Diamond City wraps up the Fallout series
Diamond City Inches closer and closer to the end of the series.
listen in.
Spoiler Alert!!!
Diamond City continues the Fallout Show extravaganza
Diamond City crew dives into the super popular and highly anticipated Fallout the TV series
Fallout collectors rejoice we are talking about you in this episode.
listen in as we present you with season 2 preview.
lots to come for this season!
Diamond City Podcast. Talks about if we were vault tec what sick experiments we would create. To say the least it was pure chaos in this Fallout!!
In this fun filled controversial episode.
Diamond City creates our own enemies.
listen in and discover who or what we would make an enemies
in Fallout!
Listen in as we talk about Microsofts recent court info leak...
In this episode we introduce our new host Lewis to the show. We go into the modding world and dive deep into some popular modes and well are they worth it??
Diamond City Podcast.
takes on the final character interview with Wild Bill! enjoy this interview with a charismatic soldier.
We jump right back into the interview action with Twila from a vault. As part of our role playing extravaganza
Enjoy the episode
Grab your snack cakes and Nuka Colas and dive into this fun episode. Diamond City starts its role playing in character interviews! Sit down listen in and enjoy the laughs! Todays interview is Andrew's character <Henry>. You won't be disappointed.
Today Diamond City Podcast takes on a newer bigger adventure, We are taking on Fallout the role playing game. We discuss our characters and how we developed them. Fire up those pip boys and listen in. Lore friendly episode
We welcome our new host and social media manager to the show. Stefini!! We discuss our experiences
playing the Fallout The board game.. video cast coming soon!!! See the trailer here https://youtu.be/wDpCCZV5wQA
In this episode, Jason and Andrew dive into the vast mysterious ways of Vault Tec.
The first episode.
Vault has opened up at last, Andrew and Jason emerged to talk Fallout. Here is the pilot episode. This episode
is our introduction and why we love Fallout. Do you love the game Fallout?
Hello thank you for joining in our nice little big adventure. Here is our trailer for Diamond City Podcast. Fallout fans rejoice