Sorry about the audio for BvZ #25. I fucked up the hardware settings. Zwick made this fix.
I'm sure you've seen the video by now, but Mumkey/Jimmy/Tyler is having an incredibly hard time.
He's heavily into drinking and drugs, his relationship with Sheep is in shambles, he's lashing out at his friends, and he's suicidal.
I've reached out to him multiple times, and I've also been talking with Erich, Florian & Sheep herself. We gotta join hands around this guy before he makes a mistake.
He's a goddamn kid. There's gotta be a way to help this goddamn kid, and I'll be doing my best.
Boomie goes back to basics. Zoomie goes back to drinking. And the moderators of /r/ScreenJunkies go back to hating Mumkey Jones. #BOOMERvsZOOMER http://www.patreon.com/mumkey http://www.patreon.com/asterios
Episodes manquant?
Mumkey & Asterios make their Endgame predictions. And: there's Andy Signore news. (Speaking of big, dramatic endings.) #BOOMERvsZOOMER
Mumkey enters Clownworld. Asterios enters hell. Mumkey is there, dressed like a clown. http://www.patreon.com/asterios
AIR FRYER!! https://amzn.to/2Iax2Mk
On this week's Blopper Zopper...
For the first time in recorded history, the arrogance of a Double Or Nothing bet has exploded in someone's face! Could it be? Will Asterios actually be completely sober for the next full year?
Meanwhile, Mumkey gives advice to a girl whose sex life has been ruined by her boyfriend's selfishly dead little brother, Asterios has some HOT TAKES on the Michael Jackson documentary that you WON'T wanna miss, and the boys answer the age old question: Fedoras?
Download the podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/boomer-vs-zoomer/id1446807600
Mumkey's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwSbtZ8H_Gx2GDme56CO7QQ
https://www.patreon.com/mumkey -
Asterios has a shocking update on The Sobriety Bet. Mumkey has harsh words for Sirancha. And Survivor talk invades yet another fine podcast from patreon.com/asterios. #BomboVsZombo
Meanwhile, the guys give advice to listeners wondering which generation they fit into, Mumkey reveals who he'll be voting for in 2020, and Asterios may or may not need helping escaping a forced porg sexual relationship.
This week on the Zoomy Zoomy Boom Boom:
Asterios calls the principal's office kid for an update on the beatings he's received from his Mexican father, Mumkey recants a cute story about his girlfriend cheating on him with her own brother, and things get 2sad2furious.
Asterios's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Asterios
Mumkey's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwSbtZ8H_Gx2GDme56CO7QQ
Mumkey tries to outrun a podcast losing streak.
Asterios gets a frantic text from a fan sent to the principal's office.
And for the first time ever...THE DOOMER REPORT.
This week's Boomie/Zoomie dives deep into some depressing topics: mental illness, domestic abuse denial, Notch's twitter antics -- truly a dark blight on the typically glowing whimsy of the podcast! But will there be a light at the end of the tunnel? Will Mumkey hang himself from the top bunk with a belt? WILL NOTCH COME TO MUMKEY'S HOUSE TO PLAY SMASH BROS AND EAT PIZZA? All this and a whole lot more on a brand new episode of The Boomer & The Zoomer!
Mumkey makes a powerful ally.
Asterios gives powerful sexual advice.
And Dale Gribble is powerfully triggered.
Mumkey mourns the loss of Tom Green.
Asterios pitches a cyberpunk reboot of a Greek drama.
And Notch cries alone in his solid gold hot tub.
All this AND a particularly horrifying joke about Mumkey's grandmother on this week's Bombo vs. Zombo!
Fresh off sold-out back-to-back live shows in NYC, your favorite old guy/short guy combo pack returns to fill your ears with an hour of assorted nonsense.
IN THIS EPISODE: we recap our live shows, talk about the time Asterios nearly worked for Michael Moore, and pitch a new movie where incels must steal one million good boy points...OR DIE!
So listen...OR DIE! (You won't die.)
Hey! We got two BIG live shows coming up this weekend, so Mumkey's in NYC crashing on our couch for like two goddamn weeks. We've been going at it pretty hard since the moment he walked in the door, so apologies for this episode being late. Hope you tune into this Saturday night's livestream!
