You'll be ecstatic to know that Body Posi Yogi is back with the eighth and final limb, Samadhi! More new episodes coming soon!
Elisa and Jill clear the air this episode by talking about the different types of psychic and intuitive feelings, like clairvoyance, clairsentience, and others. They only lightly touch on eclairs.
Episodes manquant?
Elisa and Jill get to the heart of the matter in our forth installment on Chakras
Jill and Elisa take some time to go off on the realities of body marginalization in media and in real life
Elisa and Jill talk about the third chakra: the manipura, solar plexus, or "Beyonce chakra" (if Jill has anything to say about it)
Elisa and Jill take questions from YOU about yogi diets, dealing with fat-phobic eating attitudes in the workplaces, and a whole lot more
Elisa and Jill discuss how yoga teachers can be biased against larger body types and ways to fix the issue
Elisa and Jill continue their Chakras discussion with the Sacral Chakra
Elisa and Jill talk about astrology and what a planet or other celestial body being in retrograde entails
Elisa and Jill discuss Dana Falsetti's recent battle over who owns yoga-related media, flows, and content
Elise and Jill go over the basics of the 7 chakras
Jill and Elisa continue down the Eight Limbed Path with limbs 5, 6, and 7; Pratyahara (senses), Dharana (Concentration), and Dhyana (Meditation on the Divine)
Elisa and Jill discuss some of the controversies surrounding the yoga-wear juggernaut known as Lululemon
In this episode, Elisa talks about abundance, manifestation, privilege, and women of color with Lara Rose Duong: The Modern Money Witch!
Elisa gives Jill an amateur tarot reading in this episode. Spoiler: it's scary accurate.
Elisa and Jill continue down the Eight Limbed Path with the fourth limb Pranayama, breathing exercises
Elisa and Jill continue their journey down the Eight Limbed Path with the third limb, Asanas. That's body postures to you and me.
Elisa goes over the various studies of astrology and gives Jill a Natal Chart reading
Elisa and Jill are back from their hiatus to continue down the Eight Limbed Path, this time discussing Niyamas
Elisa and Jill start their journey through the Eight Limbed Path with the first limb, Yamas
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