Podcast for working moms, to make life beyond 9 to 5 a bit lighter, funnier and more effective. How working moms can grow their careers, love their children, take care of their families and embrace the mess that is real life.
لتنشئة أفضل للطفل الكفيف
هل تجدين أنّ الأمومة صعبة وتربية الأطفال فيها تحديات كثيرة؟ هل تتساءلين عن الطرق الأنسب لمساعدتهم في مراحل نموّهم وتطوير مهاراتهم؟ هل تتحضّرين للأمومة وتبحثين عن مرجع للمعرفة عن المرحلة القادمة؟ بودكاست "ببساطة ماما" يُناقش مواضيع متنوّعة عن التربية ونمو الأطفال بشكل علمي وعملي مع أخصائيين في مجالات مختلفة. كما ويقدّم أنشطة لتطبيقها مع الأولاد لقضاء أوقات هادفة معهم. مقدمة البرنامج جوانا نصرالله هي أم لولدين، اختصاصية بالعلاج اللغوي، حائزة على ماجستار بتقويم النطق واللغة، مدرّبة جامعيّة وممثلة بالمسرح الإرتجالي.كل نهار ثلاثاء تُبَث حلقة جديدة من "ببساطة ماما" على الراديو، وتُعرض الحلقة على البودكاست نهار الأربعاء.للمزيد من المعلومات والنصائح التربوية العملية، لأي سؤال أو تعليق، تابعي صفحة "ببساطة ماما" على فايسبوك وانستغرام.
Membahas serba-serbi kehidupan
Andrew a commencé son ministère en 1972. Il est le président et fondateur de Andrew Wommack Ministries et de l'école biblique Charis basés au Colorado. Depuis plus de quatre décennies, Andrew annonce la Parole de Dieu. Sa révélation est enseignée avec clarté et simplicité, en mettant l'accent sur l'amour et la grâce inconditionnels de Dieu. Ses programmes quotidiens de radio et de télévision sur la vérité de l'Évangile sont diffusés au niveau national et international.
¿Quieres conocer y descubrir lo increible y poderoso de Dios? Date una oportunidad siguiendo estos podcast basados en la Biblia reina valera 1960 /También Reinicio Bob Sorge, Una vida con propósito Rick Warren, El Ayuno de Daniel Kristine Feola Canciones Cristianas, Su Princesa, Cartas de Amor de tu Rey Sheri Rose, Los Procesos de tu FE Angélica y vendrán más sorpresas de parte de Dios que te encantarán.
No dejes de oir ningún libro de la Biblia, porque Dios hará milagros y cumplirá sus planes y propósitos para tu vida que te impactarán.
Sit back, relax, and learn with your host, Melissa "Miss Mel" Dillon, as she ignites relaxation in the way you approach productivity with young children in tow.
Melissa wants to live in a world where parents like us, the busy working parent, can joyfully raise our little ones while still getting all the things done that we love, want, and need to do.
She believes families can thrive most by prioritizing:
* a state of RELAXED PRODUCTIVITY as we navigate the unprecedented world of "busy" and "distracted" that impact so many of us today.
* A sprinkling of more "KINDFULNESS" (MINDFUL KINDNESS) and PRESENCE into our lives and the lives of those we love so very much, i.e. our family!
Melissa is obsessed with exploring the ideas that help us achieve these priorities in our lives. Everything she teaches here on the Podcast and at is based on science-backed, inspirational nuggets of knowledge curated from neuroscience, child development, psychology, and an interesting synthesis of business education you may already be familiar with. All is bundled up in an easily consumable, actionable way with each and every episode.
Melissa has focused years of her life's work looking for the answers young families need to feel more rested, more relaxed and more mindful so they can do more of the things they love, want, and need to do together.
Her wish for you is to find solace and feel a surge of excitement to implement what you learn in every episode. Enjoy!
Melissa is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and has worked with over 3,000 young children in her career as a Child Development Professional. -
Grace Harvest Church in Holiday, FL is a full gospel church that believes the Bible is the final authority for faith in God. It's our desire to help you Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life. Pastors David & Scarlett Horton
Kirk is a philosopher, scientist, husband, and a legit Christian. His podcast is mostly about exploring assumptions and questions pertaining to God, philosophy, science and life that he ponders about, hence the name Quest with Kirk Durston.
Kirk wants you to join him on that Quest or perhaps you're on your own quest about such matters and you can explore together. -
Girls Talking Life is a podcast designed to encourage YOU by sharing real stories and refreshing ideas to stir your soul. We’re not enough and we can’t do it all, but with Jesus as the definer and director of our lives and a little encouragement from our friends, we can be inspired to initiate change, to be intentional, to cultivate community and to love others well.
After time with girlfriends, I always feel encouraged and supported, inspired to try something different or I’ve learned something new. Girls Talking Life is here for you when you can’t be with your girlfriends.
I believe that every story matters so on each episode I’ll bring you a girl and her story, plus some fun favorites. I hope our conversations will encourage you to share your story and to start talking life with the women around you. -
Vous êtes sur le podcast du Centre Evangélique la Borne Bruxelles (CEBB).
Vous y trouverez les différents cultes qui se tiennent dans notre église.
Que Dieu vous bénisse et que sa Grâce vous accompagne.
Contact: [email protected]
Musique D'introduction: Jean-Marc Mukandu & Rhesa Lokota -
"À Cœur Ouvert": Le podcast pour se découvrir, grandir et s'épanouir dans sa vie spirituelle et physique. Différentes perspectives, différentes approches et surtout beaucoup de franchise sont au rendez-vous. "À Cœur Ouvert", ce sont des conversations hebdomadaires sur des sujets aussi variés qu'intéressants. "À Cœur Ouvert", c'est grandir en Christ au contact des autres.
Welcome to our new weekly show! This show will feature our three campus pastors Greg, Jesse, and Joshua, as they discuss and debate various cultural issues and see how God’s word might inform our understanding of them. We will have special guests featured on the show as well as various segments that will range in topics. It’s going to be a lot of fun and we can’t wait for you to join us for our first episode. We want to invite you to participate and engage with us as we discuss things that are relevant and important to you and your faith journey. So take some time and send us an email with questions you would like to see discussed to [email protected]
At Bedrock Church Sarasota, we want to bring God to People and People to God in every part of their lives. Our prayer is that you find these messages uplifting, engaging, powerful, and life-changing. We cannot wait to see and hear how God is working in your life!
Comment vivre mieux ? Sommes-nous seuls dans l’univers ? Quel espoir pour le monde ? Certitudes, doutes, expériences se côtoient dans cette émission qui invite à se questionner sur la vie et sur notre vision du monde dans une perspective spirituelle.
Appel de notre Dieu à le servir
Miss a Sunday? Catch up by listening to Sunday morning messages during the week!
Short fictional dilemmas of single Christian women.
Still Single aims to help single Christian women find contentment, hope and joy in their single season.
Follow us on Instagram: @stillsingle_uk