Aj míňať sa dá s rozumom.
Rasťo Vasilišin sa rozpráva s najzaujímavejšími ľuďmi z oblasti businessu, financií a bitcoinu. Od úspešných investorov po kultúrne ikony, Rasťo sa prepája “starý svet” financií s bitcoinovým štandardom.
Host Ras Vasilisin talks to the most interesting people in business, finance, and bitcoin. From successful investors to cultural icons, Ras helps you to bridge traditional finance with bitcoin standard and beyond.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Meet Bob “Sully” Sullivan, long time radio host and one helluva stock picker who happens to be in the business of personal finance and investing with an unmatched ability to deliver bar room style conversation with business flair. The Big Biz Show is business talk for the rest of us!
Mastering Growth is a new, weekly podcast digging into the seminal moments that influenced a brand or individual’s growth. Hosted by Ivan Kan, Senior Vice President of Web3 and Influencer Strategy at Avenue Z, each interview unpacks the details and decisions at key inflection points, revealing lessons learned with some of the brightest minds in entrepreneurship.
Welcome to the Enterprising Gen-Z podcast, the weekly show where you can listen to the top entrepreneurs and industry professionals from around the world discuss steps to success, tips and advice, and topical stories all related to entrepreneurship.
The EGZ podcast is hosted by Sam Watson, a 19-year-old student from North London, now living in Paris. Sam is the Founder and CEO of Enterprising Gen-Z Events, Enterprising Gen-Z Consulting, and is the Head of Growth at Wing. -
James Liu is a serial entrepreneur. He talks about marketing, sales, mindset and interviews successful entrepreneurs to discuss the best practices to build and grow a successful online business
Inšpirácie a praktické rady od podnikateľov, ktorí začali z nuly a vybudovali úspešné firmy na Slovensku, ale aj vo svete.
O slobode, ako byť lepším, hackovaní seba, života, počítačov, ekonomike a všeličom inom. Hostiteľ: Juraj Bednár
Welcome to Chasing the Insights, the podcast designed for you, the marketer, entrepreneur and small business owner.
Each week your host, Vince Warnock, has a fireside chat (minus an actual fireside) with some of the biggest and brightest minds in entrepreneurship, web3, mindset, marketing and sales (basically anything that helps you on your entrepreneurial journey).
This is your chance to glean insights from the best in the business to help you to grow your business and to gain an unfair advantage. -
Welcome to "Wealth Strategy Secrets of the Ultra Wealthy," a masterclass in wealth creation, preservation, and legacy building, hosted by renowned wealth strategist Dave Wolcott. This podcast dives deep into the lesser-known, often secretive strategies that the ultra-wealthy use to amass and protect their fortunes.
Each week, join Dave, a seasoned expert in wealth management, as he unveils the complex world of high finance, investments, tax strategies, and estate planning. Dave brings his decades of experience to the table, offering listeners an insider's view on how to think about wealth, leverage opportunities, and avoid common pitfalls that can erode financial success.
In "Wealth Strategy Secrets of the Ultra Wealthy," you won't just hear from Dave. The show features a dynamic lineup of financial experts, successful entrepreneurs, and influential thought leaders, all sharing their insights and personal stories of triumph and resilience. These conversations aren't just about accumulating wealth; they're about cultivating a mindset for prosperity and understanding the responsibility that comes with significant wealth.
Whether you're an aspiring millionaire, a seasoned investor, or simply looking to improve your financial literacy, this podcast is your gateway to understanding the sophisticated techniques of the world's financial elite. Dave's engaging, accessible approach breaks down complex concepts into actionable advice, making the world of ultra-wealthy wealth strategies accessible to everyone.
Tune in to "Wealth Strategy Secrets of the Ultra Wealthy" and embark on a journey to transform your financial future. Learn, get inspired, and start applying the secrets of the ultra-wealthy to your own wealth journey! -
Špekuluješ? Nešpekuluj, peniaze sa v ponožke necítia dobre. Web:
Chceš byť finančne gramotný, no nechce sa ti čítať obsiahle články? Pomôžeme ti! Svetom financií ťa prevedú Sketch Bros. V novom podcaste Nebuď Ďuro sa dozvieš, ako narábať s vlastnými peniazmi, ako ich nielen sporiť, ale aj ďalej investovať. Tak poď do toho a Nebuď Ďuro!
Nebuď Ďuro!
