Подкаст о вещах, событиях и персоналиях, важных для понимания японской культуры. О самураях, носивших европейские ботинки, о нечисти, заботящейся об экологии, о рецептах приготовления восковой еды и о том, как мы, европейцы, сначала принесли в Японию оружие, установившее мир, а затем торговые договоры, посеявшие смуту.
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Дизайн обложек: @justlavi
聞けば聞くほど奥が深い『ワインのせかい』ぜひお聞き下さい。 -
この土地の先住民族アイヌ。その文化は北海道の大切な財産のひとつです。 アイヌにもルーツを持つ関根摩耶をナビゲーターに、アイヌ文化の伝承、復興、創造のための活動を行っている方々を各地に訪ね、お話を伺います。
北海道千歳市出身のシンガー・声優「鈴木愛奈」と 北海道 を 中心に展開するコンビニエンスストア!「セイコーマート」による、【全2回 】のスペシャルなオリジナルポッドキャスト番組!
自身の「レギュラー番組」や「イベント」でも「セイコーマート好き」を公言し続けてきた声優・シンガーとして活躍する「鈴木愛奈」がセイコーマートの「商品」や「歴史」! またはトリビアなど、ココだけでしか聞けない話題を、北海道内は勿論、道外の方へ 「愛」を込めて紹介。 -
Stories Worth Telling Forever brings you fascinating stories and interviews from all over the web with a twist - each episode is a digital artifact stored permanently on Arweave.
「タイムズ 2020」
TBS Podcast: -
Join us for meticulously researched documentaries! Dive deep into the fascinating world of the Middle Ages, where knights, castles, and epic battles shaped the course of history. Explore the daily lives of peasants, the intrigue of royal courts, and the transformative events that defined the medieval era. You will be fascinated by engaging storytelling that brings the past to life. Subscribe and embark on a journey through time with us!
A podcast about how South Bend lost 50,000 people in 50 Years, and what we can do about it.
A fresh discussion of a wide variety of historic topics.
Speculative fiction writer, long-term resident of Japan and Bram Stoker Award finalist Thersa Matsuura explores all that is weird from old Japan—strange superstitions, folktales, cultural oddities, and interesting language quirks. These are little treasures she digs up while doing research for her writing.
Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano (born March 12, 1945) is an American gangster who became the underboss of the Gambino crime family. This is his story. Directed by James Carroll.
Surviving The System is a podcast created to shed light on the hypocrisy and injustice of “the system” in our nation today. I founded this podcast after first hand experience of how the system works - the shady tactics by law enforcement, the blatant disregard for the law by the legal system, the ever increasing attempts to crush the human spirit by the prison industrial complex and so called “re-entry” efforts. All of it appearing to be designed to keep people beat down, with no opportunity to learn and grow from their past mistakes. Since my experience with the system, I’ve learned that things are almost never cut and dry, right or wrong. So called “criminals” are some of the most compassionate, talented and intelligent individuals this world has to offer. On the flip side, there are some people who appear to lead the perfect life are all too often miserable human beings who are simply better at hiding their crimes from the rest of the world. My goal by starting Surviving The System is to reach as many people as possible who have been through the system, or are currently going through the system, and remind them that they are not defined by their worst mistake! You are a being of incredible power who has been conditioned by the system to forget. You can have the life you want, you can be the person you’ve always wanted to be. Throw off the shackles and remember who you are!
For 58 years, The ACCJ Journal has chronicled the activities of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and supported its advocacy efforts. Now the magazine of the ACCJ is available in audio format so that you can keep up with what’s happening in Japan’s global business community no matter where you are or what you are doing. Listen to narrated version of Journal stories and enjoy podcast-first content as well.
風も、雨も、自ら鳴っているのではありません。 何かに当たり、何かにはじかれ、音を奏でているのです。 誰かに出会い、誰かと別れ、私たちは日常という音を、共鳴させあっています。 YESとNOの狭間で。 今週、あなたは、自分に言いましたか? YES!ささやかに、小文字で、yes!明日への希望の風に吹かれながら、自分にyes!と言ったひとたちの物語をお聴きください。
この番組は、毎回ちょこっとずつ海外旅行の話をしていく、のんびり系の旅インターネットラジオです。 毎週火曜日あたりの更新を予定しています。 基本的にほぼ生放送で収録&公開しますので、時間に追われて慌てたり、ノーカットのため不適切な表現が発生するかもしれません、気にしないでください。 しょーもない系の話から、わりとどーでもいい系の話まで、ふわふわやっています。 皆さんからのご連絡もお待ちしておりますので、ぜひメールや、投稿フォームからご連絡くださいませ。