
  • In 2005 Padma was featured as the only American author (under the name Christopher A. Love) to sign with ZYX Records, (a German record company) with his Guided Meditation titled, This is Just for You, in a Top-Selling two CD guided meditation set created by authors from around the world. 

    This guided meditation, which includes brainwave technology will MEDITATE YOU, directing you to portholes of silence, and the essentials that transform the ego mind. Padma composed the music and played all the instruments in his home studio on a Korg Karma Music Workstation. 

    Bearji is an artistic and passionate modern-day mystic, confirming again he is a seer of the secret teachings only a Sadguru can transmit. He points us to open our hearts to all of God’s grace and love with the profound esoteric spirituality behind all religions. 

    For more information see www.facebook.com/Padma.Bearji

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  • Music for Deep Sleep and Lucid Dreams by Padma

    This album includes a 3-minute vocal introduction and Pioneering Brainwave Technology designed and proven in clinical testing for Facilitating Deep Sleep & Sweet Dreams!

    Music for Deep Sleep and Lucid Dreams includes powerful Alpha, Theta, and Delta Brainwave Technology. 

    Padma uses pioneering audio brainwave technology and dreamy Soundscape music to guide your brainwaves into a deep state of relaxation and sleep. This music 44-minute album will naturally guide you into a relaxed meditative state simply by listening to beautiful and soothing music - with the brainwaves ramping you down into a rejuvenating deep and restful sleep.


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  • Episodes manquant?

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  • River Dreams of Ocean - Brainwave Music for Relaxation and Meditation 

    Composed and performed by Padma

    River Dreams of Ocean is one of Padma's most complicated brainwave music compositions he has ever created. Initially released by World Sangha Studios in 1997 under the name OM FOUND. 

    This album was in the top 20 New Age charts in Eastern Europe for over 20 months in 1998-1999.

    River Dreams of Ocean's gift is the Brainwave Entrainment embedded into the music specifically composed in these five movements of music. 

    Part One: Designed for deep relaxation and releasing stress, quieting the mind from all thought. 

    Part Two: Continues these deeply relaxed states while stimulating the chakras, awakening the Kundalini Life force Energy at the base of the spine, triggering intelligence, creativity, personal and spiritual insights, opening the listener up for spiritual experiences and the revelation of Truth.  

    Part Three: Takes the body deeper, dancing on the edge of the Delta Deep Sleep State, while the spiritual essence of your Being is fully aware and awake. This dynamic state has been used to promote Out of Body experiences during research.  

    Part Four: Uses a tone known in India as "Sadja" or the Sacred Sound of OM, the primordial sound of Creation.  

    Part Five: Creating the awareness of "Heaven on Earth" using harmonics set in the chord intervals of fifths (The fifth is known in Eastern Cultures as a powerful Earth Medicine) allowing for experiencing the balance between the physical and spiritual realms.


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  • In the late 90's as part of my volunteer work as the only man in a feminist non-profit, researching a book on young women. I offered weekly focus groups for teen boys and co-facilitated groups for the boys and girls workshops. I wrote a chapter on teen relationships in the award-winning and controversial international bestselling book, Daughters of the Moon, Sisters of the Sun. Myself and my life partner at the time, and the co-author of this book, K. Wind Hughes, received recognition from President Clinton for our work in Washington State for high school teens. 

    During this time, one of the boys in the focus group was pronounced dead at the scene of a horrible accident also involving some of the other boys and girls. Yet after 20 minutes of being covered with a blanket on the side of the road, Seth jumped up and stated, "What the hell?" and collapsed again.  He was then helicoptered in to Harbor View Medical Center in Seattle where he remained in a coma and wasn't expected to make it through the night. Wind and I arrived the next morning and were allowed into the special ward where he was surrounded by family. Seth's mother told the doctor I was the family priest, a shaman, come to give last rights. So he let us in. 

