
  • For today's episode we're diving back into the Badass Fertility Podcast archives to share one of my all time favorite episodes. We're talking about the power of affirmations to support OR sabotage your efforts to get and stay pregnant. We hear a lot about positive thinking to help you through the struggle to conceive. But we often get misled about exactly why and how it works... and when it doesn't. Or worse yet, when it backfires. Today's episode is critical if you want to learn how to use the power of words to support, not sabotage your success on this journey.

    For daily hits of high vibe inspiration, down to earth information and authentic support on your journey to your baby, follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility

  • When we think about getting pregnant, it’s always focusedon the physical body. But what about the role the mind plays in the body? We forget the tremendous toll that stress, anxiety and depression play upon our nervous system. And we pay a high price for that forgetfulness.

    Women diagnosed with (my least favorite word) “infertility” experience stress, anxiety and depression levels much higher than in the mainstream population. This is cause for concern in itself. But whatmakes things worse, is that those mental states have physical repercussions that negatively impact fertility. So,women given this diagnosis are now at a double disadvantage because they’re already struggling, but being labeled “infertile” makes it even harder toconceive because of the observable impact that diagnosis has on the nervous system.

    It’s like a total catch 22.

    Thankfully, there’s a science backed way out of this mess, and I’m going to break it down for you on today’s podcast.

    This is Part One of a three part series where I’m breaking down the 3-pillars behind the BFP's 60% pregnancy ratein our most recent cohort.

    If you’re ready to hop off the hamster wheel of never-ending conception chaos and master the tools behind our incredible pregnancy rate, click HERE and join the BFP

    Doors close May 21st or once it's full. Imagine, on May 22nd you could be in an entirely new, inspiring and resource rich world of badass mamas in the making. You in?

    Questions? I have answers! And I loooove to chat onIG. DM me “BFP” to get the convo going. (Find me on Instagram @BadassFertility)

    References (cause, you know... science :)

    The Mind Body Program for Infertility: A NewBehavioral Treatment Approach for Women with Infertility.(https://doi.org/10.1016/S0015-0282(16)53275-0)

    Impact of a group Mind/Body Intervention onPregnancy Rates in IVF Patients(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.03.046

    The impact of stress on fertility treatment DOI:10.1097/GCO.0000000000000261

    (Rodney, K. L. & Domar, A.D. (2008) TheRelationship Between Stress and Infertility. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience20(1), 41 -47)

    (Roozitalab, S. et. al. The Relationship BetweenInfertility, Stress and Quality of Life with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder inInfertile Women. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 2021 10.18502/jri.v22i4.7654)

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  • Meet Nita and Penny. These two badass ladies could've stopped after the first, second, or third failed IUI, but they didn't. They could've given up after a chemical pregnancy, but they didn't. They could've said f*ck this when their sperm donor's junk got lost in transit on transfer day, but they kept going. These two amazing women knew they were meant to be moms and kept saying YES even when the universe was throwing serious curve balls. On today's episode they reflect on their journey to motherhood and what helped them get there.

    Like this podcast? You'll LOVE my masterclass: From Burnt Out to Badass happening Wednesday May 8th. CLICK HERE to register. I'm teaching my 3 favorite secrets to shift out of conception chaos into clarity without adding 1,000 things to your to-do list.

    ...Oh! And, I'll be answering all your questions and showering you with goodies! Register now before it's too late CLICK HERE

    Questions about anything? DM me on Instagram @BadassFertility. I LOVE hearing from you and am always happy to chat. :)

  • One essential thing that we don’t have nearly enough of on this journey is TRUST. Often we stop trusting our body; we stop trusting our choices; we stop trusting that one day our baby will be in our arms. Instead, we begin counting numbers, statistics and odds. We use the past as a predictor of the future, and it does not look good. In this podcast we explore:

    · Why evolution makes us prone to think we’ll neversucceed on this journey

    · What science has to say about increasing the odds ofconception

    · Three essential habits that women who succeed on thisjourney have on lockdown.

