香港本土旅遊podcast ,希望和大家共同發掘、認識和欣賞香港。
Set in the heady days of 1970's Italy, before the internet shrank the world, 'Italia 77' tells a compelling story of two Lancastrian friends, fresh from the UK, one a failed dental student, the other, an ageing rugby star, who find themselves landed in Rome with the bold intention of taking the Italian sporting scene by storm, but this is far from being a sporting memoir. Join us on a journey of enlightenment, adventure, enduring friendship and discovery on a five-year trail from Rome to Florence taking in a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds and tastes along the way.
Written & Presented by Ian McAlister
Read by Richard Greenwood*
Edited by Stu Smith & Nigel Heath with Jamie Allen
Original Music by Stu Smith
Production Music from Epidemic Sound
Recorded and Produced by Tom Allom & Nigel Heath at La Cucina Studios for Xacutti Productions
Special Thanks to Jamie Allen and Mike Hanson at Podpeople Productions.
*Episode 4 read by Ian McAlister -
200 years of true crime stories
Want to know your fellow peregrinos' favourite places to eat, sleep and visit when walking the Camino de Santiago?
Need packing tricks, training tips, help with choosing footwear and lots more vital information to help you prepare for your pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela?
Find out in these episodes and interviews with pilgrims who've walked the way, the fabled, Road to Santiago.
Your host is Bradley Chermside, author of international bestselling Camino de Santiago memoir, The Only Way Is West.
!Buen Camino! -
This collection discusses how various Native American tribes have influenced different regions of North America. Native American tribe members also share their cultural heritage and love for the Earth.
第六十五至一○四集,網羅流傳千古的名篇鉅著,《道德經》、《戰國策》、《世說新語》等,探究我國經典文學著作。 -
第一次世界大战简史,从人文角度切入去看待当时的战争与故事,人类大洪流背景下的人性与抉择是历史最吸引我的地方,大概要做10期的样子,能够基本反映一战的轮廓,如果有不着调的竟然喜欢这种风格,那我可能会再出一些吧,主要还是自己的兴趣使然。 很早以前做过一版在KLFM上的作品,但是没出完,偶尔上去看了看,发现还蛮多人喜欢,想传到喜马拉雅,却已找不到源文件,干脆重新录制了一版,这次会更新完的,时间嘛还是偶尔吧。 本专辑内容主要依据押沙龙老师的博文,我非常喜欢,可惜没能出版,所以在这里分享下,也希望大家能够多多支持押沙龙老师。
監製: 羅曼穎 -
今年年底是南京大屠殺七十周年。 -
"There is a history in all men's lives".... so said Shakespeare, and every week Conservator Paul Harrison details the history of a person or part of Hong Kong on Naked Lunch with Sarah Passmore, from the beginnings of banks and businesses, the police to pirates, to the people behind street names. Paul's peering into the past always sheds some light onto the Hong Kong of today.
由公民教育委員會與香港電台聯合製作的「文化長河 - 非物質文化遺產系列」共13集,拍攝以民間美術、曲藝、民俗、手工技藝、民間音樂、傳統戲劇、雜技與競技、民間舞蹈及民間文學等10個「類別」為依歸的國家級非物質文化遺產,到訪中國各地,讓香港觀眾,尤其是年青的一代去瞭解,文化是既遠且近。
19:00 – 19:30 無綫電視翡翠台
21:00 – 21:30 香港寬頻bbTV公共資訊台
22:00 – 22:30 無綫收費電視新聞二台
23:00 – 23:30 有線電視直播新聞台 -
地球已經有 45 億年的歷史。現代人類學及考古學都認為人類文明只是出現在最近的萬多年之前。越來越多的新發現,在更早之前應該有未知的文明在地球上活動過。究竟,他們是我們的祖先,還是外來的智慧物種?
香港電台文教組製作 -
旁白: 黃德斌 -
Explore the life, work and legacy of a thinker that some call the last of the great public intellectuals and a figure widely credited with being the founder of cultural studies: this man is Stuart Hall.