    In the focus groups the boys and girls affectionately called me Doctor Love. I walked into the room next to Seth laying in his bed with every kind of tubes, wires and bloody gauze and announced my arrival by saying, "Hey Seth, it's Doctor Love.... Shake man hand dude!" Seth immediate stuck up his hand to shake mine. 

    The doctor explained this can happen and that it doesn't mean anything, told us all there was no hope, he was brain dead, and that it would be best if we all left so the nurses could do their work, leaving the room giving us just minutes before he would throw us all out. 

    Seth continued to respond to my words for some reason. He continued to put up his hand and one of his legs to my command. I had absolutely no doubt he was in there and responding to me. 

    I prayed to my angels for guidance and how to help Seth, his family and the whole community that both Wind and I were consider leaders of at the time. I got one-hell-of-a angelic download that moment.  As soon as I arrived home I sat and put the guidance into words and wrote what became this guided meditation. 

    I printed out these words, grabbed my mini-cassette recorder with a set of headphones and went back to the hospital. After working our way back into the room past all the objections of the doctor, the nurses gave us the time we needed as Wind held sacred space and reiki energy, I whispered these words into Seth's ear and recorded it all on the mini-cassette. At the end of the process, I told Seth to open his eyes and he tried and tried. The next morning his mother played the cassette for him with the headphones and at the end where I told him to open his eyes, he did. 

    The doctor was told I had gotten to do this and reported to me when I arrived Seth was a vegetable now and I had no right to do whatever it was I did, giving the family hope, etc.. I went back the next day and Seth wasn't in the room. I was told he had been moved to speech therapy as he was walking and talking.  Seth walked from that hospital a week later and grabbed me, hugged me, and cried in my arms as he shared in great detail of all of his experiences.  

    This is not the only healing miracle somehow facilitated through me, but this one is documented. The doctor was forced to report a "priest/shaman whispered in his ear somehow stimulating a 'singularity.'"  Seth's brain-stem had almost been completely severed. 

    This is the first time I am sharing this story to the public.  Blessings, Bearji 

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  • "All I Know is This Love" by American Spiritual Teacher and author Padma Bearji is a guided meditation by a master, teacher, healer, and musician. It is meant for anyone following any spiritual path! 

    This guided meditation, which includes brainwave technology will MEDITATE YOU, directing you to portholes of silence, and the essentials that transform the ego mind. Padma composed the music and played all the instruments in his home studio on a Korg Karma Music Workstation. 

    Bearji is an artistic and passionate modern-day mystic, confirming again he is a seer of the secret teachings only a Sadguru can transmit. He points us to open our hearts to all of God’s grace and love with the profound esoteric spirituality behind all religions. 

    The American author, Christopher Alaya Love, known as the beloved and awakened spiritual teacher, Sri Padma Bhajanji, is affectionately called Bearji by his followers. His life is devoted to the conscious evolution of himself and that of all humanity. 

    After leaving home at age 15, Christopher had a mystical experience that provoked a significant change. It set him on a path of healing and spiritual seeking. He developed an intrinsic passion for helping create peace on earth. Soon after that spontaneous mystic experience, he began studying every religious tradition he could get his hands on - Advaita Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism, Christianity, Shamanism, the Bhagavad Gita, the Koran, the Kabbalah, Mystic Poetry, Taoism, and Buddhism. 

    Twenty-five years later, in 1994, at the age of 40, Christopher experienced a spontaneous spiritual awakening. This happened while he was attending a two-week 'Satsang' silent retreat with the American woman spiritual teacher Gangaji. She told him, “Go out and speak the Truth to as many people as possible.” 

    Bearji worked to develop a deeper understanding of the Mind, Body, and Spirit for helping others. He became a: Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Certified Nero-Linguistic Program Practitioner, Board Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor/Trainer, Registered Counselor, Ordained Minister, Certified Spiritual Counselor and a Teaching Reiki Master. He also has certifications of completion in advanced Therapeutic Touch and is an Herbalist practicing both Western and Ayurvedic herbal medicine. Bearji has written several books including two bestsellers. He’s also a musician and composer of several solo music CDs. He has produced over 65 titles of Spiritual Guided Meditations and Healing Self-Hypnosis on CD. 