    · Why going through your fertility journey alonedecreases your odds of success.

    If you like the podcast, you will LOVE my masterclass! We have tons of fun. Join my free, live masterclass here:From Burnt Out to Badass. I’m sharing three of my favorite tools to shift out of conception chaos and into clarity without adding 1,567 things to your to-dolist. I'll also answer all your questions and give some goodies to everyone who attends live.

    Or, click below to register for my free, live masterclass May 8th, 2024


    Want daily hits of high vibe inspiration, down to earth information and loads of authentic understanding?Follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility

  • The stress of trying to conceive is incredibly heavy, andone thing that often makes it harder is not knowing how or what to share with your friends.

    We often experience a stigma around struggling to get pregnant which makes it nearly impossible to share about it without feeling self-conscious or afraid of being judged.

    Even though women who are diagnosed with infertility experience stress levels comparable to that of people diagnosed with life threatening disease like cancer, heart disease and HIV, our loved ones don’t always treat us the same. We fear being told to "just relax" or "stop trying so hard", or we're casually advised to try whatever our sister’s friend’s, cousin did to get pregnant.

    Over and over again, our very valid fears are brushed off with, “it’ll be okay” leaving us wishing we never shared in the first place.

    That’s one of the reasons why support groups are so helpful for women on the TTC journey (In fact, they’ve been shown to increase conception rates by up to 50%). And, if you’re looking for one, click HERE to get on the waitlist for mine (with a 60% pregnancy rate from our most recent cohort).

    But, even if you join an amazing support group, you still have relationships that you need to navigate and want to feel good about.

    Today’s episode will tell you the REAL reason it’s so hard to share and then walk you through 5 steps to take to improve how you communicate with loved ones so you can feel better and live better while you’re working to bring home your baby.

    Have you heard about my free live Masterclass coming on May 8th? From Burnt Out to Badass will take you through my proven technique (I call the 3 R's) to help calm the chaos in your brain, bring clarity to your journey and improve your life, all of which help you live better and bring your baby home faster. In this class, I'll explain why that't true and how it works! I'm also giving away some awesome goodies and answering ALL your questions!

    Register for the Live Masterclass, HERE

    I love, love, love connecting on IG and hearing your story. Reach out and say Hi! @BadassFertility

    In case you missed the links :)

    BFP Spring Cohort Waitlist: https://badassfertility.com/bfp-may-waitlist/

    Free Live Masterclass: https://badassfertility.com/bfp-webinar/

  • Do you feel angry when your period is about to start? Do you snap at your partner more? Do you tend to overcommit when you’re ovulating? Doyou even know when you’re ovulating? Our cycles and their impact on us tend to be invisible. We sort of have a vague idea of PMS, but the rest is generallyoff our radar (at least it was for me for most of my life, lol). However, paying attention to our entire cycle can unlock blocks between us and our babies, and it isn’t very hard or time consuming to do! On today’s show, Kate Nguy shares a few simple tools we can use to make a huge impact on our menstrual health. We dive deep into the flow of the female menstrual cycle uncovering some hidden truths that can be life changing. Kate shares her incredible fertility story, including 3 ectopic pregnancies, how shewent on to defy dire odds ultimately conceiving and carrying three healthy babies, naturally. Her journey inspired her to learn more about how living in harmony with our menstrual cycle, rather than struggling against it, can actually optimize fertility and make life SO much better simultaneously. In this episode we discuss:

    · Kate’s experience with ectopic pregnancy and howshe beat the odds (to have 3 kids!).

    · What is hormone hacking and how can it help youget pregnant?

    · How knowing your menstrual cycle will help youunderstand your emotions and improve your relationships.

    · Why progesterone, testosterone and estrogen affectus at different phases of our menstrual cycle.

    · How understanding the role of these hormones empowersus to structure our lives to optimize fertility.

    · Why fear, doubt and negativity can’t hurt you aslong as you follow this simple rule.

