
  • This is such a juicy, activating, joyful and uplifting episode on how self-expression is key in ones path of spiritual evolution.

    Lola Wolff (She/They) is a nonbinary author, actor, artist and mentor for Self-Expression and Spirituality. They share their inspiring journey of being raised in a spiritually liberal household and how this has shaped and expanded their wisdom in all facets of spirituality, exploring many paths as they met themselves in each expression of self as they evolved.

    If you want to know more about Fairy Magik then this episode is for you and Lola shares their journey into the fairy folk and Avalonian magik, how to connect with the fairies and how working with them can help benefit your life and spark creativity and self-expression as an creator.

    Connect with Lola:

    Website: www.lolawolff.com

    Instagram: @lolacwolff

    Lola will be a guest expert inside my online membership 'The Calling' in June guiding an incredible workshop on fairy magik and how to use it in your daily life, work with the fairies and why and guiding us through magikal rituals to enhance your spiritual practice and self-discovery.

    You can join The Calling here: https://www.francescaraffa.com/the-calling/


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate if you would like & subscribe to this podcast, it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself grow!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via instagram: @francescaraffa

    For all 1:1 offerings, events & courses head to my website: www.francescaraffa.com

    Online membership 'The Calling': https://www.francescaraffa.com/the-calling/

    Love & blessings,


  • Get ready for this episode to listen with you whole being for it will not speak to the constructs of the logical mind, but instead to the core of the heart.

    Moishe divinely shares his experience and journey of awakening that began in 2012 that pointed him to questioning 'Who am I' the parts of self that make up the whole which spiralled his journey of self-discovery...exploring, accessing and discovering more parts of his essence in the now, referencing 'Life is like a Spiral' a concept that so deeply resonates and mirrors my own beliefs and story.

    Other parts to this episode touches upon the teachings of living life in the moment from the space of the heart and what that even truly means from the perspective of simply what is. A beauty to this episode I feel is that what may seem like complex concepts are very concisely simplified in an understanding that will even bring a definite shift in your perspectives and expanding beyond the known in the curiosity of the unknown.

    Moishe "Aksa" Wariko is an Author of 'Stories of I AM' and creator of 'Essence Cards' loving the ever-unfolding mystery that is the moment. Learning the power of the heart, meeting life from acceptance of what IS. Allowing what is to be felt without a story, honouring his spirit through expression.

    Connect with Moishe via Instagram: @moishe_wariko for more details to order his book and essence cards.

    PS: Moishe and I will be hosting an online event upcoming in September 1st 2024 - for more details please contact directly: [email protected] quoting this podcast episode: Ep. 39 Exploring the Essence of the 'I AM'


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate if you would like & subscribe to this podcast, it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself grow!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via instagram: @francescaraffa

    For all 1:1 offerings, events & courses head to my website: www.francescaraffa.com

    Love & blessings,


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  • Deep into Dark Femme vibes in this episode with the truth teller that is Lia, @temple_of_ophelia talking on the topics of shadow work, sexual trauma and how to alchemise your life.

    Lia vulnerably shares her story in her healing of sexual trauma and diving deep into the shadowy aspects of her psyche, being her greatest teachers and liberators. In putting voice to the shadows you draw them out from the deep depths and bring them into the light in accessing deeper truths that are gifts for stepping into your greatest potential.

    Lia also shares where to start with shadow work by looking at our own projections and judgments of which she will be sharing more of in the upcoming masterclass inside my membership, The Calling.

    Connect with Lia via her IG: @temple_of_ophelia

    She also has an incredible upcoming event in November - be sure to check it out over on her page!

    It is also an honour to have Lia as a guest expert inside The Calling this month hosting a workshop on Embracing your Shadows as your Greatest Teachers working with your projections and judgements to better understand the difference and grow through clarity.

    More details on how to join my online community sisterhood The Calling here: https://www.francescaraffa.com/the-calling/


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate if you would like & subscribe to this podcast, it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more inside and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    For all 1:1 offerings, events & courses head to my website: www.francescaraffa.com

    Love & blessings,


  • Expand your mind, heart and soul in this episode with the gorgeous Natasha @temple_of_akasha talking on the topics of deep seeded collective wounds of abandonment, separation and victimisation.

    Natasha shares her inspiring and courageous journey of deep awakening that led her to answering the call in living out her soul mission. We touch on the topic of the journey of unification of the ego and the soul and how the human ego is simply a gateway into self-enquiry and deeper knowing when we choose to work with it in this way. We hold the tools within that lead us back to the source of divine love.

