

    Episode Overview:

    Get ready to unlock the secrets to financial empowerment and work-life harmony with my guest, Kyle Smith. As a financial expert committed to empowering small and medium-sized businesses, Kyle brings unparalleled transparency and guidance to the table. His advocacy for fostering a healthy work-life balance within teams while emphasizing the critical role of financial controls in both professional and personal spheres is nothing short of inspiring. 

    Today, we delve into the art of achieving financial stability and harmonizing work and life, where invaluable insights and game-changing strategies await. Get ready to supercharge your financial acumen and nurture a harmonious work-life dynamic as we embark on this transformative journey with my guest, Kyle Smith. 

    Guest Bio: 

    Kyle Smith, CPA, a finance graduate from UT McCombs School of Business, is deeply committed to helping small and medium-sized businesses thrive. He began his career in Austin, gaining experience as an accountant and Controller for various bar and restaurant groups. His passion for guiding SMBs led him to earn his CPA and specialize in cost management accounting as Director of Finance at Celis Brewery.

    Kyle’s journey continued at Scalefactor, a software development company, where he advised clients across various industries. His ultimate aspiration was realized when he became a co-partner at Strata Cloud Accountants. Kyle specializes in working with business owners to align personal and company goals and help teach businesses the financial acumen needed to hold themselves accountable to those goals. All with the mission to help businesses and business owners be more profitable.

    Strata Cloud Accountants was born from a collective vision among friends who shared work philosophies and principles. Their values center around family and freedom, aiming to provide clients with financial freedom and their team with a strong work-life-family balance.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://stratacloudaccountants.com/Product Link: https://stratacloudaccountants.com/welcome-becoming-preferred-listeners/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    02:50 I had a secret aspiration to be a professional poker player

    05:01 We really had the mission of aligning people's goals with the goals of the business

    06:28 A big thing for people is doing too much too fast

    07:38 If I just spend 30 minutes a month on one area of the business

    10:02 Mike Tyson said, you have a plan until you get punched in the face

    11:20 It takes passion

    14:23 What are the common pitfalls businesses encounter?

    16:36 And that timing is super, super tough

    19:34 Which brings us to KPIs

    22:22 Dennis Rodman played for the Chicago Bulls

    25:08 Should we have more than one account?

    27:24 Are you correctly priced?

    29:13 A lot of people don't know the leverage that they have

    30:38 When's the time to go into debt? 

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kyle-smith-cpa-9582038a/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stratacloudaccountants

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stratacloudaccountants/



    Episode Overview:

    How can businesses communicate more value and uniqueness in today’s price-driven, hyper-competitive markets, or in a market that is saturated with options? In an era dominated by price-driven hyper-competitive markets, businesses must constantly grapple with the challenge of standing out from the crowd and becoming the preferred choice of their customers. 

    My guest on today’s episode is here to unravel the complexities of this landscape and share invaluable perspectives and insights on how organizations can authentically differentiate themselves, communicate their unique value proposition, and navigate the competitive fray with confidence. So if you’re ready to gain a deeper understanding of how to effectively communicate value and uniqueness in today’s marketplace, you’re going to enjoy my conversation with returning guest, author, speaker and coach, Jim Pancero.

    Guest Bio: 

    Jim Pancero is a seasoned professional in sales and sales leadership training and consulting. He is renowned for his expertise in enhancing the effectiveness of sales teams across various industries. With over 40 years of experience in the field, he has built a reputation for his comprehensive understanding of sales processes and his ability to implement innovative strategies that drive success. His approach focuses on helping organizations increase their competitive edge and profitability through proven sales techniques and leadership development.

    Jim’s methodology emphasizes the importance of proactive selling and advanced sales leadership. He provides detailed training and coaching aimed at evolving the skills of sales professionals from traditional order-taking to more strategic, value-driven selling. His workshops and seminars are tailored to address the specific challenges faced by his clients, ensuring that they learn practical skills that can be immediately applied to their work. Jim's clients include businesses ranging from small companies to Fortune 500 corporations, all benefiting from his deep insights and actionable solutions.

    Beyond training, Jim Pancero actively contributes to the sales community through his YouTube channel, where he shares a wealth of sales training videos and tips. He is also a prolific speaker at industry conferences and events, where he discusses trends in sales strategies and leadership. His commitment to sharing knowledge and empowering sales professionals is evident in his extensive body of work, which includes articles, online resources, and direct consultancy services that have helped countless sales teams achieve their full potential.

    Resource Links:

    Website: www.pancero.com Product Link: www.advancedsalesuniversity.com

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    02:08 We have gone through a major cultural shift and how buyers buy

    05:05 Customers are saying, prove yourself

    06:21 One of the weakest and most ineffective advertising is….

    08:49 Old selling language

    09:27 I talk about the importance of getting higher, wider, and deeper

    10:38 The toughest single question in selling is…. 

    13:37 The messaging they communicate usually tends to have little to do with the customer

    17:34 We call it opera singers

    18:36 Something I call the X's and O's test

    19:48 Price is never the issue, unless it is the issue

    21:56 We're not talking solutions until we know that there's a problem

    23:28 There are 4 fundamental reasons of why people buy in a competitive environment

    26:08 I use ChatGPT under DALL-E

    28:02 On LinkedIn, everybody's a seller and there's very few buyers

    29:39 With magic, we use a concept...

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    Episode Overview:

    Advertising doesn't have to be a guessing game. It’s a predictable science, and one that we can understand. Businesses want results, but often struggle to navigate the complexities of advertising effectively. Traditional media methods are costly and digital platforms are constantly evolving.

    Most companies are unsure if their campaigns are delivering the desired results, and they lack the ability to objectively know if they are wasting ad budgets or missing out on opportunities.

    My guest today will share with us strategies employing the latest technologies to transform advertising into the exact science that it should’ve always been, so you can forecast advertising success, before you even spend a dime. Join me now for my conversation with advertising expert, Skip Wilson.

    Guest Bio: 

    Skip Wilson, a luminary in advertising, embarked on his journey at 16 as a copywriter, evolving into a digital media pioneer. From shaping CNN Special Project's iReport team to spearheading iHeartMedia's digital expansion, Skip's expertise spans decades. 