    · How to listen to your body and use it alongsidelogic to make decisions that bring you closer to your baby.

    Connect with Kate!
    Instagram: @thealignedwomb
    Website: Sheerevival.com
    Sacred Cycle Charting Journal:https://sheerevival.ck.page/430081fe5c
    Maybe It's Not You: The Truth on PMS Ebook: https://sheerevival.ck.page/2f7ce298d6

    Aligned Womb, Aligned You -https://www.sheerevival.com/podcast

    Ready to stop feeling Burnt Out on this journey and become the Badass Mama you’re meant to be without guilt, deprivation or adding 1,657 things to your to-do list? Register here for my free live masterclasson May 8th. I’m sharing my favorite 3 R's to help you bring your baby home without wasting more time and money in the process. At the end, I'll chat with you and answer ANY questions you bring to the live masterclass.

    Join the WAITLIST for the BFP Spring Cohort: Click Here

  • When you get good news on this journey, how do you respond? If you’re like most women who’restruggling to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term, you try not to get too excited. Does that sound right?

    If it does, then today’s show is going to help you feel more comfortable celebrating your wins. If you’ve experiencedsomething traumatic like miscarriage, failed IVF, a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, or some other horrible thing, then it’s understandable that when a bit of good news comes your way, like a great blood test, a successful eggretrieval or a sign of healthy ovulation, you’re cautious about feeling “too” happy.

    Maybe you’re worried that feeling excited now will make it more painful later if things don’t work out? Like by not celebrating it’ll hurt less is something goes wrong? I’m going to tell you the truth right now because I love you and I don’t want you to suffer: it doesn’t help.

    Being cautious about being happy is like sending a big red flag out to the universe that says, I’m miserable, give me more please. When you celebrate your wins you signal to your body, your mind and the universe at large that youexpect more good things to come, and that sets you up to realize those things.

    In contrast, when you stay cautious, the sadness of a loss or something not working out on schedule doesn’t hurt less. You just hurt twice: once when you expect it or deny your happiness as a way of “protecting” yourself and the other when whatever thing you feared actually happens.

    Today we’re talking about what you can do instead of living in this cycle of denial and fear and start living your BEST life while you prepare for baby.

    Ready to get serious about bringing your baby home in the next year? Join the waitlist for the BFP SpringCohort. Waitlist friends get up to $500 in discounts and bonuses, PLUS early access to register ahead of the crowd. https://badassfertility.com/bfp-may-waitlist/

    Break the habits that can sabotage your success on this journey. Start with this ebook: https://badassfertility.com/fb-ad-habits/

    Want daily hits of high vibe inspiration, down to earth information and authentic support? Follow me onInstagram! @BadassFertility


  • We hear a lot of BS on this journey from our doctors and other “experts”, but sadly, we also tell ourselvesa lot of stories that simply aren’t true. And most of us don’t realize that we’re doing it. If you’ve had failed IVF treatments, suffered from a miscarriage, been told you have unexplained infertility or any other of the host of things that women experience on this journey, then the odds arethat beautiful sneaky brain of yours is feeding you at least one (if not all three) of these common lies.

    Have you ever found yourself wondering if you waited too long, if this struggle is your fault, or if you’re being punished for something?

    If you said yes to one or more of those questions, then you need to check out this podcast right now. Living in fear, blame and guilt is not only making you miserable it’s also blocking your fertility.

    That’s because you can’t make good decisions from a bad place. The more stressed out, guilt ridden and fearful we become, the more our pre-frontal cortex gets overloaded and our thinking literally becomes muddied. Whenwe’re feeding ourselves a steady diet of thoughts like “I’m too old” or “It’s my fault this isn’t working” we think we’re basing our ideas off of facts, but the truth is they’re reactions to a frightening, high stakes situation. But we believe them anyway. And that muddies our thinking and the cycle continues.

    How do you break the cycle? Poke at the thoughts so you can see exactly how “true” (or UNTRUE) they really are.

