotional being, then we want to look at the frequency that created that. Because THAT my friends is where the power lies.

    The Last Resort Has Taken Too Long

    So let’s go to the frequency--the vibration of it, the emotional aspect of it. By the time people come to my practice they have had their physical illness for some time and tried everything along the traditional path. Once I meet them they have thrown in the towel and are ready to give vibrational stuff a try. But by this time their illness already has its hooks into the cellular matrix impacting every aspect of their being. What is often misunderstood or missed is the emotional part. There’s a history of experiences contributing to health in that moment, and in order to bring balance back, we have to look at the complete picture. The mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects that contributed to their illness, like a common cold, or more significant such as chronic depression, comes into play when we're looking at learning imbalances.

    Tidal Wave Of Frequency

    By the time we have deeply rooted chronic situations, the pathway to wellness and balance is convoluted. It involves going deep into the vibrational aspect and roots of that particular illness. I like to look at the physical manifestation in two different scenarios. One is, we are a physical being, and we are going to have illness and imbalances in who we are. So when we have certain illnesses it's coming to clear out old patterns. It's coming in a wave of frequency into our body, because the frequency of our body has something within that it resonates with. We know like attracts like, and vibration is no different. So in order for us to catch a cold, we have to have a certain vibration within us to attract it in the first place. Usually there’s something deeper in our cellular matrix that can use the frequency of that current cold to dredge out old stagnant vibrational frequencies. The other possibility is that we have a frequency within our body that is larger than the previous scenario that I talked about so it is continually attracting in that lower vibration of illness. 


    This Is More Than A Two Aspirin Situation

    The difference between these two scenarios is with the first scenario, the illness we're experiencing in the physical body is staying very surface, meaning it’s not deep into our system. It's not impacting every organ of our body. It may be a systemic illness, but it's not creating deep rooted havoc. What it is doing is dredging things up (again!). That’s what I call toxicity or debris from the past and it's giving it a pathway to leave the body. Yay! In the second scenario, it's more about a match to our set point, meaning we have a lower vibration to begin with because we are rooted in grief, frustration, or a stuck situation. Whatever vibration we're holding we continue to project out like a magnet that draws in certain circumstances and experiences. So in this case the magnet for illness is larger and more powerful. We find ourselves in situations where the illnesses and imbalances become more deeply rooted and chronic. This requires a slightly different approach because we have to go deeper into the psyche and memories, and not necessarily on a conscious level.

     Subconscious Snapshot

    Sometimes we have experiences and see things with our eyes that don't register in the conscious brain. It goes in, and it's like a snapshot. It hurts us and damages us through the subconscious, but it's never really in the forefront of the consciousness. This is one of those things that can get pulled out of the energetic matrix by an energy practitioner, and make a very significant difference on the vibration that the client is now projecting outward. So we often find ourselves stuck with physical illnesses and chronic situations. The journaling process can really start to bring hidden emotions and ideas from the subconscious up into the conscious. This makes it much easier to be able to find a vibrational frequency to resolve the issue. This is the key point as to why you need to be focused on building that relationship with yourself. The answers to unlocking the secrets to the healing process are embedded within our own DNA, our own bodies, our own inner selves, and the soul matrix. It's about being able to read the frequency of your own inner terrain, so you can identify with the frequency outside of yourself and break down the pattern or frequency of the illness within you.


    Our Vibe Attracts Our Tribe

    We know that illness and frequency go hand-in-hand at this point, especially because today’s illnesses are more complex than ever before. By breaking free from the frequency we were born with (or into), you can manifest what you want in this life. Manifestation is a result of frequency. What keeps you in focus? Look back at yourself to really see the frequency that’s there and attract what you want to your higher vibration. Start a meditation practice to clear your energy and vibrations and bring in higher ones that will lift you up. Journaling can help you focus on raising your vibrations as well. Clear out the bad and attract the good for a healthier mind and body.

  • Top Takeaways:Summer Solstice is the perfect time to connect with Mother Earth just like the snake and be physically present in each moment. Be open to each experience and remember “it is what it is.”The light that Summer Solstice brings us is a time for celebration to counteract the darkness. Illuminate our personal power and bask in the energy and wisdom that Fire shows us.Essential oils offer a tremendous support during this time as you radiate higher energy and vibrations. Ginger, Melissa, Frankincense, and Bergamot are the four that speak to me during this time. Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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    Sacred Blends for your Ascended Journey

    You and I both know that Essential Oils are amazing and an essential in your shamanic toolbox. But beyond the power and energy of the plants essence, you can gain more insight and power when those essential oils are imbued  with energy healing and strength through sacred ceremony. Want to learn more?

    Shop the KH Evolution Sacred Blends

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  • Top Takeaways:

    1 | Reacting takes away our personal power, so we need to respond in order to identify our fear triggers.

    2 | Observe how fear comes up from inside you and how you navigate your decisions.

