
  • En février 2022, les grands médias occidentaux envoyaient des journalistes en Ukraine couvrir les premiers temps de l’invasion russe. Émissions spéciales, directs avec l’Ukraine et dossiers consacrés à la guerre fleurissaient dans les journaux, à la radio et au téléjournal. Qu’en est-il aujourd’hui, alors que le conflit israelo-palestinien occupe les esprits? Emilie reçoit Pierre Alonso, journaliste indépendant installé à Kyiv, pour faire le point sur deux années de journalisme de guerre et sur la vie quotidienne dans un pays encore sous les bombes. Dans la deuxième partie de l’émission, Emilie et Pierre s’intéressent aux journalistes ukrainiens et à leur travail. Limités par la loi martiale imposant des contraintes éditoriales, les journalistes locaux réinventent leur rôle tout en menant une lutte acharnée contre la corruption.

    In February 2022, major Western media outlets sent journalists to Ukraine to cover the early stages of the Russian invasion. Special shows, direct broadcasts with Ukraine and long pieces devoted to the war flourished in the newspapers, on the radio and on television. What about today, now that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is on everyone's minds? Emilie speaks with Pierre Alonso, an independent journalist based in Kyiv, to take stock of two years of war journalism and daily life in a country still under siege. In the second part of the show, Emilie and Pierre look at Ukrainian journalists and their work. Limited by martial law imposing editorial constraints, local journalists are reinventing their role while leading a fierce fight against corruption.

    Animation : Emilie Nicolas

    Générique : Lucie Laumonier (Production), Tristan Capacchione (Production technique), Max Collins (Coordination de la production), Karyn Pugliese (Rédactrice en chef) 

    Coanimation : Pierre Alonso

    Pour en savoir plus :

    La Déflagration — Le substack de Pierre Alonso, pour suivre l’actualité en UkraineAs Kyiv holds first pride since invasion, LGBTQ+ troops demand equality – The Washington PostLe conflit israelo-palestinien dans les médias, avec Michel Cormier – Détours, CANADALANDHaïti, vue de Port-au-Prince – Détours, CANADALAND

    Si vous appréciez ce podcast, soutenez-nous ! Vous obtiendrez un accès en prime à toutes nos émissions gratuitement, y compris les premières diffusions et le contenu bonus. Vous recevrez également notre lettre d'information exclusive, des rabais sur les produits dans notre boutique, des billets pour nos événements en direct et virtuels, et surtout, vous ferez partie de la solution à la crise du journalisme au Canada. Vous ferez en sorte que notre travail reste gratuit et accessible à tout le monde.  

    Vous pouvez écouter sans publicité sur Amazon Music, inclus avec Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It’s been a tough week for leadership in North America, with calls for resignation dominating the headlines on both sides of the border. 

    Paul Wells joins Emilie Nicolas to discuss the larger global context around Trudeau’s recent struggles, and how the international rise of the far right is an important and underreported factor in Canadian politics. 

    Then, Biden loses the debate and the New York Times. Unpacking the editorial board’s call for the president to step aside. 

    Host: Emilie Nicolas

    Credits: James Nicholson (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), max collins (Production Manager), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Paul Wells


    Further reading: 

    I know the inside story of the Liberal revolt against Justin Trudeau. How? I overheard it in a train station - Toronto StarThe West Misunderstands Its Own Far Right - Foreign PolicyPush it to the limit: What might be too extreme for Europe's far-right parties? | Euronews DiEM25 | @yanis.varoufakis on the political situation in France | Instagram Spain's Vox party hosts global far right ahead of EU elections - Le Monde   To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race - The New York Times  My Unsettling Interview With Steve Bannon - The New York Times 



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  • “All I will say is that my scientific opinion is that there is something real going on in New Brunswick that absolutely cannot be explained by the bias or personal agenda of an individual neurologist.” Those are the words of Dr. Michael Coulthart, a microbiologist employed by our federal government, specifically by Public Health Canada. He’s talking about the mysterious neurological disease that is striking down people in New Brunswick. We were not supposed to read his words. They are from a leaked email obtained by Canadaland, first published by the newspaper The Guardian.

    Then there was another leaked email. Doctor Samuel Weiss, a neuroscientist and the scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. In his leaked email, he states, “I felt incredibly optimistic that an all out government effort to unravel the mystery was in the cards. However, in short order, the scientific effort was shut down at the request of the governments.”