    There are so many amazing nuggets of wisdom shared in this episode that lit my entire soul on fire and I know this conversation will activate a deep remembrance within you too.

    Connect with Natasha for all 1:1 offerings @temple_of_akasha and www.templeofakasha.com

    She also has an incredible women’s retreat coming up in September in Morrocco, Reset & Rewild!

    Details here: https://www.templeofakasha.com/retreats

    It is also an honour to have Natasha as a guest expert inside my online membership The Calling this month hosting a workshop on this very topic Victim to Creator from the lens of the Dark Feminine.

    More details on how to join my online community sisterhood The Calling here: https://www.francescaraffa.com/the-calling/


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate if you would like & subscribe to this podcast, it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more inside and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    For all 1:1 offerings, events & courses head to my website: www.francescaraffa.com

    Love & blessings,


  • It was a pleasure to sit in the reflection, growth and transformation that Robin moved through throughout our time together in my 3-month container From Fear to Feminine Freedom and how through the process of unravelling and embodying more of self has continued to unfold for her since.

    In this episode Robin vulnerably shares the recognition of the roles once played as a people-pleaser and in the disconnection from her inner world in seeing emotions as a weakness she chose to reclaim and liberate from these narratives and step into personal power. Here the realisation hit on the affect her inner world had on her outer reality, purely acting as a mirror.

    In this episode we spoke about some of the processes that we moved through that has guided Robin in to feeling more rooted, connected and living with purpose to listen in and follow the guidance of her intuitive heart and that meant taking a huge leap of faith of which she shares more of in this episode knowing that now through the built safety within herself she trusts herself to move forward in flow. Robin has some exciting seeds planted for her new endeavours as she steps into her calling in coaching women to figure out who they are and accept themselves to set boundaries and standards for themselves and within relationships.

    Connect with Robin

    Instagram: @robinnicole37

    I'm so grateful to work with incredible women like Robin who are stepping up, taking accountability and making the changes that align to their hearts desires for they know they are meant for more and too deserve more.


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • Joined by beautiful guest Lina in this episode who shares with us her spiritual remembering and undoing of limitations and deep seeded beliefs in coming back home to her blueprinted magic as a Intuitive Business Coach, Holistic Guide & Mentor.

    Lina is a naturally gifted intuitive and uses her go-to modality of Moonologyℱ which is the method of realigning ourselves to the seasonal and lunar cycles. She also works closely with ones birth chart that acts as a blueprinted map for how you came into this lifetime and where the journey is here to take you, alongside more traditional exercises to activate those dreams and goals.

    Listen in for more on a touch of Moon Wisdom and how Lina's journey unfolded and how she merges her passions in her photography business with her spiritual business and how the two intertwine. When she stepped fully into accepting all her facets and owning her full expression, she was met effortlessly with clients that overlapped in both industries...the limitations of old paradigms are crumbling it's safe to show up in your fullness and when you do you will be met in alignment.

    Connect with Lina in her upcoming The Luna Module (Autumn 2023) join her mailing list for more details or check out her 1:1 sessions:


    Instagram: @linadellaluna


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • In this deep-dive conversation with the beautiful soul that is Charlotte, we touch on the embarking of spiritual practices that have shaped and assisted personal growth in managing and overcoming some of the 3D fears that come through to halt us, stagnate us in reaching and living in our fullest potentiality.

    What I loved about this conversation was the respect and teachings that Nature brings us to help guide us on our path when we open to knowing that we are not separate from nature but of it this connects us to the oneness and back to the infinite support that is available to us. Charlotte's journey really interconnects the teachings of spiritual practices around the world, it is through her gained embodied experience of not just academically adopting these teachings but actually moving through them for her own healing first and then to help assist others.

    Charlotte shares with us in this episode the importance of showing up and doing the work and also not holding back in sharing your voice, remembering why you are doing what you are doing, and holding this profusely. She relates this to her Shamanic Andean teachings and the Medicine wheel that guides her through life for deep inquiry and truly giving permission to feel what is coming up beneath the felt fear is how we can work with it to heal. Charlotte also shares with us a beautiful tip on how we can sit in discomfort and feel fear, because as we know freedom is on the other side of fear.

    Connect with Charlotte in her Rise program or 1:1 sessions:


    Instagram: @charlotteburnap


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • ____

    The sanctuary you’ve been waiting for


    I share all the ins and outs of My Calling and why I’ve created an online membership for wom(b)en to awaken, heal & transform in a like-minded community that supports and holds us through this journey we call life.

    More and more of us are feeling ‘The Calling’ and it makes itself known to each of us in different ways but what I do know is that it’s a niggle, a gentle nudge and a reminder that says there is more to your experience than what is currently being lived.

    Do you feel that?

    This knowing that there is more to life, more to you, more than just living up to expectations and fearing your true source of power which really is you, all of YOU!

    This was my journey too.

    I finally got tired of waiting and the realisation hit me that no one was coming to save me, no one was going to do it for me, no one was going to just hand it to me
I was playing out a deeply ingrained self-victimization and I’d never empower in that way.

    I had to choose to unravel it, discover it, and embody it
that “it” is my power, my essence, my wholeness

    The Calling is definitely not linear
you don’t just pick it up once and answer it because it’s a continuous call

    it's when you choose to follow its rhythm
 that's what will transform your life beyond what you thought you knew and taught to know

    To embark on The Calling is a journey of coming home to self in wholeness, balance, and heart!

    This too was my calling
to reconnect, to heal, to awaken myself to the core of who I am, to strive towards inner balance (developing my underdeveloped feminine), to source my sense of purpose, to live for ME, and to nourish myself in my sacred vessel leading with body & heart.

    This is exactly why I am creating this membership
to be sustainable guidance and accountability for your own inner work, to awaken yourself to new perspectives, to heal through your past, and to transform into your highest evolvement deeply held in a community where you know you are never alone.

    Join The Calling: www.francescaraffa.com/the-calling

    Together we heal. Together we rise!

    My FREE masterclass on Mind-Body Connection:

    Tues. 28th February 7-8pm (GMT)
    Join here: bit.ly/mindbodymasterclass


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • I’m joined by an incredible, courageous soul, Brooke Camporeale who is a past client of mine who journeyed through my 3 month container: From Fear to Feminine Freedom earlier on this year.

    Brooke’s transformational journey is truly inspiring, she shares with us in this episode what some of her pivotal realisations and ah-ha moments were that we then integrated in and through the body to create change. By dropping into her body and heart as her guiding compass allowed her to not only tap into her fullest potential but begin to live it trusting in her own inner guidance and voice.

    Since our time together Brooke has now qualified as a Self-Love coach and she shares here her journey with self-love, what it truly means for her and how it changed her life. She also shares all the benefits and shifts that are possible in accessing through safe coaching containers through her own experience and teachings.

    I am so proud of the incredible work Brooke has embodied in her life this year, with a solid intention, strong willingness and dedication to doing the inner work that led her towards sustainable progression as she steps fully into her new beginning in alignment with her gifts, purpose and desires.

    Connect and work with Brooke:

    Instagram: @brookecamporeale



    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    Applications are now open for my 3-Month Coaching & Energy Healing Container - From Fear to Feminine Freedom 

    Wanting to break free of the conditioned rule book of life into creating your dream filled manifestation of reality
but there is hold back, a tight attachment, riddled feelings of fear on how to do it or where to start
I know because I’ve been there and it can feel so lonely, demotivating and ‘hard’ all on your own. 

    To be the initiator of your truth is to answer that which is whispering reminders to you from deep within. Through feminine embodiment coaching you will unleash your truth to awaken your passion, heal your past and transform your present!

    For more details and how to apply click here!


    Francesca x

  • With open hearts we shared some vulnerable stories on breakdown moments that led to breakthroughs and a reclamation of personal power!   

    Leaning into our pain as a source of our greatest power - the medicine is within us as everything always comes back to self.  

    Tune in to this conversation for real, raw and vulnerable insight into what it is and means to do the inner work how important it is to be supported and witnessed through those darkest of moments and invite in courage and trust to guide us into the breakthrough in alignment with our deep truth.  

    Iman and I are co-creating a Retreat in November 2022

    Rebirth : Transforming You!
    8-11th November 2022
    Canterbury, Kent, UK  

    Link for more details: https://www.francescaraffa.com/retrea...   

    As we enter into the dark season we too mimic the flow of nature where we welcome in and deep dive into our own shadows to transmute our pain into power.   We invite you on a 4 day immersion in self and in connection with sisters to be deeply held, heard and witnessed.   

    Day 1: The Initiation Day 2: The Death Day 3: The Rebirth Day 4: The Integration  

    By harnessing the support and guidance of the Dark Goddess we move through that which is holding us back from our highest potential! Are you ready to transform?  

