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    Newly Released Song By Brother Lance. PERSONA

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    Christin Rap
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    : a character assumed by an author in a written work
    pluralpersonas [New Latin, from Latin] : an individual's social facade or front that especially in the analytical psychology of Carl Gustav Jung reflects the role in life the individual is playing
    compare anima
    : the personality that a person (such as an actor or politician) projects in public : image
    plural personae : a character in a fictional presentation (such as a novel or play) —usually used in plural
    comic personae

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    So, You Think You're A Christian? Take The Test, & find out!, Let’s jump right into the test of faith. The rules are simple and fast. You must reach a perfect score to be considered a Biblical Christian- a true follower of Jesus. If you come to a question that you do not get a perfect score on, have no fear. Pause, study, and learn. You can quickly align your beliefs with the corresponding verses presented. If you realign your beliefs with the Bible verses that are presented to you, then you still have a perfect score. Please continue on. There are Christians, true believers who have never heard the following information. But in a childlike faith, held onto what they have received. This is great; today you will grow in the faith and get a firm foundation. Again, just align yourselves and your beliefs with what the Bible says and you will retain your perfect score. It takes a 100% perfect score to retain the High calling and Title of “Christian”.

    That being said, many today will find out that they can only go so far and do not truly believe in the Jesus of the Bible, or the God of the Bible. They will find that they worship and serve a false Jesus and a fake god. This does not have to be so. Just align yourselves with the Bible and truly be a Christian, the kind that Jesus will say He knows. You see, all these questions relate back to Jesus and Who and What He is in God’s sight. You cannot remove one and still have the same Jesus. They all must be accurately represented to truly be Jesus. To say you believe in Jesus, you must believe all that is said about Him in the Holy Word of God. So, Get A 100%! #TheChristianTest

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    Endurance: The need for “Endurance” has never been greater. We must understand this battle of wills. Everything in this life, from the economy, entertainment, lust, and perversions, is all set up to wear down the saints- grinding us all down like glass. The entire matrix is set up to break your spirit and destroy your willingness to live for and serve the Lord. This weapon of “Endurance,” the perseverance of ones will over all obstacles and setbacks, is a moral killer for the devil. If you really want to give the devil heartburn, stay Obedient, Faithful, and Endure all things. Don’t allow him to knock you out of the battle. Stay in the fight and press on. Jesus said the harvest is ready, but the Laborers are few. Don’t allow the army of God to lose another soldier of the cross. Fight, fight and bleed, fight and die, but never stop fighting! Endure, persist, remain, and continue on in your love for God and His children

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    Focus Verse: Matthew 7:1-5 “Don’t judge, so that you won’t be judged. (2) For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you. (3) Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but don’t consider the beam that is in your own eye? (4) Or how will you tell your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye;’ and behold, the beam is in your own eye? (5) You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye.”

    #JudgeNot #Dontjudge #Dontjudgeme

    Before we go any further, is Jesus telling us to never remove the plank out of others eyes? No, He did not say that. He said to get yourselves right, then you can see clearly to help others. As we see Paul expressing the same concept:

    Romans 2:1-3 “Therefore you are without excuse, O man, whoever you are who judge. For in that which you judge another, you condemn yourself. For you who judge practice the same things. (2) We know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things. (3) Do you think this, O man who judges those who practice such things, and do the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?”

    So, as we can clearly “SEE”, there is nuance and perspective that needs to be understood to fully grasp at exactly what Jesus was saying.

    The first step to unravel this ball of yarn is to look at what the word “Judge” actually means. Most take it to mean to make a determination of wrong or right, good and evil, concerning another’s actions. Yet, we find it is not a determination of wrong and right, yet more like a condemning of an individual’s soul. We can look at a murderer and determine that is wrong, and let them know they are a murderer. But we are not God and cannot tell them that they can never receive salvation after the murder.

