
  • Hey listeners, I just wanted to take a few minutes to address some things I’ve been hearing about and thought I’d share a few thoughts that I hope are encouraging to you through this little bonus episode.

    Right now, our country is one of the most divisive states we’ve been in since before the civil war. Our world has been turned upside-down where good is bad and bad is good and no one seems to know what truth really is anymore. And this is having an alarming effect on our children and young adults, especially those who haven’t been educated with critical thinking skills and that is having a disastrous effect on our culture. And to be honest, it can seem hopeless, especially for our children and grandchildren, and our nation’s children overall.

    But, I’ve also heard that, as far as the election is concerned, many Christians are just sitting this one out. They are also throwing up their hands and saying Jesus is coming back soon so we’ll just hunker down and wait for Him to make things right again. Wow! Talk about a hopeless stance coming from a people who have the most hope of all! We think that we have no position of power or influence so what we do doesn’t matter. Well, I want to remind you that we are not helpless, and we certainly aren’t hopeless. Y’all, we are called!

    In this episode I will share what we, as Christians, need to do in order to make a difference in our nation for God's glory.

    Find all the links at CarolRoper.org/podcast

  • Please be aware that this content is not suitable for young children.

    George Carneal grew up in the ’70s, raised by a Southern Baptist minister in the ultra-conservative Bible Belt where his world revolved around the church, country fried chicken and trying to fit in with other boys. As disco music pulsated through the speakers in his bedroom, he plotted his escape from the misery and boredom of Southern suburbia before landing in Los Angeles; a city of glitz and hedonism. Much like Alice as she traveled through the looking glass, this is George's journey through a queer culture fantasyland filled with drag queens, drugs and dangerous situations before discovering healing, joy and peace in Christ.

    In this episode, George, author of the book From Queer to Christ, shares his painful journey through a secular world at odds with homosexuality, in addition to a religious world that is hostile to homosexuals. He is hopeful that sharing his story through the eyes and mind of a confused child dealing with a same-sex attraction will give some insight into the pain and difficulty of navigating those two worlds. After 25 years of living as a gay man God brought him out of that lifestyle and into His glorious truth. His story will help parents of children of all ages understand how best to influence them for God, as well as teens and adults who are struggling with the LGBTQ agenda in their own lives.

    George says that he wrote the book for three reasons:

    To give Christians insight into what it's like for someone dealing with same-sex attraction and their struggle with faith To give hope to parents who have children in the LGBTQ lifestyle To give LGBTQ individuals who are struggling with this lifestyle to understand that there's a different narrative and that they are being lied to and expose those lies and find peace and give them hope

    George has been out of that lifestyle for almost 17 years now and has a passion to help others learn the truth. Through his testimony he wants others to know that deliverance from bondage is possible and there is hope in Christ.

    Go to CarolRoper.org/Podcast for shownotes

    GeorgeCarneal.com for George's website

    George's book From Queer to Christ

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  • What a pleasure it was to interview Mart Green, son of Hobby Lobby founder David Green, to talk about his family’s philosophy of faith and generosity. Mart is such a down-to-earth guy who happily shares the secret to Hobby Lobby’s success. I loved hearing the fun and practical ways Mart and his family celebrate each other and minister to those around them. Money isn’t the only way to bless people and Mart makes that clear in the examples he gives. He also shares about the new book he has coming out, co-authored with David Bowden, Learning to be Loved: The Everyday Believer's Guide to a Rich Relationship with God, a transformative guide that will help families strengthen their relationships with God together.

    Mart also shares several vulnerable stories in this book, including how he had unintentionally hurt his family and through that experience learned the importance of emotional trust. And he talks about the freedom his wife gained after learning to forgive her parents. Both of these stories took time for them to heal before they felt comfortable enough to share, but they know God can use their stories to help others draw closer to Him.

    CarolRoper.org/Podcast for shownotes

  • Hey friends! I’m back from my summer hiatus and have some awesome guests lined up for you this fall, starting this week with Stephen Kendrick of the Kendrick Brothers. Alex and Stephen Kendrick have brought us some great movies like Facing the Giants, Fireproof, Courageous and War Room and their newest movie, The Forge, will release in theaters nationwide on August 23 and he’s here to tell us about it.

