Neměl jsem čas na setkání s kamarády a zajímavými lidmi, abych si s nimi mohl jen tak povídat o věcech, které mě baví a zajímají. Tak jsem si opět založil podcast. Teď jezdí za mnou a já mám dost času :) #technologie #podnikání #osobnírozvoj #mindset #budoucnost #zdraví
Petře, drsná pravda na závěr: Žádná knížka Ti život nezmění.
Doufám Tě nakopla. Teď je ale potřeba ty rozumy začít zavádět do
denodenní praxe. To bolí. Vím. Budeš ztrácet motivaci. Zapomínat, proč to děláš. Váhat. Jeden krok vpřed a dva dozadu.
To je v pohodě. Kryju Ti prdel, neboj se. Každý týden Ti budu připomínat naše hacky. Přidávat další, co v knížce ani nebyly. Budu Tě hecovat. A pokusím se Tě udržet na správné cestě k vyšším výkonům, příjmům a štěstí.
Nahrávám to v autě cestou z práce. Ty to zase po cestě do roboty poslouchej. Ať žije produktivita a grupáč. -
Anna Faltová podcast
The Resilient Lawyer podcast is inspired by those in the legal profession living with authenticity and courage. You'll meet lawyers, entrepreneurs, mentors and teachers successfully bridging the gap between their personal and professional lives, connecting the dots between their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves. This podcast is about ordinary people making an extraordinary difference.
The mission of the podcast is to inspire and mentor Latinos & Latinas to help them achieve their American dream. I interview successful Latino, Latina and Latin inspired entrepreneurs and leaders who will share their stories to inspire you, mentor you and provide you the business advice you need to get closer to your American dream.
Millennials are fundamentally shifting the world. They are re-writing the rules, challenging the status quo, and raising the collective consciousness of the planet. They are pulled by their vision, and are relentlessly optimistic in their pursuits of individual and collective wellness, fulfillment, and excellence. Although they may appear to be superhuman, this generation of game-changers still need to fuel up every single day. This is their oxygen. Breathe in.
The Gymwright LIVE Mission: 1) To increase the longevity and impact of motivated gym owners around the world who are committed to making a positive change in their community. 2) To ensure the leaders of this community are empowered with the information they need to fulfill their mission of building the kind of business that leaves the world better than they found it.
The Art of Excellence is an in-depth interview-style podcast about people who have accomplished great things in their lives. The goal of the show is to deliver inspiring stories from ultra-successful entrepreneurs, athletes, entertainers, authors, thought leaders and anyone doing something extraordinary. We will explore the backgrounds, talent, work ethic, sacrifices, mental outlook and serendipity that led to their success.
With 1.81 million+ downloads, Selling the Couch is an Apple Top Career podcast for current and future mental health private practitioners who think differently. Psychologist Melvin Varghese interviews successful therapists in private practice about how they built their businesses as well as top entrepreneurs, business/marketing, and social media experts.*
You'll learn how therapists get referrals, grow their practices, work through fears, find their enough, and stop "trading time for income." Melvin also shares the lessons as he grows his impact + income beyond the therapy room (podcasting, YouTube, writing, online courses, masterminds, investing, etc) and the tips and tools he uses to grow STC from a single-person business to the CEO of a 6-figure business.*
Featured in Psychology Today, Good Therapy, and Psych Central
****Get show notes and even more good stuff at* -
Mere Mortals Unite provides skills and techniques so you can discover your superpowers. The result is an increase in success and joy in your life and the lives of those that surround you. You don’t have to be a celebrity to possess these superpowers, but you do have to find them. Mere Mortals will take you from ordinary to extraordinary, from mere mortal to super hero. Together we’ll find simple solutions that create big results. Let’s change the world one person at a time, starting with you!
Makáš na sobě, fyzicky i mentálně? Michal Hubík, zakladatel a CEO Aktinu, zpovídá inspirativní hosty, kteří tě sdílením svého příběhu a pohledu na svět podpoří na cestě za tou nejlepší verzi sebe sama.
Rozhovory s odborníkmi o všetkom, čo vás o danej téme zaujíma. Vo videoforme nájdete tieto videá na youtube kanáli Modrého koníka:
Spíš než o tom, jak vydělat hromadu peněz, jsou mé podcasty o udržitelném způsobu žití, o naplněném životě a hledání štěstí. Se svými hosty si povídám o udržitelném podnikání, společenské odpovědnosti firem (CSR), zvířatech, ekologii, ale i hledání sebe sama. O radostných vztazích. O všem, co vede ke zdraví. Tělo i Duše. Já i Svět. Hlavní proud i alternativní pohledy. Podcast Redline vznikl na podporu projektu Redline expedition - projektu, který spojuje zážitkové cestování a ochranu zvířat.
V novém českém podcastu „Na předpis“ produkovaným společností Aspironix Vám moderátorka Michaela Maurerová každý měsíc ukáže, že lékař je taky jenom člověk a zdravotnictví není jenom resort na ministerstvu. Skrze hosty z oboru medicíny se v našich rubrikách dozvíte, jak vypadá jejich pracovní den, jak vnímají svět kolem sebe všemi svými smysly nebo co si myslí o babských radách a jestli je používají. Tento podcast předepisuje 5 z 5ti lékařů i pacientů!
You’re listening to How I Scaled My Aesthetic Clinic….
The podcast where the most high-performing owners of aesthetic clinics and medspas from all over the world tell their stories…
…And share the strategies and insights that allowed them to grow their businesses from often humble beginnings - to soaring success.
If you’ve ever tried to build a clinic, you’ll know that it takes a lot more than “just” being a great doctor or practitioner….
And it helps when you learn from the best in the industry.
So join me, Miriam Shaviv, host and director of content at Brainstorm Digital, as we explore how aesthetic clinic owners just like you have developed the mindset, skills and experience to transform their businesses…. -
The OMNI Show™ podcast s designed for anyone desiring motivation, direction, and focus in life. Host Brad Georgiev has amassed a passionate following of over 100k social media followers, including business professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners with his expertise and passion for helping motivate people to become the best version of themselves.
In this podcast, Brad blends his experience working as a manual therapist, movement specialist & business owner, so that you can understand that achieving great things in life does not necessarily mean that you have to be a genius or born in a favorable environment. The perspective you have on life and what happens to you will determine your development. When you master your mindset, you master your life.
Over the past 10 years, Brad has been learning from multiple successful business owners and has managed to personally build a 6-figure business all by the age of 27.
If you're ready to take your life to the next level, are searching for more purpose, or just need extra inspiration or motivation, tune in to The OMNI Show™ podcast.
Follow Brad on Instagram @brad_georgiev -
As a coach building a business, you’re learning so many skills at once – improving your coaching, marketing, sales, running a business, serving your clients – it can be pretty overwhelming.
The fears, doubts, and confusion that set in can stop you in your tracks if you let them. Molly Claire has been in your shoes and she has helped hundreds of other coaches to move forward and create successful, meaningful, and profitable businesses that make a difference in the world. In this podcast she will offer you insights on improving your coaching impact, learning the basics of running a business, how to move forward through doubt and fear as you step into belief, all while staying true to your values and the life you want to create. Ready to up-level your coaching impact and make a difference in the world? Let’s get started. -
Safety is often seen as a "bad word" in the workplace especially industrial workplaces. As workers we feel the pressure to perform and the view is health and safety is an obstacle in our way. We talk to safety professionals of all facets about their projects, successes that fostered healthy safety cultures in the workplace, and pitfalls of safety societies.
LAVRS - podcast o slow fashion a udržitelnosti. Podcast vznikl jako další komunikační kanál k LAVRS Marketu - eventu o slow fashion a celkově udržitelném způsobu života. Věděli jste, že módní průmysl je jeden z nešpinavějších pro naši planetu? Opravdu potřebujeme naše šatníky bezhlavě plnit novými kousky? Chtěly bychom inspirovat širokou veřejnost, aby každý z nás mohl udělat něco pro lepší budoucnost na naší planetě. Protože každá změna na cestě k udržitelnosti se počítá.
In this digital first world, the old ways of recruiting are becoming obsolete. Or are they? The talent demands on every business has put TA squarely in the hot seat.
Welcome to Talent Acquisition In The Trenches, a real dialogue podcast with talent acquisition pro’s closest to the front line. We want to talk to our peers who are actually doing the heavy lifting day in and day out.