
  • In Episode 101, James and Gary dive into mixing monitors, including a key aspect of finding the right balance to give artists a reference so they can blend and level themselves within the band. They also talk about the differences between stage wedges and in-ear monitors (IEMs). The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

  • In Episode 100, co-hosts James and Gary are joined by Luke Vogel for a deeper dive into immersive audio. Luke shares his past of working at houses of worship and how it led him to his current work with immersive audio at Fulcrum Immersive. Like most technological advancements, immersive audio is becoming more accessible and affordable, and may something to consider when choosing a new sound system or making upgrades to an existing one. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

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  • In Episode 99, James and Gary take a step back and discuss how to find and implement an overall vision for a mix. Vision isn’t always about loudness, it’s more about feel: how do we want people to receive the message and how do we match the overall tone of the service? It can vary depending on the day so it’s important before touching faders to think about the type of service, song selections, worship leaders insight, and the overall environment and message being shared. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out co-host James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    James is also the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

  • In Episode 98, James and Gary discuss gates and triggers — what they are and how to use them. They come in handy as tools that help not only control how much sound is being let in, but when. For example, if we’re using multiple microphones, we don’t always want every sound being picked up — enter gates and triggers that let us set parameters so the system knows when we don’t want sound, when we do, and how much. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out co-host James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    James is also the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

  • In Episode 97, James and Gary discuss an important part of live sound, practice. The little things we take note of, listen for, and learn along the way add up and result in a smoother and better service. The hosts also discuss incorporating tools like virtual soundcheck that allow you to practice without a band and EQ apps to help you discover tones and develop your ears. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out co-host James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    James is also the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

  • In Episode 96, James and Gary discuss effects, often termed “FX” for short. It’s important to remember that with great power comes great responsibility — particularly when it comes to the application of effects in the mix. The hosts share their observation that the two effects the majority of mix engineers deploy most frequently are reverb and delay, and why that’s the case. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out co-host James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    James is also the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

  • In Episode 95, James and Gary discuss all things compression — not only what compression is but how it effects different instruments or sections during a service. The hosts share some basics and starting points they use when compressing in the mix. Compression is ultimately a tool that can help achieve a desired sound and when used correctly, improve a mix. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out co-host James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    James is also the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    Access All Church Sound Podcasts

  • In Episode 94, James and Gary discuss the relationship between audio techs and musicians. It all starts with building positive communication and thinking about not only what is said, but how it’s said. At the end of the day, both audio techs and musicians are needed to put on a good service, and when they’re working together and sharing ideas, that job and experience becomes much better. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

  • In Episode 93, James and Gary discuss four pillars of a great mix: a great sounding source, capturing the source the right way, level balance and gain structure, and using high and low-pass filtering. Essentially if you start with clean sound, capture it the right way, balance the levels and then make small cuts to fit it all together, a quality result will follow. The co-hosts focus on how to do just that. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

  • In Episode 92, co-hosts James and Gary discuss the foundation of great audio. A solid base starts with the setup. System design, where the loudspeakers are located and where they’re pointed. System tuning, taking those loudspeakers and applying EQ and delay so they all work together. Finally the console setup, having a clear detailed map so you increase efficiency and make it easy for others to step up and run the show if you’re not there. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

  • In Episode 91, co-hosts James and Gary dive into the world of immersive audio. What is it, where do we find it and why is it becoming more popular? Is immersive audio worth looking into for your space? What are ways that it could be used for worship services? The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

  • In Episode 90, the hosts focus on a critical pillar of audio: gain structure and balancing. They discuss how to prepare for a service so you don’t have to make gain adjustments during the worship service — it can throw off everything. They also share strategies and preferences when diving into a mix, including where they like to start. And don’t suffer from “console fog” — it’s important to get out from behind the desk to get a new perspective on the mix. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

  • In Episode 89, the co-hosts get back to the music. In a world with a million and one ways to shape, present, and experience music, how do we get out of our own way and be present in the moment? The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    They talk about ways to set up before an event and tips to make sure we don’t miss a beat during a live performance, and they also discuss reference tracks, how to know what to reference, how to use them to save time or prepare for any given service, and they wrap up the conversation with a daunting question: Where is worship music heading?