    It’s nine years since the first case was documented. The numbers, by some reports, have grown to over 300 suspected cases. And we still have no answers. Our reporters, Cherise Sucheran and Sarah Lawrynuik present the latest instalment in our ongoing investigation.

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: Cherise Sucheran and Sarah Lawrynuik (Reporters)

    Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), Max Collins (Production Manager), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Additional music by Audio Network

    Further reading:

    Second Canadian Scientists Alleges Brain Illness Investigation was Shut DownTop Canadian Scientist Alleges in Leaked Emails He Was Barred From Studying Mystery brain IllnessGovernment Officials Mislead the Public About the “Mysterious” New Brunswick Neurological Disease, and We Have the Documents to Prove it

    Sponsors: Douglas, Article, Squarespace 

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What’s going on in Han Dong’s defamation case against Global News? Last week, Ontario Superior Court Justice Paul Perell made a decision in that case. And, rightly or wrongly, it was scorching.

    With The Epoch Times at the centre of a fraudulent money-laundering crypto scam, what does that mean for the Canadian columnists who write for them? Jonathan dives into the strange world of Shen Yun, Falun Gong, and propaganda rags.

    Host: Jonathan Goldsbie

    Credits: Aviva Lessard (Producer), Sam Konnert (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Lisa Taylor


    Further reading: 

    Judge finds no documentation to support Global News' reporting on Han Dong allegations - The Canadian PressDong v. Global News Reasons for Decision - Ontario Superior Court of Justice (via Polley Faith)Han Dong was warned by Liberal Party member that CSIS was watching him, national security source says - The Globe and MailGlobal News defends reporting in face of Han Dong lawsuit (2023) - The Canadian PressJournalism for the Public Good: The Michener Awards at Fifty - University of Calgary PressCBC executive reassigned follow racism allegations - PlaybackWhat The Hell Is The Epoch Times? (2020) - CANADALANDStepping Into the Uncanny, Unsettling World of Shen Yun (2019) - The New YorkerDoJ accuses far-right Epoch Times of being money-laundering operation - The Guardian


    Sponsors: Douglas, Squarespace, 

    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This was a time when Assange and other punks like him were running circles around governments. It seemed like the ability for the powers that be to keep secrets was over. It was just done. Thanks to Assange et al we were going to know if a cell phone company was surveying everyone. We were going to know if a government assassinated a bunch of people who turned out to be journalists. We were going to know. And between Anonymous and Wikileaks and Edward Snowden, it was happening in a way that felt like it was a force of nature, and there was no containing it. The authorities, what could they do? Information wanted to be free.

    Then, it all ended. Julian Assange has been rotting away in Belmarsh prison in the UK. Edward Snowden tweets from Russia. Wikileaks. When's the last time they released anything? The Empire struck back. There were arrests, there were accusations, and the machine was surprisingly effective and merciless in containing the free flow of information and government secrets. That's what happened to all those guys. You don't hear about them much anymore. But what about Jacob Appelbaum? What about that guy? No, nothing? Name doesn't ring a bell? Jacob Appelbaum was known to the authorities as Wikileaks Associate Number Three. He was also once the toast of the cyber community, feted by European politcos, and making red carpet appearances.

    Then the accusations came. And it all ended for Appelbaum. Just like that nobody wanted to talk about Jacob Appelbaum. But we do.

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: Tristan Capacchione (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Max Collins (Production Manager), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Additional music by Audio Network

    Further reading:

    Nobody wants to talk about Jacob Appelbaum — Jamie KastnerInconsistencies in Rape Allegations — Die Zeit (In English)What Has This Man Done? (A four part series) — Die Zeit (In English)Digital privacy activist Jacob Appelbaum denies colleagues' assault allegations — The GuardianPower, secrecy and cypherpunks: how Jacob Appelbaum ripped Tor apart — The Guardian

    Sponsors: Douglas, Indochino

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Après des résultats record aux élections européennes, l’extrême droite française est en passe de remporter les législatives. Si certains sont surpris, plusieurs observateurs ont remarqué que les idées d’extrême droite sont omniprésentes dans les médias depuis des années maintenant, notamment sur la chaîne télévisée CNews. Comment se déroule ce processus de banalisation? Quelles stratégies sont employées par les journalistes et les éditorialistes de CNews pour encourager la montée de l’extrême droite? Le journaliste de Médiapart Yunnes Abzouz en parle avec Emilie et démonte, brique par brique, la méthode CNews. Dans la deuxième partie de l’émission, on se tourne vers l’éditorialiste québécois préféré des médias français, et en particulier de CNews: Mathieu Bock-Côté. Yunnes explique comment le chroniqueur, auteur et sociologue emploie les mêmes stratagèmes que CNews, levant le voile sur les ressorts discursifs de la désormais célèbre “méthode MBC”.

