
  • ***Be sure to stay tuned at the end of the podcast for an interview with C26 Coach, Erin Koerner.


    Are you trying too hard Swimming harder, but slower Coming back from an injury Our data is often inaccurate Treadmills, wearables, power meters Are food labels precise? Tracking food macros Is the answer really more? Over-stimulated Low expectations for the win Turning a blind eye to potential problems Dealing with niggles or pretending they’re not there Do more or nothing? Doing more is a “during” decision Recovery is the magic Going to work or doing work? Being aware of the effort you put in How can we do less to get faster? Forcing ourselves into shape Wo are we trying to please? What are we trying to validate? Are we sure this is the answer? Shorter training weeks Scheduled life for less stress

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

    Coach Erin - Bio - https://c26triathlon.com/about/coaches/erin-koerner/

    Coach Erin is a full-time paramedic. Currently, she works for Southern Ozaukee Fire Department and Milwaukee Area Technical College where she is in charge of the Milwaukee Fire Department Cadet Paramedic Program. She has a Masters Degree in Domestic Terrorism and spent a few years living in Kuwait working for the government, which was a life changing experience!

    She got into triathlons a few years after graduating from University of Wisconsin Stevens Point where she ran Cross Country and Track and Field. She was one of the few who thought, the longer the race the better! She ran a few marathons, qualified for Boston, and then realized she needed a new challenge so tried triathlon. That was 14 years ago! She has been competing on and off since, but has been the most consistent in training and racing since joining C26 in 2019. She enjoys the full Ironman distance the most. As of September 2023, she will have completed her 8th full distance race.

    Coach Erin is looking forward to coaching with C26 because she believes as human beings, we are made to accomplish hard things. Showing people they can be gritty, they are capable of doing challenging things, and they are allowed to feel proud is a gift to be involved in. Helping people along this journey and in life is a true gift.

    Fun Facts About Coach Erin:

    She fosters and adopts (foster failure) Great Danes from the Great Dane Rescue of Minnesota and Wisconsin. Currently, she has one pup named Odin, master thief and part terrorist. In her spare time, she spends time in Wisconsin with her family. She has a love for mustard and is in a mustard-of-the-month club. She also enjoys an adventure from time to time and hiked rim-to-rim-to-rim in the Grand Canyon—43 miles with 20,000 feet of elevation gain! It took a long 20 hours, but was incredible!

  • Whether it’s a niggle, injury, anxiety, or fear, there’s always a way to spin things in a positive direction. Today, we look at the wide range of challenges triathlon delivers, and offer several solutions for how to make setbacks work in your favor. One of our favorite mantras is, Do Something. Do something that will create momentum, or simply drag you out of your current state of struggle. We also look at ways to remember that you have been doing amazing things. Things that a lot of people won’t attempt. And, how you can use your experience to remind you that anything is possible.

    *** Be sure to stay tuned after the main podcast for an interview with one of our coaches, Jeremy Scherer.


    Injuries, niggles, anxiety, fear, and overcoming. We coach a WIDE range of athletes Endurance sports don’t necessarily require a ton of “talent” Who can go to the next level? Injury or niggles as opportunities Old injuries that keep re-surfacing Triathlon usually gives you an option Getting through fear Becoming a different person Can’t rush fitness . . . but . . . Swimming in cold water Overtrained, or under-recovered? Sedentary life and “injury” Fitness is fitness Find something different to do 20 Steps to the lake, but . . . With age, not slowing down can be getting faster Make this enjoyable Your geography doesn’t define you You are adaptable Don’t stop at yellow

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

    Coach Jeremy’s Bio


    Coach Jeremy grew up in Michigan and enjoyed a variety of individual sports. He was on the high school ski team in the winter racing slalom, giant slalom, and Super G, and played golf in the summers. He met his wife, Kim, at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI. They lived in Michigan, Texas, and Indiana before deciding to head back home to Michigan. Most of his career has been spent in the finance and sales management industry.