    As founder of DRAFT Media Partners, he champions innovation, earning accolades like "Most Intuitive Software Developer" and "Best Marketing Software Developer." His relentless pursuit of excellence continues to redefine advertising, offering practical insights and transformative solutions for businesses navigating the digital age.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://www.draftadvertising.com/Product Link: https://virtualmarketingassistant.draftadvertising.com/optin1654290045958

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    04:53 I was selling mostly sports programming and news talk

    06:57 If it didn't work, we’d blame the sales guys

    08:51 You have tools that help your clients predict the outcome before they even spend dollar one

    10:22 I always viewed it as an art AND a science

    10:54 There's no campaign failure, there's only feedback

    12:46 It creates this bigger need for tools to streamline those processes

    15:58 If you can do that, you absolutely should be going all in on advertising 

    17:29 I’m a big believer of testing creative rather than doing a bunch of marketing

    20:35 An ad should always have just one goal

    21:57 Sequential marketing and sequential advertising is the way to get people in

    23:19 Nobody cares about a tire ad unless you're in market for tires

    24:17 draftmediapartners.com you can sign up for a free consultation 

    25:45 You want to put yourself in that mindset of that consumer 

    26:23 The biggest tool, the biggest free value thing is….

    28:16 I try to think of something that can tell a story 

    31:02 One of the first things that we added to our reporting 

    32:20 Virtual Campaign Planner

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skipwilson/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/draftadvertisingtechnology

    Twitter(X): https://twitter.com/DRAFTagency

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ptICdLnHRkOpL6_RliCIQ



    Episode Overview:

    No doubt about it, marketing in today’s dynamic marketplace has changed and is changing. Understanding the evolving marketing landscape is essential if we are to maintain the human touch and authenticity in our interactions with customers and fellow workers.

    With the rise of remote work and hybrid work models, how can businesses ensure that their communication strategies foster genuine connections and collaboration among customers, and teams, despite the physical distance?

    My guest today, is the Head of Marketing at Movius. With a wealth of experience and a keen understanding of the evolving marketing landscape, John is at the forefront of navigating the intersection of cyber communication and marketing. Join me now for this thought-provoking conversation with marketing and communication expert, John Rarrick.

    Guest Bio: 

    John Rarrick is Head of Global Marketing at Movius where he is responsible for all brand, customer acquisition, and partner marketing strategy. He has held senior marketing leadership roles at T-Mobile, Sprint, and Comcast, and is the former CEO and co-founder at BullsEye Public Relations.

    John’s area of expertise in the B2B technology space includes brand development, communications and crisis management, digital marketing and social media, and digital sustainability programs.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://movius.ai/Product Link: https://movius.ai/product/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    02:53 I went to work for the World Wrestling Federation

    05:43 At Mobius, we call ourselves a late stage startup

    07:04 Think about the things that were obvious changes

    09:08 We used to fax out our content

    12:43 The earned media side Is probably the biggest one I've seen

    14:42 We'll do focus groups

    16:16 If your messaging is spot on and you're targeting’s spot on

    18:40 We were looking at the next evolution of communication technology

    26:04 How do we maintain that human touch?

    27:50 How can businesses authentically convey their brand message

    29:37 Wouldn't be a conversation about technology without bringing up AI

    30:50 Solve for issues that could potentially not only help businesses

    34:03 Make sure when you're implementing any technology

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/movius-ai

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Movius

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@moviuscorp

    Email: [email protected]


    Rainmaker LeadGen Platform Demo: https://bookme.michaelvickers.com/lite/rainmaker-leadgen-platform-demo

    Rainmaker Digital Solutions: https://www.rainmakerdigitalsolutions.com/

    Resources: https://becomingpreferred-podcast.com/resources/

    Next Episode: Get Results From Advertising with Skip Wilson!


    Episode Overview:

    Many of us, without realizing it, are living a life fueled by doubt. That doubt is keeping us from getting the promotion we want, from achieving our goals, and from creating the life we ultimately desire. It’s time to kill that doubt and build confidence. 

    There are stories that you tell yourself, whether they were first told to you by someone else, or it’s something you’ve created all on your own, that contribute to feeling unworthy, insignificant, and incapable. 

    My guest on today’s episode has been helping people like you and me find clarity about who you are, and experience the transformation that comes with truly knowing yourself, and ultimately accepting yourself. Please join me for my conversation with author, speaker and coach, Rocky Garza.

    Guest Bio: 

    There are stories that you tell yourself, whether they were first told to you by someone else or it’s something you’ve created all on your own, that contribute to feeling unworthy, insignificant, and incapable. Through coaching sessions, team workshops, and keynote presentations, Rocky wants to show how the truths we have been told have developed into lies we deeply believe.

    All of Rocky’s work and words can be boiled down to one truth: that who you are is good! In all that he does, Rocky wants to challenge these stories you tell yourself so you can experience the freedom and confidence that comes with living vulnerably.

    Since 2014, Rocky’s been doing just that. Helping people like you find clarity about who you are, experience the transformation that comes with truly knowing yourself, and ultimately accept yourself. 

    Many of us, without realizing it, are living a life fueled by doubt. That doubt is keeping us from getting the promotion we want, from achieving our goals, and from creating the life we want. It’s time to kill that doubt and build confidence.

    Rocky lives in Dallas with his wife and two kids. On the weekends you can catch Rocky spending his days playing pickleball. All day long if it were physically possible. 

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://rockygarza.com/5 Day Free Workshop Starting June 3 2024: https://rockygarza.com/achievingmore

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    03:49 I went back there full time as a director for summer camp

    05:59 Naturally I want to be a wedding photographer

    07:52 The most poignant journey I feel like I've been on

    09:43 I had always felt so misunderstood

    11:33 How do you meet them at the level they're at 

    12:04 We start with four questions 

    14:42 They're just like boats without a rudder

    15:29 We describe it as self clarity

    16:59 What are the things that I have actively chosen to take responsibility of? 

    19:17 There's two things at play all the time

    23:20 When we don't achieve our goals or we run into roadblocks 

    23:48 The only place that our dreams come true is when we're asleep

    24:31 Really interesting book called The Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life

    26:10 Achieving More than Success, it’s a free 5-day workshop 

    28:01 At the top is where the elements are most harsh

    30:59 Life is in the valley, that's a great analogy

    32:57 I will guide you to the life that you actually want 

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rockygarza/



    Episode Overview:

    What fuels your passion? What makes you unique in today’s competitive marketplace and how do you get people to not just pay attention, but to PAY for your time and talent?

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch or grow a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make the difference. My guest today helps authors, celebrities and entrepreneurs earn millions of dollars by sharing their story effectively and leveraging their talents. Join me now for my conversation with talent amplification expert, and president of BBN Creative Management, Blair Nichols.