    I had the privilege of watching a pre-screening of the movie and I must tell you that there are several scenes in this film that brought me to tears. The story involves a single mom, played by the amazing Priscilla Shirer, who is trying to instill character and responsibility into her 19-year-old son without the help of his father. An older gentleman comes along and decides to disciple this young man and by building that relationship shows the power of godly influence in his life. There are several themes in this movie that show the impact of the gospel when we are courageous enough to step out in faith and walk in obedience to God. And the part I love the most is the power of a praying mama! Priscila does an incredible job of tapping into the emotion we feel as moms when our kids aren’t making the best choices and how God can answer our prayers beyond what we could even imagine.

    For show notes go to CarolRoper.org/podcast


  • One of the reasons I felt called to start this podcast was because of stories like Donovan and Lavonna Garrett's. If you don't believe God can make a difference in your marriage and family then you need to listen to the testimony of how Donovan's alcohol abuse almost destroyed him, his marriage and his entire family. As I look at the photos of their beautiful family today, I'm in tears, knowing that if Donovan hadn't surrendered his life to Christ, their story would have had a much different outcome. No, they aren't perfect, as none of us are, but they have so much joy radiating from them because of what God has done. If you or someone you love is struggling with alcohol, I promise this episode will encourage and give you hope.

    Go to carolroper.org/podcast for shownotes

    Overcoming Alcoholism to Restore a Marriage Parts 1 & 2 with Donovan and Lavonna Garrett - Carol Roper

  • One year ago I had the pleasure of interviewing Kara Stott, author of one of my favorite books, An Intentional Life, for the podcast. It was great meeting Kara on Zoom and hearing her story from her own voice. But this past spring my friend, Julie Bagwell, and I were able to meet her in person at her Pursuit Retreat outside of Nashville, Tennessee! She has such a heart for Jesus and ministering to women and it was evident as she served us over several days next to the beautiful lake at Wildwood Retreat. She's one of the kindest and most thoughtful people I've ever met and I loved her even more after spending a few days with her.

    If you missed listening to Kara's story I promise this is one that will make you understand the importance of family and how God calls us to prioritize our loved ones. She shares how she gave up a thriving ministry to have more time with her family and Jesus. Obedience isn't always easy, but God always promises to bless us through it.

  • Summer Throwback! My guests for the first episode of this podcast were my two very best friends, Julie Bagwell and Frieda Younts. We’ve been friends for over 30 years now! Over time we’ve experienced lots of ups and downs but have remained close through it all. How did we do it? By being honest and real with each other, for one thing, but mostly by building our friendship on the foundation of Jesus Christ.

    Growing up I only had one friend at a time and always felt like I never belonged. In my late 20’s I began praying for God to bring some good friends into my life and He was faithful to do just that through Julie and Frieda.

    Each of us has been married for at least 30 years and have grown children and now grandchildren, so we have lots of experience under our belt—some good and some bad. But we’ve held onto each other through it all and are grateful God has helped our friendship to remain strong.

    In this episode we talk about how hurts and jealousy, especially in a group with three friends, can be easy to fall into. But instead of letting them fester we bring it out in the open and talk about these things in the spirit of love. Friendship is work, but it’s so worth the reward.

    As I listened to this episode again, I thought of how much changed since our conversation. It's amazing to think we didn't know the good and the bad that were about to happen in just a few short months. But even through it all, we can still say God is good.

    Our desire through this conversation is to help other women experience friendship like we have, because good, godly friends can have an amazing impact on your life. But in order to make it work we must be intentional. Listen in as we discuss simple and practical ways we learned to grow and sustain our friendship.

    Go to CarolRoper.org/podcast to check out the shownotes

  • I’ve really struggled to put into words all that I wanted to say to you today because the last few months have been difficult for me as I’ve been seeking what God wants me to do with the podcast. I’ve been doing this for 3-1/2 years now and have recently been in a deep season of discouragement. As I prayed and continually asked God what my next steps should be, I only sensed silence from Him. I’ve gone through seasons of silence before, but this has been especially hard because I wanted to make sure I was being obedient to what God wanted me to do, not just put out a podcast to build my own, or anyone else’s, platform.