    Like many triathletes, he signed up for a sprint triathlon at the urging of a friend. As soon as he crossed the finish line, he wanted to sign up for another one and see how much he could improve. He found that he enjoyed the challenge of improving, and looking to go longer. After a decade of racing triathlons (everything from sprint distance to full distance), ultra runs, bike races, and other events, he still relishes the challenge. But more importantly, he finds the friends and “family” he has met along the way to be the best thing about his endurance sports journey.

    He and his wife have three very active boys. They are in football, baseball, bowling, and more. During the summer, they like to spend time up north enjoying the lake. He also enjoys reading, listening to podcasts, and getting together with friends and neighbors.

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  • In the world of Apps and Special Offers, we present . . . cutting through the clutter. We start with the simplicity of the early days of Training Peaks and weave our way through Instagram Ads, Lactate testing, and other crazes and phases. In the end we boil this sport down to something really simple, which we believe can be the difference between true success and/or more mediocrity. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s start right where we’re at.

    And be sure to stay tuned after the main podcast for an interview with one of our new coaches. Top 10 Finisher at last year's Ironman Wisconsin, Parker Watt. Bio below.


    There’s always something. . . Early days of Training Peaks So much noise Turning inward to find the answer Distraction and Quick fixes Crazes and Phases Diet and Nutrition controversy Grounding Who are you and what are you capable of? The amount of apps in Training Peaks Perfection . . . the 2nd loop Getting ahead of ourselves The mental work Self critique Post Race reality check It comes down to old fashioned work Accelorators and marketing Total body balance

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

    Parker Watt Bio -

    Email: [email protected]

    Coach Parker has been competing in endurance sports since 2014 when a friend convinced him to sign up for the 12.5-mile “Swim Around Key West”. He’s been hooked ever since, completing four Ironmans and over ten 70.3s. In addition to swimming competitively through high school, he also has experience coaching youth swimming.

    He got into triathlons as a way to live a physically and mentally healthier lifestyle, and he loves the supportive nature of the tri community. He’s passionate about using his experiences to help others navigate a challenging, but very rewarding, sport.

    Coach Parker lives in Salt Lake City, has two dogs, and loves to get out into the mountains to relax and hike in his free time. He also loves to travel and is always researching the next national park, city or beach to visit.

  • Are you throwing in the towel right before a big breakthrough? Today, we cast based on a quote, "The magic you're looking gor is in the work you're avoiding." We look at the concept behind patient training, and what breakthroughs look like. We talk about race expectations and how they should rarely, if ever, be the main goal. This is about enjoying the process and being in the moment with training and your life. What do you do when no one is looking?

    Stay tuned after the main podcast for an interview with one of our awesome coaches, Nikki Leo. Her bio is here, or below.


    “The magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding” Big Johnson and Ron Jon Burnout - Stress Finishers - Starters Breakthroughs Accomplishing something you’re afraid of The cycle of change Just when it gets the toughest, you’re probably ready Progress is achieved with patience If you can’t enjoy the process, you’re f**ked Patience equals being in the moment Racing expectations What do you do when no one is looking? Is your momentum good or bad?

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

    Nikki Leo, Bio:

    Coach Nicki has been a part of C26 since November 2019. Like many, she found this amazing team through the Crushing Iron Podcast, and her life in sport has never been the same. Though she coaches and has an educational background in endurance sports, she still utilizes a coach for herself. Utilizing a coach offers an athlete the opportunity to share their journey and goals, and it gives them someone to celebrate victories as well as understand the defeats.

    She was born and raised in Missouri, though she has spent most of her adult life traveling for school and finally settling in Colorado for the last 25 years. She lives just outside the mecca of triathlon, Boulder, and enjoys the accessibility of sport on a daily basis: great trails, abundance of race venues, and daily pro athlete sightings.