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production, as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

  • If you're wondering if we added another bass player to the podcast, we didn't -- he plays drums. Samantha and James welcome on another new co-host, Gary Zandstra, to bring in new perspectives and even more educational content for you listeners. Gary is a long-time contributor and author for Church Sound Magazine, and we couldn't be happier having him on board!

    Check out our new Instagram Page @churchsoundpodcast
    James' brand new academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo, and Electro-Voice.

  • James is out having some family bonding time while they welcome their new daughter into the world! While James is away, the networking comes out to play! On this episode, Samantha welcomes Kat Taub from Audinate to discuss Dante and all the technology that's coming onto the network. Additionally, they discuss how to approach learning networked audio and Dante, even if you're brand new.

    Kat Taub currently works at Audinate as a Product Marketing Manager for networked video technology. Kathryn joined Audinate in 2018 as a Technical Sales Engineer, providing pre-sales support and working to educate the AV industry on Dante AV-over-IP technology. While studying Film Scoring at Berklee College of Music, Kathryn fell in love with using advanced technology to help facilitate creative endeavors. Prior to joining Audinate, Kathryn spent many years working as a staff member at Berklee in a variety of roles supporting, training on, and designing AV systems for music production computer labs, classrooms, studios, and performance spaces.

    Check out James' brand new academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo, and Electro-Voice.

  • James and Samantha welcome back Ben Ivey to talk all about mixing in houses of worship and beyond! Ben Ivey is a touring FOH Engineer, Production Manager and Consultant based out of Atlanta, Georgia. Ben serves a variety of clients ranging from national acts, corporate companies and churches. Within the last year his clients have included Priscilla Block, Lily Rose, Ludacris, Megan Moroney, Elle King, Trace Atkins, Jason Upton and Vineyard Worship to name a few.

    Check out James' brand new academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo, and Electro-Voice.

  • Can there be a party if there's only 2 people? We say yes!
    Happy Winter Holidays! That's a Merry Christmas to the Christians, a Happy Hanukkah to the Jewish, and a Magnificent Kwanzaa to those who celebrate it! Merry Winter Solstice and a Happy New Year to all!
    This week, James and I have a quick check in and reminder to everyone: we appreciate you for listening for 4 seasons now! Don't worry, there's no end in sight, but we want to express our joy for this community.
    Stay strong, and try to have fun this holiday season!

    Check out James' brand new academy at www.attawayaudio.com/academy

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by Primacoustic, and DiGiCo, and Electro-Voice.

  • You're frantically googling, trying to find out what the heck is so important about mixing even though there are seemingly 10,000 things to do! Have no fear, James and Samantha are here to help. This topic comes up constantly with new mixes and new volunteers always stepping up to the plate to help out. Let this episode shed a little light on what's most important when you first start mixing.
    Check out James' video on mixing for the first time!

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by Primacoustic, and DiGiCo, and Electro-Voice.

  • Achieving consistency is one of the most important goals for mixing as soon as you graduate from newbie to intermediate mixer. Whether that's consistency between services, between weeks, or between engineers, if we have consistency it leaves space for meaningful worship, quality broadcasting, and more cohesive experiences all-around. Samantha and James dip into the topic this week offering tips on exactly how we can start making consistency a priority.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by Primacoustic, and DiGiCo, and Electro-Voice.

  • Crowd mics (and by extension, room mics) are an easy way to help out the musicians on stage, and everyone tuning in to the broadcast feed. James and Samantha dive into setting up crowd and room mics, what the difference is, how we process them, and when the best times to start using them are!

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at AttawayAudio.com. Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by Primacoustic, and DiGiCo, and Electro-Voice.