    To be honest, I’ve been so discouraged that I had pretty much decided I was going to shut it all down. And to be completely honest, podcasting can be lonely and discouraging. When I couldn’t see a direction to where God was leading, I just wanted to throw in the towel. In this episode I will share what God has been showing me recently, an update of what's going on with my family and my plans for the future of the podcast.

    Go to CarolRoper.org for shownotes and links to resources mentioned

  • "Mothers are a sleeping giant and when the giant awakens, take cover--things are going to change! I believe the giant is slowly stirring and beginning to wipe the sleep from its eyes." - excerpt from Your Girl by Vicki Courtney

    Over 15 years ago this quote stirred my soul to the point where I decided I wanted to be one of those mothers who stood up to make a difference and began a ministry for youth girls titled You-Nique Girls. God lit my soul on fire for those girls and I prayed for them and desired they know God in a real and personal way. It's still one of the reasons I do this podcast. Moms (and dads) can influence kids in such monumental ways, but we can't be afraid to take on the giant of cultural lies that invade almost every aspect of our children's lives.

    My guest today, Julie Loos, shares why she and Mama Bear Apologetics founder, Hillary Morgan Ferrar, share a passion for teaching moms how to equip their children to learn how to defend their faith. They saw the alarming statistics of the number of kids leaving their beliefs and wanted to take action. As Julie says in this interview, "There's a lot we can do as parents to help our kids be solid in their faith."

    In this episode Julie shares a wealth of information, starting with a simple definition of apologetics, weaving in her story of mistakes she made as a mom, defining the "chew and spit" method to help your kids discern what's right and wrong and ending with a plethora of resources to equip moms to learn how to teach their children how to stand up for their beliefs, including Julie and Hillary's newest book, Honest Prayers for Mama Bears. She even reads one of the powerful prayers in the book titled, Raising Dragon Slayers in an Era of Dragons that will inspire you to persevere in our post-Christian culture.

    This interview will give you so many practical tools to lead your kids, from preschool through college, to a stronger faith in our upside-down world.

    Go to CarolRoper.org/podcast for shownotes and links to resources

  • You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. This is a quote from C.S. Lewis my guest, Jennifer Sakata, shares that fits her own life story. Having grown up with an alcoholic mother and stepdad she didn't understand that her family life was dysfunctional. Not until she began to notice that her friends' families functioned much differently than her own. But when she became a teen, she and her little sister were removed from that environment. Unfortunately, the sisters were separated, each going to live with their respective grandparents. Only then did Jennifer begin to understand the difference between a house and a home.

    Because of her upbringing, the habits of her own mother began to manifest in her when Jennifer had her own children, and she made a decision not to raise her boys the same way she'd been brought up. She also shares how she finally met her biological father when she was in her forties and how God brought a wonderful relationship from that. Jennifer has lived through a lot of difficulty in her life but because she intentionally decided to break the cycle from her own childhood, she transformed her anger into love. And she shares some of the practical ways she was able to do that in this episode. Y'all are truly going to enjoy hearing Jennifer's story.

    Go to carolroper.org/podcast for shownotes

  • Welcome to the 100th episode of the Building Strong Homes Podcast! What an amazing ride it has been to get this far, and I want to thank all of my listeners for showing up each episode! So, I thought it would be fun to introduce you to my husband, John, and our children, Elise and Jacob, and have them share some of their stories from growing up on the farm. I ask each of them share their thoughts on what it means to build their faith and what kind of legacy they want to leave. John even shares a story I'd never heard before about being put in a police car and hauled off to be interrogated! This was while we were married, y'all! How did the kids know this story and I didn't??

    I know this episode is a little different, but I hope our conversation will encourage you as you journey to build your own strong home and family. And don't forget, every episode is now on YouTube so you can see how we interact as well as listen. There's a link below that will take you to the YouTube channel. And I'd love for you to like and subscribe so you'll be updated with every episode. There are also links below to the two previous episodes Elise was on so you can hear a little more of her story. And if you don't follow me on Facebook or Instagram, I hope you'll head over there and follow Building Strong Homes. I'll be sharing more reels and fun stuff about my family over there.