    And that’s exactly what we’re doing together on today’s episode.

    Join the Waitlist for the BFP Spring Cohort: CLICK HERE

    Follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility

  • When getting pregnant gets hard, we obsess about supplements, diet, exercise, doctors, protocols, sleep, energy and so many more things related to the physical body. And we assume that those are the only necessary bases to cover. Meanwhile, our minds turn into a toxic waste dump and most of us don’t even realize it’s happening.

    On today’s episode with guest expert Michelle Oravitz, we’re myth-busting the mistaken belief that our mind plays second fiddle to our body on the fertility journey. This is an episode you don’t want to miss. It lays out essential information like:

    · Why birth control is an illusionary fix for anything other than preventing pregnancy.

    · Our bodies are hardwired to reproduce, struggling to conceive isn’t a failure; it’s a puzzle to piece together.

    · An open heart opens the uterus to receive.

    · The secret to getting pregnant isn’t having lots of sex when you ovulate; it’s actually at a different time of the month.

    · Loving yourself is not conceited. It’s the key to optimizing fertility.

    We dive into so much essential information based onthousands of years of practice built into Traditional Chinese Medicine. Michelle has 20 years-experience helpingwomen conceive using the systems she talks about today. And everything she says aligns perfectly with the topics we regularly discuss on this show. It’s so aligned, it’sfreaking mind-blowing.

    Michelle Oravitz is the host of a top-rated podcast called ‘The Wholesome Fertility Podcast’

    She recently authored a new book, The Way of Fertility, which dives deep into the energetics of fertility through the lens of ancient wisdom.

    Great News! The Spring Cohort of the BFP is launching SOON.

    Right now you can join the Waitlist and receive up to $500 in discounts and bonuses, plus early access to enroll. This is an intimate program with a cap on admissions. Click HERE to learn more.

    I post high vibe inspiration and down to earth information daily on Instagram @BadassFertility. If you want authentic, uncensored and compassionate insights on how to successfully navigate the journey to your baby, follow me.

    Links to Info mentioned in the show:

    Fibonacci’s Sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt2OlMAJj6o

    Heart Math Institute: https://www.heartmath.org/

  • We all want to know the fastest way to get pregnant, the secret tricks to boost your fertility or the best way to beat stress and boost fertility.

    But the truth is, when it comes to a lot of this stuff, different things are going to work differently for different people.

    That said, just because the things you have to “do” may be different, there is one thing that applies to everyone and it’s the same for everyone no matter what: whether or not you utilize yourmindset to optimize your chances of success.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re struggling to get pregnant at 28 or 46, you need to know about this ONE thing that is a major game changer.

    It comes down to this: getting pregnant is less about what you’re doing and more about how you’re being.

    Here’s some key takeaways to help break that down:

    1. If you’re doing all the right things, but super stressed about it, that could be working against you.

    2. When you’re trying so hard to be perfect (because who wouldn’t, right?) you’re more likely to make choices that lead you down the wrong path.

    3. If you’re going about getting pregnant the same way you succeeded in school or in the workplace -STOP it right now.

    4. There are 3 Surprising Habits that block your fertility, and they're pretty easy to fix.

    Download my free Ebooklet that explains them.Three Surprising Habits that Block Fertility Click HERE

    Stopping these will not only improve your life it'll boost your fertility even if you’re over 35, doing IVF or had failed cycles.

    Follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility for high vibe inspiration and down to earth information that helps you navigate the journey to your baby with a little less stress and a lot more savvy.

  • Grief on the fertility journey doesn't just refer to the loss of a pregnancy, although that is traumatic and necessitates healing. It also refers to the loss of a dream. As females, we're raised looking forward to getting married and having kids. It's the tagline to every Disney Princess movie you ever watched -even the empowered ones!