    3 | Fear triggers our stress response and can make us sick, so understanding the information we receive and how we respond can lower our stress levels.


    Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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    Sacred Blends for your Ascended Journey

    You and I both know that Essential Oils are amazing and an essential in your shamanic toolbox. But beyond the power and energy of the plants essence, you can gain more insight and power when those essential oils are imbued  with energy healing and strength through sacred ceremony. Want to learn more?

    Shop the KH Evolution Sacred Blends

  • Top Takeaways:

    1 | Water is necessary for our bodies to function properly, and it helps us with our emotional body to process emotions, find balance, and self-understanding.

    2 | If water were a personality type, these people enjoy relaxation, great conversation, and taking time to enjoy life to stay balanced and calm.

    3 | One of the greatest struggles of a water type is their thoughts flow endlessly one to the other. The solution is stillness. In stillness there is flow and there is space to experience greater clarity and feel more empowered. 

    4 | Juniper berry, ginger, and Frankincense are all essential oils to help promote flow.

    5 | Imprint your water every day for a month with mindful intentions and see if you notice a change.  



    Ready to break free from expectations and choose a life where you work co-creatively with Nature?

    Then check out Ascend! A premium membership that provides the tool kit and professional support YOU need for introspection, clarity, self-healing and personal evolution across all aspects of your life. Are you ready to be your own Shaman?

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    Want a place to go for guidance, support and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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    Sacred Blends for your Ascended Journey

    You and I both know that Essential Oils are amazing and an essential in your shamanic toolbox. But beyond the power and energy of the plants essence, you can gain more insight and power when those essential oils are imbued  with energy healing and strength through sacred ceremony. Want to learn more?

    Shop the KH Evolution Sacred Blends

  • Top Takeaways:

    1 | The tetrahedron focuses on creating balance in the trilogy of the Divine Self, the Divine Feminine, and the Divine Masculine.  It also offers a deeper understanding of unity, expansion, and wholeness.  

    2 | The energy of the cube helps to restore a sense of calm as it helps all aspects of the being find balance and restores our physical body.  

    3 | The Octahedron is a great balancer of energy.  It helps us to balance and integrate energy to create greater coherence between the head and the heart so we can express from our heart space with greater comfort, clarity and truth.  

    4 | Call the dodecahedron into your meditations and ask it to assist with your ascension process.

    5 | If you find ourselves stuck in emotional patterns such as grief, sadness, anger, or frustration call on the Icosahedron for support. 


    Ready to break free from expectations and choose a life where you work co-creatively with Nature?

    Then check out Ascend! A premium membership that provides the tool kit and professional support YOU need for introspection, clarity, self-healing and personal evolution across all aspects of your life. Are you ready to be your own Shaman?

    Learn More About Ascend

    Want a place to go for guidance, support and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

    Join explorers, just like you, on their journey of evolution.  Gain guidance, insights, and healing energy in this sacred healing space.

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    Sacred Blends for your Ascended Journey

    You and I both know that Essential Oils are amazing and an essential in your shamanic toolbox. But beyond the power and energy of the plants essence, you can gain more insight and power when those essential oils are imbued  with energy healing and strength through sacred ceremony. Want to learn more?

    Shop the KH Evolution Sacred Blends

  • Top Takeaways:

    1 | Clarity comes from stillness, but change comes from action.

    2 | Knowing what is best for me and acting on it without guilt is not selfish, it’s actually quite the opposite.

    3 | Self care needed to come first. I needed to come first


    Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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  • Top Takeaways:

    1 | East Direction of the Medicine Wheel provides us a wider perspective.

    2 | If we don’t pause now and again, we risk maintaining old patters and ways of being that truly sabotage rather than enrich our lives.

    3 |As we experience this time of renewal and new beginnings, may we also expand in our reverence for life.


    Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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  • Top Takeaways:

    1| Now is the time to expand and grow and change.

    2| There are physical changes happening in the earth around us, take head and notice it.

    3| Essential oils can help your body with this entire experience that is the Spring Equinox.

     Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

    Join explorers, just like you, on their journey of evolution.  Gain guidance, insights and healing energy in this sacred healing space.

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  • Top Takeaways:

    1 || We grow through our vulnerability, not our resistance.   

    2 || True learning is about bringing forth knowledge not bringing in knowledge. 

    3 || Hawk teaches us how to be more aware of our surroundings so as to not miss opportunities.  


    Are you new to all this and craving more?

    Check out Ignite.  A self-guided experience to build a foundation in daily energy practice.  Daily practice expands your awareness and opens you to learning more about who you really are. LEARN MORE


    Already walking a spiritual path, but feeling a bit lonely?  Then the Ascend membership is perfect for you! Each month there is a new recorded energy integration, there are also 3 different opportunities throughout the month to work directly with me in a group setting to get unstuck, receive real-time spiritual guidance, energy healing, and timely action steps to move through what your experiencing and build the life you deeply desire.  LEARN MORE


    Are you looking to expand your medicine by becoming a shamanic practitioner? Join me for a year-long online apprentice program -- Synergy. It is honestly,  my favorite teaching experience I offer.  It allows you and I to develop a strong relationship. Witnessing their tremendous personal and professional growth as they deepen their relationship with Spirit is awe inspiring. LEARN MORE


  • Top Takeaways:

    1 || Energy can influence the path to illness, and the path to wellness.