    Guest Bio: 

    Blair Bryant Nichols, Owner of BBN Creative Management for Diverse and Mission-Driven Talent, is a seasoned expert in building strategic speaking platforms for speakers and business leaders; with a background representing top authors and managing diverse projects for founders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities. Blair specializes in helping his clients understand the strategic landscape of public and corporate speaking, emphasizing the need for a diverse portfolio of offerings to compete effectively. 

    Blair holds an M.B.A. from UCLA-Anderson with a specialization in Entertainment Management and a B.A. in Literature from American University, complemented by his post-grad training at the Columbia Publishing Course. 

    Outside of work, Blair enjoys traveling, literature, board games, and spending time with his husband Gray and their Shepherd- mix rescue dog Aspen in his homes in West Hollywood and Lake Arrowhead. 

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://www.bbncreativemanagement.com/Free 30 minute Consultation: https://www.bbncreativemanagement.com/services

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    02:39 I ended up in Harper Collins

    04:44 It was my first opportunity to see really speaking in a different light

    06:59 It's all about growing your platform

    08:21 You're identifying what their strengths are

    10:43 There's a lot of strategies that can make you stand out

    13:23 It used to be all about energy and now it's about authenticity

    15:44 Is there a formula to the storytelling that you recommend?

    17:50 Solutions to problems that sometimes people don't know they have yet 

    21:57 The most important thing I think, is to be yourself

    23:46 The vulnerability and the connection aspect 

    25:59 Displaying that vulnerability makes you human?

    27:57 You see new billboards every year 

    31:51 I always just tell speakers, if you want to speak more, start speaking

    34:23 It works for general business as well

    38:45 Can I send an email out to your entire database?

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/blairbnichols/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BBNCreativeManagement/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bbn_creativemgmt/

    Email: [email protected]


    Rainmaker Digital Solutions: https://www.rainmakerdigitalsolutions.com/



    Episode Overview:

    Are you an entrepreneur, leader, or professional looking for a change? Do you ever have the feeling that there is something bigger for you? That you are meant for more? 

    My guest on today’s episode, helps people level up their mindset, their business and their results by helping them discover the power of their own minds to experience tangible results in their personal and professional goals.

    So if you are looking for a leap in your results, your earnings, and your lifestyle, you are going to enjoy my conversation with international mindset coach, and returning guest, Dave Conway.

    Guest Bio: 

    Dave Conway is a 7-figure entrepreneur and the founder of Conway Consulting. He’s the creator of the One Sale A Day Club, Fusion Mastermind and other elite programs achieving breakthrough results for his international client base. Currently, he contributes to Forbes as a member of the Coaches Council and was formerly a top coach and mentor for the legendary speaker, author and mentor, Bob Proctor at the Proctor Gallagher Institute. 

    He’s known for his action-oriented approach to mindset and sales mentorship that helps his clients achieve their financial goals fast, all while becoming world-class leaders along the way. He credits his success to a genuine desire to empower people on how powerful they really are.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://www.conway.consulting/Product Link: https://www.conway.consulting/all-programs

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    04:21 I was missing three core things

    06:12 Today I do not operate without an image

    06:31 What is the differentiating factor in actually creating success?

    08:17 It actually leverages a universal law called the Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

    10:27 It's actually the moment you make the decision, that will determine the outcome

    12:19 We can't outwork our paradigm

    12:28 What separates people in our lives, is the images we hold in our head

    13:51 You become what you think about

    15:41 So I never get influenced by other people's perception of other people

    16:20 She wanted me to help her earn 250,000 bucks in one single night

    19:47 That's where the ego comes in

    22:42 If there's any room in the mentality for losing

    24:32 Effectively apply the concept of this manifestation

    25:01 I was what I call ‘visualizationally impaired’

    25:49 The first is the imagination

    27:50 What's the next most important thing to myself and my business?

    30:50 You can't do a plan you're not aware of

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidjconway/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/conwayconsultingmindset

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSiY9HstAKB6UKOJ3MCIPZQ

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/conwayconsulting

    21 Day Manifestation Challenge: https://www.conway.consulting/manifestwithconway

    7-Figure Self Image Script: https://bit.ly/3g3ViBV

    Email: [email protected]




    Episode Overview:

    There are five generations of buyers in today’s competitive marketplace and about 19 communication channels, so whether you’re looking to maximize revenue to grow your company, boost engagement and awareness, increase repeat customers, or encourage brand loyalty, my guest today can help. 

    Standing out from the crowd and getting your message heard is always a challenge. Employing email and SMS marketing remain potent tools for engaging with customers. By implementing best practices such as personalization, mobile optimization, and clear CTAs, while avoiding overwhelming frequency and generic content, you can harness the power of these channels to drive meaningful results in your marketing efforts. To help us understand how to use these tools effectively is award winning marketing expert and CEO of Inbox Army, Scott Cohen.

    Guest Bio: 

    Having begun life as a copywriter, Scott Cohen has been a stalwart in the email marketing industry since his boss came to him and said, "Hey, you write the newsletters... why don't you do them?" He has worked on both sides of the aisle, as a brand-side marketer running the email marketing programs at Purple, 1-800 Contacts, and Western Governors University as well as agency side working with clients ranging from small businesses to enterprise companies across multiple industries.

    Scott won the 2021 Stefan Pollard Email Marketer of the Year Award from the ANA Email Experience Council for his work during his time at Purple. He's a sought-after speaker, webinar and podcast guest, having spoken at events like the Email Insider Summit, Email Evolution Conference, Email Innovations Summit, eTail West, and more. (He also won a Bronze Telly Award for the very first TV ad he ever wrote, so "it's been downhill ever since.")

    Given his unique experience, Scott knows enough "to be dangerous" about email marketing, SMS, and many things CRM and retention marketing. He's built and managed larger CRM and retention teams, sent millions of emails (and a few million SMS, too), and written more than a few ads, blog posts, brochures, websites, and many other content pieces over the course of his 20-year marketing career. He's pressed the "Send" button a few thousand too many times to be anything other than frank about what email marketers need to do!

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://www.inboxarmy.com/Product Link: https://www.inboxarmy.com/email-marketing-packages-pricing/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    03:41 My career started as a copywriter

    05:42 You're a songwriter, but you just do it in your emails

    06:52 It put email back on the map, that’s really what COVID did

    08:56 What are some of the common misconceptions about email and SMS marketing?  