    After establishing himself as an author, speaker, and spiritual teacher, Bearji emerged to become a popular keynote speaker at Mind/Body/Spirit conferences across the Western U.S. During that period he was a frequent interview guest on both radio and television. In 2001, he was featured in an hour-long television interview about his exceptional clairvoyance, demonstrating his intuitive healing abilities. 

    Several different masters gave him many names. All recognized his awakening and told him to go out and teach. Papaji provided the name Bhajan (Sri Bhajanji), and the name Padma resonated with one of his Buddhist masters. However, Bearji is the nickname his many students and followers choose to call him. That name began the day Gangaji told a large group that if she ‘were’ to give a spiritual name to Christopher, it would be “Love Bear.” 

    He began a ten-year silent retreat in 2002. Moreover, he lived life as a hermit monk for an additional seven years. Today Bearji is coming back into the world as Sri Padma Bhajan Bearji. With nearly 13,000 friends and followers on Facebook and a new book to launch the spring of 2019, Bearji continues to walk the path of a 'Satsang' teacher in the lineage of Gangaji, Sri H.W.L. Poonjaji (Papaji) and Ramana Maharshi.

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  •  "The Art of Zen Being," by American Spiritual Teacher and author Padma Bearji is a guided meditation by a master, teacher, healer, and musician. It is meant for anyone following any spiritual path! 

    This guided meditation, which includes brainwave technology will MEDITATE YOU, directing you to portholes of silence, and the essentials that transform the ego mind. Padma composed the music and played all the instruments in his home studio on a Korg Karma Music Workstation. 

    Bearji is an artistic and passionate modern-day mystic, confirming again he is a seer of the secret teachings only a Sadguru can transmit. He points us to open our hearts to all of God’s grace and love with the profound esoteric spirituality behind all religions. 

    The American author, Christopher Alaya Love, known as the beloved and awakened spiritual teacher, Sri Padma Bhajanji, is affectionately called Bearji by his followers. His life is devoted to the conscious evolution of himself and that of all humanity. 

    After leaving home at age 15, Christopher had a mystical experience that provoked a significant change. It set him on a path of healing and spiritual seeking. He developed an intrinsic passion for helping create peace on earth. Soon after that spontaneous mystic experience, he began studying every religious tradition he could get his hands on - Advaita Vedanta, Kashmir Shaivism, Christianity, Shamanism, the Bhagavad Gita, the Koran, the Kabbalah, Mystic Poetry, Taoism, and Buddhism. 

    Twenty-five years later, in 1994, at the age of 40, Christopher experienced a spontaneous spiritual awakening. This happened while he was attending a two-week 'Satsang' silent retreat with the American woman spiritual teacher Gangaji. She told him, “Go out and speak the Truth to as many people as possible.” 

    Bearji worked to develop a deeper understanding of the Mind, Body, and Spirit for helping others. He became a: Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Certified Nero-Linguistic Program Practitioner, Board Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor/Trainer, Registered Counselor, Ordained Minister, Certified Spiritual Counselor and a Teaching Reiki Master. He also has certifications of completion in advanced Therapeutic Touch and is an Herbalist practicing both Western and Ayurvedic herbal medicine. Bearji has written several books including two bestsellers. He’s also a musician and composer of several solo music CDs. He has produced over 65 titles of Spiritual Guided Meditations and Healing Self-Hypnosis on CD. 

    After establishing himself as an author, speaker, and spiritual teacher, Bearji emerged to become a popular keynote speaker at Mind/Body/Spirit conferences across the Western U.S. During that period he was a frequent interview guest on both radio and television. In 2001, he was featured in an hour-long television interview about his exceptional clairvoyance, demonstrating his intuitive healing abilities. 