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    One of the first things God taught me when I started full time ministry is that He does not need a (P.R.) Public Relations spokesman, meaning that, I don’t need to constantly try to always put everything in the best, most acceptable, light possible. Nor do I need to constantly try to shade and pervert the word of God to make it more digestible to the lactose intolerant masses. All I have to do is say what God tells me to say, and let the words of God rest upon their own authority. The wisdom of this is that if you are continually trying to water down the truth to make it easier for people to accept, you have actually sold them on a false Gospel filled with half-truths. But the world has convinced many that a Christian is always perceived as sweet and quiet as a church mouse. They never offend and never make people feel uncomfortable. They are to always know their place and never bring their faith into the public square. They should keep it at home and within the church. The greatest error Christians have been led to believe is that they must be invited to present the truth, and need permission to have a chair at the table of life. If you’re a “good little Christian”, you can be allowed to be around the “cool kids!” We have been taught to forsake our saltiness and put out our lights. BUT NO MORE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS! This is not God’s way and we have not been told to hold our tongue. We must be motivated by the love of God, and speak the hard truths in love to a dying world. There are time and seasons for all things. Sometimes being patient and enduring is the best path. But we should never perceive it as the only path. As we studied in our “Baby Jesus Syndrome” Bible Study, Jesus was no easy going preacher, nor was Paul, or Peter, etc. There is a time to be loud with boldness and a direct delivery of the truth. That is what this Bible study is about today. Being willing to be Bold As Lions, not victim-riddled sheep too scared of the world to speak the truth in love. So, do you fear God or Man? Your words will reveal the truth.

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    🙌 Lance McClintock Has A Testimony To Make! Do you? If so, then please share this Podcast.


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    Newly Released Song By Brother Lance. Gaming The Game Called Life.

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    What is the 'world system' cycle of life? Well, it is definitely contrary to our last Weapons of Warfare study of “Sacrificial Faithfulness.” Let’s see if this sounds familiar. Work hard in school, get a good education, get a job, work to climb the ladder, get promotions and pay raises, rise to the top of your profession, retire, and die. In the middle of this, you get bigger, newer cars, bigger houses, bigger debt, and then live in fear until you die that you will lose what you sacrificed for, and be without all your pleasures and securities. We tell ourselves, “I have worked so hard, I deserve a break and a vacation. Something to distract me from this burden I am under. I need to now spend time with the family I have ignored to attain all of this.” We think this gives meaning to the cycle, because “hey, at least I can do this thing I like because I do those things!” So now, the cycle kind of makes sense. Then we slowly build up walls of debt and stuff we no longer use. Then we move on to storing these things in the house and garage, then in storage buildings. We think that when God allows us to prosper, it is to feed the vicious cycle we have bought into. Stewardship in this paradigm to the individual is to steward one’s own blessings for one’s own well being. Yet, like the saying goes: “He who dies with the most toys in the end, still dies.”

    But, why does man seek to build diminishing towers of worship to self and wealth? Even in the church, the “prosperity Gospel” teaches a person to focus on the world and the world’s goods. Yet, the simple math is this: If we are not our own and we are bought with a price, (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) then what you posses is not your own, and God has purchased you. There is no such thing as personal wealth to a Christian. It is all God’s wealth. All a Christian has and is allowed to retain does not belong to them, and is not meant to be used to be consumed upon their desires and lusts. This is contrary to the world’s cycle of wealth. But it is the truth. We are called to find security in Jesus and God’s love, not the numbers in our bank account. Yet, we retain those numbers in an attempt to keep only what God’s blessing can truly provide. But the world and the church teach that those digits are the blessing. The church has switched from the love of God to the love of God’s blessings.
    #Stewardship #faithfulness # God'sBlessings


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    Sacrificial Faithfulness: Giving When It Costs You Everything.
    There is a saying that the U.S. Marines are fond of saying. While crude, there is great depth to the implied meaning. “Embrace The Suck!” And I’ve heard another one which is, “The only good day was yesterday.” While to the laymen these might seem like depressing and defeated sayings. But to the solider, it steadies the mind to not expect the easy path. To come to terms that the road ahead is meant to be hard. And that it doesn’t matter. As they have been trained and conditioned for this. The hard path is the forge of the heart of a soldier. A real warrior is always looking for a worthy battle. A true soldier is only happy fulfilling his calling of the battle.

    We find that Paul was fond of using the label “soldier” to describe those who serve the Lord. Being surrounded by the Roman war culture, and the legions of warriors, the people understood his intention of using this term. Let’s take a look at a couple of these examples:

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    We are led to believe that God burns people in Hell forever. Yet, this is not true. People do not burn in Hell forever. Nor will they find eternal life, burning in eternal hellfire. God is not that cruel, nor would it serve any purpose in the New Heaven and New Earth to continue to BBQ sinners. So, with taking less time to snuff out all traces of sin from existence, let’s prove the truth that people do not burn in Hell forever. #Hell #Sinners #judgmentday

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    The “Soul Sleep” Of The Dead is often overlooked by modern Christianity. Many, in an attempt to comfort their own souls, reference their loved ones as now being in Heaven. That they are mingling with their dead relatives in a celestial reunion. This is understandable, as these types of losses can be hard to handle. Yet, we will find that these concepts are not presented in scripture- neither by Jesus, the disciples, nor the patriarchs of old. What we find is that the dead enter into sleep, resting their souls until the resurrection. This doctrine is so complete in scripture, that it is irrefutable and rock solid. We will cover what the Bible clearly declares and prove these facts. The dead are not in Heaven- they are asleep.