    10:27 Odds are you're not sending enough emails

    10:33 By the time you get sick of it as an ad professional, somebody's finally seeing it

    10:47 Being there in the inbox consistently with value drives branding

    11:42 I believe in the concept of what we call being professionally persistent

    13:31 The days of the once a month newsletter are dead

    15:35 The ‘dreaded wall of text’ is something you want to avoid in email

    17:20 If you want to have a PDF, post it on your site, and you can link to it in the email

    17:43 Do not use a bitly (in email)

    19:11 Deliverability is a whole different animal 

    22:48 You can spend 10,000 tweets building a reputation, and one tweet destroying it (Scott Stratton)

    23:20 Warm up the mailbox first

    25:38 How do you demonstrate the...


    Episode Overview:

    In today's episode, my guest and I will talk about the ever-evolving landscape of marketing. We'll dissect the current state of marketing, shedding light on what truly works and what doesn't. From the rise of digital platforms to the art of authentic engagement, we'll leave no stone unturned as we uncover the secrets to effective marketing in today's fast-paced world.

    We' ll also venture into the realm of best practices, where we'll unravel the keys to successful marketing techniques. So, whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a budding business owner, or a marketing enthusiast, this discussion promises to equip you with invaluable insights that can elevate your marketing game to new heights.

    So, if you're ready to unlock the power of innovative marketing strategies and gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to stand out in today's competitive market, then this episode is tailor-made for you. Join me now for my conversation with marketing expert, David Saxby.

    Guest Bio: 

    For over 40 years David has been an entrepreneur, a professional speaker, a business coach and consultant. As Creative Director and CEO of Spark Communications Inc., a marketing communications firm, he helps businesses create a strategic advantage over their competitors by developing innovative marketing strategies.

    Spark works with B2B small business owners in the professional services sector. As a creative catalyst David has developed the skills to quickly coach business owners to effectively apply the right marketing strategies enabling them to grow their business to maximum capacity. He begins the process using a proprietary Profit Acceleration Software analysis tool to expose gaps in the client’s marketing that almost all small business owners fall prey to. Spark works with all aspects of marketing: research, advertising, public relations, direct marketing, digital marketing, traditional marketing, branding and graphic design. Spark also helps clients develop presentations.

    We have an elearning program with 50 video modules and learning guides. Our team has spent more than 10 years and 4 million dollars developing the world’s first E-Learning Marketing System being used by more than 5000 small business clients in 50 countries to help grow their business to multimillion-dollar status.

    The Spark Business Growth model is positioned to help business owners realize their dream of creating a multimillion-dollar business that feeds their passion to achieve personal, financial and professional freedom.

    Resource Links:

    Website: sparkcommunications.comProduct Link: https://sparkinnovativemarketingstrategiescoachinginstitute.com/products/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    03:09 It's all about building relationships

    05:10 Building that trust and loyalty

    06:34 A movie called The Minority Report

    08:55 One of the biggest challenges for businesses….

    10:06 The best way to engage the customer is to….

    12:16 Sales and marketing seem to be separate

    14:41 If it's B2B, LinkedIn is probably the best format to communicate

    15:53 How do you determine, hey, which platform is best for me?

    18:35 The campaign is a roadmap

    21:10 Creating that marketing dominating position

    24:34 What do you see as the most impactful emerging trends in marketing today? 

    25:58 One thing is to test your message

    28:06 Some of the misconceptions or myths about marketing 

    29:41 We have a software called the Profit Analysis Software

    31:25 Your window of being able to get a product into the market and get traction is...


    Episode Overview:

    Caveman Brain is the voice inside our heads that holds us back, based on fears that may or may not be true. It is the thought patterns and processes we use every day that are no longer working to make us successful. It is how our brains are reacting to these fears, thought patterns and processes that influence us each and every day to be less successful than we can or want to be.

    Caveman Brain is the thing that can make you stand out in a crowd or hide in the corner. If you are responsible for new business development, controlling your Caveman Brain is the single best thing you can do to change your trajectory of success. If you have done everything to increase your new business development, but nothing is working, then it’s time to turn your Caveman Brain into your ally. To help us understand how our Caveman Brain works and to get better results is the Results Queen, Dr Jean Oursler.

    Guest Bio: 

    Dr Jean Oursler’s clients call her The Results Queen® because she is all about getting unprecedented results – at an unprecedented speed – that create and maintain an unprecedented performance for you.

    With a Ph.D. in Business Psychology, she employs a coaching philosophy grounded in a no-nonsense, results-focused approach, completely personalized to meet the needs of you and your practice.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://cavemanbrain.com/ Product Link: https://cavemanbrain.com/training/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    03:41 I bid on working with a Harvard neuroscientist

    05:17 Caveman Brain, there's four places it comes from

    07:03 So many things we need as salespeople, we make up that are not necessarily true

    08:50 Read three books and you will be an expert, because you read three books more than anybody else

    10:27 How is the decision going to be made for you to work with us?

    12:14 In business psychology, it's really about the company

    14:22 I'm really interested in your business life and how do we get results for you to be more successful?

    15:50 If you want to have a really good relationship with anybody….

    17:16 Focus on the results, skip the goal setting

    19:18 What you call Last Second Mentality

    20:16 Jean the Results Queen™

    22:53 Visualizing the meeting before you get there

    24:14 We call this Decision Tree Questioning

    25:57 The website is cavemanbrain.com

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/jean-oursler-the-results-queen/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cavemanbrain

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@JeanOursler

    Podcast: https://cavemanbrain.com/dr-jeans-podcast/

    Email: [email protected]


    Rainmaker Digital Solutions: https://www.rainmakerdigitalsolutions.com/

    Resources: https://becomingpreferred-podcast.com/resources/

    Next Episode: Marketing Strategies and Tactics for 2024 with David Saxby!


    Episode Overview:

    It’s no secret that the enormous complexity involved in an organizational digital transformation can hinder its success. Consequently, some 70 percent of digital initiatives fail to meet their goals. Failure can put an organization at a severe competitive disadvantage, and in some cases, can be fatal. Executing on a solid digital transformation journey is a significant undertaking that demands leadership commitment, thoughtful planning, and rigorous execution.  

    In this episode, my guest, Michael Schank will be sharing invaluable strategies and frameworks on how to successfully tackle digital transformation. So whether you're a nimble startup striving to make your mark, or a global enterprise seeking to refine your operations, Michael's insights are incredibly valuable for entrepreneurs and business professionals alike.

    If you're ready to take your digital transformation journey to the next level, then this episode is for you. Join me now for my conversation with Michael Schank.