    Coach Nicki started triathlon in the year 2000, competing in sprint and Olympic distance events, eventually moving up to her first full in 2002. However, she was hit by a car while cycling and didn’t compete again until 2011. Since then, she has completed 17 full Ironmans (including qualifying and participating in World Championships in Kona), over 50 70.3 Ironmans, and various single sport activities. Since finding C26, her mantra has been to try anything that scares her
physically, emotionally, or a combo of both
because she can
because she wants to be braver with her life.

    By day, she runs an employee wellness program and onsite medical clinic for city employees and their family members. Working in the benefits world has given her a wealth of knowledge about a variety of health topics. Her education includes a degree in Cardiac Nursing, a Master’s in Exercise Physiology and Business Administration, and a Doctorate in Exercise Physiology with emphasis on Health Education. She is an endurance sport nerd—following in any way she can—to better understand and just have a ton of useless information at hand for conversation at C26 camps.

    Family is very important to her: She has been married to her husband, Will, for 20 years and they have a 16 year-old (adopted son from Guatemala) named Dominic. She is also a huge advocate for the following causes: mental health and addiction, cancer (she is a 3-time cancer survivor), and animals.

    As your coach, she can offer you this: Her passion for sport and her devoted attention in making you the best HUMAN you can be
and when sport fits in there, that is even better! She believes in a holistic approach when developing an athlete, looking at all factors in your life that can help you succeed and reach your goals. So, let’s do this

  • Today we look at how workouts weave together with soothing, straining, and stressful sessions. The C26 Triple S!

    This one is great for all athletes and at the center of how to be consistent, improve, and not go through life shelled. Stress on the body is definitely the way to get better, but if you're not recovering, or understanding the concept/difference between strain and stress, you will eventually end up in trouble.

    Patience is a great asset on the race course and it is a learned practice in training. When you should go hard and when you should pull back are key factors in getting better, and frankly, feeling good in your life.

    ***Be sure to stick around at the end of this podcast for an interview with CJ Castle, one of our new coaches. Bio Below.


    Soothing, Straning, Stressful The Purpose of Endurance sports Do you find it boring? Going harder on recovery rides? Patience is an asset in racing Interview with CJ Castle one of our new coaches Less work, but harder? Stress the body, then recover When a 2K easy swim is like a day off Soothing runs, straining runs, stressful runs How temperature turns straining into stressful The legs just wanted to go today, coach! Going to the well equals stressful Don't you want to feel good? Tendency to PROVE that you've got it The concept of consequence Soothing Days to Get back to normal The body always gives signs Expectations cause lack of wisdom Adapt, adjust, soothe Feeling awesome after a few days off vs. feeling "good" Never miss a workout? Even distribution Grinder vs. a Home Run hitter Small Ball Quality sessions You gotta make your own edits Shorter tapers Keeping tension in the legs When is the hay REALLY in the barn?

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

    CJ Castle - C26 Coach Bio

    Coach C.J. has been racing and coaching triathlon and endurance sports for over 25 years. He spent close to a decade racing professionally, and has been coaching both at the university level and individually throughout his adult life. Following retirement from elite-level racing, he returned to graduate school earning a M.S. in exercise physiology, and continued to evolve both his knowledge of athletes and coaching, thus further developing his ability to help others reach their goals.

    As he balances being a husband, father of four, career professional, and his love of competition, triathlon and endurance sports remain a cornerstone in his life.

    C.J. is passionate about fitness as a lifestyle, and believes that every athlete’s personal journey toward their goals should enrich their lives. His experience has given him a unique understanding of how to balance the stresses of everyday life, family, career, and extracurricular commitments, with progress, health, happiness, and achievement of one’s goals. While he believes that the general path toward an endurance lifestyle is similar for everyone, he also believes each individual’s journey is highly specific. Through open communication, trust, and a cooperative relationship, he relies on a strategy of prescribing the most effective training at the right time for each athlete to reach their goals, while not having to sacrifice the other loves in their life.

    While the 70.3 and Ironman distance hold a special place in his heart, he also races and has unique experience in events including Xterra, mountain bike endurance racing, mountain bike stage racing, running events of all distances, and many others. He has been fortunate to have the opportunity to help guide athletes of all levels (first timers, professionals, collegiate athletes, collegiate champions, and world championship qualifiers) to achieve their goals.

    He believes that fitness helps us to be happier, healthier, and enriches our lives. C.J. looks forward to the opportunity to chat with you about your personal journey.

  • Whether we’re a front pack, middle pack, or back of the pack athlete, we can all learn from each other. Today we look at the different ways to think about racing based on your experience. We dig back into finding satisfaction in your training, re-cultivating your “why” and what it takes to break free from your current pack, or even get over the hump for your goals. Do we take things for granted? Recalibrate our desires? Can we find satisfaction in creating a little pain? Racing usually comes back to the simple things. We’ll go through the steps to own your journey and your next race.


    Our favorite podcast guests Top ten finisher and last ten finisher Different backgrounds Margins for error Front pack, middle pack, back pack What are you trying to achieve? Some people don’t even want to race You have to understand yourself first When objectivity is behind reality Own your journey and race Are you really giving your most? Wrapped up in time and placement Middle of the pack athletes and no man’s land Don’t forget where you came from Ability to be proud of what you’ve done Define your why again Losing the ability to power through mentally Spending your life in a doorway? Being special from the chin up Finding satisfaction in a little pain Make things feel easy

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

  • Today we dovetail off Chattanooga 70.3 and Moro Bay. We start by talking about swimming and how it should not be taken lightly. We ask if shortening the swim cut off would make people train harder to be stronger swimmers? We also talk about bike congestion and if it’s really that bad or many people just aren’t prepared with their bike handling. This is really about putting yourself in race situations before you get to the race. Are you training enough in open water? Working on your bike handling? Taking the harder way home with hills, etc? How do you get your body ready for Race Speed.


    Camp packed leisure activity Moro Bay - Tough swim The swim cut off too long? Taking the swim seriously Was it the conditions or your fitness? Avoiding going back to the scene of the crime Massive fear in the water The swim will be hard Bike comfort Crowded bike course. Nervous? Getting used to game (race) speed Wind, bikes, crowds Expose yourself to the uncomfortable Train for strength and speed Create your own pressure Take the hard way home It takes effort How much open water swimming each week? Outside vs. Inside

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

  • Today, we look at energy breakdowns for your swim, bike, and run. We also get into how to handle A, B, and C races. Are they really different? Are you setting goals for today or down the road? We also look at A, B, and C goals for each individual race. Do you want to see how much you can push the bike and still run? Swim hard or reel it in? How do you keep going on the bike. Self-talk, toughness, and nutrition. Can you put yourself in objective space? Are you ready to dig deep, or find in-race recovery points? What’s your your ceiling for discomfort on race day?


    Join Our Email list and get a free swimming PDF at C26triathlon.com Ironman Facebook group panic Setting your race strategy Building a checklist Goals: Time or performance? What’s the goal for today? A, B, and C Races How much energy do you use on each portion? A, B, and C Goals for the day If you feel good, take what you got Don’t fold, figure something out The performance spectrum How long can you go without imploding? Experimenting with nutrition Practicing toughness The goal is to gain information Testing or body of work? Cramping and bonking . . . is it really sodium? What’s your ceiling of discomfort in the swim, bike and run? Ending on a good note If a race feels easy . . . .

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

  • Today we give you all the secrets to more enjoyable training, which will obviously transfer into better racing . . . and maybe even a happier life.

    Are you going about your training in the right places with the right approach?