    Several different masters gave him many names. All recognized his awakening and told him to go out and teach. Papaji provided the name Bhajan (Sri Bhajanji), and the name Padma resonated with one of his Buddhist masters. However, Bearji is the nickname his many students and followers choose to call him. That name began the day Gangaji told a large group that if she ‘were’ to give a spiritual name to Christopher, it would be “Love Bear.” 

    He began a ten-year silent retreat in 2002. Moreover, he lived life as a hermit monk for an additional seven years. Today Bearji is coming back into the world as Sri Padma Bhajan Bearji. With nearly 13,000 friends and followers on Facebook and a new book to launch the spring of 2019, Bearji continues to walk the path of a 'Satsang' teacher in the lineage of Gangaji, Sri H.W.L. Poonjaji (Papaji) and Ramana Maharshi.

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  • How do I explain this? 

    At the age of seven, I had a mystical experience that showed me for one, I could pick up almost any musical instrument and play it. Not true of course, but that didn’t stop me from trying.

    I loved stringed orchestra music the most at the time as I felt it expressed the emotions the best. And at age seven I was already an emotional wreck because of life circumstance. So I took violin lessons, age eight cello, age nine stand-up bass.

    In high school, I was the drummer in the one rock band that played a lot of the school gigs. LOL, We wanted to call our music “Acid Rock,” but the high school wouldn’t let us. We did a full set of originals, copied Led Zeppelin and Jimmy Hendrix
 we were good too. 

    Oh yeah, all the LSD explains a lot here too. 

    Then there was the birthday my daughter bought me a piano! There's a messy story too of course ... I got the black Fender bass, she... the powder blue Telecaster. But that's when I truly found myself as a bass player, and bass as the lead instrument. 

    These songs come from what I have called my LOST TAPES. Recorded mostly with a Korg KARMA music workstation keyboard, I purchased when I was offered to work on a movie score in 2000. It has tens of thousands of sampled instruments from around the world all played by masters of their craft on the best musical instruments in the world.  It has an onboard sequencer/recording studio. I had endless tracks to work with. 

    These were recorded in my home studio in the high elevations of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I had a home base in a small cabin on a lake near Durango. I was only there for days at a time as I was otherwise on my Non-Stop-Go 'Secret Teachings' book and speaking tour. My second bestseller at the time. 

    I would get these short bursts of days off, ten days tops, and so sometimes I may drive 19 hours straight just to be home for four days in the studio. 

    Track One: My Stargate Guitar - Orchestra Strings, bass, starry guitars.. all songs a journey of themselves to find home... finding themselves within themselves. 

    Track Two: The Story of My Driving Meditation - This is really a story... It speaks of the ups and downs of everything. These would be the deep contemplation while driving distances in silence. Bells and Bass ending... 

    Track Three: It's all an Interlude - an interlude... Life, death, rebirth, new cars, new lovers, new jobs, new illness, life, death, rebirth... It's all interlude. 

    Track Four: Coming into Love from Love -  This is who you are. This song is the story of that. Coming from Love, into this life just to learn to find out what love really is. Over and over again we move through lifetimes of samsara seeking happiness and longing Gods graces and Divine Love. Finally, one day, we awaken to what Love's true nature really is as Self. One Self as in Spiritual Self-Realization. A sixty string orchestra, bass and drums rule bringing this to a climax... or another level? Or to start over again? 

    Track Five: Endlessly Starting Over... I thought of naming this song, 'Ah, Crap!' Does this sound similar? What is starting over for you right now? Did I mention the lifetime after time lifetime thing yet? Did I? Oh... It has a happy ending! Indian Tablas with Harps, bass, drums, guitars... oh my, another musical saga!

    Track Six: The Subtle Reams between Subtle Realms - Close your eyes... 

