In the last episode of the UK dental schools series, Ryan and Becky are joined by Rowan Campbell, a BDS4 student from Queen’s University Belfast! They discuss what makes Queen’s University Belfast stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style! Being 1 of only 3 dental schools in Ireland, this episode is not one to miss!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Olivia Rowley, a 3rd year student from University of Liverpool! They discuss the new curriculum, Collaborative Learning Course (CLC), that Liverpool has adapted including early clinical experience from 1st year. Listen to find out more on what makes Liverpool stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and mixed teaching style!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
Episodes manquant?
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Megan Mason a BDS5 student from University of Glasgow! They discuss what makes Glasgow stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style! They also discuss the REACH programme that may be available to you as a student in Scotland. Find out more here: https://www.gla.ac.uk/study/wp/reach/#programmeoverview,%0Aeligibility%0A,%0Ahowtoapply%0A,%0Awhytakepart%0A,%0Acontactus%0A
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Shashi Tadi (Instagram: @smiles_with_sash), a BDS5 student from University of Central Lancashire! UCLan offers a graduate entry only course with early clinical experience in one of the dental education centres (DECs) across 4 locations. Listen to find out more on what makes UCLan stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style! Fun fact: UCLan doesn't recognise UCAT as an admissions exam, however, you are required to complete an entrance exam unique to UCLan prior to interview invitations.
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Becca Thompson, a BDS5 student from University of Cardiff! They discuss what makes Cardiff stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style. With being the only dental school in Wales, this is definitely not one to miss!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Grace Lunny, a BDS4 student from University of Dundee! They discuss what makes Dundee stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style including the recent changes to the curriculum with clinical exposure from 1st year! Listen to find out more and if it’s a fit for you!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Maisie Hinds (Instagram: @maisiesdentaldiary), a student from University of Plymouth who has just finished her 3rd year! They discuss what makes Plymouth (AKA Peninsula Dental School) stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style! Fun fact: Plymouth has 3 campuses which you would be required to attend, one being Truro which you would move to for a year!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Amber Ahmed (Instagram: @amberahmed14), a student from University of Manchester who has just finished her 4th year! They discuss what makes Manchester stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style! If independent learning and research appeal to you, then Manchester is definitely one to consider!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Golasa (Instagram: @golsteeth), a student from University of Birmingham who has just finished her 3rd year! They discuss what makes Birmingham stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style! They also discuss the the widening access route to dentistry. Consider researching to see if this is an option for you and which dental schools offer widening access routes!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Molly Cunningham, a BDS3 student from University of Aberdeen. They discuss the 4-year course offered at the Institute of Dentistry including a year by year break down and teaching style! Molly also talks about how she has found studying dentistry as a second degree. Fact check: the Foresterhill Campus in Aberdeen is in fact one of the largest clinical complexes in Europe!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Krish Pandya (Instagram: @jkpdental), a BDS4 student from University of Newcastle. They discuss what makes Newcastle stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style! They also discuss how Krish found the overall application process for dental school.
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined Brandon Tiller (Instagram @tillertalksteeth), a newly qualified dentist from Barts and The London! They discuss what makes Barts stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style! Find out what it’s like to live and study in London. Brandon also gives some insightful advice for those aspiring to be a dentist so this is not one to miss!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
In this episode, Ryan and Becky are joined by Faris Dent (@farisdent), a BDS4 student from King’s College London. They talk about what makes KCL stand out as a Dental School, a year by year break down and teaching style! Faris has a YouTube channel with tips on all aspects of your dental school application and is also the co-host of the amazing “You Know The Drill” podcast (Instagram @youknowthedrill) so go and check them out!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
Ryan and Becky are joined by Elena Shahir (Instagram: @elenashahir_dental), a BDS5 student from University of Leeds. They talk about what makes Leeds stand out as a Dental School including the completion of a Masters in research as part of the course structure, a year by year break down and teaching style!
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
Ryan and Becky are joined by Emily Black (Instagram: @emilydental), a BDS5 student from University of Bristol. They talk about what makes Bristol stand out as a Dental School including a year by year break down and teaching style! Emily also completed an intercalation year which means she will graduate with 2 degrees. If this is something you’re interested in, find out if this is offered by a University through their prospectus or by contacting their admissions directly.
Make sure to listen to all dental school episodes when Ryan and Becky are joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
To kick off the Dental School Series, Ryan and Becky are joined by Raina, a BDS4 student from University of Sheffield. They talk about what makes Sheffield stand out as a Dental School including a year by year break down and teaching style! Find Raina on Instagram and YouTube: @rainaonthecusp
Make sure to listen to future episodes when Ryan and Becky will be joined by a student from each UK dental school ahead of UCAS applications in October!
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
Ryan and Becky are joined by Dr Emi Mawson, a general and urgent care dentist working in Cornwall. Emi talks about what life is really like as a dentist, the opportunities available and she gives her advice on applying and considering dentistry as a career! Emi has also taken the Tiktok world by storm, sharing educational videos to the wider community! Find her on Instagram and Tiktok: @dentist_emi
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
Thinking about what you can do after your BDS? Join Ryan and Becky in this episode with their guest Dr Helen Stancliffe, a Specialist Oral Surgeon, Clinical Specialty Fellow for oral surgery at University of Newcastle and a Dental Specialty Ambassador for Royal Colleges of Surgeons (Edinburgh), to generally discuss the career options available to you after BDS and the associated training pathways. You’ll also gain some amazing advice from Dr Stancliffe herself! This is not one to miss!
Make sure to listen to future episodes when Ryan and Becky will be speaking to professionals from each of these careers to give you an accurate insight into how to get to where you want to be and what to expect along the way!
Resources mentioned in this episode: British Society/Association for each specialty, COPDEND, BDA Careers: https://bda.org/careers/Pages/default.aspx and Royal Colleges of Surgeons (Edinburgh/Glasgow/London).
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointmentContact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
Ryan and Becky are joined by Mickey Brindle, a Clinical Dental Technician (CDT) working in Lancashire. Mickey has years of experience in the dental profession and now incorporates his scope as a Dental Technician into his role as a CDT. Mickey is also the former president of the British Association of Clinical Dental Technicians (BACDT) and a clinical tutor at UCLan, all of which are discussed further in this episode. You’ll also find out more on the training pathway for CDT's and the potential future advances to their scope of practice.
Currently UCLan is the only University offering a CDT course which has recently been opened to A-Level entry, previously a Dental Technician GDC registration was the requirement.
More information on all registered members' scope of practice can be found on the GDC website: https://www.gdc-uk.org/docs/default-source/scope-of-practice/scope-of-practice.pdf . CDT-specific information can also be found through the BACDT website: https://www.bacdt.org.uk/
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
Every Dental School considers each component of your application differently so Ryan and Becky are here to advise you how to strategically pick dental schools to work in your favour! Dental Appointment have also created a NEW checklist to provide you with all the information you need to know about the 16 UK dental schools to help narrow down your UCAS choices in a strategic way! Check it out here: www.flipsnack.com/B89BCC99E8C/dental-appointment_-dental-school-choices-checklist.html
Follow us on Instagram: www.instagram.com/dental_appointment
Contact us: dentalappointment21@gmail.com
Instrumental by Forget The Whale: www.instagram.com/forgetthewhale
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