In POLITICS - Part 2, author David Greenberg, “John Lewis: A Life,” reviews Lewis’s 34 long years of extraordinary service in Congress: his moral authority, principles, leadership, and support of interracial cooperation – the idea that we’re all in this together; we have to work together.
In Part 1, PROTEST of a 2 part conversation, Bob and David Greenberg, author of "John Lewis: A Life," discuss the high points of Lewis’s extraordinary activism – the sit-ins, the freedom rides, the March on Washington, Selma, Bloody Sunday, the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, and its effect on John Lewis and the civil rights movement.
Episodes manquant?
Historian Eric Alterman loves footnotes and cares a lot about where information comes from. Concerned that bad information is crowding out good information-and that the GOP doesn't care, he is unwilling to simply accept what he's read or heard. Alterman urges students to think critically: to evaluate the quality of the source providing the information.
In January 2025, Donald Trump will be sworn in – again – as president of the United States, “with no guardrails..to protect American democracy.” Disturbed that “..the structure of our democracy could crumble,” Philip Lentz and Bob Herbert outline the challenges, decisions and lost opportunities that despite an appalling campaign, led to a Republican victory.
Bob Herbert outlines David Dinkins achievements - in a time of severe race-baiting - as New York’s first Black mayor. Describing Mayor Eric Adams’ bombastic-a cop "stark style,” Christina Greer outlines the markedly different times in America’s history in which each was elected.
Dr. Michael Oppenheimer discusses the dangerous effects of increasing levels of greenhouse gases and global warming on the life of the planet and on the life of all its inhabitants. Hundred Year Floods may occur yearly; coral reefs are bleaching; lives are uprooted-some are lost.
Why vote Republican when economic growth under Democratic presidents, is 4.6% and 2.4% under Republicans? Bob and Prof. Alterman view the 2024 Election-perhaps as the most consequential election campaign since WW 2, highlighting the candidates' leadership qualities: sane, compassionate, willing to learn and "something else entirely."
Children, teenagers, young adults are struggling with mental health issues - sadness. depression, suicidal thoughts and more. Covid 19 made situations substantially worse. JCCA's Ron Richter tells us about his personal commitment to helping children with mental health issues.
Bob and guests, education consultant Katina Rogers and CUNY Professor Matt Gold, discuss college life - TODAY - asking, why go to college - for a better job? better pay? the costs, the quality of education and, of course, what to study: Tech, STEM, the Humanities?
Considering a journalists' job: "to find out what's true and to report it," former journalists Bob Herbert and guest, Eric Alterman ask what is the journalists' responsibility to the public, and why have so many journalists performed their jobs so poorly - particularly as it applies to the 2024 Presidential Election.
At 18 young people age out of foster care, many without additional support. New Yorkers for Children focuses on those 18-26, guiding to a better life. Denise Maybank, Alan Yu and CUNY play important roles, education, financial support - to a better life.
To advance his war against Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has politicized and weaponized homophobia using harassment, humiliation, sexual violence against gay POWs. Journalist J. Lester Feder writes about these abuses and severe campaigns against the LGBTQ community and civil society.
One of the most significant and traumatic developments in New York City's history was the fiscal crisis that erupted in the mid-1970's, and made unforgettable - by the Daily News' headline: "Ford to City: Drop Dead." Co-directors of a documentary of the era, Peter Yost and Michael Rohatyn, discusses the crisis leading to the nation's movement away from social and deficit spending.
"Veselka" rainbow in Ukrainian is the name of a beloved restaurant in New York's East Village. Opened in 1954, as a newsstand, its current owners, Tom and his son Jason Birchard, tell us how Veselka evolved into a cornerstone of its community and, has now become a beacon of hope for staff and customers tragically affected by the war.
Scott Richman, ADL's Regional Director, discusses the dramatic surge of antisemitism. especially in New York and in New Jersey, following horrific events in Israel, including unprovoked physical attacks and killings at religious institutions, students threatened, bomb scares, and at public demonstrations - hateful anti-Jewish rhetoric. Richman says criticizing Israel or the US is OK - until it rises to levels of antisemitism.
Politics! weird politics, a fractured political process, the concern that committed voters may be reconsidering their crucial vote in 2024, court's "chipping away" at the Voting Rights Act effecting civil liberties and American democracy - are issues discussed with Fordham University Professor and Moynihan Public Scholar at City College, Christina Greer.
"Into the Bright Sunshine," Samuel Freedman's cultural biography of Hubert Humphrey, a "ruthless foe of anti-semitism and champion of civil rights," reminds us of lynchings, racism, segregation and more that existed in this country prior to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and of one of the "true acts of courage in American politics..." Humphrey's speech in support of civil rights at the Democratic National Convention, in 1947!
Barry LePatner commends research, advances in science, medicine, technology that allow 80 year olds to be the NEW 60's and in the United States - almost 90,000 centenarians to celebrate their birthdays. Mr. LePatner highlights the need for exercise and for social relationships - friends, family - to enjoy our "golden" years.
Jeffrey Toobin discusses Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, who in 1995 bombed the Murrah Federal Building, in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people, including 19 children. Toobin sites historic events: the government’s assault on Waco, racism, the Assault Weapons Ban as dynamics leading to the heinous crime. Linking the 90’s right-wing ideology to today, Toobin notes the ongoing fixation with guns, a belief that violence is justified, and an obsession with the Founding Fathers. "Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism,” a must-read!
In Part 2, Bob Herbert and guest, Dave Zirin, author of “Jim Brown: Last Man Standing,” sports editor of The Nation, and podcast host focus on Jim Brown’s incredible nine-year career as a fullback with the Cleveland Browns, his long, remarkable career after football and his sometimes troubled life.
- Montre plus