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    Throughout history, several women have earned notoriety for their actions and the impact they had on society. These women, often wielding considerable power and influence, left behind legacies marred by violence, cruelty, and controversy.

    One of the most infamous women in history is Elizabeth Báthory, who we've covered in a previous episode, but if you have listen to that one Elizabeth was a Hungarian noblewoman from the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Known as the "Blood Countess," Báthory is often cited as one of the most prolific female serial killers. She allegedly tortured and murdered hundreds of young girls, driven by a belief that bathing in their blood would preserve her youth. While some historians argue that the extent of her crimes might have been exaggerated or politically motivated, the brutality and scale of her actions have cemented her place in history as a symbol of extreme cruelty.

    Moving to the modern era, Jiang Qing, also known as Madame Mao, played a significant role in China's Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976. As the wife of Mao Zedong, she was a key member of the Gang of Four, a political faction that orchestrated widespread purges, persecution, and propaganda campaigns. Jiang Qing's influence led to the imprisonment, torture, and deaths of countless intellectuals, artists, and perceived political enemies. Her actions contributed to one of the darkest periods in Chinese history, marked by cultural destruction and mass suffering.

    we've got a few exciting things coming up on the show over the next month or two firstly I be working for the past couple of weeks with another podcast called the rainy day rabbit holes, this is a brilliant podcast hosted by Shea and Jody and its all about the history of the pacific northwest. Towards the end of next months we will be doing a feed swap where one of their episodes will be realised here and vice versa. The ladies delve into anything from the Seattle Coffee wars to mysterious severed wash up on beaches in the pacific northwest, but they always keep it light hearted with their infectious humour, I have literally binged every episode. So please go and give them a listen they are brilliant.

    Secondly, soon I will be doing a collaboration with another brilliant show called Headlines and History with Jon Molik. Jon is a great guy who is an intelligence officer and his show is about current affairs and the history behind them. If you want to try and make sense of what is going on in the world Headlines and History is the show to listen two. I will be giving you a sneak peak of Jon’s show later in the episode.

    Rainy Day Rabbit Holes

    Headlines and History By Jon Molik

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    Since the dawn of time, armed conflict has been a tragic and devastating fact of human life. Whether over land, resources, or politics, human beings have always managed to find new reasons to wage war against one another. Often as part of larger conflicts or wars, countless individual battles have ensued throughout history. Some are short and relatively uneventful while others changed the fate of entire nations and people. All battles are terrible, but some have managed to stand out in history as a particularly horrendous loss of human life.

    The calculation of the deadliest wars and whether they are becoming more lethal has sparked academic discussion. Factors such as technological advancements, weaponry, and population growth contribute to the significant loss of life observed in wars, particularly in the 20th century.

    With this intricate backdrop, identifying the deadliest battles within these wars can pose a challenge. It's worth recalling Mark Twain's popularized phrase about "lies, damned lies, and statistics," highlighting the complexity of such analysis.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to season 3 episode 11 Unleashing Hell: Exploring History's Most Devastating Battles. Now we all know that this episode could be saturated with battles from World War 1 and World War 2, hell I could probably make an episode and each, but I thought that I would incorporate some battles in different time periods, so the battles of Passchendale or Okinawa won't be here, even though these were horrific. I know I said in the last episode I may struggle to get this out but I work my backside off to get it to you on time so hopefully you enjoy it as I'm sunning myself on my holiday.

    Anyway without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

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    In the early 1830s, the landscape of the southeastern United States was home to a vibrant mosaic of Native American cultures, encompassing approximately 125,000 individuals who resided on expansive territories spanning Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Florida. These lands held profound significance, having been inhabited and nurtured by their ancestors for countless generations.

    However, as the decade drew to a close, the once-thriving communities faced a harrowing fate. Driven by the insatiable demand for cotton and the relentless expansion of white settlers, the federal government intervened to forcibly relocate these indigenous peoples. Under the guise of manifest destiny and economic progress, Native Americans were uprooted from their ancestral homelands.

    The government's actions were driven by the interests of white settlers seeking to exploit the fertile lands for agricultural endeavors, particularly cotton cultivation. This precipitated a series of devastating events, culminating in the infamous Trail of Tears—an arduous and perilous journey that would forever alter the course of Native American history.