    So, when you encounter challenges to making that happen, you lose your ability to confidently look forward to that time in your life. There's a part of your dream that dies. That doesn't mean you're giving up. Hell no. If you're reading this and listening to this show, then I KNOW you're NOT giving up. It doesn't matter if you've been diagnosed with PCOS, endometriosis, "old" eggs, thyroid issues, recurrent miscarriage, unexplained infertility or some other awful diagnosis, you're going to become a mom. BUT, the dream of it being simple, splendid and romantic gets crushed under the weight of infertility. Today's episode looks at the intrinsic aspect of grief within every struggle to conceive and offers 5 essential steps for building the resilience required to deal with anything your journey throws at you.

  • Wondering about the power of yoga to treat infertility?

    You may be asking:

    · Can yoga boost fertility?

    · Can fertility yoga help you conceive?

    · Are there particular yoga poses that supportfertility?

    · How does yoga prepare the body for conceptionand pregnancy?

    On today’s show, we’re chatting with Jennifer Edmonds, afertility yoga, Pilates and meditation expert. Jen endured a long struggle to conceive her two children. Along the way, she found a method that helped her conceive even after failed IVF, miscarriages, and being diagnosed with “old eggs”.

    Today Jen is the founder of Element Pilates and Yoga. She’s helped women all over the world through fertility challenges and on their path to motherhood.

    If you’ve never tried yoga, or you already love it, thisshow has a lot of empowering information you need to hear.

    Some of the highlights include:

    · How to work with your menstrual cycle to balanceyour hormones

    · The importance of recognizing more isn’talways more and ways to pull back in order to move forward.

    · Ways to improve ovulation naturally

    · Using yoga to reduce stress, balance hormonesand revitalize your menstrual cycle.

    · Increase your odds of getting pregnant naturallywith yoga

    · Bringing kindness and nourishment into yourroutine to boost fertility and overall wellbeing

    · Working with your body rather than pushing yourbody actually makes you more fertile.

    We talk science, we talk emotions and, most importantly, we talk honestly about what it’s like to be a woman struggling to conceive and how to best navigate through the noise and find the best, right thing for YOU to support your dream of becoming a mom.

    Grab Jen's FREE Fertility Yoga Guide Free Guide

    Follow Jen on Instagram @Jen.elementpilatesyoga

    Have you been trying to get pregnant for over a year?

    Check out my e-booklet: 3 Surprising Habits that Block Fertility You need to STOP these right away, even if you're over 35, doing IVF or had failed cycles.

    For daily high vibe inspiration, authentic understanding and vital information for women on the path to their baby, follow me on IG


  • Doubt. Disbelief. Despair. Defeat. These are just a few of the words that describe how hard it is to be in the TTC trenches. But it truly doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, no matter where you are onyour journey: struggling with failed embryo transfers, just starting IVF, seeking donor eggs, going at it the old-fashioned way, it’s possible to live your journey with greater confidence and ease. On today’s show Nancy Weiss joins us to talk about getting out of your head and connecting with our heart in order to bring your baby home. We talk about the importance of making choices not just from a logical place, but from an internal knowing as well. Nancy tells us about Spirit Babies, what they are and why connecting with them often opens up space for making decisions that helpbring your baby home.

    Nancy is a Reiki Master, psychic medium and intuitive coachwho supports women in reawakening their intuition and spirituality by empowering them with energy, mindset and manifestation techniques so they can experience profoundtransformation, trust themselves and feel confident in making their dreams a reality. She’s supported hundreds of women on the fertility journey to connect with their destined babies, releaseblocks, eliminate energy and bring their babies into the world.

    On today’s show Nancy sits down to share with us:

    · How she decided to pursue embryo adoption to manifest her two daughters.

    · How she trusted her gut and “knew it was right” to take the route she took to her daughters.

    · What is a Spirit Baby?

    · How can connecting with your spirit baby help bring them earthside?

    · Why it’s important to release the “how” when you’re TTC.

    · How energy healing can help you feel your feelings and release blocks to your baby.