    Summer is here . . . Finding routes you enjoy Having great training options It’s hard to get burned out Finding a groove that works for you Refusing to run or ride inside Knowing what works The wind Power meters and FTP tests The pool vs. a lake Watts inside vs. Out Cycling outside is a total mental shift Running outside vs. treadmill Training routes that check the boxes Spontaneity and adventure Going with what feels right Figuring things out through experience Pro racing vs. amateur racing Feeling younger as you get older You’re either hurt or getting better Running shoe talk - Newton’s, K Swiss Over seeking comfort

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

  • Lots of talk about open water including, how comfort, how to approach workouts, and length of stroke. More discussion about the feel for water today, and a sidebar into the feel for the bike and run. How often should you use the pull buoy? What about paddles? How to breathe right and fix dead spots in your stroke.


    Weather and running and emotions Open Water Training Integrity of swim workouts in open water Comfort in Open Water Smaller hands and feel for the water Counting strokes Timing of turning your head to breathe Feeling with your wrist Pauses and dead spots How to breathe Sighting as part of your stroke Weight training for swimming How often should you use a pull buoy?? Paddles/pull buoy/mixed with all out 50s Plain old genetics Find the optimum stroke for your body type Feel for the water, bike, and run


    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

  • Are you struggling to get faster despite thinking your form is correct? Are you an adult onset swimmer that just can’t seem to solve the riddle? This podcast is for you. We go deep into being a stronger, faster, and more relaxed swimmer. We talk about the things you should actually be doing vs. spending your time on drills you don’t understand. Swimming is about connecting your mind to the action of the stroke. Today we look at ways you can truly get better by focusing on what works and not spending time overthinking.


    Setting a tone for the day There’s no excuse not to get better Doing everything right, but not getting faster Adult athletes Good drummers (an swimmers) don’t think too much Don’t fight the water Stop trying to change everything Get better at what you’re doing right We can see you thinking What’s your swim age? Early development Wiring first the first time Can’t seem to get a feel for the water Fist drill, skulling, doggy paddle Slow down to feel the water Feel for water is an enigma Finding speeds in the water Limb swimmers Slip and path of the least resistance Bilateral Breathing Swimming with a band Strides in the water Disjointed vs. Fluid

    Coaching Inquiries:

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

    Check Out Our Coaching Roster: https://c26triathlon.com/about/coaches/

  • Today we dive into Iroman Texas 2024. We get into the race venue, the conditions, etc, but largely talk about Coach Robbie's decision not to start.


    Ironman Texas Venue
    Mike's Trip
    Robbie Talks about his experience
    What's been hard/frustrating
    Race frequency
    Race pressure vs. nerves
    When we're focused on performance
    Comfort in our own skin


    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]


  • This is a re-post of another of our favorite episodes/concepts.

    Off a great, but tough weekend at Run Camp, we reflect on how and when to push and why it’s important to have fun in your life and training. We talk about your big race is “Just One Day” and how it’s better to be undertrained than burned out. Also, the little signs in your training will let you know you’re ready before you race. We look at burning physical and emotional matches, finding your pain threshold in each sport and when are the right times to dig deep. You’re the main character and author, it’s up to you to find more fun.


    Relaxation The “Watts Game” How we locate the ego inside of us How stress impacts your life and training Pushing yourself when appropriate It’s your responsibility to have fun in life We’re in a world of leisure Escaping your life Venting about training Faster, stronger, and on and on and on The ability (and right time) to dig deep Sometimes we need to go rogue Inherent feeling about what we should accomplish in life Letting go of limits You only have to do it once The Hurt Locker Undertrained You’re the main character and author of your story Break through the “I cant’s” You should be chomping at the bit on race day Burning physical and mental matches Fit, fast, and fresh What’s your most comfortable level of pain? How long can you withstand pain? High Pain/Shorter Distance or Lower Pain for longer? Understanding your pain level scale What’s your training temperment?

    Facebook: CrushingIron
    YouTube: Crushing Iron
    Twitter: CrushingIron
    Instagram: C26_Triathlon


    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

  • This is a re-post of one of our favorite C26 Ironman stories.