    Forced to abandon their homes and livelihoods, the indigenous peoples were compelled to embark on a treacherous trek across hundreds of miles to a designated "Indian Territory" beyond the Mississippi River. This exodus was marked by profound suffering, as families endured harsh conditions, disease, and violence along the way.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to season 3 episode 10, Shattered Homeland: Exploring the Trail of Tears. I can’t believe we are already at episode 10 of this season time is absolutely flying. Few quick housekeeping points before we start, I will be going on holiday when episode 11 is due out which I think is the 27/28th of May, I am hoping I can get it researched, written and recorded in time but if not it will be out the following week. Also I recently updated the shows logo and have added a text link into the shows description. This is to make it easier for you guy to speak to with me, tell me what you like or dislike about the show, give me pointers on how to improve your entertainment, give suggestions on topics you would like to listen to or just to say hi, don’t worry I’ve tried it myself and neither your number nor my number is visible.

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    As the glittering skyline of Manhattan rises majestically above the Hudson River, casting its shimmering reflection upon the waters below, it’s easy to be captivated by the city’s dazzling facade. But behind the gleaming skyscrapers and bustling streets lies a hidden history steeped in mystery, intrigue, and tragedy.

    From the sordid tales of gangland violence that once gripped the streets of the Five Points to the haunting echoes of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, which claimed the lives of 146 garment workers in a blaze of unfathomable horror, New York City’s past is rife with tales of darkness and despair.

    So Join us as we journey through the labyrinthine alleyways of the city’s past, Explore the underbelly of the Big Apple, where notorious figures like Al Capone and John Gotti once held sway, and where the echoes of riots and unrest still resonate. Welcome to the gritty, gripping saga of New York City’s dark history.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to season 3 episode 9, New York Citys Dark History, in today's episode, if it not already obvious, we will peel back the layers of time to explore the dark underbelly of one of the world’s most iconic cities: New York. Now when you hear of the dark history of New York city one story jumps right out at you and of course that is 9/11, this is a very dark chapter in New York’s history but it is a path well trodden, so today we look at some of the more obscure tales from the city that never sleep.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

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    A botched execution refers to an execution attempt that does not proceed as planned, resulting in complications, errors, or failures in carrying out the intended method of capital punishment. These complications can range from malfunctioning equipment, such as the failure of the electric chair or lethal injection apparatus, to errors in judgment or execution by the appointed officials, leading to prolonged suffering or even survival of the condemned individual. Botched executions often raise questions about the efficacy and humanity of the chosen method of execution, as well as broader ethical concerns surrounding the practice of capital punishment.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to season 3 episode 8, Tales Of Botched Execution part 2. I did the first part of this episode way back in season 1 and I though that in todays episode I could bring you some more of these stories. In this episode, we explore the haunting tales of executions gone awry, shedding light on the grim realities and unforeseen mishaps that have plagued the history of capital punishment. From malfunctioning equipment to unexpected interventions, each story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities and moral dilemmas inherent in the practice of carrying out the ultimate penalty.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

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    Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive. Though probably not a worry rooted in much truth today, being buried alive used to be a lot more common. In the absence of medical technology and morgues, ways of determining whether someone had really died ranged from pinching to burning. Even then, sometimes the person had simply entered into a coma or was paralysed.

    It wasn’t until 1846 that French doctor Eugène Bouchut suggested that they use new stethoscope technology to listen for the existence of a heartbeat that proving death became more certain. Unfortunately for the poor souls in these stories, they weren’t so lucky.

    Being buried alive is a primal fear that grips one’s very core, triggering a cascade of panic and terror. Imagine, if you will, the suffocating darkness pressing in around you, the weight of soil bearing down like an insurmountable force. With each breath, desperation tightens its grip, fueling frantic attempts to claw through the earth above or pound scratch at the thick wood coffin. Your heart races, pounding against your ribcage as adrenaline courses through your veins, urging you to fight against the inevitable fate that threatens to consume you. Every moment feels like an eternity as you struggle against the confines of your earthen prison, driven by the primal instinct to survive. But with each passing second, hope dwindles, and the chilling realization sets in that escape may be impossible, condemning you to a fate of eternal darkness and solitude.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to season 3 episode 7, Six Feet Under: Unearthing the History of Being Buried Alive, so we're back this time with the morbid and dark tales, In this chilling exploration, we delve into the terrifying tales and historical accounts of individuals who faced the unthinkable fate of premature burial. From harrowing accounts of accidental internment to spine-tingling anecdotes of narrow escapes, we uncover the dark and macabre realities of being laid to rest before one’s time. So grab your shovels and prepare to dig deep into the eerie world of premature burials!