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    There Will Be A Day We Can Do No More! On that day what is done is done. You will no longer be able to store up treasures in heaven. You will no longer be able to sacrifice self through love for others. Seize the day today, and love God and man while you still can. Prove your love through your actions. Soon, very soon you will not be able to do anymore.

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    We are going to talk about faith today- what it is and what it is not. Plus, how to create more faith. Let me point out the obvious: If God just wanted you to believe and have faith for no good reason at all, then why did He give you an entire book of reasons? You see, faith is not some commodity that has limited supply. You can actually, knowingly and effectively, create more faith if you know the steps. #Faith #faithingod #faithquotes

    First, let’s talk about experience.

    We can use these three examples- Seatbelts, money, and gravity. All these levels are based on experience. Your level of trust with each is cemented based upon how often you have experienced the benefits of them. The Seatbelt the least, as most don’t get in car crashes every moment of their day. Money we deal with daily. We have more experience, thus more trust in money. Next is gravity. We have such complete trust in gravity, as we experience it every moment of our lives. We have so much faith in gravity, we no longer think of it. We don’t worry that when we roll out of bed, gravity won’t be there for us. We take it for granted that gravity with always do what gravity does and we will not be disappointed by it.

    Now with God, it’s a little different. He has His own will and He is not just an object or a law of nature. Yet, the principle remains the same. Faith is all based upon experience.

    Hebrews 11:1 is one of the most misunderstood bible verses and it can cause a lot of damage.

    The “Faith Hall of Fame” sounds impressive, but have you ever realized that all the great acts mentioned only fill a chapter. That in the entire lives of these individuals, it came down to one defining act. I believe all of us could, can, and will eventually be able to be added to such a list.

    Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

    Let me ask you a question:

    “If Faith is the substance of things hope for, then what is the substance of faith?”

    I’m going to build a case that the substance of faith is knowledge and reason. Yes, reason. Not mindless confidence. Biblical faith is a fungible, expendable commodity that can be created, earned, and used to our benefit. But before we cover that, let’s quickly show how Faith is a “Weapon Of Our Warfare”- A Mighty Weapon to kick in the teeth of all demonic forces, allowing us to stand upon their decaying spirit.

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    The Spirit Vs The Flesh. There is a battle within, who will win. You first must realize you are in a fight and you must be alert. Stand guard, stand strong, and fight on in the power of God.

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    “Pebble Peter”: The Boulder Rock? IS Peter Really the rock The Church IS Built Upon?

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    Today we will be talking about “The Heritage of a Godly Father”, and at the same time, going over the Testimony of Daniel McClard and the many miracles and proofs provided by God before he passed. We will marry the word of God and its instructions to His servant and son Daniel. In this, we will learn of the faithfulness of God and how to be dads of Biblical standard, honoring our Heavenly Father and our earthly dads along the way. Daniel will be our example of God’s care for all the dads who wish to fall in love with Jesus. #fathersday #father #fatherhood

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    Can Paul Be Trusted? Many people say that Paul of the Bible cannot be trusted. We will cover why Paul of the Bible can be trusted?

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    We are called to be “Peculiar and Different,” but in what way? What will separate us the children of God from the world? #PowerClips #QuickBible #WordOfGodFast


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    Today we will take a look into a compilation of lies, misunderstandings, and misdemeanors. These are Ideas that have infected the minds of some concerning stories and characters in the Bible. Little impressions we get from sermons and stereotypes from movies. That upon closer inspection, we find actually are factually incorrect. So, let’s take a look at our sampler platter of perceptions that need to be reassessed. #BadWraps #BibleStories #NewInformation

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    We learned in “Weapons of Warfare- Part 6: The Power Of Personal Forgiveness”, that the word “Forgive” is a very complex word, and has many meanings. We explored why the basic context of the word or implication meant “Separation.” We also learned that God is ready to forgive us/separate us from our sins through Jesus, if we ask, but we have to ask with repentance. The first part of this study is pretty standard teaching on forgiving others. Then we will move onto some controversial and often unheard of teaching concerning forgiving others and remitting sins.
    #Forgiveness #Remittingsins #Forgive

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