In this final episode, Jessica and Tyler discuss which parts of the third season they found most impactful, review the personal qualities each guest attributed to Christianity and feminism, and share what they're each taking away from three years of doing this podcast.
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763).
We talk with preacher, author, and spiritual director Rev. Kyndall Rae Rothaus about ways to heal religious trauma, how to have an inclusive community that also has boundaries, and putting the lie to those who say they can’t find enough women to preach at their conferences.
Connect with Kyndall online:
Websites: Kindle Your Soul Fire and Nevertheless She Preached
Instagram: @kyndallraerothaus and @neverthelessshepreached
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
Episodes manquant?
We talk with accomplished author, hymn writer, and minister Rev. Dr. Jann Aldredge-Clanton about her parents pushing the envelope on inclusion in 1960s Louisiana, the book that transformed her view on the equality of women, and why she turned to hymns as the way to bring more divine feminine language into church services.
Connect with Jann online:
Websites: Jann Aldredge-Clanton, Equity for Women in the Church, and The Gathering
YouTube: Jann Aldredge-Clanton
Facebook: Jann Aldredge-Clanton
Twitter: @aldredgeclanton
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with MDiv/MSW student Ruthie Olson about how theology and social work can work together, the difficult choice to walk away from a community that was important to her, and learning to how to dream of a future after a childhood with cancer.
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with Rev. Jen Butler, CEO of Faith in Public Life and author of Who Stole My Bible?, about leading an interfaith network of religious leaders, watching community organizing in action in Belize, and how a group of Muslim women inspired her to finalize her ordination.
Please note: This episode discusses an incident of stalking, 19:41-20:40.
Connect with Rev. Jen online:
Websites: Faith in Public Life and Rev. Jen Butler
Twitter: @RevJenButler
Instagram: @RevJenButler
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with the Rev. Dr. Marcia Ledford, civil rights attorney and Episcopal priest, about equipping progressive Christians to speak out in the political arena, how theology evolves both academically and personally, and growing up and coming out in the era of second-wave feminism.
Connect with Marcia online:
Website: Political Theology Matters
Facebook pages: Political Theology Matters, Marcia Ledford Author, The Lazarus Lives Project (support page for LGBTQ Christians)
Twitter: @DocLedford
Instagram: @DocLedford
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with author and non-profit director Rev. Dr. Angela Yarber about her new memoir, Queering the American Dream, engaging thoughtfully with stories and cultures that aren’t our own, and the unvarnished reality of life off the grid.
Connect with Angela online:
Website: Tehom Center
Facebook: Tehom Center
Twitter: @tehomcenter
Instagram: @tehomcenter
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with University of Bergamo assistant professor Alberta Giorgi about her research into religious feminism and podcasts, the many-layered reasons she left the Catholic Church, and the challenges of doing research in an area as personal and complex as religion.
Connect with Alberta online:
Twitter: @gi_albe
Google Scholar: Alberta Giorgi
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with ultimate Frisbee player, coach, and equity consultant Shanye Crawford about navigating competition and pride as a Christian athlete, what she lost and gained during the pandemic, and why she identifies as a noiriste and not a feminist.
Connect with Shanye online:
Instagram: @shhh_knee (Personal) and @disc_diversity (Disc/Diversity)
Twitter: @shhh_knee (Personal) and @disc_diversity (Disc/Diversity)
Discover Diversity Website: discoverdiversity.org
Facebook: Disc/Diversity
YouTube: Disc/Diversity
SoundCloud: Shanye Crawford
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with Rev. Fanya Burford-Berry about the importance of life in community, combating teachers’ low expectations, and her practical suggestion for addressing the wage gap.
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
Jessica shares a life update, and we talk about being a divorced person in the Catholic Church, cultural stereotypes of divorced women, and how purity culture affects dating after divorce.
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with Kimberly Peeler-Ringer (The Churched Feminist) about being reluctantly called to seminary, female representations of God in the Bible, and what a trauma-informed approach to Scripture looks like.
Connect with Kimberly online:
Facebook: The Churched Feminist
Instagram: @thechurchedfeminist
Twitter: @churchedfem
Website: thechurchedfeminist.com
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with Christian ethicist Dr. Grace Kao about her unexpected journey to being a surrogate mother, how gender roles have evolved from her parents' generation to her children's, and why her thought process around vaccinating her 11-year-old shocked some people.
Connect with Grace online:
Facebook: Grace Kao
Twitter: @profgracekao
Website: drgracekao.com
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with software engineer and Bible nerd Rachel Klein about the implicit messages that steered her away from programming (and what brought her back), the meandering path that led to her intentional decision to become a Christian, and why she left her beloved Catholic church.
Visit Rachel's website: Read with Love
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with siblings Kelly Walsh Holler and Aaron Walsh about how their childhood bickering evolved into a deep friendship, the ways they each reconciled Aaron's coming out with their Catholic faith, and their family's reaction to Kelly's engagement at age 21.
Visit Aaron's website: Letters to a Young Gay Christian
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with Roman Catholic Womanpriest Christine Haider-Winnett about being both within and outside of her home tradition, doing Zoom church with little kids, and the surprising way her childhood priest reacted when she felt called to ordination at 13.
Connect with Via Sophia Ministry online:
Facebook: Via Sophia Ministry
Instagram: @viasophiaministry
Website: viasophiaministry.com
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with author and podcaster Kat Armas about theology learned from our grandmothers' faith, recognizing holy moments in retrospect, and not expecting stories of trauma from those with traditionally marginalized identities.
Connect with Kat online:
Twitter: @kat_armas
Instagram: @kat_armas
Website: katarmas.com
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
In the first episode of the newest season, Jessica and Tyler talk about what's changed since they launched the podcast two years ago, how they're thinking about returning to church (or not), and what qualities of who they are today come from their Christianity and their feminism.
Who should we interview this season? Suggest a guest here!
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
In the final episode of the season, Jessica and Tyler discuss the themes they found most impactful from this season's interviews, from the church's thorny history with mental and physical health to the values children bring into adulthood, and recap the many different gifts of Christianity and feminism.
Want a Season 3? Here are some ways to show your support!
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
We talk with author and nonprofit founder Nicole Lynn Lewis about getting through college as a teen mother, how others perceive a Black female leader, and why today's teen parents are giving her hope.
Connect with Nicole and Generation Hope online:
Instagram: @supportgenhope (Generation Hope) and @nicolelynnlewis (Personal)
Twitter: @supportgenhope (Generation Hope) and @nicolelynnlewis (Personal)
Website: generationhope.org (Generation Hope) and nicolelynnlewis.com (Personal)
For a full transcript of this episode, visit blessedarethefeminists.com.
Find us on Instagram @holyfeminists or Twitter @holyfeminists. Share your feedback via email at blessedarethefeminists@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail at (737) BATF-POD (737-228-3763). Help us keep the show going by supporting us on Patreon.
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