    This is an Ironman story for Everyone.

    If you've ever stayed until the end of an Ironman you know the level of emotions. But have you ever been out in the dark on the last few miles with someone who isn't sure they will make the cutoff? Today, we share the story of how one of our C26 athletes persevered to finish with just over a minute left at Ironman Texas. An emotional look at how the tone of an Ironman changes after the sun goes down.


    Why Ironman is different Running races vs. Triathlon You can’t explain the Finish Line What it’s like to spectate Ironman What it’s like to coach at an Ironman The Race Course Goes Through Its Own Transition When the Sun Sets on the Course When Your Friend Is Getting Close To Not Making It Understanding an Athlete’s Personality as a Coach When Ironman is Symbolic of Life Out Alone in the Dark Sometimes all you need is someone to come by and help Understanding the 17 Hour Cut Off When You Deserve More Than You May Believe When it’s time to talk tough When we retreat inside vs. bring people in When others remind us who we really are

    Facebook: CrushingIron
    YouTube: Crushing Iron
    Twitter: CrushingIron
    Instagram: C26_Triathlon


    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]
    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]

  • Are you ready for your hot race? Today we look at physical and mental approaches to staying cool on the race course.

    From whether or not to wear a wetsuit to freezing your bottles to pulling back a little on the bike. Once you get too hot, you can’t cool down, unless you stop or walk. We’ll look at ways to keep your core temp down as long as possible. We talk about heat acclimation, huge mistakes, and the best way to use your watts. We also look at the week leading up to the race and some best practices to prep yourself for the weekend.


    Rational expectations The week of the race The biggest mistakes you can make in a hot race Plain water vs. electrolytes Salt Heat acclimation isn’t bullet proof You don’t realize how much you sweat on the bike How long can you put off being HOT? There’ no turning back Wetsuit or not? How slow can you take the swim? Try to get cold in transitions Staying cool on the bike How to start the run Aero helmets and heat Heart Rate and feel Watts as a brake Keep your head cool

    Coaching Inquiries

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]


  • How do you “get through” tough situations in training? Today, we look at the emotional roller coaster that is triathlon and some of the traps we all fall into, especially when chasing those elusive highs. Do you push harder when you’re struggling, or step back and let the body re-calibrate? What’s the deal with feeling awesome one day, then being ready to quit the sport the next? We look at mood adjustments, burning matches, and seeking highs. We also talk about how to train for situations in races that are usually mental and how to get through them. Are you addicted to feeling the high?


    Are you taking in too much fuel? Sugar Fat Burning Boston Marathon 17 mile run on Nuun? Cake - post ride Overtraining - under recovery No water? What is a bonk? Withdrawal mode signals Pouring more gas on the fire The Middle Way Seeking a high Struggling with the mundane Addicted to Feeling When you know you have it Biggest training mistakes start here Can we dig as deep as we used to? Burning a match or is the flame just hot? Adjusting your mood on the fly We need energy Making good decisions. Coaching and the 3 headed athlete

    Coaching Inquiries

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]


  • Check out our NEW coaches

    We answer a ton of questions today, including a rapid fire ending you won’t want to miss. We get into the challenges of riding with wind. How do you handle tail, head, and cross winds? Is aero always better? What about your grip on the bike . . . why it matters. Do you need more or less rest on your swim sets? Today, we look at WHY you’re taking rest and how much you actually need. Is it better to do long interval sets in the water or short and hard? Can you recover WHILE you’re swimming? Race wheels and wind. What’s the key to racing with different wheels? Looking at how to ride hills and keep your power/effort under control. A lot goes into that. Shifting on hills. How to keep cool in hot races. What about choosing not to wear a wetsuit? Air temp vs. water temp. Plus a whole slew of other questions answered in the rapid fire section.