    After record results in the European elections, the French far right is on the verge of winning the legislative elections. While some are surprised, several observers have noticed that far-right ideas have been omnipresent in the media for years now, notably on the television channel CNews. How does this process of trivialization take place? What strategies are used by CNews journalists and editorialists to encourage the rise of the far right? Médiapart journalist Yunnes Abzouz talks about it with Emilie and dismantles, brick by brick, the CNews method. In the second part of the show, we turn to the favourite Quebec columnist of the French media, and in particular of CNews: Mathieu Bock-Côté. Yunnes explains how the columnist, author and sociologist uses the same stratagems as CNews, lifting the veil on the discourse of the now famous “MBC method’.

    Animation : Emilie Nicolas

    Générique : Lucie Laumonier (Production), Tristan Capacchione (Production technique), Max Collins (Coordination de production), Karyn Pugliese (Rédactrice en chef) 

    Coanimation : Yunnes Abzouz

    Pour en savoir plus :

    Enquête sur CNews, “matrice du projet d’extrême droite de Bolloré” – Médiapart (en accès libre) Dans certaines rédactions, le conflit israélo-palestinien échauffe les esprits – MédiapartViolences sexuelles et conjugales surreprésentées chez les policiers – Le DevoirTordre la vérité avec Bock-Côté – La Presse

    Si vous appréciez ce podcast, soutenez-nous ! Vous obtiendrez un accès en prime à toutes nos émissions gratuitement, y compris les premières diffusions et le contenu bonus. Vous recevrez également notre lettre d'information exclusive, des rabais sur les produits dans notre boutique, des billets pour nos événements et surtout, vous ferez partie de la solution à la crise du journalisme au Canada. Vous ferez en sorte que notre travail reste gratuit et accessible à tout le monde.  


    Vous pouvez écouter sans publicité sur Amazon Music, inclus avec Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Can a newspaper commit treason? The NSICOP report singles out China as the biggest foreign influence on Canadian media (and it’s more than just advertorial inserts.) Joanna Chiu joins us to unpack the scale and scope of foreign propaganda campaigns in Canada.

    Is the daily coverage of campus protest encampments a form of bias, and what sorts of stories are getting missed as a result? Jesse responds to some tough questions about bias in the coverage of the war in Gaza.

    Clarification (June 21, 2024, 12:20pm ET): an unclear statement in an earlier version of this episode could be interpreted to mean that Shree Paradkar spread messages advocating for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel, which she did not. This statement should have been that Shree Paradkar spread messages from someone (Amanda Gelender) who has advocated for the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel.

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: James Nicholson (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), Max Collins (Production Manager), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Joanna Chiu


    Further reading: 

    Marc Edge: If the NSICOP report on foreign interference won’t name Canadian media outlets, I will - The HubA website spread disinformation about Canada. Why did major Indian outlets treat it as news? - Toronto Star Toronto 'Walk with Israel' event held amid high security, faceoffs with protesters | Ontario News | thecanadianpressnews.caYouth's death shows more mental health supports needed in Winnipeg, Muslim community members say | CBC News  Grade 3 students ‘terrorized’ after Ontario man walks into gym class, goes on tirade | Globalnews.caHow a student petition on Israel sent a law school’s progressive ideals crashing into Bay Street’s hard realities - The Globe and MailFor a full list of reading material, visit the episode webpage


    Sponsors: Squarespace, oxio, AG1

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • When Canadaland commissioned its new series “A Field Guide to Gay Animals” (listen to it here), the topic wasn’t really in the news. But since then, it’s started to take the world by storm. From rage on the extreme right, a documentary series on Peacock, to the first photos of humpback whale sex being male-male.

    And the relevance is more important than ever, legislation across Canada and the United States regularly denies queer rights, sometimes based on old-school notions that sex is about reproduction and the animal kingdom proves it. Except it doesn’t… 25 years ago, one Canadian scientist wrote a book that detailed the history and science of gay animals: Biological Exuberance.

    Today, podcast hosts Owen Ever and Laine Kaplan Levenson join Jesse to talk about the wonderful world of gay animals.

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: Tristan Capacchione (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Additional music by Audio Network

    Further reading:

    Biological Exuberance, by Bruce Bagemihl — Macmillan PublishersHumpback sex photographed for first time – and both whales were male — The GuardianPeacock’s ‘Queer Planet’ features lion ‘bromances,’ pansexual monkeys and more — NBCA Field Guide to Gay Animals — Canadaland

    Sponsors: BetterHelp, Oxio, Article

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • With Jesse away, Justin Ling takes over to talk about Google’s $100 million payment for Canadian news and how a ragtag group of independent publishers will end up deciding who gets the money. Is Google trolling us? 

    Plus, Canada has entered its foreign interference era, but are we too polite to name names? Paul McLeod helps unpack new allegations of treason in Ottawa, and what we should do about it.

    Host: Justin Ling

    Credits: James Nicholson (Producer), Tristan Capacchione (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Max Collins (Production Manager), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Paul McLeod


    Further reading: 

    Google signs deal with organization to distribute $100M to Canadian news companies | Politics | thecanadianpressnews.ca Canadian Journalism Collective to represent Canadian news businesses under Online News Act - The Canadian Journalism CollectiveHow we’re moving forward with the Canadian news ecosystem - Google The Behind-the-Scenes Bill C-18 Battle: How Newspapers, Big Broadcasters and the CBC Are Trying to Seize Control Over How Google Money is Allocated to Canadian Media - Michael Geist  Password Sharing OK: Judge | Blacklock's Reporter The Logic announces $4M capital raise, led by FT Ventures - The Logic Some MPs helping foreign actors like China and India meddle in Canadian politics: report | CBC News Green Leader Elizabeth May says there's no list of disloyal current MPs in unredacted NSICOP report | CBC News 


    Sponsors: oxio, Squarespace


    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Less than a year ago, Investigative Reporter and former Network Anchor Molly Thomas had her dream job as a Correspondent for CTV’s flagship show, W5; with the backing of this team, she applied for the most prestigious fellowship in Canadian journalism, the Michener-Deacon Award.

    Molly won the Michener-Deacon fellowship for her special project on education in Afghanistan, the only country in the world where women and girls can't go to school. 

    Then, as part of a series of nation-wide cuts from Bellmedia (who owns CTV), Molly was laid off and the story was shelved.

    That’s where Canadaland stepped in.                

    We’ve teamed up with Molly and the Michener-Deacon Fellowship to produce Dear Taliban, a new 3-part investigation that begins today.

    Dear Taliban spans three continents, taking listeners to the vice-regal pomp and ceremony of Rideau Hall, to one of the toughest hostile training programs in the world - all to prepare her for a complex and volatile area of South Asia.

    Host: Molly Thomas 

    Credits: Tristan Capacchione and Caleb Thompson (Audio Editing and Technical Production), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Additional music by Audio Network


    AG1 Douglas

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • En politique municipale, provinciale et fédérale, les départs de femmes s’enchaînent. En cause, l’intimidation dont elles sont victimes, la remise en question de leurs compétences, ou encore leur relégation à des rôles de moindre importance. Emilie reçoit l’autrice, essayiste et activiste Alexa Conradi pour mieux comprendre les racines du problème et les obstacles qui se dressent devant les femmes politiques. Dans la deuxième partie de l’émission, Alexa Conradi explique ce que signifierait faire de la politique en féministe, et comment intégrer pleinement les valeurs de ce mouvement dans notre paysage politique actuel. 

    Women keep leaving municipal, provincial and federal politics, due to intimidation, the questioning of their skills, or their relegation to less important roles. Emilie sits down with author, essayist and activist Alexa Conradi to better understand the roots of the problem and the obstacles that stand before female politicians. In the second part of the show, Alexa Conradi explains what it would mean to do politics in a feminist fashion, and how to fully integrate the values ​​of this movement into our current political landscape.

    Animation : Emilie Nicolas

    Générique : Lucie Laumonier (Production), Tristan Capacchione (Production technique), Karyn Pugliese (Rédactrice en chef) 

    Coanimation : Alexa Conradi

    Pour en savoir plus :

    Une crise féministe à Québec Solidaire – Le DevoirCatherine Dorion, celle qui dérange – CanadalandMettre fin au gaslighting racial: une question de gouvernance – PivotYara El-Ghadban : le deuil, mais aussi les rêves – CanadalandJournalisme cathartique – CanadalandSuivre la tragédie qui se déroule en Palestine: la couverture du GuardianLes angles morts: perspectives sur le Québec actuel - Éditions du remue-ménage

    Si vous appréciez ce podcast, soutenez-nous ! Vous obtiendrez un accès en prime à toutes nos émissions gratuitement, y compris les premières diffusions et le contenu bonus. Vous recevrez également notre lettre d'information exclusive, des rabais sur les produits dans notre boutique, des billets pour nos événements en direct et virtuels, et surtout, vous ferez partie de la solution à la crise du journalisme au Canada. Vous ferez en sorte que notre travail reste gratuit et accessible à tout le monde.  


    Vous pouvez écouter sans publicité sur Amazon Music, inclus avec Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Trump’s 34 felony convictions made history in the U.S., but will his efforts to undermine the Rule of Law have an effect on Canadian attitudes towards the legal system? 

    And the CBC is (once again) accused of anti-Palestinian bias, this time in its documentary division. Lawyer and journalist Julie Sobowale helps us unpack the legal and labour implications of a series of inflammatory tweets.

    Host: Jonathan Goldsbie

    Credits: James Nicholson (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), Max Collins (Production Manager), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Julie Sobowale


    Further reading: 

    Democracy is at risk when courts come under fire, Canada's top judge warns - Toronto StarOpinion: Donald Trump is a criminal – and his conviction is a catastrophe for America - The Globe and MailHAMMER: Post-Trump verdict, will the American Right finally wake up? - Toronto SunDon’t save local journalism – reinvent it - The Philanthropist JournalTop Canadian scientist alleges in leaked emails he was barred from studying mystery brain illness - The GuardianMedical Lies from the Maritimes (2023) - CANADALANDCBC has whitewashed Israel’s crimes in Gaza. I saw it firsthand - The BreachOn covering one of the most divisive stories in years - CBC News Editor’s BlogCBC’s Palestine Exception (2022) - Review of Journalism

    Sponsors: Squarespace, Douglas, oxio


    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This story started out like every other Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women case. But something happened that would change the trajectory of the case, the people, and even political leaders in Manitoba. 

    Karyn Pugliese sits down with Kathleen Martens of APTN to discuss the trial of Jeremy Skibicki, who has admitted to killing four women: Rebecca Contois, Morgan Harris, Marcedes Myran, and an unidentified woman referred to as “Buffalo Woman”. These are the women whose bodies are presumed to be in Winnipeg landfills and for the past year, people have been calling on the government to search for them, and bring peace to the victim’s families.

    Kathleen Martens has been in the courtroom for every day of this trial. In today's show she breaks it all down and provides insight into what it all means and where it might be going.

    Content warning: there will be discussion of the murders of Indigenous women in this episode, and may not be suitable for all listeners. Take care when listening. 

    Immediate emotional assistance and crisis support are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week through a national hotline at 1-844-413-6649

    Host: Karyn Pugliese

    Credits: Tristan Capacchione (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Additional music by Audio Network

    Further reading, by Kathleen Martens:

    Court, families hear how Indigenous women were murdered in Winnipeg — APTNSurprise plea: Jeremy Skibicki admits to killing 4 Indigenous women — APTNPolice find DNA of another 12 women at self-confessed killer’s apartment in Winnipeg — APTN‘Nobody told us’: Family of Andrea Cederwall seeks answers at Skibicki trial — APTN

    Sponsors: AG1, Oxio, Article

    If you value this podcast, support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Who’s buying a newspaper in 2024? Meet Kevin Klein, a politician, publisher, pretendian, and new owner of the Winnipeg Sun. 

    Then, things get heated, as Jesse and Robert Jago discuss cultural boycotting at the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival. Are cultural boycotts a fair and effective form of protest? 

    Time is almost up! Get 6 months of exclusive supporter benefits for just $2/month. Go to canadaland.com/join to become a supporter today. 

    Host: Jesse Brown

    Credits: James Nicholson (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Robert Jago


    Further reading: 

    Would-be Manitoba newspaper owner not ruling out run for opposition party leadership - The Globe and MailKevin Klein says he's on a personal journey about his Métis identity  - APTNMy error in judgement | Kevin Klein Pretendians [podcast]John Ivison: Eco-activist Liberal ministers could ruin a $300M lifeline for a struggling First Nation Jury hears 2021 Chicken Land shooting was by three men linked to ISIS | Toronto Sun Vancouver’s PuSh Festival makes ‘difficult decision’ to cancel Israel-set play The Runner to keep Palestinian artist in line-up - The Globe and Mail Transcript: Ezra Klein on Gaza, A.I. and the 2024 Elections - The New York Times


    Sponsors: Douglas, Article 

    If you value this podcast, Support us! You’ll get premium access to all our shows ad free, including early releases and bonus content. You’ll also get our exclusive newsletter, discounts on merch at our store, tickets to our live and virtual events, and more than anything, you’ll be a part of the solution to Canada’s journalism crisis, you’ll be keeping our work free and accessible to everybody.  


    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • CANADALAND host Jesse Brown introduces Dylan to a strange and decaying Quebecois fast food institution… housed inside a giant orange sphere. Today, the orange is a relic of a bygone era. But decades ago, this odd establishment was on track to become the McDonalds of Canada. We hear about the rise and fall of Montreal’s Orange Julep, and how its eccentric founder envisioned a Canada scattered with glowing orange spheres.

    This is the third story in our collaboration with the Atlas Obscura Podcast - a show that brings the listener mind-blowing stories from fascinating places every weekday. If you want to hear more stories from their great show, we recommend starting here: 

    World's Oldest Edible Ham

    Until the end of May, become a Canadaland Supporter for just $2/month (78% off the regular price) and listen to all three episodes of Canada Obscura ad-free.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • There’s a small, sandy island off the coast of Nova Scotia where hundreds of horses run wild. They’ve been there since the 18th century, and are genetically unlike any other horse in the world. While these horses are beloved, an official animal of Nova Scotia, there have been voices over the years saying they’re an invasive species that needs to be removed, as much for the sake of the island as for themselves. So what does the future look like for the Sable Island horse?

    Phillip McLoughlin, ecologist at the University of Saskatchewan who runs the Sable Island Horse Project, joins us.

    This episode was produced in collaboration with the Atlas Obscura Podcast - a show that brings listeners mind-blowing stories from fascinating places every weekday. If you want to hear more stories from their great show, we recommend starting here: 

    Cranes of the DMZ 

    For a limited time, become a Canadaland Supporter for just $2/month and listen to all three episodes of Canada Obscura ad-free, right now.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We’re launching a collaboration with The Atlas Obscura Podcast to tell the stories of Canada’s strange and wondrous places.

    Today, we bring you a story about a black bear who traveled across the ocean with a group of World War 1 soldiers before becoming the inspiration for one of the most popular children’s characters of all time. 

    Lindsay Mattick, author of Finding Winnie and Winnie’s Great War, tells the story.

    This episode was produced in collaboration with the Atlas Obscura Podcast - a show that brings listeners mind-blowing stories from fascinating places every weekday. If you want to hear more stories from their great show, we recommend starting here: 

    Milky Seas Damanhur 

    For a limited time, become a Canadaland Supporter for just $2/month and listen to all three episodes of Canada Obscura ad-free, right now.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hot Docs, Vancouver Folk Music Festival, Just for Laughs, just the latest cultural institutions to join a long list of Canadian arts groups facing existential threats. Why is this all happening now?

    Based on recent headlines, you might think that we are in the midst of a total cultural collapse in this country. Film festivals, comedy festivals, symphonies, cinemas, theater companies, arts magazines all closing down or telling us that they're about to. Corporate sponsors are pulling out. Leadership teams are crumbling. People are quitting en masse or getting laid off. There's been a lot of dirty laundry aired in public from within these organizations, open letters and accusations about mismanagement and workplace inequity within these arts organizations. It all sounds miserably dire. So just what is going on and why is it all happening now?

    Host: Jesse Brown 

    Credits: Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor), Bruce Thorson (Senior Producer), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Featured guests: Jesse Wente, Amy Blackmore & Dan Seligman

    For more information:

    Canadian Art magazine shuts down amid financial losses and internal conflict

    Sponsors: CAMH, Squarespace, Betterhelp, Douglas

    For a limited time, get 6 months of exclusive supporter benefits for just $2/month. Go to canadaland.com/join to become a supporter today.

    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Traumavertissement: Le segment ‘Bien Noté’ entre 22:30 et 27:00 aborde les violences subies par les enfants autochtones dans les pensionnats.

    Fin avril, le premier ministre du Québec François Legault annonçait le contenu de son Musée national de l’histoire du Québec: des collections retraçant les 400 dernières années d’histoire, de Jacques Cartier à nos jours. Dans son discours, Legault réservait une place aux Premières Nations qui étaient là “avant nous” et ont “aidé” les colons à surmonter les épreuves. Pour décrypter ces discours empreints de colonialisme, Emilie reçoit l’activiste, animatrice et chroniqueuse Innue Melissa Mollen Dupuis. Ensemble, elles réfléchissent à tisser une nouvelle histoire du Québec, décoloniale et inclusive. En deuxième partie d’émission, Melissa Mollen Dupuis offre un éclairage passionnant sur le phénomène des fraudes d’identité autochtone, les “pretendians” ou en français “fautochtones”.

    Trigger Warning: The ‘Bien Noté’ segment between 22:30 et 27:00 discusses the abuse inflicted on Indigenous children at residential schools.

    At the end of April, Quebec Premier François Legault announced the subject matter of his National Museum of Quebec History: collections tracing the last 400 years of history, from Jacques Cartrier to the present day. In his speech, Legault reserved a place for the First Nations who were there “before us” and “helped” the settlers to overcome challenges. To decipher this discourse, marked by colonialism, Emilie is joined by Innu activist, host and columnist Melissa Mollen Dupuis. Together, they reflect on weaving a new history of Quebec that is both decolonized and inclusive. In the second part of the show, Melissa offers fascinating insight into the phenomenon of Indigenous identity fraud, the “pretendians” or in French the “fautochtones”.

    Animation : Emilie Nicolas

    Générique : Lucie Laumonier (Production), Tristan Capacchione (Production technique), Karyn Pugliese (Rédactrice en chef) 

    Coanimation : Melissa Mollen Dupuis

    Pour en savoir plus :

    Musée national de l’histoire du Québec: des Premières Nations craignent d’être oubliées – Radio-CanadaIndigenous leaders pass declaration on Indigenous identity fraud at summit in Winnipeg – APTNSépultures anonymes d’enfants autochtones: une pente glissante – La PresseCBC has whitewashed Israel’s crimes in Gaza. I saw it firsthand – The BreachOn CBC's coverage of the Israel-Hamas war, one of the most divisive stories in years – CBCVisit the Woodland Cultural Center from homeÉcoutez la nouvelle série « Pretendians » – Canadaland

    Pour un temps limité, soutenez-nous et obtenez 6 mois de bénéfices exclusifs pour 2$ par mois! Pour cela, rendez-vous sur canadaland.com/join

    Vous pouvez écouter sans publicité sur Amazon Music, inclus avec Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Lessons from Winnipeg, Canada’s most Indigenous city. Emilie Nicolas talks to Niigaan Sinclair about what reconciliation looks like in practice and why Winnipeg is ground zero for Indigenous relations in Canada.

    Plus, did wildfire season start early in Canada or did the fires never stop burning? Reflecting on the evacuation of Cranberry Portage and how journalism can make a difference in the face of climate fatigue and denial. 

    For a limited time, get 6 months of exclusive supporter benefits for just $2/month. Go to canadaland.com/join to become a supporter today. 

    Host: Emilie Nicolas

    Credits: James Nicholson (Producer), Caleb Thompson (Audio Editor and Technical Producer), Karyn Pugliese (Editor-in-Chief)

    Guest: Niigaan Sinclair


    Further reading: 

    Residents relieved, anxious as they begin return to fire-threatened Cranberry Portage | CBC NewsHow Canada’s wildfires start: climate misinformation explained | The NarwhalEarly wildfires mean B.C. has already broken its record for carbon emissions in May | CBC NewsDefinition of ‘serial killer’ among Skibicki’s chilling Google searches, court told – Winnipeg Free Press CBC has whitewashed Israel’s crimes in Gaza. I saw it firsthand ⋆ The BreachOn covering one of the most divisive stories in years | CBC News Opinion: In its pain and its hope, Winnipeg is Canada’s most vital laboratory for reconciliation - The Globe and MailWînipêk by Niigaan Sinclair | Penguin Random House Canada  


    Sponsors: oxio, Douglas, Athletic Greens 

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    You can listen ad-free on Amazon Music—included with Prime.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.