Get tickets to our BRAND NEW FRIDAY SHOW here:
https://bvz2.bpt.me* * *
Asterios' Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/asterios
Mumkey's Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/mumkey
The Show's Amazon Link (bookmark it!): https://www.amazon.com/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=asterios08-20
Who gets more triggered: Boomers or Zoomers? Is Louis CK's new material Louis P.U.? And what are the ingredients for my hot new drink, "The Orlando Sunrise?" Hear these things AND an update on the status of my all-new social media team on this week's Boomer vs. Zoomer, live from my mom's kitchen in Orlando Florida! And yes: I'm not wearing any pants, because why would anyone do that? They're like leg prisons! Here's the big news: Mumkey's got a new video out, and it's up to all of us to ensure that it stays alive on YouTube. Right after this taping, the "Jungle Jimmy" account was killed, which is the stupidest thing YouTube's weekend moderation team could have done. Another podcast he's on, State of The Youtube, was totally demonitized at the channel level. Someone at that company has a hard-on for America's Sweetest Baby Boy and it's not fucking cool, and I wanna help him as much as I can. Listen to this for ways you can help him too!
Our LIVE BvZ is Saturday, January 26th @ 9PM EST! Get tickets here: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/4041924
* * *
Asterios is in Orlando...and Mumkey's in love!
This week, we talk about the BIGGEST ALEX'S OF 2019: Alex Jones, Alex Borstein, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Who does Mumkey want to fuck? The answer WON'T surprise you!
* * *
Oh, thanks to everyone who bought stuff with our Amazon links last week! We made twenty bucks, which helps pay for Libsyn, Podbean and Soundcloud hosting.
If you wanna help us out a little more, buy shit through this amazon gimmick link that gives us money: https://www.amazon.com/?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=asterios08-20
What's the HOT new weight loss secret producing SHOCKING results? Hint: it's terrifying!
Also: Boomer Book Club reads the Fortnite novelization (read it! https://amzn.to/2RxfD4L) and Boomer News/Zoomer News talks Jon Favreau's girth!
* * *
Because so many people have asked, here's how to get the products that almost killed me this episode:
Pavlok Shock Clock: https://amzn.to/2W52y26
Upright GO Posture Trainer: https://amzn.to/2RHQfdC
Overwatch Mousepad: https://amzn.to/2MnPd0p
Fortnite Novel: https://amzn.to/2FMiiBr
Asterios here! Mumkey Jones, who usually writes this, is taking some much deserved chillout time. You probably already know this, but he got banned from YouTube -- a.k.a. his entire career -- for making fun of a mass murderer too hard. 2018 fucking sucks!
Your hosts:
Asterios Kokkinos ► https://twitter.com/asterios
Mumkey Jones ► https://www.instagram.com/mumkeyjonestv/Send emails and voicemails to BoomerVsZoomer@gmail.com by means of https://vocaroo.com
Asterios ► https://www.patreon.com/asterios
Mumkey ► https://www.patreon.com/mumkey -
We're in the endgame now. Asterios quit the podcast after the edgier videos of my past resurfaced on his YouTube recommended feed. Meanwhile, Andy Signore reacts to the new Avengers trailer, the degradation of Naruto's themes continues to disappoint fans years later, and the screenwriter of Shrek said the N word.
Your hosts:
Asterios Kokkinos ► https://twitter.com/asterios
Mumkey Jones ► https://www.instagram.com/mumkeyjonestv/Send emails and voicemails to BoomerVsZoomer@gmail.com by means of https://vocaroo.com
Asterios ► https://www.patreon.com/asterios
Mumkey ► https://www.patreon.com/mumkey -
Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits! The hot new trend adored by Boomers and Zoomers alike! This week we obsess over some of the hottest ongoing lawsuits of the year, including lawsuits against Mumkey, lawsuits against Asterios, hilarious updates to the Andy Signore lawsuit, and much more! Your hosts: Asterios Kokkinos ► https://twitter.com/asterios Mumkey Jones ► https://www.instagram.com/mumkeyjonestv/ Patreon: Asterios ► https://www.patreon.com/asterios Mumkey ► https://www.patreon.com/mumkey Send emails and voicemails to BoomerVsZoomer@gmail.com by means of https://vocaroo.com
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