    Guest Bio: 

    Michael Schank is Founder and Managing Director at Process Inventory Advisors LLC. He has over 25 years of experience as a management consultant in the financial services industry, advising clients on technology, process, risk, and large-scale business and digital transformations. 

    Michael’s new book, Digital Transformation Success: Achieving Alignment and Delivering Results with the Process Inventory Framework, shares how to drive a new level of operating efficiency and agility necessary to thrive in this digital era.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://www.processinventory.com/Product Link: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Michael-Schank/author/B0CLBZB5HS?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    04:34 What's the state of transformation today?

    06:05 Staying relevant in the age of digital 

    07:32 Another innovation model called Open Innovation

    09:05 Organizations have to have a willingness to cannibalize their own success

    09:20 Most transformations fail because of organizational complexity

    10:47 In your book, you call it Process Inventory Framework

    12:55 Organizations have a lot of operational data in various unconnected data stores

    14:41 I write about this in my book, called the Process Center of Excellence Capability

    17:24 What are some of the common pitfalls organizations encounter?

    18:40 It's a way to get everyone on the same page

    20:32 It really comes down to performance metrics

    22:50 In the context of digital strategy, how do you prioritize?

    23:07 There's a common technique we use called heat mapping

    24:38 If you see something that is not optimal

    25:37 3M has what's called a 15% rule

    27:17 If you think about risk in an organization

    28:45 Processes happen!

    31:09 A concept called Digital Twin

    32:07 That's when Process Inventory comes in

    34:15 The book is Digital Transformation Success: Achieving Alignment and Delivering Results with the Process Inventory Framework

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-schank/ 

    Email: [email protected]


    Rainmaker Digital Solutions:


    Episode Overview:

    Emotional intelligence (EI), often referred to as EQ or Emotional Quotient, is critically important in our professional lives and workplace for a multitude of reasons. Its impact ranges from individual performance to organizational culture and even to the bottom line of the business.

    In the digital age, where technology and automation are prevalent, the human element of business becomes increasingly valuable. Emotional intelligence nurtures this human element, fostering environments where creativity, innovation, and productivity thrive. Whether it’s through leadership, teamwork, customer interaction, or adaptability, the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace cannot be overstated. It’s an investment in people that pays dividends in organizational success and sustainability.

    To help us understand how EI and AI can complement each other in promoting a culture of inclusion, is my guest, author, speaker, and coach, Theresa Worthy.

    Guest Bio: 

    Theresa Worthy has been a foreign language teacher, a fiction author, and professional speaker. She brings a global perspective and a unique blend of cultural understanding, communication expertise, adaptive teaching approaches, storytelling skills, and empathy to her EI consulting practice. 

    With these qualities, Theresa offers innovative solutions tailored to help organizations foster connections, enhance cross-cultural collaboration, and cultivate emotionally intelligent individuals and teams.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://theresaworthy.comTheresa’s Resources (Free eBook): https://theresaworthy.com/resources/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    04:25 I went on to college to become a teacher

    06:09 Most people confuse diversity with inclusion

    07:11 Self awareness is the cornerstone of Emotional Intelligence

    08:18 Emotional intelligence is really about relationships

    09:07 Emotional intelligence has five basic components

    11:17 Emotional intelligence is a skill, it requires practice

    13:19 We're all different 

    15:52 Inclusion is something that we all need to concentrate on 

    17:14 Memories are lodged in the amygdala

    18:53 Only a habit can subdue another habit (Og Mandino)

    22:36 I have 30-day journal prompt that I give them

    24:18 Every age group, all we need to do is find a way to relate to each other

    26:26 We aren't born with the ability to manage our emotions

    28:12 We're all influenced by past experiences, past beliefs and past training

    29:04 A little neighbor child came over and walked up to my youngest daughter and said:

    30:27 A plan of dedicating each day to mindfulness

    33:30 How do you avoid, or process the triggers

    35:51 Actionable strategies or exercises you recommend 

    37:22 The majority of communication is nonverbal

    38:45 AI has the capability of even helping a person to understand their emotions

    40:27 It's very important to be able to put yourself in another person's shoes

    42:09 Empathy is very important

    44:36 A new book coming out later in the Spring

    44:39 Emotional Intelligence, the Underrated Superpower for Professional and Personal Growth

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/theresa-worthy/

    Theresa’s Resources: https://theresaworthy.com/resources/

    Blog: https://theresaworthy.com/blog/



    Episode Overview:

    If you are looking for some game-changing ideas on how to scale your business, enhance your entrepreneurial mindset, and unlock new levels of growth and success, you’re going to enjoy my conversation with author, speaker, and coach, Chad Jenkins.  

    Chad is someone who not only talks the talk, but walks the walk in the realms of technology, innovation, and transformative entrepreneurship. In this episode, Chad will share his blueprint for revolutionizing your approach to entrepreneurship and how to make monumental leaps in your business journey. Join me now for my conversation with Chad Jenkins.

    Guest Bio: 

    Chad T. Jenkins is a seasoned entrepreneur renowned for his ability to identify unconventional opportunities within traditional business models. His passion lies in restructuring businesses for exceptional returns, a skill honed through years of experience. Leading numerous successful ventures, Chad has pioneered three innovative methods: Remove the FILM, Just Add A Zero, and 100X Collaborations. Fueled by boundless curiosity, he acts as a catalyst for business expansion.

    Recognized as a transformative force, Chad collaborates with leaders across diverse industries, leveraging his analysis of Opportunities, Dangers, and Strengths to unearth hidden potential. His approach creates competitive advantages and drives exponential growth in enterprise value. With a remarkable track record spanning over 40 high-growth companies and numerous successful Growth Partnerships, Chad now focuses on empowering others. Through initiatives like Growth Collaboration Partnerships and the SeedSpark Growth Academy, he facilitates leadership placements and shares his expertise to foster growth.

    Chad encapsulates his winning strategies in his latest book, "Just Add A Zero: Remove the film, outperform your competition, and grow exponentially through collaboration," offering insights for achieving remarkable returns and fostering collaborative growth.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://seedspark.com/Product Link: https://seedspark.com/services/Welcome Page: https://chadtjenkins.com/preferred/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    02:12 Do what you can, with what you have, where you are

    04:47 Watch the herd and find the lead cows

    06:37 God did give us four inputs and one output

    08:47 It’s all about value creation

    09:13 Nothing matters but someone's future, and how you're going to help them get to that future

    10:01 SeedSpark stands for Seed the Opportunity, Spark Growth

    11:55 I have a concept that is now coined, Remove the Film

    14:29 If I focus on the friction, and I figure out the value creation opportunity

    17:47 We're leaving a lot of opportunity on the table

    18:56 I define collaboration as….