    Track Seven: My Longing Guitar - Here I stack up a divine bass guitar and hot drum beat with endless layers of acoustic guitars, and strings for a vehicle to ride my fuzz-tone slide guitar into expressive bliss. 

    Art by Stephanie-Lostimolo

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  • Rumi in the Desert - Episode Three - Rumi in 19 - Nineteen minutes of Rumi Bliss 

    Track 1 a teaching story called "The Question" - recorded March 21, 2019 in my cabin in the high desert of Joshua Tree, CA., with some of my original music. 

    Track 2 recorded with Chris Henke from Portland Oregon who plays Ney, Saz Flute and Drums. Recorded live at a performance in Portland, OR., around the year 2000.

    Track 3 was recorded with Stephanie Donchey from Olympia Washington playing Sitar. Recorded live at a performance in Olympia WA., also around the year 2000. 

    Track 4 for me, some of the most powerful Rumi ever - recorded March 21, 2019 in my cabin in the high desert of Joshua Tree, CA., with some of my original music. And Ali Kitty. 


    I gave my life to service and didn't bank much in social security, it about covers rent. So if you have abundance or even a little bit extra, please find the support link and help us out on our mission to spread the good news of spiritual awakening. 


    Padma Bhajan Bearji and Ali Kitty



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  • Talking Silence - Episode Four - Spiritual Surrender... includes a report of an awakening sent to Bearji from one of his students. Stories of Padma own awakening and his spiritual search beginning at age 15. 

    Padma then ties it all together from quotes from many different traditions and mystics. 

    Some of the quotes:

    She who is centered in the Tao can go where she wishes, without danger. She perceives the universal harmony, even amid great pain, because she has found peace in her heart. ~Lao Tzu

    Peaceful is the one who is not concerned with having more or less. ~Rumi

    Only dwelling in the present can make us free. We have to look into our suffering, our craving. And when we see its face we will smile: you cannot make me your prisoner anymore. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

    The operation of consciousness has created the ‘apparition.’ called ‘me.’ ~ Mooji

    Where else are we now? Our very being is THAT! ~Sri Ramana Maharshi

    The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before.  ~Albert Einstein

    The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves. ~Pema Chodron

    One does not walk into the forest and accuse the trees of being off-center, nor do they visit the shore and call the waves imperfect. So why do we look at ourselves this way?  ~Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu

    We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.  When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves. ~Buddha

    Surrender is the inner transition from resistance to acceptance, from no to yes. ~Eckhart Tolle 

    You are the road and the knower of roads. ~Rumi


    I'll add... Until you know nothing, you will never know Self. ~Ashtavakra Gita



    Ali Kitty and I live on my Social Security. I gave my life to service and never banked much in social security. I'm a disabled and 65 for those who don't know. So if you have abundance or even a little bit, please find the support link and help us out on our mission to spread the good news of spiritual awakening. Thank you, and bless you all. 

    Padma Bhajan Bearji and Ali Kitty

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  • The Vital Voice of Spirit is for the beginning spiritual seeker AND the ripest students! Padma Bhajan Bearji gives us all an easy to understand overall discourse of the mind/body/spirit process of healing and spiritual awakening from an audio program recorded while on his first book tour in 1999. 

    This program includes the top ten questions he heard and his answers while on this two-year international tour.  Partly taken from his lectures as a keynote speaker at mind/body/spirit conferences across the US and BC, Canada, with his signature soundscape music threaded throughout the program, he answers questions on the following topics. 

    Romance and Relationships. 

    Communication and Personal Power.  

    Trust and Forgiveness. 

    Career, Jobs, Money and Right Livelihood. 

    Soul Purpose. 

    Personal Growth, Care for the Soul, and Spiritual Evolution.

    Ego, Suffering and the End of Suffering. 

    The Longing for Happiness. 

    Direction for a Life full of Change.

    Past Lives, Karma and Karmic Merit.

    Healing the Past.  

    Psychic and Clairvoyant Abilities. 