    2 || More than just the level of the physical, we must heal the emotional and energetic portions of ourselves to create actual change and healing.

    3 || We must all learn to keep ourselves open and fluid to the signs and the synchronicities coming towards us. Take a look at your life, where do you desire change and healing?


    Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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  • 1 | Natural plant solutions are best for influencing the emotional, mental, physical, AND spiritual, or energetic, aspects of our being.

    2 |  The foundation of basic energy hygiene in these categories:  Protection, Grounding, Cleansing, Repairing and Opening, Clarity, and Expanding.

    3 | Start with 1 or 2 oils, but do start! Consistently use your oils every single day at least once or twice, maybe even more often, and see what happens.

    Before I go, just a couple of safety notes.  I mentioned taking frankincense internally, when using oils internally be sure you are ONLY using a CPTG brand - Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade.  I use doTERRA, and the previous mentioned information comes from my own personal experience with them or my experiences with them as an Energy Practitioner.  doTERRA essential oils safe for internal use will have a supplement facts label.  In addition, when using oils topically it is always good practice to dilute your oils.  I like to use Fractionated coconut oil, which I also get from doTERRA.  

    If you are looking for more information on doTERRA essential oils, please reach out to me via email at [email protected] or join my Facebook group, Evolve with Kara.


  • Decisions have always been challenging for me. How about you? Do you take a long time to come to your decisions or are you able to make a decision pretty quickly? Are you ‘go with the flow? Decision making has such an impact on our lives, whether we make decisions easily or give away our free will by refusing to make our own decisions. In this episode, we discuss why you should evaluate your decision making abilities and improve them to better match the vibrations that we want to send into this episode. Listen now to learn how to make our decisions align with our souls.

    Top Takeaways:

    1| The decisions we make, the decisions we don’t make and the way in which we make decisions for our lives carry a vibration or energy which becomes part of the vast, expansive network of consciousness.

    2| The process of decision making can lead to illness if we are not careful of the vibration we send into the Universe.

  • Top Takeaways:

    1 | A soul retrieval session is a big honor for a practitioner, and it is a beautiful blessing for the client.  It is a process that takes and deserves love, compassion, and time.

    2 | Vitality, joy, and purpose seep from us as a result of these wounds and the longer these parts of our soul are dissociated from our being often the deeper and more widespread the negative impact.

    3 | Soul loss is considered a serious situation that should not be left unaddressed from an energetic or spiritual perspective. 

    Want a place to go for guidance, support and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

    Join explorers, just like you, on their journey of evolution.  Gain guidance, insights, and healing energy in this sacred healing space.

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  • Top Takeaways:

    1| Sacred Space is an energy created through intention for specific intentions.

    2| Practicing daily meditation opens our pathway to living our best life and it can be simple.

    3| Each and every one of us deserves a life of joy and contentment. It’s our birthright.


    Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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  • Top Takeaways:Self-care is not indulgent.  It is a necessary part of living a full, balanced and healthy life. Spending time in the natural world or bringing the natural world into our homes reconnects us to the very essence of all of life.  Underneath the constant, and I do mean constant, mental chatter is a whole other realm of information that I never knew existed until I created the discipline with myself to sit quietly.The most important aspects of meditation is the agreement with yourself to set aside regular time for stillness and following through with actually sitting in the stillness. It is through personal sovereignty - personal responsibility and independence of our feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions - that we create our greatest impact on the world.Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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  • Top Takeaways:The more whole we become, the easier it is to bring our awareness into our physical body and experience the world from the inside out.Integrating consistent grounding visualizations greatly assists us in re-establishing our trust in the truth of who we are.A guided grounded meditation to follow.Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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  • Top Takeaways:Whether we are intentional or not, we co-create with the energy of the universe every day.The Universe has plans for us, but we also have free will.Working alongside each other, we can create a better year than the one we just experienced. Energy and strategy can come together for an intentional year.Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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  • Top Takeaways:There is invaluable information and wisdom available to us through nature. Acknowledging spiritual messages from animals is one of the many ways we can use the wisdom of nature to restore balance.I believe trusting in our own truth and what resonates all through our body, will be critical to navigating the days ahead.Opportunities that cross our path are temporary.  At times, a missed opportunity means a missed opportunity to grow.  Sometimes, it’s hard to consider opportunities because they feel so wild and crazy to our current belief system.Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

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  • Want a place to go for guidance and healing along your Ascended Evolution journey?

    Join explorers, just like you, on their journey of evolution.  Gain guidance, insights and healing energy in this sacred healing space.

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