    20:21 Bi-directional collaboration

    23:00 Do you see common problems with entrepreneurs?

    24:26 VCR: Vision, Capability, and Reach (Dean Jackson)

    26:10 Wealthy people don’t trade time for money

    28:19 The book is: Just Add a Zero

    30:10 I try to focus on things that our brain does naturally

    31:43 We all have blind spots

    32:34 Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future

    34:20 If you continue to hear the same thing, you will be the same thing

    37:16 When you meet people with a lot of intentionality

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chadtjenkins/



    Episode Overview:

    Welcome to the Becoming Preferred podcast. Today we're diving deep into a narrative that's both heart-wrenching and incredibly inspiring. Our guest is Kaleb Dahlgren, a name that resonates with resilience, hope, and the power of the human spirit to overcome the unimaginable.

    Kaleb, a survivor of the tragic 2018 Humboldt Broncos bus crash, has turned a story of profound loss into one of purpose and impact. Beyond surviving, he's thriving - as a student, an advocate for diabetes and mental health, and a bestselling author. His journey is a testament to the strength found in vulnerability and the importance of sharing our stories to connect, heal, and inspire. This episode is about the power of the human spirit, the importance of community, and the unstoppable force of a determined heart. Join me now for my conversation with Kaleb Dahlgren.

    Guest Bio: 

    From a young age, Kaleb had no choice but to be resilient. His hockey career was threatened before it started by a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes at 4 years old. Yet Kaleb proved his doctors and coaches wrong by going on to play hockey at an elite level. During his career, he played for the Humboldt Broncos - a team that made national news when their bus collided with a transport truck. The accident took away 16 lives and left only 13 survivors, many of them with lifelong injuries.

    Kaleb is one of the survivors.

    Once he recovered, Kaleb returned to the ice to play for York University’s varsity hockey team. While at York, he earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree graduating as Valedictorian, Magna Cum Laude, and Varsity Athletics Male Graduate of the Year in April 2021. Currently, Kaleb is studying to become a Doctor of Chiropractic. 

    Kaleb is dedicated to helping others, whether that’s through sharing his story or through his community volunteer work. He is the founder of Dahlgren’s Diabeauties, a mentorship program designed in 2017 to give back to children with Type 1 diabetes. Through this program, he is able to raise awareness, support, and guidance to his community of Diabeauties. Kaleb is also the recipient of the Canadian Volunteer Award for Emerging Leader of the Prairies, the National JDRF Young Volunteer of the Year award, and dozens of other accolades for his community service.

    Somewhere in the whirlwind of life, Kaleb found time to become a #1 Bestselling Author for his memoir, Crossroads, the story of his life thus far. As a speaker, he is known for his honesty, his inspiration, and his captivating storytelling. 

    In the face of insurmountable odds, he shows us that through perseverance you can do anything. 

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://www.kalebdahlgren.comProduct Link: https://www.harpercollins.ca/9781443462877/?utm_source=aps&utm_medium=athrhcweb&utm_campaign=aps

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    03:39 The doctor called in my parents and said that Kaleb is a type 1 diabetic

    05:46 The beauty of the illness was the fact that it made me develop a lot of resiliency….

    07:00 Our bus collided, T-Boned into a semi truck trailer

    08:30 I was in a state called post traumatic amnesia

    10:51 What led you down the road to say, hey, I'm going to do a book?

    12:28 That's where the inspiration came from, is my professor

    14:20 Can you share some strategies or mindsets that have helped you maintain resilience?

    15:46 One more big piece was just accepting and forgiveness

    17:25 I think forgiveness is so powerful 

    19:25 Darcy Hogan, our head coach at Humboldt, he...


    Episode Overview:

    My guest today, believes change is inevitable and should be embraced, leading to innovative solutions and uncovering untapped potential within each of us. His work reflects his mission to help individuals and organizations hit their mark by fostering a work environment of high productivity and satisfaction.

    With a focus on discovery, and application, he offers a comprehensive approach to identifying opportunities for growth. So get ready to gain valuable insights and practical strategies as we dive into a conversation with Tony Ruesing, a catalyst for personal and professional growth in today’s dynamic business landscape.

    Guest Bio: 

    Tony Ruesing is a highly regarded business coach and consultant, specializing in helping individuals and organizations achieve excellence in their work environment. With a focus on building confidence, competence, and integrity, Tony's approach emphasizes the importance of embracing change and applying fresh perspectives to drive success.

    His areas of focus include discovery, application, and branding, with a keen understanding of the impact of effective communication, consistent design, customer service, leadership skills, and more. Tony's ability to connect with audiences and impart pivotal insights has earned him acclaim, with notable clients including esteemed companies.

    Tony's work is characterized by a commitment to helping clients develop a clear vision for their future, communicate their value proposition, and build trust and innovation within their teams. His dedication to empowering individuals and organizations to thrive in today's complex work environment makes him a respected and sought-after professional in the realm of personal and professional development.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://aimyoursights.com/Product Link: https://aimyoursights.com/coaching/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    03:31 What commitment to excellence means in the context of modern business

    05:14 You emphasize the importance of building confidence, competence, and integrity in the workplace

    07:22 Leadership is not necessarily from the front of a room

    09:51 Today, too many people are ready to value judge someone

    12:04 I live with this, and believe it down to my toes

    14:46 If I want the situation to change, the change begins with me

    15:18 Who's a good example of leadership today?

    17:04 The example I saw which really stuck with me

    20:39 What it takes to be a great leader is never forget where you started

    21:52 I didn't read a book till I was 25

    24:14 I believe in something called Just Right Challenges

    24:31 My job is to manage the moment

    27:46 Can you tell us about a transformation….

    31:58 They have to sit down, and take a thinking break

    33:57 When you're talking about your future

    35:35 More messages go from the heart to the brain, than brain to the heart

    36:02 A new approach to goal setting

    38:30 You have to be hungry, you have to be humble, and you have to work hard

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tony-ruesing-56b736ba/

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/be/podcast/fuel-for-freedom/id1535471915

    Email: [email protected]


    Rainmaker Digital Solutions:


    Episode Overview:

    Let’s face it, life can be difficult and full of challenges. My guest today is on a mission to empower individuals to rise above their challenges personally and professionally and create lasting impact. His message, Don’t Let Your Struggle Become Your Standard, has touched the hearts of many and continues to ignite hope and determination in those who hear it.