    without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

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    Today I thought a change of pace would be in order, I know people tune in for the dark or mysterious tales of history but sometimes it’s just better to leave the heavy stuff for an episode or two. Today we will celebrate some of the mind-bending, bizarre, absurd, and downright unbelievable stories that have happened in history. Join us as we uncover the weirdest, wildest, and most WTF stories that have shaped the course of human history.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to season 3 episode 6, WTF historical tales vol 1, these are going to be some of the most outrageous stories from history that make you go what the actual fuck is going on, some you may have heard them before abut others you may never have. believe me, there are tonnes of these so I will sprinkle these into the seasons going forward. I know in the past couple of episodes we haven't got down into the trenches of the death and destruction of years gone by, but the detritus and evil will return I thought maybe a little pallet cleanser would be in order from the moroseness that this channel some times can bring. Some of these stories may make you laugh, some may make you upset but all will make you say what the fuck.

    Before start I want to thank today's sponsor history on the rock

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

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    The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle, has long been a subject of fascination and speculation due to its reputation for unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft. This enigmatic stretch of ocean is roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, covering an area of about 500,000 square miles.

    The Triangle is most famous for its alleged ability to make things vanish. For centuries, more than 50 ships and 20 aircraft along with all of their passengers have disappeared in the large triangular area of the Atlantic Ocean.

    Reports of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle can be dated back to Christopher Columbus, with documented records of missing ships from as early as 1800. Despite this, we’re still no closer to any answers about why this particular stretch of open water is the location of many ship and aircraft disappearances.

    Despite the allure of these mysteries, skeptics argue that the Bermuda Triangle’s reputation is largely inflated, pointing out that its reported disappearances are not significantly higher than in other heavily trafficked areas of the world’s oceans. Many incidents attributed to the Triangle can be explained by human error, equipment malfunction, or natural phenomena.

    Nevertheless, the attraction of the Bermuda Triangle persists, captivating the imagination of people around the world and inspiring countless books, films, and documentaries. While the truth behind its mysteries may never be fully unraveled, the legend of the Bermuda Triangle continues to spark curiosity and speculation, reminding us of the enduring enticement of the unknown.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to season 3 episode 5, Into the Abyss: Exploring the Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

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    Payed Episode

    In the shadows of late 19th-century Chicago, amidst the clamor of progress and the allure of the World’s Columbian Exposition, lurked a figure shrouded in darkness and deceit. He walked the streets with an air of confidence, his charming demeanor masking a sinister truth. His name was H.H. Holmes, but to those unfortunate souls who crossed his path, he was the embodiment of pure malevolence.

    Picture, if you will, the sprawling corridors of his infamous “Murder Castle,” a labyrinthine structure designed not for habitation, but for the orchestration of horror. Within its walls, hidden passages twisted like the tendrils of a malignant vine, leading unsuspecting victims to their doom. Trapdoors concealed beneath lush carpets, soundproof rooms stifling the cries of the damned, and a network of secret chambers where the echoes of terror resounded endlessly.

    Holmes himself was a paradoxical enigma, possessing the allure of a gentleman and the soul of a demon. His piercing gaze held the promise of salvation and the curse of damnation, luring in innocent souls like moths to a flame. Yet behind closed doors, his true nature was revealed – a sadistic predator, reveling in the suffering of others with a cold detachment that defied comprehension.

    as the fog of history shrouds his legacy in myth and legend, one thing remains certain – the name H.H. Holmes will forever be synonymous with the darkest depths of human depravity.

    Before we start I want to thank the episodes sponsor for today the ghost town podcast but more about that later

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history

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    Humanity’s journey through history is a tapestry woven with remarkable achievements, each thread representing a triumph of innovation, resilience, and collective endeavor.