    For more information and to book in a free consultation call contact:
    [email protected]
    Instagram: http://instagram.com/francescaraffa   

    Connect with Iman:
    [email protected]

  • Joined by my beautiful sister Annika, a soul purpose coach who's mission is to inspire and empower women to work out what they really want to do in life, and feel amazing taking it forward, she knows that when in flow with the cycles of nature and the moon life can be and feel easy. On this episode we explored the journey and the process of discovering one's soul's purpose through Annika’s incredibly inspirational and enlightening story we moved through some major pivotal parts of entering and reconnecting with the voice of the soul, the awakening of true personal purpose and stepping into the embodiment of living out this transformation.

    The embarking of discovering one’s soul purpose begins with the reconnection of mind & body and it is through this process that one can begin to remember, ignite their gifts and translate this out into the world.

    Annika has a spectacular membership called Grow in Flow that we talked of briefly in the episode. Grow in Flow is a membership for souls who want to move away from the path of ‘should’ to the path of ‘want’ exploring your unique story and gifts to have a clear vision of the life you want to lead.

    Details below to find out more on the membership and to connect with Annika:

    Waitlist now open for her membership: https://www.annikaburke.com/grow-in-flow-waitlist/

    Instagram: @annikaburke
    Website: www.annikaburke.com



    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • Audio taken from Instagram Live

    Why work with Dark Feminine Energy?

    More info on the Rebirth : Transforming You! Retreat 8-11th Nov. in Kent, UK : https://www.francescaraffa.com/retreat-rebirth-transforming-you/ 

    CHANCE TO WIN ON IG: @francescaraffa

    Over 4 days and 3 nights your guides @francescaraffa and @healingwithiman will journey with you through sacred practices, rituals and healing in exploring:

    đŸ”„Day 1: The Initiation

    Journey to the underworld meet with your Dark Goddess

    Harnessing the magic of the Full Moon in ceremony & ritual

    Fire Releasing Ceremony & Dance

    đŸ”„Day 2: The Death

    Sacred rituals

    Throat, Heart & Womb Activation

    Mirrored work

    Dark Goddess Embodiment

    Blue Lotus Tea Ceremony

    đŸ”„Day 3: The Rebirth

    Breathwork & Brainwave meditation

    Embodied movement medicine

    Rebirth Ritual

    Candle Magick & Sigil Workshop

    Cacao Ceremony & Heart Meditation

    đŸ”„Day 4: The Integration

    Closing ceremony

    Goddess blessing & celebratory dance

    âžĄïžEnter in for a chance to win 2 spaces at this retreat each with ÂŁ100

    Instagram Post Terms:

    đŸ”șOnly enter if you and your friend are both committed to attending (payment plan options are available with ÂŁ90 to secure your space) total cost of ticket price ÂŁ595

    đŸ”șFollow both accounts: @healingwithiman and @francescaraffa

    đŸ”șLike this Post

    đŸ”șTag x3 friends (including the friend who wishes to join)

    đŸ”șShare this Post on your stories

    *The 2 lucky winners will be announced on Fri. 30th Sep. at 12pm (BST)

    âžĄïžMore info on the retreat can be found via link in my bio!

    🍀Good luck!


    #womensretreat #transformationalretreat #retreatuk #chancetowin #darkfeminine #alchemy #sisterhood

  • The Way of the Sacred Feminine – 4-week Immersion

    đŸ”șReceive 50% offđŸ”ș

    âžĄïžUse code ‘IMMERSION50’ at check out

    (only valid until Sunday 31st July)

    Join via this link: https://www.francescaraffa.com/shop/events-retreats/the-way-of-the-sacred-feminine-a-4-week-immersion/ 


    In this IG live I discuss The Way of The Sacred Feminine 4-week immersion in more detail of what the 4 weeks and entire journey will consist of, what you will benefit and can expect to learn, evolve and embody.


    In times of great change more and more women are hearing the call of The Sacred Feminine to reclaim our power, creativity, and sensuality to birth our sacred gifts into this world for not just the benefit of our life but those before us and those that come after us.


    This immersion is for you if you have been hearing the whispers and the call of the Sacred Feminine if you have been drawn to nature and a deep yearning for heart centred connection. You are ready to dive into the depths of your being to awaken, heal and transform and you are feeling a deep longing to become intimate with your own femininity and what that even looks like or means to you.


    The 4-week immersion will take place during Virgo Season
the feminine season, Virgo as a representation of the Virgin – Maiden energy bursting with life, curiosity and opportunity.

    We meet every Tuesday starting August 30th 5-7pm online via Zoom until September 20th.

