Fitness Fridays is a day spent with amazing women in my neighborhood who are working on re-gaining strength, balance, and improve overall health and fitness.
Depression, anxiety, irritability are just some of the mood changes during menopause. I’m on this moody rollercoaster!
Episodes manquant?
In this episode I discuss threshold training, a practice that balances speed and intensity with technique. Hear my recent experience with it and why it is so important.
Listen to my conversation with my new friend, Barb Higgins. She is an amazing person who shares her life's joys and struggles on her podcast and website A Thousand Tiny Steps and now has a new book; "Motherland" available in stores. Barb is also CrossFit coach and shares how CrossFit has helped her through child loss and becoming a new mom at age 57. https://athousandtinysteps.com/
In this episode I share about a life event that prompted reflection and gratitude about the impact of CrossFit to get me through tough times.
Holly Mosack, is on a mission to help women remain active through incontinence and menstrual periods with her innovative, leakproof active wear. As a veteran, CrossFit box owner, athlete, mom, and someone who experiences bladder leakage, she understands what women need. She talks about her struggles with incontinence and what she has learned from her clients through her entrepreneurial journey.
*Crossfit Lady listeners receive 20% discount with the code "crossfitlady"
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Michelle Rowell, the founder of Ageless Athletics, an apparel company that features plays on the word “Age”, shares her CrossFit Journey and her inspiration for creating her brand. Through Ageless Athletics, Michelle is spreading the message that we are ageless, and never too old for anything-even CrossFit!
Study resources: The Professional Coach https://youtu.be/IBZdLFaPfPY?si=6hbgYCWff16TmamQ The Best Hour of Their Day https://www.besthouroftheirday.com/podcast
Welcome to season 3 of the podcast!
Listen to my talk on Training Through Menopause that I gave at a recent Women’s Health Event. This is the last episode until season 3 in the Fall. I hope you enjoy!
I hope you enjoy my review of the book and thoughts that it evoked.
Tina Collins is a menopausal mom in her 50s on a muscle-building mission! AT age 40. at the onset of menopause, she discovered a love for strength training, healthy eating, and the amazing physical and mental benefits that she's gained in 4 years through consistency. She says " I'm not an expert in anything but myself, but I love to talk about and share all the things that have been effective for me on this journey and hope to inspire women my age."
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Gabrielle Lyon Podcast
It’s been a full year of coaching! Hear my thoughts on this journey as well as my experience with the Level 2. I share with you an epiphany I had, as well as some good advice from Brené Brown about belonging vs fitting in. Hope you enjoy!
In this episode I talk about 3 ways to use scalings and modifications to help you achieve new skills.
In this episode, I share info about recent offerings on the CrossFit website including a talk by Dr. Tommy Wood called “More Fitter, Less Deader: How Multi-Dimensional Fitness Improves Longevity and Cognitive Function. Episode links:
The New Year is a great time to set forth a new direction in terms of our daily habits. This book might be one that can help you in this endeavor with ideas and tools to get you started.
Let's talk about what makes a good warm-up and ways we can improve the way we warm up for WODs. Also, a little bit about why cool-downs are important for us in menopause.
This episode features Mary Lohman, Crossfitter, grandmother, motorcyclist and all-around rock star!
In our first book club episode I discuss The Next Level; A must-read for women in menopause!
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