"Devin Schadt is the man who first introduced Keith to Catholicism back in 1997. Their friendship has had lots of twists and turns (and so have their lives). In this candid interview, Keith and Devin delve into Devin's spirituality, how his upbringing has impacted his life, his relationship with his wife and children, and so much more, including that first night discussing Catholicism with a very protestant Keith!
Devin's ministry has impacted untold multitudes through his books, talks, videos, and podcasts.
Subscribe to Devin's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@thefathersofst.joseph2577
Visit Devin's website: https://fathersofstjoseph.org/
Buy Devin's books: https://fathersofstjoseph.org/resource/
Hear Devin on the Catholic Gentlemen Podcast: https://catholicgentleman.com/podcast-listing/
The ministry that makes both Devin and Keith's ministry possible: https://stewardshipmission.org/"
Dr.Travis Lacy, PhD. is a professor of theology. Formerly of Mt. Mercy University in Cedar Rapids, IA, and starting in the fall of 2024 at Providence College, Providence, RI. Dr. Lacy is a convert to the catholic faith from evangelicalism and shares his journey and insights with Keith.
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Episodes manquant?
On Holy Thursday, 2016, John Edwards was arrested for purchasing cocaine, thrown into jail, and was facing losing everything. How did he get there, and more importantly, how did God deliver him from addiction? In this incredible in-person interview, John shares with Keith how God delivered him and set him on a new path. John is the executive director of Just a Guy in the Pew Ministries, which facilitates the creation of men's groups in parishes across the country. Do NOT Miss this incredible conversion story.
What is the Catholic understanding of the gospel? How should Catholics respond? Does Catholicism teach a false gospel? In part one of the series "Gotcha Questions," former protestant Pastor and Catholic convert Keith Nester summarizes the Catholic understanding of the gospel using the teaching of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Listen and decide for yourself.
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Keith is joined by @catholiccom contributor and host of @ReasonandTheology Michael Lofton to discuss his latest book called
Answering Orthodoxy: A Catholic Response to Attacks From the East.
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"The Catholic Talk Show" is one of the most-watched Catholic YouTube channels out there. Keith has appeared on this channel 3 times, but today, the tables are turned as Keith interviews Ryan Sheel, Ryan Dellacrosse, and Fr. Rich Pagano about the origins of "The Catholic Talk Show" and what makes them the way they are.
Subscribe to "The Catholic Talk Show"https://www.youtube.com/@UClYN3WXAFPr0FDHUaLx1g0Q
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For more info about Keith visit:
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The Shroud of Turin is one of the most incredible things on the planet, but so many people don't know something so interesting about the image. After studying the Shroud for more than 40 years, Dr. Gilbert Lavoie has authored a new book called The Shroud of Jesus. Join Keith for this fascinating conversation.
Link for Purchase: https://sophiainstitute.com/product/the-shroud-of-jesus/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SophiaInstitutePress/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SophiaPress
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In this episode of Catholic Feedback, Charles Fraune joins Keith to discuss the dangers of the occult and how Catholics can be lured in.
Check out Charles' links:
https://www.instagram.com/slaying_dragons_press/ -
The New Relativism with Karlo Brousard
Do you remember when relativism was the nemesis of Christians and all people of right reason? This idea that “you have your truth and I have mine” was so pervasive and insidious that Pope Benedict XVI warned it was a “dictatorship” that threatened all our freedoms. Then, seemingly overnight, we’re being told that it’s not a problem anymore. Why? Because in today’s “woke” world, most people are now moralists, not relativists. They impose a litany of new, seemingly absolute “commandments” to make sure we’re never racist, sexist, judgmental, bigoted, “anti-science,” or a host of other deplorable things.
So, relativism must dead; yesterday’s news. Not so fast, says Karlo Broussard in The New Relativism. The dictatorship of relativism isn’t dead; it’s just hiding―behind the mask of woke moralism. Scratch these modern commandments we’re supposed to live by, and lurking underneath you’ll find the same basic errors of relativism: mutated into new forms, perhaps, but no less dangerous to our world and our faith.
Drawing on examples both timeless and fresh as today’s news, Karlo unpacks the various styles and flavors of the new relativism, shining a light on their modern woke disguises and showing how to dismantle them piece by piece. Even more importantly, he shows you how to replace them with better “commandments” that reflect a moral and intellectual universe of objective truth.
Karlo's website:
https://karlobroussard.com/Get the book:
https://shop.catholic.com/the-new-relativism-unmasking-the-philosophy-of-todays-woke-moralists/To support the channel and Keith's ministry:
https://www.patreon.com/keithnesterFor more info about Keith visit:
http://down2earthministry.org/ -
Exorcist Fr. Carlos Martins joins Keith to discuss spiritual warfare and the new book, "Fr. Gabriele Amorth: Rome's Exorcist" from Tan books.
Don't miss this incredible conversation!
To order the book:
More about Fr. Martins:
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The Veil Removed with Chris Magruder
How a mom from Iowa with no film experience created a video that has changed the world. Chris Magruder joins Keith to tell the story of the inspiration and origin of the hugely popular short film The Veil Removed.
See the Film and more:
https://TheVeilRemoved.comTo support the channel and Keith's ministry:
https://www.patreon.com/keithnester -
11Joe Enabnit of the St. Michael Barbell Club joins Keith to show us around his gym and share his incredible story of becoming Catholic as well as his unique philosophy of how training one's body makes one spiritually stronger.
Joe is available for online training. Mention Catholic Feedback to get a discount.
Check out:
Gym Youtube: @saintmichaelbarbellclub7253
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saintmichaelbarbell/
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Todd Erzen (of the Steve Deace Show) joins Keith for a fascinating discussion about the state of our culture and how Catholics and like minded Protestants can unite against the evils of our society. Todd is on the front lines of the culture war both personally and professionally through his work as editor and daily contributor on the Steve Deace Show Podcast on Blaze TV. This is the same group that is responsible for the movie Nefarious. Don't miss this amazing conversation!
Steve Deace Show Youtube:
Blaze TV:
Follow Todd on Twitter:
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Catholic Answers apologist Trent Horn joins Keith to discuss his new book, "When Protestants Argue Like Atheists"
Buy the book here:
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Why does it seem Catholics have such a different view of suffering than other Christians? Perhaps it's because we do. Join Keith as he digs into the Catholic view of suffering and how it connects to our every day life.
Have an idea for a show topic or a question?
Send in your questions to feedback@catholicfeedback.com
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For more info about Keith visit:http://down2earthministry.org/ -
Keith is joined by author and apologist Erick Ybarra for a charitable and informative conversation about the basics of Eastern Orthodoxy as it relates to the issues of authority and the Papacy.
Erick is the author of the new book The Papacy- Revisiting the Debate between Catholics and Orthodox https://stpaulcenter.com/product/the-papacy-revisiting-the-debate-between-catholics-and-orthodox/
Erick's blog: https://erickybarra.wordpress.com/
To support the channel and Keith's ministry: https://www.patreon.com/keithnester
For more info about Keith visit: http://down2earthministry.org/
On this episode, Keith is joined once again by Catholic Answers apologist Karlo Broussard. Karlo is the author of the book Purgatory is for Real and talks with Keith about what we know (and don't know) about Purgatory.
Buy Karlo's book:
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Today we are joined by Keith's parish priest Fr, Aaron Junge for a livestream Q/A session.
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For more info about Keith visit:
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Keith is joined by Catholic Answers Staff Apologist and author Karlo Broussard to discuss his new book and deal with common comebacks often leveled against Catholics.
Karlo's new book:
Karlo's book Purgatory is for real:
Karlo's website:
Catholic Answers website:
To support the channel and Keith's ministry:
For more info about Keith visit:
http://down2earthministry.org/ -
On this episode of Catholic Feedback Catholic Answers apologist Trent Horn joins Keith to discuss his brand new book Devil's Advocate- Facing my Inner Anti-Catholic.
Trent's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCounselofTrent
Catholic Answers website:
To support the channel and Keith's ministry:
For more info about Keith visit:
http://down2earthministry.org/ - Montre plus