    Once again, thanks for being a part of this podcast community and remember to keep building strong!

  • "Faith is the refusal to panic." This quote by Dennis Rainey had a profound impact on Lori Margo as she walked through her difficult journey with cancer. Because her own mother had been diagnosed with cancer at the same age Lori received her first diagnosis and passed away two short years later, she had every reason to panic. But as she walked her own path, she realized that if you're going to believe the Bible, you've got to believe the whole Bible.

    After Lori finally beat her cancer, she lost her dad to the same horrible disease, and even though she told others God had been with her through that hard season, she began to question if that were actually true. So, she decided to start keeping track of God's goodness in the midst of pain. When she sat down to write she immediately came up with 30 instances of how God had been with her in the loss of her father. That started her on a quest to look for God in all of the difficult seasons in her life and she began what she now calls tracking God. She not only does it in her own life, but in her children's as well. And now she teaches others how to track God through their own hard stories. Lori is an inspiration of faith and hope and I know her story will point you in the direction of finding God in the hard, too.

    For shownotes go to CarolRoper.org/podcast

  • Have you ever wondered if God had something specific for you to do? That maybe you missed your calling, or you don't know what your purpose is? I think all of us at least once in our lives have questioned, "What am I here for?" or "Is there an assignment you have for me God?"

    Mandy Hood, a self-described introvert, felt God calling her to become involved in helping at a crisis pregnancy center years ago and stepped into a volunteer role. Several years later she felt God leading her to leave her job as an office administrator after 24 years and took a job in that crisis pregnancy center. That career shift led to a one-third cut in her family income. Even though she was terrified, she knew she needed to be obedient. During her time and that position she learned new skills for what God had for her next: create a program to bring women together.

    Today, The Connection is a thriving community-based ministry designed to connect women with each other and God. They offer fun social activities, Bible studies, small groups and a mentoring program that is conducive to welcome Chrisitan women and women who may not have a relationship with God. This organization exists and impacts the lives of so many today. My prayer is that her story will encourage you to step into your calling too.

    Links to Resources

    Find out more about Connecting Women with God

    Check out Mandy's books, Let's Get Together: The Story of a Unique Women's Ministry and Let's Make Plans: Journal to Discover God's Plan for You

  • Did you know the average age of a widow is 59? And there are eleven million widows in the United States with 1000 women becoming widowed every day?? This is a sobering topic none of us likes to think about, but the truth is, because it's so prevalent, we need to talk about it.

    Marilyn Nutter suddenly became a widow twelve years ago after 42 years of marriage and knows first-hand that widowhood is an uncomfortable the topic. But she also knows that there are many women out there, like herself, who are hurting and looking for resources to help. Because of this, she's written a book, Hope for Widows: Reflections on Mourning, Living and Change. She wrote it for two groups of people: widows and those who know and love widows. It's a valuable source of encouragement and comfort as widows adjust to their new normal and reimagine an active life with purpose in their future.

    She also gives practical tips on how to interact with widows in a way that lifts them up and provides much needed help. And she shares her secret to learning how to do things her husband used to take care of. We also talk a little about how to be better prepared if something does happen to your husband. Marilynn has acquired a lot of hard-earned wisdom over the last twelve years and wants to share that wisdom with you so that your load won't be quite as heavy to carry.


    Order Marilyn's book, Hope for Widows: Reflections on Mourning, Living and Change

    Find out more about Marilyn and check out additional resources at Marilynnutter.com


    Watch on YouTube Hope for Widows and the People Who Love Them with Marilyn Nutter

    Related Episodes

    Finding Hope After Loss with Mike Nappa

    Embracing Joy in Life: Lessons from Carol McLeod on Finding Happiness Amidst Challenges

    Learning to Trust God in Our Suffering with Kathy Burry

    What To Do When Your Life Falls Apart with Marilyn Nutter and April White

    A Widow’s Journey Part 1 with Melanie Forbes Cook

  • Is hospitality something that doesn't come easy for you? Are you always worried about how clean (or messy!) your home is? Or that you can't cook? Or that you just don't know how to entertain? My guest today, Sue Donaldson, is the queen of hospitality and she's here to help. Yes, she grew up with a mother who loved welcoming people into their home, but Sue's grandmother, her mom's mom, never invited people in. In spite of that, she decided she wanted to learn how to be hospitable and did just that.

    Now, because of her mother's influence, Sue's gift of hospitality is second nature for her. But she's learned that it's not about a clean house or even entertaining, it's about serving others. Pinterest and Instagram have skewed our ideas of hospitality, but Sue has so many practical and creative suggestions about how to make it easy for you.

    She also talks about how being a mother of young children is like living on a desert island (amen!) and how important it is to have a community of other moms around you and one of the best ways to do that is by inviting those moms in. Yes, welcoming people past the threshold of your front door can be vulnerable, but it can also be very rewarding.

    We also talk about mentoring and a secret to make it easier for both the mentor and the mentee. And Sue has some great free resources she'll share at the end of our interview. You'll be excited to start welcoming people into your home after you listen to this episode.

  • As the mother of a son, I understand the challenges of raising boys to become good and godly men. When my son was young, I was always second guessing myself and wishing I had a blueprint to help me, and my husband know the best way to lead him down the right path towards manhood. This episode is a resource I wish was available then.

    My guests today, Erin and Jason Davis, parents of four boys themselves, have recently released their book, Lies Boys Believe: And the Epic Quest for Truth. In this episode they share why giving our boys a foundation based on truth will help them navigate our difficult culture, how we should encourage our sons to have hearts that please God, not just behave in a way they won't get caught, as well as developing a no-secrets family. I also asked several moms of boys if they had questions for the Davis's and they had some great ones! Erin and Jason were so gracious to answer as many as they could and so this episode is a little longer than most. But I know you're probably struggling with some of these same questions, so I wanted to make sure we addressed them. They have so many practical ideas on how to connect with boys that I know you're going to come away from this episode better equipped and more confident to be the best boy parent you can be.

    Check out the show notes at CarolRoper.org/podcast

  • Is the current status of our world, nation and maybe even your community getting you down? Do some days make you wonder if you’ll ever experience joy again because there’s so much hard in your life right now? My guest today, Brant Hansen, will help us look at the bright side of things by turning our focus to all of the good that is around us. And y’all, I can’t believe this, but I called him by the wrong name a couple of times in this interview and he wouldn’t let me edit that out!

    Brant has a humble and empathetic heart and an amazing sense of humor that allows him to share stories from his own life that encourage and lift people up. One of my favorite quotes from this episode is when Brant says, “Maybe we need to all learn how to be awkward. It’s not the worst thing in the world. I could survive that.” He shares many of his awkward moments to prove he knows what he’s talking about. So, let’s learn to get over ourselves and experience joy in the hard.

  • Mike Novotny is not one to run from tough topics. As a matter of fact, he's even written a book about it called Taboo: Topics Christians Should be Talking About but Don't. Sounds pretty intriguing, right? In this episode we dive into topics that deal with mental health, suicide, pornography and politics. Mike also shares some of his personal struggles as well. I appreciate the fact that Mike isn't just sharing his opinions about these hot-button issues, but that he goes straight to the Bible to share what God says about them. I hope this episode will encourage you to not shy away from tough topics and stand strong on God's word for answers to tough questions.

  • Molly Stillman has lived the type of life that when shared, people stop in their tracks and ask, “Wait, what happened?” Molly’s mother, Lynda Van Devanter Buckley served as an Army nurse during the Vietnam War and wrote the bestselling memoir, Home Before Morning. When Molly was seventeen, Lynda passed away after an eight-year battle with an autoimmune disorder due to her exposure to Agent Orange. Four years later, Molly turned twenty-one and unexpectedly inherited a quarter of a million dollars from her mother’s estranged family’s estate. Through “retail therapy” and a long series of grossly irresponsible financial decisions, Molly found herself broke with over $36,000 in credit card debt less than two years later. Shame, guilt, and embarrassment set in.

    Listen in as Molly shares her journey to faith as she worked her way out of debt and reveals how every messed up, broken story has a purpose. She now helps others through podcasting, speaking and her new book coming out in March, If I Don't Laugh, I'll Cry: How Death, Debt and Comedy Led to a Life of Faith, Farming and Forgetting What I Came into This Room For.