    · Why learning to “let it go and let it flow” when you’re doing IVF, IUI, trying naturally, pursuing egg donors, embryo donors, finding a surrogate, or trying to conceive naturally is the best kept secret to bring your baby home.

    Check out Nancy’s meditation on YouTube and experience the calm of a mama who knows that her baby is coming. Click Here Connect with Nancy on Instagram: @nancyweissintuitive

    Book a Spirit Baby Session with Nancy Link: Book Now ⁠

    Want to implement the ideas we talked about on today’sshow? Learn a few quick exercises to stop the negative loop playing in your head, reduce overwhelm and make decisions from a place of calm, not chaos. It won’t solve your problems overnight, but it’s a totally free start. Download the E-Booklet

    Looking for high vibe inspiration, down to earth informationand authenticity from someone who’s been there? Follow me on Instagram: @BadassFertility

  • When you're trying to have a baby and struggling through infertility, IUI, IVF, or have a condition like endometriosis or PCOS or something else, it's really hard NOT to get overly controlling about things. Right? I've been there and I know how much the desire to become a mom can take over your life and make you start trying to be perfect at everything. We know that perfection doesn't equal pregnancy, but (maybe you think) it can't hurt, right? But the problem with trying to be perfect and micromanage every moment is that is can actually get in your way. (Sorry, don't shoot the messenger.) I'm bringing you this episode because I want you to reclaim a part of you that is powerful and incredibly valuable if you're trying to conceive but it's mostly INVISIBLE in today's world. You could go your entire journey without ever learning this, and if that's the case, you might waste time and struggle more. I don't want that for you. I want you to get this NOW, so you can move to your next right step and bring yourself closer to your baby. So, if you're ready to get rid of overwhelm and say hello to a different way of thinking and acting on this journey, you're in the right place my friend. Check out today's episode.

    Do you want to walk the Badass Path to your baby alongside fabulous, smart, conscious women like yourself? Join the Waitlist for the next BFP cohort. Waitlist friends get early access to sign up, discounts and bonuses. JOIN THE WAITLIST

    Are you following me on IG yet? I post daily and bring you high vibe inspiration, valuable insights and loads of love. Follow me @BadassFertility

  • Nobody who’s going through IVF, trying multiple rounds of IUI, taking Clomid, suffered a miscarriage or had a still born child, feels in control. The very nature of this stuff feels so far out of our control it’s frightening. That means, if you’re anything like me, you dig in your heals and fight tooth and nail to control as much as you possibly can. You try to be perfect, thinking it’ll help you get pregnant. Right? Today's show is here to remedy that pressure, stress and negativity with something much more helpful: a proven strategy to help you stop trying to control the uncontrollable and instead get really clear on what you can control and how to do it. Letting go of what you can't control creates so much more space for freedom, flexibility and focus on what really matters, what really works to get you pregnant in the end. I've got the strategy for doing this, and I'm sharing it on today's show.

    For daily high vibe inspiration, down to earth validation and essential tools to navigate your journey to your baby follow me @BadassFertility

    There's *ONE spot* left for the Badass Fertility Group Coaching Program (BFP) January 2024 cohort. JOIN HERE

  • If you’ve been diagnosed with infertility, are doing IVF,IUI or trying to conceive naturally, chances are people have suggested you “just think positive” or “repeat affirmations”

    While these can be powerful tools, sometimes they don’t helpat all and can even work against you.

    That’s because words are meaningless and energy is everything.Sometimes saying something over and over can help us FEEL that it’s true, and in that case, you could say an affirmation is working.

    But what happens when, no matter how many times you say it,you just can’t believe “my baby is coming” (or whatever affirmation you chose)?

    Or, even worse, what happens if saying the affirmation makesyou feel bad?

    If you’re ready for more than mantras and positive thinking,and you want to get down to the business of what it takes to rewire your thoughts to have them truly work for you while you’re trying to conceive, today’s episode is for you.