    Are raisins the perfect food? Riding with the wind - Tail, Head, Cross Is aero always faster? Bleeding time on the bike Overgripping the bike - Tension Swimming Rest - How much and why? Heart Rate in the pool Fatigued in the swim Re-set for swim form Can you recover while swimming? Long vs short sets/intervals in the pool? Race wheels and wind Controlling gearing and power on hills Smooth, steady and controlled pedaling Patience and execution on hills When does the bike climb actually start? Big ring/small ring panic Saying cool in Hot weather Wetsuit or no wetsuit? Air temp vs. water temp 10+ Rapid fire answers

    Coaching Inquiries

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]


  • The first question set off a great mini-topic for the day. What the new tactics/trends that are pros doing these days that age group athletes can emulate to get faster. The discussion is an important one and centers on arguably the best triathlon coach right now, Dan Lorrange. We also look at the importance of becoming a better bike handler and how it can save your legs. Plus, swimming better when you don't have as much time to swim as you'd like. A little bit on GI issues. And favorite cereal talk.


    UConn cements dynasty Lionel Sanders Taylor Knibb You can get better with age Pro trend that Age groupers are picking up Dan Lorang Stop getting so distracted Staying the course Different people, same plans It's about work, not want "This is kinda boring" Clearer mind in training Attached to devices The answer is always ... do the work Trying to feel better about what we haven't done Bike handling Saving time with bike skills Practicing corner lines Swim tatics when you can't swim a lot Fartlick swimming? Getting lazy with technique Pay attention to form Gut issues Favorite cereals

    Coaching Inquiries

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]


  • This title is an homage to one of our favorite YouTube channels, you can find it here: Seek Discomfort

    The Seek Discomfort crew is always looking for things that intimidate them. Experiences that lead to growth.

    And we should do the same within our comfort zone, especially when it comes to conditions. The more you get out into “imperfect” weather, the more you will be at ease when your race day isn’t 70 and partly cloudy. Today, we go through some of our experiences and perspectives on how to build all the pieces in the puzzle. To be mentally strong to pair with your physical fitness.

    Racing IS discomfort and the more you expose yourself to it, the more confident you’ll be no matter the conditions.

    Do it now, because on race day, you don’t have a choice.


    Wind and cold Tuning forks and light prisms Ben Greenfield Selling Mother Nature HRV Feeling safe and secure and connected Are we on a lifelong journey to recreate the feeling of the womb? Going through new or tough experiences Riding in the hail Flipping the discomfort script in our heads Racing IS discomfort Using extra energy to persevere Go into the cold so it doesn’t go into you Look for sh*tty weather Hills or wind?? Every race has its challenges Being a little scared is healthy In a race, you don’t have a choice Are you intimidated by speed or going harder? Connecting all the pieces over a long season Look for ways to fill in the gaps What it takes to be consistent Final Four predictions

    Coaching Inquiries

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]


  • The most successful athletes play free and without fear. Today, we look at how you can train and race better when you realize you have nothing to lose. This isn't about taking it for granted, but channeling pressure and anxiety in the right way. It's all energy and the more we can us it in our favor, the better we'll be. We look at the 24 hour rule as it applies to racing and training, having a "walk the plank" mentality, and using your old self as a nemisis. We look at finding solutions over problems, uncovering what missed workouts really tell us, and the ability to be moodless during your race. Find the balance between grit and grace.


    NCAA Swim record for the 500 How fast would the best Ironman relay team be? Trainer Tim You can do anything one time the 24 hour rule Walking the Plank Channeling anxiety Afraid of your opponent (the race)? Using your old self as a nemisis That feeling you get when you finish Happy with your body of work? Allen Iverson, Kobe and Mike Nothing to lose Happy to be there Grit coupled with Grace Looking yourself in the eye Finding solutions, not problems What are skipped workouts telling us? Mental sludge The pitfalls of going by MPH The ability to be moodless Pre-conceived Decisions

    Coaching Inquiries

    Mike Tarrolly - [email protected]

    Robbie Bruce - [email protected]