    Joy, Happiness, and Bliss. 

    Heavens and Hell realms. 

    Death, Dying and how is my loved one who has crossed over? 

    Who am I?


    Being in Service.   

    Quotes from the Buddha, Rumi, The Bhagavad Gita, Christ, The Tao & Lao Tzu,  Mystical Buddhism, Shakespeare, and so many more...  

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  • Padma Bearji plays with a jazzy shuffle, orchestra strings and other delights, as he tells a story and discourses over the following quotes.

    “Surrender is not a weakness; it is strength. It takes tremendous strength to surrender life to the supreme - to the cosmic unfolding.” ~ Mooji

    “Let your teacher be Love Itself.” ~ Rumi 

    “Just as a snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again.” ~ Buddha

    “Disciples and devotees
what are most of them doing? Worshiping the teapot instead of drinking the tea!” ~ Wei Wu Wei 

    “Be Soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.” ~ Buddha

    “Whatever is happening, is the path to enlightenment.” ~Pema Chödrön

    “The love that you search for everywhere is already present within you.” ~Gangaji

    “Know then that the body is merely a garment, go seek the wearer, not the cloak.” ~ Rumi 

    “Jesus was not sent here to teach the people to build magnificent churches and temples a midst the cold wretched huts and dismal hovels. He came to make the human heart a temple, and the soul an altar, and the mind a priest.” ~ Khalil Gibran

    “Whatever happens to you, don’t fall in despair. Even if all the doors are closed, a secret path will be there for you that no one knows. You can’t see it yet, but so many paradises are at the end of this path. Be grateful! It is easy to thank after obtaining what you want
 Thank before having what you want.” ~ Shams of Tabriz

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  • While on his last book tour, Padma would gather local musician friends from wherever he was teaching and speaking and would put on a performance. There are four "Rumi on the Road" Live productions here. This episode is 17:38 minutes. 

    The Mystery of Self is put to voice by an artistic and passionate modern-day mystic. With humor and from direct experience, Padma Bhajan Bearji points us all to God’s grace and love with the profound esoteric spirituality behind all religions. 

    The Love you have tasted will endlessly overflow, as you are That which you seek. The invitation is to realize your true nature as Love Itself here and now. 


    Enjoy and please share. 

    Watch this space for more to come! - Rumi in the Desert - Myth - Storytelling - Women in Buddhism - Notes to Self - Guided Meditations - Sleepy Bedtime Stories and more! ALWAYS FREE! <3 PLEASE SHARE! Spread the word! 

    Recorded Live while on tour in Seattle and Olympia, Washington and Portland Oregon. This is number one of four. 

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  • Rumi Bliss in 13 minutes! Rumi in the Desert - Rumi in the Desert - Episode 1 - I See my Beauty in You - with Padma Bearji. Padma composed the music and played all the instruments in his home studio. 

    The Mystery of Self is put to voice by an artistic and passionate modern-day mystic. With humor and from direct experience, Padma Bhajan Bearji points us all to God’s grace and love with the profound esoteric spirituality behind all religions. 

    The Love you have tasted will endlessly overflow, as you are That which you seek. The invitation is to realize your true nature as Love Itself here and now. 

    Rumi in the Desert - Episode 1 is thirteen and a half minutes that will blow your mind and open your Heart. 

    I see my beauty in you! 

    Enjoy and please share. 

    Watch this space for more to come! - Rumi in the Desert - Myth - Storytelling - Women in Buddhism - Notes to Self - Guided Meditations - Sleepy Bedtime Stories and more! ALWAYS FREE! <3 PLEASE SHARE! 

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  • Bearji discourses over quotes by the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mooji, Sri Ramana Maharishi, Robert Adams, Gangaji and Rumi.  With original background music, bird songs coming through the window and even a squeak from the beloved Ali Kitty, this first take at a podcast by Bearji is just a taste of what's to come... Questions are welcome and will be answered in future podcasts. 

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