    In this episode, you will learn how to become indispensable, even when the odds seem insurmountable. Whatever your role is in life, my guest’s wisdom and insights will resonate with you and inspire you to elevate your game. Please join me for my conversation with author and speaker, Jose Flores.

    Guest Bio: 

    Jose Flores is a Corporate Speaker, Global Motivator, Mindset Disruptor, and #1 Best-selling Author. He educates, inspires, and engages individuals and businesses to strengthen their mental toughness and to develop into indispensable leaders by connecting with them, touching their hearts, and giving them a fresh perspective. 

    Jose gets individuals and organizations to think outside the box to start taking massive action and seeing immediate results. The present is a gift and the time is now for Jose to make an impact in your life and business! Jose authored, "Don't Let Your Struggle Become Your Standard" and he lives it. He wants you to stand tall and be the very best version you can be. Jose’s passion is to inspire and motivate everyone he meets to learn more, do more, and become more. His positive and “can do” attitude have impacted the lives of many across the globe.

    Resource Links:

    Website: http://www.joseinspires.comProduct Link: http://www.shop.joseinspires.comFree Gift: https://freegift.joseinspires.com/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    01:32 Neuromuscular condition that I was born with called Spinal Muscular Atrophy

    05:33 I have a 20 year corporate America background

    05:52 In your book, Don't Let Your Struggle Become Your Standard….

    06:52 And so I had two options….

    07:45 The number one thing that holds people back is fear

    09:49 Indispensable leadership 

    10:55 How do you change your mindset to become that indispensable leader?

    13:19 You talk about mindset

    14:45 I've always been grateful for the things that I've had 

    16:45 I like to call it stinking thinking

    19:36 I went to an event and met the great Les Brown

    21:56 An experience where you've seen your work have a positive impact 

    24:34 It was one of the toughest conferences I spoke at

    27:36 On the importance of mental toughness, what are some of the daily practices….

    29:52 I have my days as well, where I'm not motivated, where I'm not inspired

    31:14 85% of those thoughts are negative thoughts

    33:17 If it wasn't for us working as a team

    34:41 The reason I love DEI is….

    37:06 Get out of your comfort zone and get out of your own head

    37:46 The three pillars that I have in life

    38:41 I’m just a messenger of hope

    39:56 Another mentor of mine, by the name of Tim Grover

    42:36 A marriage book called, What Real Love Looks Like

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josefloresinspires/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoseInspires/



    Episode Overview:

    No doubt about it, our world is messed up! My guest today believes we can fix our messed up world one small act at a time. It’s not just about the big gestures; it’s the everyday actions, the small steps forward, that collectively drive significant change. 

    Pancho Timmons, author of Quick and Easy World Change, is here to share his journey, his insights, and how each of us can contribute to fixing our world, one small act at a time. Join me for my conversation with Pancho Timmons.

    Guest Bio: 

    Pancho Timmins has dedicated his life to proving that Kindness in Action = Success, personally and professionally. Kindness in action is a belief that every action matters and all the positive things you do make a difference in the world. Pancho truly owes his success to living a life of kindness in action. As a speaker, author, advocate, and business owner, he does his best to share this message with as many people as possible.

    Pancho wants to continue being living proof that if you do good things, good things will happen. Everyone has the ability to make an impact. There is no such thing as a small act of kindness. All acts of kindness matter and every one of them makes a difference.

    Pancho believes that we all have a moral and professional obligation to put ourselves in a position to do the most good we can for the community at large.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://panchotimmons.comProduct Link: Quick and Easy World Change (book)

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    01:28 A book called Quick and Easy World Change

    03:05 Every interaction that we have with people, matters

    06:38 Companies were never designed to save the world

    08:37 Companies are supposed to make profits and money

    11:36 It becomes contagious

    12:44 Every living person on the planet can make a significant difference

    14:45 As a culture, we're very self absorbed

    15:32 You call it a world changer’s mindset

    15:43 You want to live a lifestyle of kindness

    17:24 My goal was walking into a networking event saying, what can I do for everybody in here? 

    18:01 Enjoy giving and receiving, and make a game of giving

    19:19 How about practicing optimism? How do we do that?

    21:57 A formula: Success is Kindness in Action

    23:10 Kindness isn't weakness

    25:28 Most common misconceptions about DEI

    26:21 This urge to take everything that's been created as a shield and start to use it as a sword

    28:37 Just basic humanity

    29:14 What are those five things that they feel like they need, to be a respected person in that office?

    31:23 One of my biggest complaints is….

    33:55 Mid summer conference 2024

    34:05 All the reasons that a company would want to keep doing the DE&I

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pancho-timmons-859448154/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8U_1f6fg_MuIcym_Aex3qw

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pancho_timmons/

    Email: [email protected] 


    Rainmaker Digital Solutions:


    Episode Overview:

    Are you looking to avoid burnout but still maintain high engagement for yourself or your team? My guest on this episode is a beacon of transformation for disconnected teams and leaders who are looking to foster an environment of engagement and effortless work. Finding the balance between passion and burnout is the key to turning you and your team into an engaged powerhouse. 

    For leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone in between, feeling the weight of constant organizational change and the challenge of keeping productivity at its peak, this conversation promises to be a game changer. My guest is here to guide us through the journey of making work feel effortless. Join me now for my conversation with culture, engagement and peak performance expert, Sneha Mandala.

    Guest Bio: 

    Sneha Mandala is an expert in "Sustainable Peak Performance" for corporate and tech professionals. Her mission is to optimize employee performance while combating disengagement and burnout, which has been proven to significantly reduce business expenses. In fact, this problem is currently costing the U.S. economy $1 trillion annually.

    As a highly regarded speaker for Vistage, the world's largest executive coaching organization, Sneha Mandala has trained and coached several business and tech leaders. She has helped them develop tailored solutions for department-specific needs, utilizing Lean management methodologies to enhance productivity, and offer personalized guidance to empower employees in leveraging their strengths. She has reduced turnover and elevated engagement and performance in these organizations. 

    Sneha's expertise has led to an the International Achiever Award at the 2023 Eurasian Summit, and repeat appearances on Fox 24 News and features in NY Post and LA Weekly, where she dissects intricate corporate issues and provides impactful solutions that resonate with diverse employee age groups.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://snehamandala.com/Free eBook: https://snehamandala.com/free-resources/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    03:49 Where work doesn't feel like work. Work feels like play.