    In the ancient world, civilizations like Mesopotamia and Egypt constructed awe-inspiring structures such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the pyramids of Giza. These architectural marvels stood as testaments to human ingenuity and mastery of engineering. The Renaissance in Europe brought about a revival of artistic expression, with masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael showcasing the pinnacle of human creativity. The Enlightenment illuminated the corridors of reason, challenging traditional authority and promoting ideals of liberty and equality. Thinkers like Voltaire, Rousseau, and Locke paved the way for political revolutions that reshaped the world, including the American and French Revolutions.

    But Through out humanities prosperous years there have been utter disastrous ones. Humanity has weathered its share of trials and tribulations. Certain periods stand out as the worst years in human history, marked by profound suffering, upheaval, and despair and today they will be our focus.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history

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    Payed Sponsor

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to season 3 episode 2, Sacrificial Legacies: The history of Human sacrifice. Human sacrifice, the ritual killing of a person as an offering to a god or deity, has been practiced by various civilizations throughout history. From the ancient Aztecs and Mayans to the Celtic druids and Norse Vikings, the act of sacrificing humans has been a prominent feature in religious beliefs and practices.
    So, how did human sacrifice come about and why did civilizations partake in such a barbaric act? To answer this question, we must first go back in time to the early stages of human development.

    Before we start I want to thank our sponsors for this episode Smart Labels but more about them later.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

    Link to Smart Labels amazing QR Code stickers on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/QR-Smart-Labels-Scannable-Organization/dp/B0BJS364C6?maas=maas_adg_31EA81720AD78B3DA43CB84763549F2B_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas

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    Paid Sponsor

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Happy New year and Welcome to season 3 episode 1, i hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and New years festivities, unlike me, I hope you didn't over indulge in Turkey, chocolate and far far to much alcohol.

    Today's episode is about the Spanish Inquisition. The Inquisition is quite famous and has a bad reputation for torture and death but as you find in history something aren't quite what they seem, so please bear that in mind when you listen to our episode today.

    The Spanish Inquisition was a judicial institution that lasted between 1478 and 1834. Its ostensible purpose was to combat heresy in Spain, but, in practice, it resulted in consolidating power in the monarchy of the newly unified Spanish kingdom. Its brutal methods led to widespread death and suffering. The mere words “Spanish Inquisition” struck fear into the hearts of Spaniards for more than three centuries.

    Before we start I want to thank our sponsors for this episode Smart Labels but more about them later.

    So without further ado for the first time this season please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

    Link to Smart Labels amazing QR Code stickers on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/QR-Smart-Labels-Scannable-Organization/dp/B0BJS364C6?maas=maas_adg_31EA81720AD78B3DA43CB84763549F2B_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas

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    Sponsored Episode

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to the new bonus episode, A Very Mysterious Christmas. I hope everyone enjoyed the escapades of the gatherer that was my attempt at the long forgotten tradition of my country, it was no Dickens lets put it that way.

    Anyway welcome I can't believe we are at another Christmas special, I can't believe this will be the end of season 2 of the show but don't fret there is plenty more to come in the new year and in season 3.

    So what delectable Christmas delights do i have in store this year, well today we are going to look into some histories greatest Christmas mysteries, there is going to be tragedies, murders and disappearances galore you know something really upbeat and festive for this time of year. Just before we start I want to thank our very first sponsor Smart labels for sponsoring this episode but about them later.

    So without further ado for the last time this season please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

    Link to Smart Labels amazing QR Code stickers on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/QR-Smart-Labels-Scannable-Organization/dp/B0BJS364C6?maas=maas_adg_31EA81720AD78B3DA43CB84763549F2B_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas

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    Today, we embark on a riveting exploration of a life laden with intrigue, conflict, and the enduring echoes of power – the legacy of Saddam Hussein and the tumultuous landscape of Iraq.

    As we delve into the corridors of time, let us peer into the rise of a man who would become a central figure in the complex narrative of the Middle East. Saddam Hussein, a name that resonates with both fascination and dread, steered Iraq through an era marked by authoritarian rule, regional tensions, and global scrutiny.

    Our journey begins in the dusty streets of Tikrit, Saddam’s birthplace, tracing the footsteps of a young man whose destiny would intertwine with the fate of a nation. From his early political ambitions to the consolidation of power, we navigate through the intricate web of alliances, betrayals, and the cunning strategies that propelled him to the summit of Iraqi leadership.