BAUER MEDIA Slovakia, k.s., Vrútocká 48, 821 04 Bratislava
IČO: 357 92 094
Periodicita: 2-týždenná
EČP: EV 79/23/EPP -
Vitaj v podcaste theskool so mnou, Petrou Schmitzberger. V Theskool získaš vedomosti a zručnosti pre tvoju budúcnosť, ktoré ťa v škole nenaučili. Ja a moji hostia s tebou zdieľame cenné skúsenosti a know-how, ktoré ti pomôžu nielen uspieť v tvojom podnikaní, ale aj v živote. Vydaj sa s nami na cestu rastu a rozvoja a staň sa tvojím najlepším JA spolu s theskool podcast.
To be an entrepreneur is to be a REBEL. The RBL Media Podcast was born out of the desire to create a space for those who have chosen the gritty path of entrepreneurship and live to tell the tale. Hear from business owners who go against the grain and dare to be different, who build innovative brands, and make a real impact.
¿Te interesa el sector inmobiliario? ¿Te gustaría aprender más sobre este y no sabes cómo?
Tranquilo, soy Àlex Soler, un agente inmobiliario en la zona Vic y la comarca de Osona (Barcelona). Y en este podcast compartiré contigo todo lo que vaya aprendiendo sobre este apasionante sector. ¡Empecemos!
Si tienes alguna duda o sugerencia puedes contactarme a través de mi página web
¿Estás listo para resolver tus dudas sobre este apasionante sector? ¡Pues empecemos! -
Zámer: priblížiť poslucháčom zákony jednoduchšou rečou, vysvetliť ich obsah a v rámci rozhovoru s odborníkmi poukázať na reálnu prax a povinnosti z nich vyplývajúce.
Cieľová skupina: daňoví poradcovia, audítori, špecialisti v mzdovej oblasti, ale aj bežní malí a strední podnikatelia.
Viac informácií nájdete na
Listen to the VidAction Podcast (For Growing YouTube Channels, Video Creators, and Video Marketing Tips), where YouTube consultant and coach Dane Golden interviews top voices from around the video marketing industry to find out their secrets to success. We give you the best strategy and tips to get the greatest value out of your video marketing budget, and use video to give the greatest value to your potential customers. Focused on helping marketers, businesses, and brands, we talk about both YouTube organic and YouTube paid media, with an eye on strategy, content programming, and optimization. Guests have included Derral Eves, Matt Gielen, Ann Handley, Trena Little, Jeremy Vest, Sean Cannell, Rob Balasabas, Liron Segev, Mark Robertson, Jessica Stansberry, Brendan Gahan, Tom Martin, David Walsh, Desiree Martinez, Ileane Smith, George B. Thomas, Judi Fox, String Nguyen, Anthony Ambriz, Jake Larsen, Tom Breeze, Gwen Miller, Shelly Saves The Day, Renee Teeley, and other leaders in the field of video marketing.
Podcast o investovaní od IAD Investments, najstaršej slovenskej správcovskej spoločnosti.
Als Unternehmer:in oder Gründer:in weiß man nie, was einen am nächsten Tag erwartet. Um den Herausforderungen des Unternehmertums gewachsen zu sein, ist es wichtig, sich weiterzubilden und von anderen erfolgreichen Unternehmern zu lernen. Der Podcast „Unternehmen im Gespräch“ von Diplom-Volkswirtin Heike Drexel aus Köln bietet genau das: eine Plattform für spannende Gespräche mit erfolgreichen Unternehmer:innen und Expert:innen aus verschiedenen Branchen.
Die Unternehmer:innen berichten nicht nur über Erfolge, sondern auch über herausfordernde Krisen und vor allem darüber, wie sie diese überwunden haben. Von Marketingstrategien über Finanzierung bis hin zur Work-Life-Balance gibt es viel zu lernen und zu entdecken. Die meisten Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten kommen aus Köln & dem Rheinland.
Ziel ist es, das Bild der Unternehmer:innen und Solopreneuer:innen in der Öffentlichkeit zu stärken und die Menschen hinter der Visitenkarte sichtbar zu machen.
Abonniere den Kanal und erfahre als Erste/r die neuen Geschichten und wertvollen Tipps. -
Ondra a Igor koučují majitele menších a středních firem. S jakými tématy se setkávají? Co nejvíce řeší jejich klienti? Přijměte pozvání k poslechu. Zastavte se a inspirujte se.
Bez zastavení se nebude změna možná!
A chcete vlastně změnu?
Nová epizoda vychází vždy ve čtvrtek v 9:00 🕘🎙️
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Ondra -
Igor -