Hosts Brenden, Colin, and Tone delve into the five universal touchstones that make a good Improv scene with talented and famous improvisers from around the world. Hear their opinions and learn how to improvise with Truth, Vulnerability, Playfulness, Positivity, and Presence.
Home of Inside The Funny Or Die Vault, Bless These Braces, and more!
Inside The Funny Or Die Vault
One part comedy deconstruction, one part career retrospective, and one part nostalgia trip through the first wave of internet comedy. Our guests pick a video from FOD’s storied history as a jumping off point to talk about all the ways the comedy landscape has changed since the days when TikTok was just a Kesha song. Host Marcos Gonzalez leads guests through their career trajectories and how their work was influenced by the best (and worst) the internet has had to offer. Gonzalez returns to FOD as our host, after interning at FOD a decade ago at the start of his own comedy career, which more recently included a stint as a writer/actor on the critically acclaimed series, Jury Duty.
Bless These Braces
Writer and comedian Tam Yajia mines her own past and dives deep into the awkward teenage years of her guests to explore the coming of age ceremonies that are supposed to mark our transformation into adults. From first kisses to first periods, reading the Torah in front of the congregation to writing AOL away messages alone in your room, Tam and her hilarious guests leave no stone unturned in their exploration of the most awkward (and meaningful) years of our lives. -
Bästisarna Klara Elvgren och Alice Stenlöf möts i studion varje vecka för att prata om livets kontraster och sanningar. Klara skildrar verkligheten bakom karriären och familjelivet, vad innebär det för Klara att hon nu ska bli tvåbarnsmamma samtidigt som karriären stegrar som snabbast? Alice navigerar det nya kärlekslivet och det inte alltid så glammiga influenceryrket samtidigt som hon är uppstartsfasen med sitt nya klädvarumärke. Hur håller dom alla bollar i luften samtidigt? Går det? Det är högt i tak när tjejerna kliver in i studion för att spela in nya avsnitt om vad fan var det som hände? En podcast om livet, karriärer, relationer, sex och kärlek. Avsnitt släpps varje onsdag.
Klipps av Victor Ganguly
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
No właśnie, co?
przywó - Na prezesa lub dyrektora wybiera cię rada nadzorcza lub zarząd, jednak nominacja na lidera odbywa się w sercach i umysłach ludzi, którymi kierujesz - John Adair
Tune in as Brandi Denise dives deep into stories of times when passion/love has lead her and some funny guest to madness.
Secure The Gag is a queer comedy podcast hosted by comedian and writer, Nathan Pearson. Tune in every Monday as Nathan interviews funny queers about their infamous online videos, bits, and success.
Jeff May has cool friends and he wants you to meet them! Join the comedian/host as he and one or more of his cool friends talk about what makes them so cool.
A queer comedy podcast that asks "whose fault is it that you’re gay?" And if you’re straight, why are you so obsessed with us? Comedian Eric Williams is joined by queer friends and straight allies about the moments that gayed us and the traumas the bind us. It's honest, it's hilarious, it's a Gay Ass Podcast.
Support this show
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Okiem Młodzieży jest kanałem podcastowym. Wszelkie audycje, wywiady oraz projekty w których opowiadamy są w 100% naszym spojrzeniem na dany temat.
This podcast is going to be two best friends talking about life, friendships, relationship, mental health and pop culture.
SwitchCast is the automotive news and entertainment show that’s not just for car people. Hosts Doug Tabbutt and Tyler Sanders bring the snark to the car world each week with their skillfully blended cocktail of automotive advice, personal finance, and extra-dry humor.
Jak mądrze popularyzować naukę? Robić to w innowacyjny sposób. Właśnie o to zadba Asia Wojsiat, która raz w miesiącu zabierze Was do świata neuronauki, przyglądając się przeróżnym nowinkom i doniesieniom. Znajdziecie tu też tipy, wyzwania, polecajki książkowe, podcastowe i muzyczne. Sponsorem podcastu jest Perlage [współpraca reklamowa]
Part game show and part chat show. Your host, London Welsh comedian Vix Leyton, holds an ever-changing numbered list of 30 possible subjects - from everyday to current affairs - and invites three comics to compete to take the mic with stories, anecdotes, jokes or even songs, like a parlour game at the best fantasy dinner party you could ever imagine.
The game - fun.
The rules - highly convoluted.
The laughs - constant.
Guests to play the arcade so far have included Sara Barron, Sikisa, Tiernan Douieb, Thom Tuck, John-Luke Roberts, Esyllt Sears, Esther Manito, John Robertson, Leslie Ewing-Burgesse , Sooz Kempner, Shappi Korsandi, Lulu Popplewell, Joz Norris, Sam Rhodes, Grainne Maguire & Ilayda Arden
Artwork by Studio.1440
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
榮獲國家粗俗金牌獎,喜劇排名最精華地段,坐擁夏夕夏景第一排。抖內、商業合作、DC社群點擊下方連結。小額贊助杰哥迎娶越南新娘: 西北DC社群特別感謝 -濁水溪公社柯董提供-農村出事情作為頻道歌曲 -場地及設備提供: 噴火蟲錄音室--Hosting provided by SoundOn
This is a podcast where Dhiman Sarkar and Vivek Krishnan of the Hindustan Times sports desk talk about the beautiful game. From transfers to tournaments, their discussions will cover what matters in football, in India and abroad. So, join them every week on Kicks For Free, if football is a matter of life and death -- or more -- for you.
This is a Hindustan Times production brought to you by HT Smartcast. -
Standup'er Filip Brymora rozmawia o rozwoju i rozkminach dużych i małych.
Jeden gruby, drugi chudy, jeden z brodą, drugi gładki, jeden nieokrzesany ogr, drugi powściągliwy jak brytyjski dwór królewski. Co może pójść nie tak? Przekonać możecie się sami. Zapraszamy na zupełnie nowy podcast. O życiu, o tym co nas wkurza, co nas śmieszy, przez co płaczemy i za czym tęsknimy. Przed Wami DZIEŃ ZA DNIEM, czyli przemyślenia dwóch facetów, którzy z niejednego pieca chleb jedli. I chcą jeść dalej, bo nic piękniejszego od życia dla nich nie istnieje.
Podobało Ci się? 🤣 Koniecznie zasubskrybuj nasz kanał.
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