    But Saddam’s story is not confined to the borders of Iraq; it reverberates globally. We examine the geopolitical landscape that set the stage for the Iran-Iraq War, the invasion of Kuwait, and the subsequent Gulf War that drew the world’s attention. The consequences of these events, etched into the history books, continue to shape the geopolitical chessboard we navigate today.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to the new episode, Dark Biography: Saddam Hussein the necessary evil. Saddam hussein. Was he a necessary evil in the Middle East? Now twenty years ago to even mention that question would have got you tarred and feathered, but now you can see the chaos that has befell Iraq and the Middle East a whole, you have Islamic extremist running a mock, countries such as Iraq in absolute civil chaos, wars, civil wars and poxy wars everywhere and these seem to have ramped up exponentially over the last two decades, is this because a power vacuum was created when the Iraqi strong man was deposed? Well Join us as we peel back the layers of propaganda, uncover the human stories obscured by political rhetoric, and analyze the enduring impact of Saddam Hussein’s life and rule on the people and the region. As we traverse the annals of time, we invite you to immerse yourself in the complexities, contradictions, and controversies that define this pivotal chapter in the history of Iraq and the broader Middle East.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

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    Armenia, located in the South Caucasus region, is a landlocked country with a rich history dating back to ancient times. The country boasts a distinctive cultural heritage, Armenian history spans thousands of years, marked by a unique cultural and historical trajectory. One of the world's oldest civilizations, Armenians have faced various empires, invasions, and periods of independence. Notably, they adopted Christianity as a state religion in 301 ce, making Armenia the first nation to do so.

    Throughout history, Armenians have endured foreign rule, including the Persian, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires.

    The Republic of Armenia emerged in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, bringing a new chapter to Armenian history. The ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and geopolitical dynamics continue to shape the nation's contemporary narrative. Despite historical challenges, Armenia has a resilient spirit and is known for its monasteries, stunning landscapes, and contributions to world literature and art. Through out the highs and lows of Armenian history one event has inflicted a nasty wound that has festered for almost a century and that its the Armenian genocide.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to the new episode, The Denial Of Slaughter: The Armenian Genocide. The Armenian Genocide refers to the systematic extermination of the Armenian population by the Ottoman Empire during World War I, it started in 1915 and was around until 1923. The Ottoman government, under the rule of the Young Turks subjected Armenians to mass killings, forced labor, and deprivation. The term “genocide” was later coined to describe these acts, as it involved the intentional destruction of a specific ethnic group.

    While recognized as genocide by many countries and scholars, Turkey disputes this label, acknowledging the deaths but attributing them to wartime conditions and denying a systematic intent to eliminate the Armenian population. The recognition of the Armenian Genocide remains a contentious and sensitive international issue.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

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    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to the new episode, the history of Slavery: Man’s ownership of other men. The history of slavery is a large and untellable story, full of tragedy and cruelty that spans both centuries and continents. Although it is difficult to pinpoint the exact year that slavery began, historians can trace the roots of this inhumane practice back roughly 11,000 years. The history of slavery spans many cultures, nationalities, and religions from ancient times to the present day. Likewise, its victims have come from many different ethnicities and religious groups. The social, economic, and legal positions of enslaved people have differed vastly in different systems of slavery in different times and places. I understand that this is an incredibly nuanced topic and can be viewed completely differently by different people. Historically, there are many different types of slavery including chattel, bonded, forced labour and sexual slavery. On the surface this episode may seem a little tame by my standards but I feel the underlying topic of slavery it’s horrifying enough. I’m not going to focus massively on the Atlantic slave trade, there will be a section on it as it is a big part of the history of slavery but I feel a lot the other history around this disgusting practice pales into the background, when people of every nationality and creed have suffered.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax next to the fire for more dark history.

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    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. I hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to the new episode and the eagerly awaited Halloween special well I hope the eagerly awaited Halloween special anyway. Strap yourselves in because this is going to be a monster episode pun most defiantly intended.