    The Badass Fertility Group Program (BFP) is still open forone more week. If you want to grab the LAST spot, click here to join: JOIN NOW

    Follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility for high vibe inspiration and down to earth information delivered daily for women on the path to their baby.

  • If you’ve been diagnosed with infertility or are one the 30%of women diagnosed with unexplained infertility then this episode is for you. Today we’re talking about how emotions,childhood experiences, and even the experiences of your parents and grandparents can impact your ability to conceive and carry to term. If you’re doing IUI, IVF or trying to conceive naturally, this is empowering news because it places the ability to remove blocks to conception back in your hands. We allcarry scars from childhood and they impact everyone in different ways. For some of us those scars impact our abilityto conceive by creating hormonal imbalances or physical or emotional blocks to conception. When you listen to today’s show, you’ll get a roadmap for unpacking the blocks that may be causing infertility.

    If you want to go further and remove those blocks, join theBadass Fertility Program (BFP). It’s starting in ONE WEEK! And it's almost full. There won't be another chance to join until spring. JOIN NOW

    Looking for high vibe inspiration on your journey to your baby? Follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility I love, love, love connecting on IG, so feel free to send me a DM, promise I'll write back :)

    Want to learn more about working with me? Go to www.badassfertility.com

  • If you’re like every woman who’s ever struggled to become a mom,then pregnancy announcements HURT. Let’s not sugar coat it: when you hear someone else is pregnant, the thought “why her and not me?” immediately goes through your head. Then you feel guilty for not automatically being happy, and you try to cover yourself by pretending to be excited as best you can. Meanwhile, inside your brain, you’re trying to stifle the devilish voice that wants to turn her pregnancy into a sign it’s never going to happen for you. Does any of this sound familiar? The bad news is that our brains are hardwiredto go to the negative first. The good news is that we can rewire them to focus on the positive through strategic andconsistent attention. Today’s episode offers an essential hack, that you’ve got to know, if you want to stop feeling like shite every time someone else gets pregnant. Plus, I’m offering this free 10+ page workbook that will explain the science behind our negative thinking, help you identify the thoughts most holding you back, and then show you how to choose new ones.

    This is an exclusive peak into what my badass ladies learn when they walk the badass path to pregnancy, but you can grab it now just for listening to today’s show.

    Download your FREE copy of Rewire Your Thoughts and Optimize Fertility

    Looking for daily hits of inspiration and indispensable information on walking the path to your baby like the badass that you are? Follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility

  • As one of our most downloaded podcasts form Season 1, we're re-releasing this extra special podcast today.

    Plus, as a bonus, you can download this amazing script that tells you EXACTLY what to say when people ask you unwanted questions about having kids.

    My badass ladies call this a total game changer, and you can grab it for free, right here: https://badassfertility.com/foolproof-comeback/

    In today’s episode we're talking about the dreaded question: “do you want to have kids” or “when do you want to have kids”, etc.

    No matter how it’s phrased, this question feels like a gut punch from out of the blue.

    It can make you dread encounters with colleagues, family gatherings, or catch-ups with friends. And the sad part is, those are some of the most fun parts of your day! And now, infertility has stolen that from you, too.

    That's why we're talking about how to gracefully and confidently field this super awkward experience.

    Be sure to download the super helpful script before you listen, and the next time you're in this situation, you will be armed with a perfect response. Grab it here for free

    Follow me @BadassFertility for high vibe inspiration, down to earth information and practical tools to become the mom you're meant to be.

  • When Penny and Nita began their conception journey, they knew they’d be working with doctors, but they still expected it to be pretty simple. 6 IUIs and two surgeries later they started losing hope. When they started IVF they also started the badass fertility program, and that is when the journey started to shift. Tune in to hear this amazing story of two women who refused to give up until their sweet baby girl was in their arms. They will remind you that no matter the road you are traveling it will be worth it because YOU are meant to be a mom.

    For daily high vibe inspiration, down to earth information, and practical tools to help you become a mom, follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility