Join a Minister, a Catholic, and an Atheist as they take on every conversation everyone else is trying to avoid. From religion to current affairs and politics - nothing is off the table. Could this be a grassroots effort to change the world and teach people to communicate? Or will this be the end of three very long friendships? Subscribe below to find out.
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Podcasting interviews and lectures that provoke thought, confront ideological and political positions and engage the heart.
A Notes from a Neighbour Podcast
Islamic scholarly lecture recordings to listen to on the go.
On this podcast we cover life topics that help us "ungraduate" from the system of limitation on the human mind.
Your host, Ken Hannaman, has traveled his own life path of learning and removing himself from the social norms of "indoctrination" early on in life and unconventionally navigated his way from high school drop out, to Executive Leader and Author.
Tune in for quick insights alongside weekly deep dive episodes and interviews to help us "ungraduate" from our old outdated education and indoctrination systems and improve our mindset to achieve more out of life.
In this show you will discover that your life isn't in your hands --- it is all in your head! -
The most influential book outside of the Bible, I've added an aural context layer of inflection, volume, interpreted punctuation and nuance to the written text. I pray it blesses you as it has me.
A poetic and philosophical exploration of the Western intellectual and contemplative tradition
A Glimpse of the Kingdom is a podcast dedicated to Christian thinking on various topics such as Christian doctrine, apologetics, healthy relationships, and various Bible studies. For more, see
We're a church that exists to Honor God and Make Disciples. We hope our weekly preaching podcasts encourage and inspire you. For more information about us, visit our website at
Podcast Kien Tran—mảnh vườn xanh tốt giúp bạn giành giật lại chủ quyền bản thể, năng lực lý trí, tình yêu, đam mê, sức mạnh, ý nghĩa cuộc đời...
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Sách Đừng Chạy Theo Số Đông (412 trang) đã phát hành trên Tiki:
Ebook Đừng Chạy Theo Số Đông (FULL) miễn phí, và các sách khác có thể download tại -
Daily Alan Watts lectures from all his work ever made available. Meet Alan Watts the Western philosopher bringing the far East to the Western public. #alanwatts #spirituality #philosophy .
Are you bored? Join me as I help open your eyes to evident societal matters that people refuse to talk about due to a lack of idea and interest.
Do you find the chaos and noise of the world getting you down? Time to turn up the voice of God in your life! Join Erica Parkerson for a mini-bible study podcast each weekday. In 7 minutes or less, you’ll dive into God’s Word and come up refreshed and ready for the next thing on your to do list. We know you can find 7 minutes a day to stop and soak in God's truth! You can totally connect with Jesus on your commute, during your lunch break, in the school pickup line, while you’re doing the dishes, or at the coffee shop with earbuds and your favorite latte. We’ve got you covered with a Bible podcast for your busy life!
What does the path to discovering a possible religious vocation look like? For many young women (and men) a life of chastity, poverty, and obedience is a vocation that has not been modeled in modern-day America. You’re in for a surprise; join Sr. Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz, O.P. as she dives into the beautiful and unique stories of Sisters who answered that call. Get to know some of these beautiful, intelligent and fun-loving Sisters as they share how living out their calling has enabled them to become the person God created them to be.
Taking you inside one of the fastest-growing religious orders of women in the world, And The Truth Shall Set You Free provides priceless information for not only young women but for young men discerning a possible religious life (and their parents as well) looks like. -
Growing up Southern Baptist with a self-absorbed Mother and often absent Father, Jo Alch was forced to spend most of her childhood with an abusive Grandmother who believed that hard work was the only way to get to heaven. On weekends, while her Catholic friends were watching cartoons and playing with the latest toys, Jo and her siblings were polishing silver and starching linens with military precision. Her Grandmother’s personality at church was gentle and kind, unlike the often cruel and harsh one only her family saw.
Jo’s life changed when she stumbled upon a little shop not far from her home, where a perfect stranger gave her the hope for a brighter future. That shop was called 'The Lemon Tree' and that's the story that inspired Jo to write her first book 'The Lemon Tree Book - Memoirs of Courage'.
Tune in to be inspired by stories of those who triumphed over adversity. -
***Top 1.0% Global Podcast****Rated #13 –Top 60 Christian Counseling Podcasts**Rated Top 20 Motion Graphics Podcast*Desire to have a stronger Vertical Relationship with JESUS? Need GODLY relationship advice? Are their areas of your life that need authentic HEALING? Struggling with your highly sensitive gift in the prophetic? Or just fed-up of living in bondage of the enemy? I get it! I went from a hot mess to totally blessed. Truth… We all have hidden wounds that lie deep within our wounded soul. Soul wounds have to be purged, removed, and cleansed with GOD in order to get to the ”ROOT” of trauma, have thriving relationships, and get set FREE from the bondage of the enemy.Hey friends! I‘m Melia Diana (LPTA, ACSM-CPT, FII-CPTS), integrating over 17+ years in the medical, health, and fitness fields and intertwining my expertise as an International & Best-Selling Author, Certified Christian & Clinical Counselor, Certified Biblical Therapist, Relationship & Dating Coach for HSP’s, and Prophetic Ministry Founder; to give you pure teachings. YES... I‘ve dug through the trenches with God to bring you the TRUTH, in love, encompassed with prophetic words, healing, Christian counsel, godly relationship advice, spiritual warfare tactics, and authentic biblical support, along with prayers for your health so you can cultivate thriving relationships. No fluff here, my friends!Podcast for JESUS + Healing + Deliverance + Relationship Goals + Godly Dating Advice + Christian Counseling + Biblical Mindset + Christian Marriage + Trauma Recovery + Prophetic Words + Prayer + Spiritual Warfare + a sprinkle of God‘s Word!Learn what it takes to be a godly woman/man living in an upside-down world. Striving to HEAL and have thriving relationships through the healing power of God’s Word. Start healing from trauma ”God’s Way” for your wounded soul with a Kingdom mindset and heart. Gain clarity why your relationships, health, personal life, ministry, business, and/or family life is out of alignment. Gain wisdom of the four vital components of life that require healing... spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. And, of course- I‘ll give you the TRUTH that sets people free (which is different from the world’s way). No more feeling unworthy, undervalued, and alone! We will dig into many areas of Biblical Christian Counseling, spiritual warfare, marriage advice, equally yoked dating tips, healing & deliverance, strongholds, mindsets, chronic pain, prophetic words, toxic wound patterns...and so much more! Let’s learn to have godly relationships and heal with GOD; guided by the Holy Spirit. This encouraging podcast will help empower your relationship with yourself, others, and most importantly- JESUS! Be inspired to start hearing from GOD while enhancing your vertical relationship with Jesus. Allow the veil to be lifted from blinded eyes and ears... reclaim your identity in Christ, learn how to blossom into a Proverbs 31 Woman and Ephesians 5 Man! Mend your pain and broken relationships through God‘s living Word. Get mature, non-secular teachings, counseling, coaching, and consulting tips through truthful prophetic words.Are you a busy Christian woman entrepreneur, stay-at-home Mom, or hardworking Dad? I totally understand- you‘ll get powerful bit-size episodes packed with punch! (No worries boys- you can listen, too). This show is for the believer who might have lost their way. A follower of Christ who has been saved for years and ready to know Jesus more intimately. Or curious what this ”JESUS” thing is all about? Praying for clarity and direction to do His will, God clearly told me, “My people don’t fit into categories!” God cares about people... PERIOD! Quite frankly, God does not care about SEO, algorithms, demographics or your Avatar. Just loving others with His truth sets us FREE. God calls us to be bold; a source of light in the dark for others to witness. Use our pain for a purpose and utilize our spiritual gifts to bless others. All are outlets to point to Christ and not self. This show is dedicated to bring God’s glory to His Kingdom while helping lost souls mature in their walk with Jesus. Thrive in your relationships, health, and healing progression with God by your side. Equip yourself with the God’s Word, restoring balance back into your life. Having a VERTICAL RELATIONSHIP will directly affect our horizontal relationships. No more Band-Aids or temporary worldly ways that don’t last. You deserve the TRUTH and not more deceit!Blessings xo, MeliaChristian Counseling & Coaching ->’s Books-> Courses-> Community->
Cedarville Stories podcast shares the stories of individuals who have been impacted from their experiences at Cedarville University, all for God's glory. Each week you’ll hear unique stories of how Cedarville’s mission of transforming lives through excellent education and intentional discipleship in submission to biblical authority is being lived out in the lives of faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of the University.
Listen in each Wednesday and be blessed by some of the amazing ways God is working in and through the lives of the Cedarville family.