    I hope you all enjoyed the modernised rendition of Edgar Allen Poe’s the black cat, I know it is sac religious to change the works of a gothic genius such as Edgar Allan Poe but if anyone has read the original black cat story or The Raven, for example, you will see that the language and style of writing is incredibly different to ours nowadays so please forgive me for trying to make it a little easier for a illiterate dumb brute such as myself.

    After that Hugh Caviat lets get down to the episode. Last year our Halloween special was about the story of the pendal witches and their trials and tribulations. I chose this as this is relatively close to where I live. In keeping with this tradition of witches on Halloween and to take into account the demographic of my listeners, I thought would bring you the most infamous witch trials of all the Salem witch trials, but then I though no! this topic has been well-trodden. So I pondered and pondered and tried to delve into obscurity and what did I come out with? More witch trials…. Yep…. more witch trials, but these witch trials are slightly more obscure and showcase the shear brutality that humans can inflict.

    Obligatorily I must warn you this Halloween special is not for the faint hearted we are about to descend into a rabbit hole of some of the most darkest tales imaginable, nothing and nobody was off limits in these stories no matter the age.

    So with that warning out the way please turn off those lights sit back and relax under the blanker for the final part of our spooky season specials and more dark history.

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    I just love playing games, they're my favorite!

    There are many I love, tag, hide and seek, stuck in the mud, they're all up there on my favourites list!

    But, there's one I love more than any other, and it's called "The Cellar".

    It isn't too tough, really! All you need is five people, and a cellar.

    The people shouldn't be to difficult to "persuade" but if you need to "encourage" them a blunt weapon should be fine!

    Now for the game itself, make sure all the the people are awake before starting, tell them they will remain locked in there until one remains and give them enough food to survive for exactly one week!

    That way, when the food disappears, they will be desperate.

    Now they will fight to survive, there will be so much blood and tears that it will be difficult to not burst out into laughter!

    And then, when there's only one left, they will be THRILLED to find out the door was NEVER LOCKED TO BEGIN WITH! THEY SLAUGHTERED THE others FOR NOTHING!

    Overall, this game is fantastic for boring days when there's nothing better to do, so go ahead and try! I promise I it will be fun.

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to the new episode, again I hope you enjoy our short little ghost story to start, This is the last instalment of our spooky season special before our Halloween episode on Tuesday and I guarantee its one not to be missed. Today's episode if you hadn't already guessed is about horror movies, these films are something of a favourite of mine and I can watch any type, even the really shite b roll one none of them are off limits. Sometimes these movies are incredibly grotesque and gore-filled, some are more supernatural in nature and some are just downright messed up, I'm talking about the terrifier series there, but one thing we tell ourselves before we got to sleep is “they are just films and they are not really” well unfortunately that isn't always the case.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax under the blanker for more dark history.

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    A father went to say good night to his son, as it was routine since he knew his son would have trouble sleeping if he didn’t. It was a sort of silent tradition between them, one he never forgot to attend. The room was dimly lit by the lamp, but the father could clearly see there was something unusual about his son tonight. He looked the same, just with a huge grin that drew from ear to ear.

    “You okay, buddy?” he asked. The son nodded, still grinning, before saying, “Daddy, check for monsters under my bed.” The father chuckled and got on his knees to take a look. There, under the bed, was his son. His real son. Pale, trembling, and scared to death. He whispered, “Daddy, there’s someone on my bed.”

    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to the new episode, again I hope you enjoy our short little ghost story to start, This is the third instalment of our spooky season special. Today we divert again into the realm of the supernatural and look at some of the most haunted places in the world and the dark and gruesome history behind the folklore and legend surrounding these places. For some these may not be liked as much as our normal episodes but in the spirit of the season I though it could be a little change I assure you that normal service will resume after our Halloween special.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax under the blanker for more dark history.

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    Hi everyone and welcome back to the dark history podcast where we explore the darkest parts of human history. hope everyone is well I’m Rob your host as always. Welcome to the new episode, again I hope you enjoy our short little ghost story to start, This if the second instalment of our spooky season special. Today we will be looking into some of histories most gruesome executions, I don't think I need to tell you that this could get a little disgusting so for people with a weak stomach or people who get distressed when listening to descriptions of torture or suffering this is your warning.

    So without further ado please turn off those lights sit back and relax under the blanker for more dark history.

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