    Week 1: Tues. Aug. 30th 5-7pm

    Week 2: Tues. Sep. 6th 5-7pm

    Week 3: Tues. Sep. 13th 5-7pm

    Week 4: Tues. Sep. 20th 5-7pm

    All live sessions will be recorded and sent to you via email along with integrational homework (so should you not be able to make one week you will have the replay)


    Join via this link: https://www.francescaraffa.com/shop/events-retreats/the-way-of-the-sacred-feminine-a-4-week-immersion/

    Book before Sunday 31st July and receive 50% off using code ‘IMMERSION50’ 

    I look forward to journeying and guiding you home to the Sacred Feminine within.

    Love & Blessings,




    #feminineenergy #femininearchetypes #femininehealing #awakenthefeminine #feminineembodiment #feminineempowerment #embodimentwork #wombwisdom #sacredfeminineteachings #sacredfemininerising

  • You do not want to miss this episode with Carly Ann, an expert Somatic Attachment Therapist specialising in relationship attachment styles with over 12 years’ experience supporting people in transforming their lives. Through Carly’s own healing she began to realise the patterns she was playing out in relationships and how and why they were showing up time and time again.

    Throughout this episode we hone in on unworthiness and the abandonment wound both of which commonly stem from childhood of not having needs met and how this can show up and replay out in adult life and relationships. Carly Ann shares some very important tips on how to recognise the attachments in relationships and how to begin to navigate these to understand what it is that you truly want. We touch on how important the inner work is to consciously make the changes to breaking habitual subconscious patterns and how it is through relationships that we can begin to expand our own awareness and notice the triggers to be a tool for our own healing.

    Connect with Carly and check out her free masterclass & downloads:

    Instagram: @carly.ann_



    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • Delighted to invite onto this episode the inspirational Danielle Bastier who shares her journey of awakening, healing and transforming. She shares with us some of her transformational life breakdowns that bought through the most beautiful breakthroughs leading her into her awakened self today as a Counsellor, Astrologer and Human Design Guide.

    Throughout this episode Danielle shares her tremendously relatable journey of playing the narrative of the ‘good girl’ and living up to the expectations and reality that has been put upon her until she realised
 “I have a choice!” It is often through the breakdowns in life that shine a light on that which is not working, that which we need to change and only you can do that
it’s the spiral of life, the ebbs and flows.

    The passion that pours from Danielle when talking her truth and purpose for using Human Design as a transformational tool for living life in alignment through her own experience on how this work allowed her to open up into a deeper understanding of self and connect back with all parts and expressions who she truly is on a soul level to then from this place know how to direct and co-create her must joyful, passion-led life.

    You can get your Human Design chart read and connect with Danielle via Instagram:



    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @francescaraffa

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • An insightful episode with @khadauraroshan sharing all kinds of transformational nuggets and wise words of inspiration. Touching on points around the container of the masculine holding the space for the creation of the feminine intertwined together to form structure guided by a depth that @khadauraroshan embodies so beautifully.

    We deep dive into different topics of conversation exploring various interests that bring about change to one's life, one that myself and @khadauraroshan share is around dance embodiment and how the movement of the body acts like a paintbrush of expression for accessing deeper truths and allowing the space to feel into the depths of emotion. There is so much empowerment shared in this episode, how taking full accountability shifts your perception into taking back control and power of your own life! Nothing has control over you unless you allow it to
and @khadauraroshan shares his vulnerable story around this.

    Be sure to listen to this episode and share in the comments what insights you received. I certainly learned so much from @khadauraroshan and I thank you for your wisdom and presence!

    Connect with Khadaura:

    Instagram: @khadauraroshan 



    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @the_spiral_collective

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • Sisterhood wounds? What are they? We will all have our own understanding of the term and for me in my healing journey, this has been a major major theme! Continuously showing up in various ways has really made me have to pause and look deeper, at the roots, at the preconditioned learnings...I invited my beautiful sister Iman @healingwithiman on this week's episode to have a discussion around sisterhood wounds as we have been co-creating/facilitating sister circles together which we have both come to realise has been such a beautiful experience for our own healing!

    I loved sharing this conversation with Iman in such a pure and vulnerable way
both sharing stories around bullying, competition, and the importance of unity, collectively coming together to heal
what I find so beautiful about exploring sisterhood wounds with other sisters is that the wounding is so similar the stories and narratives may differ but the underlying pains and wounding have a patterning around distrust
 fear of judgment
and not feeling fully seen or heard all of which derives from a much much deer place that has been passed down the generations.

    Please let us know in the comments below whether you could resonate with anything that was shared, let us support each other together, we are here to break the chains.


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @the_spiral_collective

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • This week I was invited to speak on Bevan’s @thewellbeingwhizz Omnicast Podcast. With mental health conditions increasing worldwide it is more important now than ever to talk and share the truth around this subject from the eyes of each individual
it often gets thrown around anxiety disorder, depression
as if segregated or boxed from another
from my belief this is not at all true, we all experience feelings of anxiety and depression
but it does not mean we are those emotions it means we struggle to manage/detach ourselves from the emotion taking control of our lives.

    Through work like Bevan’s @thewellbeingwhizz who helps people to understand the depths of what anxiety is and work through their own feelings of anxiety highlighting the understanding that ‘anxiety’ is as an emotion rather than a disorder - this in itself already sheds a positive light
because what we know about emotions is that they are energy in motion
they come and go
and it is our responsibility to heighten our awareness of our emotions so that we can come to terms with them and start to find our own way to manage them - which is where mindfulness practices come in.

    In this episode, I share my story of when ‘anxiety’ was my predominant emotion and I did not even know it
when I was unconscious of my thoughts and feelings which allowed the anxiety to obtain autopilot. I share ways in which I experienced burnout, where my life living in this way was not sustainable nor fulfilling which led me to prioritise my own wellbeing
and here I am today. 

    We hope you enjoy this episode, there are definitely lots of laughs in here too! Let us know in the comments below if these stories resonate with you, it is time to speak out safely.

    Connect with Bevan: @thewellbeingwhizz / www.thewellbeingwhizz.com


    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @the_spiral_collective

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • This is a very juicy episode, talking with Maria @mariajuzwin, your heart guide. Maria shares her journey into rediscovering her worth that has transformed her life in ways she could never have imagined
she is fully unleashed, unapologetic, authentic and truly lives life from the heart guiding other women to do the same!

    In this episode, we talk about how our worth and saying ‘yes’ is conditioned in us from a young age. This makes honouring our sacred ‘no’ difficult to do
Maria shares with us how she untangled this conditioning and gives advice on how we can begin to embody our sacred ‘no.’ When we begin to say ’no’ to things that are not what we truly want in their fullest form, it acts as a signal to the universe that we know our worth and we begin to attract in more of what we do desire (not just settling for something that ticks just 1 out of the 5 boxes). This takes a great amount of self-trust, but self-trust and self-worth go hand and hand. When we know our worth we trust we deserve all we desire.

    The power of this conversation got really heated and the passion in my voice was radiating! What I love about conversations like these is that when we listen to the stories of others we realise they aren’t that different to our own
the stories that maybe we keep hidden, or feel ashamed of are the same stories that shape you, transform you and must be owned and talked about as part of you - you are never alone, and in speaking out you encourage others to embrace their truth, feeling safe and held in the process.

    Connect with Maria: @mariajuzwin


    Download her free ‘Wisdom From Within’ Guidebook into reconnecting with your inner child for they are a critical piece in understanding who you are.




    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @the_spiral_collective

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x

  • This week I had the pleasure of chatting with Pete, @pete.5087. Pete is an inspirational and wise gentleman that I had the pleasure to connect with through the retreat we attended for our Reiki Usui Mastership training.

    Pete shares with us his trilogy highlighting pivotal points in his life's journey that were signs leading him to embark on his spiritual path leading him to where he is today as a powerful healer. Through his curiosity about the universe and everything in it, Pete was always drawn to spiritual work that came and went throughout his life. It wasn’t until he had a psychic reading from a medium who told him about the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, which Pete attended and truly began awakening his innate gifts. Through this awakening, Pete had an affair with alcohol which for him was another important pinpoint moment of his life that took dedication and commitment to overcome that really allowed him to open himself up completely!

    What I loved about Pete’s journey is that his calling was always with him (like it is with all of us) and throughout his life, there was a host of what may seem like ‘random’ events that kept leading and encouraging him back to his destined path. Just know that it is never too late to answer your calling, just be ready and willing to answer.

    Connect with Pete: @pete.5087 or email: [email protected]

    If you enjoyed this episode I would really appreciate it if you were to like & subscribe to this podcast as it helps tell the algorithm to know you enjoy content like this and helps a small creator like myself GROW!

    For more insight and guidance connect with me via Instagram: @the_spiral_collective

    Check out my online events, offerings, and services:



    Francesca x