    04:37 Effortless work

    05:56 Does hard work really lead to success?

    08:47 We know people who are doing what they love and they're burning out still

    12:19 Now imagine you were left. to work on any project, that you felt passionate about

    14:12 They're allowed to work on any project they want to

    15:56 Gmail was born out of the Google's 20 percent project

    18:09 The Coasting Phenomenon

    20:57 Get the HR department involved

    22:11 Your goal shouldn't be creating cookie cutter employees

    24:26 The 4 percent rule 

    24:39 Flow occurs in the sweet spot of boredom and anxiety

    26:39 We have a program we're launching called RAINMAKER10X™

    28:59 What you just shared is a great way to start

    30:20 The question is, do you have the awareness?

    32:53 How much authenticity do we need to bring to the table? 

    34:40 You want to be in a state of being for fulfillment and happiness

    37:14 What should leaders be focusing on today to prepare for that future? 

    39:04 Book, 5 Reasons Your Employees Are Not As Productive As They Should Be

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/snehamandala/



    Episode Overview:

    In today's saturated market, where messages and brands constantly jostle for a slice of our attention, merely having a visually appealing design or a memorable tagline doesn't cut it anymore. It's about diving deep, beyond the surface, to genuinely connect with the core of human emotions and thought processes. This is where our guest, Jim Pietruszynski, the CEO of Soulsight, truly excels and sets himself apart.

    Jim has been a pivotal force in shifting cultural landscapes and propelling brand growth by tapping into an unparalleled comprehension of the human psyche. Picture this: crafting brands that do more than just exist - brands that thrive and resonate within the very essence of consumers, sparking both an emotional connection and delivering concrete results.

    Prepare yourself to explore the intricacies of constructing brands that not only capture, but also captivate hearts, all while driving impressive outcomes. Join me now for my conversation with Jim Pietruszynski.

    Guest Bio: 

    Jim Pietruszynski is honored to be the CEO of Soulsight, a full service brand design agency, that utilizes an empathic mindset to motivate consumer connections with brands emotionally, keeping brands relevant and evolving with culture. With over 3 decades of experience in iconic brand design, Jim has worked in every category and channel, and is driven not only by creativity, but understanding true human needs, turning brands into artifacts of our culture. He has spent the last 25 years at Soulsight with roles as a Designer, Strategist, Account Manager, and CMO. 

    Jim’s passion for the creative process begins with the formation of an environment where a strong strategic vision can truly thrive. Collaboration and honesty have been important factors that have fostered breakthrough innovation and game-changing creativity. Jim’s inspiration comes from insights grounded in basic human truths and an empathetic approach. His focus on strategic insight and design allows him to contribute compelling creative thinking for clients and colleagues. 

    Jim has experience in working with global and iconic companies such as Kraft Heinz, Coca-Cola, Molson Coors, General Mills, Pfizer, Unilever, and Hershey’s, and his work has been recognized by Graphis, How, Print, Communication Arts, Mobius, London International Awards, International Brand Packaging, Creativity Annual Awards, and Pentawards. 

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://soulsight.com/Product Link: https://www.harpercollins.com/products/the-big-book-of-packaging-will-burkelisa-baerjames-pietruszynski?variant=32115975651362

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    03:34 I love feedback, I love constructive criticism

    04:12 Design's all about problem solving

    05:40 Emotions were really the messengers to help us solve problems

    07:14 70% of all decisions are made subconsciously by our emotion

    07:40 If you compare the movie Die Hard to Rambo

    11:48 SOUL stands for….

    13:25 Coors is an interesting example

    15:55 It can get a little bit scary when we over generalize

    17:56 What brings them together is actually the emotion

    19:33 What are the values that are important 

    19:44 Passion, growth and respect are the three values that we hold strong

    22:41 If you want a brand to maintain consistency, become iconic

    24:57 Looking at the brand every year and auditing

    27:12 Brand activation

    30:47 Enterprise Rental Car, they do a great job of utilizing empathy and emotion 

    32:21 Collaboration is key for...


    Episode Overview:

    In today’s crowded marketplace, presentation excellence isn’t just important; it’s critical. Whether you are a business professional or entrepreneur, presentation excellence allows you to cut through the noise, ensuring your message isn’t just heard, but connects and resonates with your audience. 

    At its core, business is about relationships. Presentation excellence enables you to build authentic connections with your audience. Whether It’s in webinars, sales presentations, podcasts, live streams, or social media, presentation excellence is about leveraging the tools and technologies and amplifying your reach and impact. To help us understand what we should focus on to stand out, is presentation and technology expert, Cat Mulvihill.

    Guest Bio: 

    Cat is a skilled speaker and trainer who teaches people how to stand out in virtual presentations. She has over 15 years of experience leading workshops and programs, and after being forced to transition to the virtual format, Cat learned how to leverage tools and technology to stand out as an online presenter.

    She is a Roger Love Method Certified speaking coach. Cat has an MEd with a specialization in Workplace & Adult Learning and an MBA with a specialization in Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour.

    Resource Links:

    Website: https://catmulvihill.com Product Link: https://catmulvihill.com/work-with-me/

    Insight Gold Timestamps:

    03:58 The camera steals your energy

    06:13 What is the emotionality behind your voice and your message?

    08:24 When I started recording videos or going live, it was awkward and cringy

    08:59 One of the best things I did was to practice in a safe environment with other people

    11:23 You will get better at it, but it will never be easy

    13:36 So the must haves were great lighting, good sound

    14:56 We gravitate towards people who are making eye contact with us

    15:04 I use a technique called Early, Easy, and Clear

    17:54 You have to understand, what is the problem it's solving

    19:29 Connection and content are probably the kingpins to make that presentation work

    19:44 A lot of people underestimate lists and checklists

    23:10 I always ask myself, What problem does it solve?

    24:21 Can you share your process for distilling that information down into clear, actionable insights

    25:45 What's the content I would have liked to see the first time I was learning this

    27:43 I try to record everything as if I'm delivering it live

    31:55 The brain can do one or the other

    33:55 I absolutely love Ecamm

    35:27 The importance of supporting future you

    35:43 I’ve really tried to be intentional about noticing when is there friction in my life?  

    36:08 How can I make this experience better? 

    Connect Socially:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mulvihillcatherine/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/catmulvihill

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/catmulvihill

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catmulvihill

    Email: [email protected]


    Rainmaker Digital Solutions: