
  • Unexpected Blessings

    Life is filled with unexpected blessings, a reality not lost on Cedarville University rising junior Viv Wheeler.

    Originally from Guatemala, Viv was born to a mother who was unable to care for her, leading to her being put up for adoption. She was quickly selected by a couple who began the process of making her their own, only to encounter difficulties that once again left Viv alone. However, each of these hardships were part of God’s great plan to shower her with blessings and opportunities.

    Viv was ultimately adopted by the Wheelers, a loving family in Portsmouth, Ohio, who had been praying for the child destined for them by God. She grew up being loved by her parents, fishing with her dad, and preparing for a bright future, one that was again directed by the unexpected. As a junior in high school, she received a college mailer from Cedarville University that would guide the next steps of her journey.

    Intrigued by the campus community and the school's mission to glorify Jesus Christ, Viv felt drawn to pursue a degree in primary education and speech pathology.

    Driven by her desire to impact children's lives positively, Viv volunteered for an international mission trip to Guatemala to teach English. Little did she know that this trip would result in a profound reunion with her birth family thanks to God's intricate plan.

    Meeting her birth family for the first time was both thrilling and nerve-wracking for Viv. However, she discovered a family that cared deeply for her, especially her birth mother, who had fervently prayed for her every day. With the joy of being embraced by two loving families and the assurance that God had been guiding every step of her journey, Viv feels grateful for the unexpected twists and turns that have led her to where she is today.

    Join Viv as she shares more about her extraordinary journey and her aspirations for the future on the Cedarville Stories Podcast.


  • From Graduation to Google: Building Through Technology and Testimony

    From the land of Legos to the world of cutting-edge technology, Josh Thomas, a recent graduate of Cedarville University, has always possessed a keen interest in the art of building. This inherent trait led him to begin a career as a software engineer with Google.

    Josh's journey into the realm of technology began at a young age, when he started constructing robots out of Legos and implementing computer-operated electronics to bring them to life. Even in the sixth grade, Josh recognized that his passion for engineering was a gift from God.

    During his time at Cedarville University, Josh received guidance and mentorship from professors who instilled in him the importance of maintaining high standards and adopting a humble, lifelong learning mindset. These invaluable qualities equipped him for prestigious summer internships with both Amazon and Google.

    Through his experiences during these internships, he discovered not only his ability to create advanced technological tools for data extraction and innovative applications for smartphones but also his unique position to foster meaningful relationships for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom.

    As he joins the staff at Google's headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he will collaborate with leading scientists and technicians, Josh is steadfast in his belief that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive. He aims to build bridges with individuals who may harbor doubts about faith and Christianity, using his own life as a testament to their compatibility.

    To delve deeper into Josh's inspiring journey, his groundbreaking technological endeavors, and his aspirations for establishing impactful relationships, tune in to the Cedarville Stories Podcast.


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  • Investing in Others: A Lasting Legacy

    In the coming years, the names of Phil and Pam Black may fade from memory, but their profound influence on young Christian men and women will leave a lasting mark on the kingdom of Christ.

    Throughout their 51 years of marriage, the Blacks have worked side by side to raise a family, serve their local church, run a business, and support various charitable causes. Whether leading medical teams on numerous missions to Ghana or contributing to the establishment of One Bistro, a ministry dedicated to eradicating hunger and sharing the hope of Jesus in Xenia, Ohio, their focus has always been on helping those in need.

    Following the example set by Jesus, Phil and Pam prioritize showing love and compassion to others, a lesson instilled in them by their own parents many years ago. They have dedicated themselves to mentoring and supporting those around them, opening their home to visiting missionaries and offering a haven to students from Cedarville University.

    Phil, who worked as a pharmacist for over 30 years, viewed his profession as a form of ministry, using it to meet the needs of those in pain and suffering. His partnership with former Cedarville University president Paul Dixon led to the establishment of the University's esteemed School of Pharmacy, ensuring that Cedarville's Christian impact would spread globally.

    The legacy of Phil and Pam Black's selfless devotion to serving others in the name of Jesus continues to inspire those around them. To learn more about this remarkable couple and their unwavering commitment to the Lord, tune in to the latest episode of the Cedarville Stories Podcast.


  • A Man of Commitment

    In this episode of the Cedarville Stories Podcast, we delve into the remarkable journey and unwavering dedication of Dr. Daniel Estes, Distinguished Professor of Old Testament at Cedarville University.

    From teaching multiple generations of the same family to completing a doctoral degree at prestigious Cambridge University, Dr. Estes has left an indelible mark on the academic world and beyond.

    Growing up in rural New York, Estes was shaped by the influence of faithful Christian mentors who instilled in him the values of perseverance and devotion. His father, a pastor and avid runner, taught him the importance of endurance, while a senior saint shared her passion for prayer, leaving a lasting impact on his life. Additionally, the late Dr. James T. Jeremiah, former president at Cedarville, served as a patient mentor and role model to him.

    These formative experiences have shaped Estes into the person he is today, dedicated to being a blessing to others and making a difference for the Gospel.

    As a professor, Estes not only imparts bold truths of Scripture to his students but also spends hours praying for them and encouraging them to reach their goals. His humility and enduring commitment serve as a source of inspiration for Cedarville students as they navigate their academic and spiritual journeys.

    Tune in to this episode to discover more about Dr. Daniel Estes' extraordinary life and the profound impact he continues to make at Cedarville University and beyond.


  • Taking Flight in Defense of Freedom

    Amid the sea of graduates preparing to receive degrees at Cedarville University stand four young men committed to defending freedom. Thaddeus Krueger, Matthew Crum, Brent Whitley, and John Thomson are on their way to becoming pilots in the United States Air Force.

    While completing their coursework at Cedarville these brave young men tackled the additional responsibilities of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corp (ROTC), necessitating early morning activity while the rest of the campus was sleeping.

    As a result of their hard work these men have been accepted into the highly competitive Air Force flight training program, putting them on a supersonic pathway to serving their country.

    They are excited by the promise of adventure, speed, travel, and being at the controls of multimillion-dollar equipment, but they are moved to the sky by their desire to protect the freedoms afforded to those fortunate enough to call the United States home.

    Motivated by their gratitude to God for the gifts of a free-market society, the right to worship Christ openly, the fair rule of law, and the still-possible American dream, these young men are prepared to give their all to ensure such blessings are available for generations to come.

    Discover the inspiring journey ahead for these young patriots on the Cedarville Stories Podcast.


  • Bringing Light to the Silver Screen

    In the often-murky world of Hollywood filmmaking, where violence, strong language, and other dark elements reign supreme, Parker Adams, a 2014 graduate of Cedarville University, is on a mission to illuminate the silver screen with hope and light.

    Witnessing the emerging efforts of Christian filmmakers during his student years, Parker knew he wanted to be a part of this transformative movement.

    After graduating with a degree in communication and making an unlikely break into the film industry, Parker created his own company, 1520 Creative, which specializes in the grueling monthslong process of editing film and sifting through hours and hours of footage to create a cohesive story that will resonate with moviegoers.

    Driven by a passion to spread hope through cinema, Parker understands the power of successful films to carry messages of faith to even the most resistant corners of the world. By contributing to box office hits, he opens doors for these messages to reach audiences in countries where other forms of evangelism are restricted.

    Parker’s journey has allowed him to contribute to the success of several major films including, Woodlawn, I Still Believe, A Week Away, Ordinary Angels, and, most recently, Unsung Hero.

    To delve deeper into Parker's mission of rewriting the narrative of hope, light, and redemption for the big screen, tune in to the Cedarville Stories Podcast.

  • Making a Difference on Capitol Hill

    In the halls of Capitol Hill, among the throng of suits and ties, one Ohioan stands out - Benjamin Mays, a legislative correspondent for Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley. Hailing from Middletown, Ohio, Benjamin found his calling in the heart of Washington, D.C., but his journey to the nation's capital began with a pivotal visit to Cedarville University.

    As a high school senior, Benjamin stepped onto Cedarville's campus, where he first learned about the D.C. Semester program. This unique opportunity, offering a blend of classroom learning and real-world experience in politics, sealed his decision to pursue political science at Cedarville.

    During his semester in D.C., Benjamin interned in the office of Ohio Representative Warren Davidson, gaining firsthand insight into the intersection of national policy and local communities. Serving constituents who were also his neighbors, he witnessed the tangible impact of government on everyday lives.

    Inspired by Rep. Davidson's Christian values guiding his legislative work, Benjamin recognized the vital role of faith in shaping political decisions. Armed with this perspective, he graduated with a degree in political science and joined Sen. Grassley's office, determined to make a difference.

    For Benjamin, government service is more than just a career - it's a calling to embody Christian principles in the political arena. With a firm belief that God's presence is needed now more than ever in policy-making, he intends to stay in public service as long as he can, advocating for integrity and compassion in governance.

    Tune in to the Cedarville Stories podcast to hear Benjamin's inspiring journey, from Cedarville to Capitol Hill, and his unwavering commitment to bringing faith into the heart of politics.


  • Running With Passion and Purpose

    God’s plan for the journey is often unexpected and this is certainly true for Cedarville University junior, Aaron Perry. Having played soccer for more than a decade, Aaron learned to equate running with discipline. Poor performance on the field or in practice meant running laps, sprints, or stairs. Yet after participating in a marathon during his senior year in high school, running changed for Aaron--from punishment to passion.

    Since that first marathon, Aaron has allowed his runners high to guide his path along the trails he pounds and to stoke his entrepreneurial fire.

    Having completed numerous long-distance runs, including a Rim to Rim run of the Grand Canyon, an ultra-marathon, and a half-ironman triathlon in the wilds of Maine, Aaron knows what runners need. He has taken that hard-earned knowledge and combined it with his drive as a young entrepreneur to create his company, Ultra Lyte Running.

    Aaron’s desire is to grow his company with excellence and integrity to earn an audience for sharing the gospel.

    His time as a finance major at Cedarville under the expert instruction of Dr. Kary Oberbrunner, Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, combined with his drive to cross the finish line will undoubtedly lead Aaron on a trail to success.

    Join us on the Cedarville Stories Podcast to hear Aaron share more about his passion and purpose.


  • The Power of Adoption and Sisterhood: A Story of Unbreakable Bonds

    Two Cedarville University freshman students share a remarkable journey that has only deepened their faith and friendship.

    Hannah Woller and Sophia Delp share an extraordinary bond that began as infants—even though they were unaware at that time. Both students were left on the doorstep of an orphanage in China just days after their births. A few years later, in 2005, 18 families from the United States, unbeknownst to one another, adopted daughters from the Hunan province in China. Among them were Hannah and Sophia, who were born within six months of each other and placed into their new parents' arms on the same day, in the same room.

    In this heartwarming narrative, we explore the profound connection between Hannah and Sophia, who consider themselves sisters by heart rather than by blood. Despite growing up in different states, their bond remained unbroken, strengthened by annual reunions organized by their adoptive families, fondly referred to as the "Yueyang family." These gatherings, marked by shared traditions and heartfelt camaraderie, serve as a testament to the enduring power of love and familial ties.

    As Hannah pursues a degree in biology with a premed emphasis, she draws inspiration from her family's journey of adopting two more girls from China, instilling in her a deep passion for helping others through the medical field. Meanwhile, Sophia chose business management for its adaptability and her innate ability to work collaboratively with others.

    Despite the challenges of adoption, Hannah and Sophia find solace and strength in their shared faith and the unwavering support of each other. As they navigate their college years at Cedarville University, their bond continues to thrive, offering comfort and companionship in their daily lives.

    Tune in to discover the transformative power of sisterhood, resilience, and the unbreakable ties that bind us together, even across continents and years.


  • S:10 | E:12

    Debbie Matheson

    Unearthing Hope: Debbie Matheson's Unexpected Journey

    Join us for an inspiring episode as we delve into the remarkable story of Debbie Matheson, whose passion for gardening is rivaled only by her dedication to serving the most vulnerable in Greene County, Ohio.

    While tending her half-acre of fruits and vegetables, Debbie's life takes a remarkable turn as the executive director of Violence Free Futures. In this role, she navigates the complexities of domestic violence and other harrowing situations, relying on God's strength and wisdom every step of the way.

    With over three decades of experience, Debbie's journey has been fraught with challenges, from confronting domestic abuse to aiding survivors of sexual assault. Yet, through it all, she remains steadfast in her commitment to caring for others, drawing on the techniques she learned as a social work major at Cedarville University and her unwavering faith in Jesus.

    Tune in to discover how Debbie's unexpected path has become a beacon of hope and resilience in her community, inspiring us all to embrace compassion and make a difference where it's needed most.


  • Unveiling Purpose: Bridging Engineering and Compassion

    In a remarkable journey shaped by a childhood missions trip to Guatemala, Brianna Pacecca discovered her passion for sharing the gospel and providing clean water to those in need. Little did she anticipate that her academic pursuit in civil engineering would become a powerful tool for making a difference in the lives of people in third-world countries.

    During her college years at Cedarville University, Brianna's trajectory was further defined by an impactful internship with Samaritan’s Purse, focusing on water and sanitation initiatives. This experience not only reinforced her commitment to addressing crucial global challenges but also ignited a deep conviction that her engineering skills could be a vessel for connecting people with the message of hope found in Jesus.

    As Brianna stands on the brink of graduating from Cedarville, her journey takes an exciting turn. A month after receiving her diploma, she will embark on a new chapter, marrying her college sweetheart and relocating to northern Ohio, where both have engineering positions awaiting them. Their shared aspiration is clear: gain valuable experience, alleviate personal debts, and ultimately transition into a life of service as missionaries.

    Join us in this inspiring episode as Brianna reflects on her transformative journey, revealing how a childhood calling has led her to blend engineering expertise with compassion, creating a path that transcends borders and brings hope to those in need.


  • From Egypt to Cedarville: A Miraculous Journey

    Welcome to a touching episode of the Cedarville Stories Podcast, where we bring you the inspiring journey of Caroline Abdelmassih, a student in Cedarville University's Doctor of Pharmacy program.

    Home for Caroline has always been in Egypt, but her pursuit of education brought her across the world to Cedarville University. This wasn't just any journey — it was a miraculous one.

    In this heartfelt conversation, Caroline reveals the challenges she faced, from the distance from her family to the daunting cost of the doctoral program. With uncertainty looming, prayers were lifted, and just two weeks before the academic year in 2023 began, the Lord intervened with a miraculous full-ride scholarship from an anonymous donor, complete with housing and food. Passport and airline ticket? God provided those, too, just in time for her to come to the United States.

    Now, having completed one of her eight semesters, Caroline reflects on the cultural adjustments and the daily reliance on the Lord's strength, which, true to form, He continues to provide.

    Join us this week as Caroline shares her remarkable journey of faith, resilience, and the divine orchestration that brought her to Cedarville. Learn how she plans to use her education to make a meaningful impact back home in Egypt after graduation.

    Caroline’s story is one of miracles, perseverance, and the unwavering belief that God can make a way even when it seems impossible. Tune in to be inspired by Caroline's incredible Cedarville story.


  • Bob and Jenny Czerniak

    In the heart of the village of Cedarville, Bob and Jenny Czerniak embarked on a heartfelt journey to transform an ancient schoolhouse into a haven of cherished family memories.

    Dating back to the 1800s, the schoolhouse stood as a relic of bygone eras, untouched for decades. Yet, with determination and love, Bob and Jenny envisioned a new chapter, crafting a cozy family abode with a special space for Jenny's mother — which never happened, as she suddenly passed away.

    This one-year project, according to Bob’s timeline, extended into three, but every moment was steeped in nostalgia and joy. Bob fondly recalls working with his father, salvaging aged floorboards from an Indiana home to grace their sunlit sanctuary in Cedarville — now known as “Dad’s Room.” Together, they laid each plank, a testament to their shared love and labor. Tragically, Bob's father passed away a few days later, leaving behind memories etched in the wood and Bob's heart.

    Throughout the journey, Jenny's father, battling Alzheimer's, found solace in witnessing the transformation, his joy fresh with each visit, even if he couldn't remember the last. In moments of sorrow and setbacks, the schoolhouse stood as a beacon of hope and resilience for their family.

    As the project nears its end, amidst both tears and triumphs, the schoolhouse stands as more than just a building — it's a lighthouse of love, legacy, and the enduring bonds of family.


  • Former Supreme Court Clerk addresses Criminal Justice Reform

    In a remarkable journey from accounting to advocacy, Matt Martens has defied the traditional narrative. Initially anticipating a career in law, Martens never envisioned becoming an author, let alone one recognized with awards. His accounting degree, initially viewed as a safeguard for legal success, unexpectedly became an asset. This expertise empowered him to adeptly cross-examine accounting experts, turning potential setbacks into triumphs for his clients.

    Completing his Juris Doctorate at the University of North Carolina marked the inception of Martens' legal journey. A pivotal clerkship under former Chief Justice William Rehnquist of the United States Supreme Court set the stage for his impactful career. As he thrived in the legal realm, encouragement from friends and biblical leaders led Martens to explore his insights into the criminal justice system, a subject he intimately understood from his experiences in D.C. courtrooms.

    The result was Reforming Criminal Justice: A Christian Perspective, a book that not only reflected Martens' intellectual depth but also earned accolades. Recognized as the top book in the "first-time" author category by The Gospel Coalition, it underscored the relevance of Martens' Christian perspective on criminal justice.

    Today, Martens travels the country, engaging with students from diverse educational backgrounds. From renowned institutions like Harvard and the University of Michigan to Cedarville University, he shares his experiences, speaking to those intrigued by history, politics, and criminal justice.

    Matt Martens' journey exemplifies the transformative power of unexpected paths and God’s profound impact on one individual who is helping reshape conversations in justice and the law.


  • A Symbiotic Relationship

    Welcome to another episode of Cedarville Stories, where we explore the unique initiatives and stories that make Cedarville University stand out. Today, we dive into the inspiring collaboration between two seasoned professors, Dr. Ruth Sylvester and Dr. Lori Ferguson.

    Dr. Sylvester, originally from sunny southern Florida, and Dr. Ferguson, from nearby Xenia, Ohio, both brought rich teaching backgrounds to Cedarville University. Despite their distinct paths, they've forged a powerful partnership with a shared mission.

    In this episode, we unravel the story behind "Symbiotica," a groundbreaking plan and curriculum crafted by Dr. Sylvester and Dr. Ferguson. Symbiotica is more than an academic venture; it's a dynamic approach to preparing the next generation of educators at Cedarville.

    Focused on the unique realm of homeschool education, Symbiotica aims to equip early childhood education majors with real-world experiences. Simultaneously, it provides homeschooled students with a classroom experience infused with biblical teachings, extending beyond the confines of their homes.

    Join us as we explore the inception, goals, and potential impact of Symbiotica. Less than a year old, this innovative program already holds promise to serve as a national model for colleges and universities seeking to blend academic rigor with practical, biblical, and real-world applications.

    For Dr. Sylvester and Dr. Ferguson, Symbiotica embodies a win-win scenario, creating a symbiotic relationship among themselves that benefits students, educators, and the future of education.


  • A Humble Journey of Love: The Adoption of Little Joey

    In the realm of social work, Melissa Brown faces the complexities of life head-on, witnessing struggles that occasionally touch her heart. Yet, it's her servant’s heart and unwavering faith in Jesus that serve as guiding lights, leading her to care for others through simple gestures — a conversation, a hug, or a prayer.

    A few years back, a unique opportunity knocked on Melissa and her husband Tom's door — a chance to care for a young Chinese boy bearing severe burns from an unfortunate accident. Seeking treatment in the United States, the boy needed more than medical attention; he needed a home and a family. Without hesitation, Melissa, Tom, and their three children welcomed Joey into their lives. Originally planned as a short visit, circumstances unfolded, extending Joey's stay amidst the global chaos of COVID.

    As Joey eventually returned to his parents in China, the need for ongoing medical care brought him back to the United States. Faced with the challenge of his living arrangements, Joey's biological parents turned to Melissa's family, not just for temporary care during treatments but to ask a profound question— would they officially adopt Joey?

    After heartfelt conversations within the family, not everyone initially favored the idea of adoption. With prayerful consideration, Melissa and Tom sensed a divine calling to embrace Joey into their family permanently, initiating the adoption process.

    Now, Melissa, Tom, and their expanded family of four children navigate the nuances of life together. It's not always a smooth path, but Melissa, with an unwavering trust in Jesus, believes that, over time, the hand of God will be evident through this remarkable journey.


  • Faith on Film

    Welcome to a captivating episode of "Faith on Film," where we delve into the heart of Christian storytelling with our dynamic guest, Scott Mills. Get ready to be inspired as we explore the transformative power of the new wave in Christian filmmaking.

    In this energizing conversation, Scott takes us on his journey from Cedarville University graduate in broadcasting to CEO of Engage Media Partners, a prominent player in the Christian film marketing realm. We uncover Scott's pivotal role in marketing blockbuster hits like Fireproof and Courageous, witnessing the surge of interest in Christian films.

    Discover the behind-the-scenes magic as Scott shares the inside story of Journey to Bethlehem, the groundbreaking Christian musical by Affirm Films and Sony Pictures. Tune in to learn how this film exemplifies the evolution of Christian storytelling, incorporating realism and nuanced messages, setting new standards for faith-based cinema.

    As Scott reflects on the impact of Christian filmmaking, he emphasizes the potential for students, especially those at Cedarville, to shape the future of the industry. Unveil the secrets of storytelling that honor God and leave a lasting impression. Don't miss this compelling episode that celebrates the art of filmmaking and the profound influence it has on hearts and minds.


  • Play Ball with Faith: The Fred Greetham Story

    In the heart of Cleveland, Ohio, where the battle cries of sports echo through the city, Fred Greetham learned early on to cherish two words: play ball. Growing up in the shadows of Cleveland's iconic teams— the Browns, the Guardians (formerly Indians), and the Cavaliers —Fred's love for sports became a defining chapter of his life.

    As a college student donning the Yellow Jackets' baseball jersey at Cedarville University, Fred aimed to be more than a player on the field. His playbook included deepening his faith in Jesus and laying the groundwork for a career in the sports arena. The dream? Professional baseball.

    Fred's college stats spoke volumes — finishing with a remarkable .407 batting average and stealing 86 bases in 90 attempts. These numbers, usually a ticket to the pros, earned him a different recognition: a spot in Cedarville's Athletic Hall of Fame.

    Post-graduation, Fred's journey took unexpected turns. From the baseball diamond to the classroom, then pivoting to financial planning, he remained vigilant, seeking opportunities to leverage his communication skills in the realm of sports commentary. Today, he's a regular voice on Cleveland radio stations, covering the NFL Browns.

    Life, however, also threw him some curveballs.

    Facing his own battle with cancer, Fred's resilience mirrored his stolen bases — swift and unyielding. Yet, his daughter's health crisis, in his eyes, eclipsed his own struggles. Through the trials, Fred's unwavering faith in Jesus sustained him, guiding him through each day, and inspiring his commentary on the Browns' relentless pursuit of a Super Bowl victory.

    In the grand arena of life, Fred Greetham embodies the fusion of sportsmanship and faith, where every play is a testament to perseverance, and every challenge met with an unwavering trust in a higher purpose.


  • Perceived by Glamour; Driven by Christ

    Sierra Bognear, a young woman with a penchant for surprises, astounded her family, excluding her brother Travis, by winning the title of Miss Michigan in 2015.

    Her decision to vie for the Miss Michigan crown, despite having no prior beauty pageant experience, remained a well-guarded secret. What added an extra layer of astonishment was her covert journey to New York for coaching by a pageant expert, unbeknownst to her family.

    The revelation of Sierra's victory over the phone left her family in disbelief. Following the initial shock and her mother's dismay at not being present during the pageant, the entire family rallied to celebrate Sierra's remarkable success.

    For Sierra, the true significance of her achievement went beyond the tiara — she found fulfillment in sharing her faith and offering prayers, even with contestants of different religions.

    Transitioning from pageantry, Sierra carved out a successful career in modeling with NIKE and the entertainment industry. However, a shift occurred when health challenges within her family prompted Sierra to discern her calling in healthcare.

    During these health concerns, Sierra noticed people wearing white coats were helping patients and she wanted to be part of the solution as well.

    Embarking on a journey that led her to the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor, Sierra eventually redirected her path to pursue a four-year degree in Cedarville University's pharmacy program. Her pursuit will culminate in a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in May 2027.


  • From Dad's Perspective: Amazing Grace

    "Amazing Grace" is not just a cherished hymn of the faith, but it’s also the nickname of an incredible athlete, possibly the most decorated one to emerge from Cedarville University. Grace Norman has secured gold, silver, and bronze medals in two recent Paralympics, and in 2024, she aims for the gold in the paratriathlon in Paris.

    Despite her international athletic prowess, Grace attributes her stability and success to her unwavering faith in Jesus. Born without a right foot and left big toe, she defied all expectations, excelling at Legacy Christian High School and later at Cedarville University. The support of her family, treating her just like her two sisters, has provided a sense of normalcy in her life.

    Now with the 2024 Paralympics in the coming months, Grace and her family are preparing for another opportunity for Grace to stand on the winner’s podium after the paratriathlon and hear the national anthem of the United States.

    In this episode, Grace and her father, Dr. Tim Norman, a senior professor of engineering at Cedarville University, open up about their journey, sharing poignant stories of personal development amid trials and triumphs.
