Are you in need of some education on ADHD? Or perhaps some advocacy and youth work? Or maybe even a DJ for your event?Well look no further - in today's episode Jacinta talks to Georgia Zentrich, The ADHD Educator. They discuss ADHD stigma, managing schedules, the challenges posed by the mental health care system, and more (including DJing)Georgia has an InstagramAnd you can find the resources mentioned in the episode below.REFERENCES:
It's A Lot Podcast with Abby ChatfieldInterview with G-Flip
William Dodson - Interest Based Nervous SystemHow Simone Biles Turned ADHD into Her Superpower
Heartbreak High
Geek Girl
This one is a bit late, apologies all!In today's episode, Jacinta tells us all about her recent journey through Europe. How did it affect her? How can neurodivergent people prepare themselves for travel? Was it worth it? Are Jacinta and Lachlan the most beautiful singers you've ever heard?
Jump aboard and find out!
Episodes manquant?
Join us in welcoming back Ashley Kalagian Blunt - author, podcaster and friend of the show.In this episode we chat about her brand new book, 'Cold Truth', a tech-noir crime thriller. The conversation delves into the writing process, cybersecurity, technology anxiety, crypto-currency warnings, and more!ASHLEY'S BOOKS:COLD TRUTH — Ashley Kalagian Blunt
DARK MODE — Ashley Kalagian Blunt
HOW TO BE AUSTRALIAN — Ashley Kalagian Blunt
MY NAME IS REVENGE — Ashley Kalagian Blunt
Also, check out the podcast James and Ashley Stay at Home
REFERENCES:The Age of Magical Overthinking | Book by Amanda Montell | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster
It's a new year, friends, and a brand new season of Differently Brained! We're really excited to get back into the swing of things and give you all a year's worth of podcast goodness with different brains aplenty.Just like in 2024 we've come up with two new 'guiding words/intentions' for 2025 (No Spoilers as to what we chose, you'll just have to listen!)Welcome back, y'all, we missed you!
'Not Perfect' by Tim Minchin
9 Life Lessons - Tim Minchin UWA Address
'You Don't Have to Dream' by Tim Minchin (book)
Who's that guy? Who's that guy? It's Rutho!Welcome to the second of our wrap up episodes for 2024. This time, Lachlan looks back on the year and his intention of "RECALIBRATING".
Some of the resources mentioned:
The Pulling | Book | Scribe Publications (Adele's Book)
WISE Employment | Disability Employment Services | Workforce Australia | NDIS
Watch BEEF | Netflix Official Site
Lana Eileen (@lana.eileen.art) • Instagram photos and videos | Spotify Profile
We're back baybeeeeeeee!And not a moment too soon (considering the end of the year is hurtling towards us).In this, our first of two wrap-up episodes, Jacinta reflects on the year that was. Has she, indeed, "BUILT"?Some of the resources mentioned:The Pulling | Book | Scribe Publications (Adele's Book)Simply Happy Organisation - Narelle King - Professional Organiser - Yoga TeacherCandles – Lavender Moon Candle CoMel Watson - Speaker, Mentor, Burnout & HR Expert
Okay, we know, this one is a bit late and hastily edited, but nevertheless it is here!A supercut of many of our guest episodes from series 1 of Differently Brained sharing their favourite resources and representations dealing with mental health and neurodivergence. Of course, if you want something more comprehensive, do go back and listen to the full episodes.
In speaking order, the guests you will hear from are:
Orion Kelly
Kay Kerr
Matt Bruyninckx
Mel Watson
Min Lou
Kylie Maslen
Suzanna Poredos
Claudia-Barriga Larrivière
Brandon Harvey
Steph Liz Cuthbert
Miranda Luby
Kirk Cetinic
Amanda Tattersall
Dani Vee
Ashley Kalagian Blunt
Davina Bell
Alicia Elliott
Jess and Bonnie Flint
Below are links to as many of the resources and references mentioned that can be found:
Amaze — Creating an autism inclusive AustraliaAlways Angelic Aspie Alice (Suzanna Poredos' Podcast)Peer-to-Peer Support - Our Programs - GROW AustraliaPeer CARE Companion Warmline | Roses in the OceanAlternatives to Suicide in Australia – Alt2Su – NSW (alt2su-nsw.net) The Rapids by Sam Twyford-MooreSupport for Eating Disorders and Body Image Issues | Butterfly FoundationEating in the Light of the Moon by Anita JohnsonJames Ward-Sinclair, Author at Autistic & UnapologeticScaling Change — On making change big and small | by Amanda Tattersall | Medium (And some of Amanda's other articles: Amanda Tattersall – Medium)The School of Life - YouTube ChannelJames and Ashley Stay at Home PodcastYou Are Light by Aaron BeckerUnderstanding Postpartum Psychosis: A Temporary Madness by Teresa M. TwomeyLove & Autism by Kay KerrI Overcame My Autism and All I Got Was This Lousy Anxiety Disorder: A Memoir by Sarah Kurchakpaige layle - YouTube ChannelDani DonovanBetter Late Than Never by Emma Mahony & Sari SoldenA Radical Guide for Women with ADHD by Sari Solden & Michelle FrankREPRESENTATIONS:
Heartbreak HighHelen Hoang (author) -
DISCLAIMER:As always it's important to state that we at Differently Brained are not medical professionals, and this episode contains our personal testimonies of being on medication. Furthermore, we have always been staunchly in favour of treatment for mental illness. The experiences in this episode have been shared as a means of conversation, and not for the dissemination of advice or education._________________
Sometimes the best things in life come with terms and conditions.
Jacinta and Lachlan chat about their own experiences of side effects of taking medication.And if you're reading this, don't forget to take your meds!
DISCLAIMER: All information presented in this episode was correct at the time of recording in July of 2024. Since then, some circumstances have changed, namely the Minister for the NDIS.____________________________________________________________
The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) - great idea, almost consistently failing in practice.There are a lot of folks who have had issues trying to get on to the NDIS, receive their entitlements, and generally not feel like they're a 'burden' on society.Jacinta is one such individual, and this week Lachlan asks her about the gauntlet she ran to try to be approved for the NDIS.We know that there are a lot of other stories out there, too.
It's been discussed before that some neurodivergent folks don't really vibe with idioms. Either they don't understand them, find them frustrating and trite, or don't parse the context together.Jacinta is one such neurodivergent person with this particular pet peeve (is that an idiom?) and Lachlan tests out some of the more egregious examples on her to figure out why.
One of our favourite things to ask our guests on Differently Brained is what resources or media show quality representation. This time, however, the discussion is all about what shows or movies make us feel comfy and a bit more regulated.In this very short episode you'll hear Jacinta and Lachlan talk about the things they never get tired of watching over and over and over and over and over again.
It's been roughly 18 months since we started this podcast, and we thought it'd be high time to reflect on the process, what we've learned and what we've struggled with. A behind-the -scenes look at Differently Brained.But more than that, this is an episode in which we hype each other. Love us.Love our show.
Beau Windon is a neurodivergent author of Wiradjuri heritage who, in a first for Differently Brained, joined us in person for a chat!
Beau talks to us about his identity, the creative process as a neurodivergent writer, and his PhD focus on Neurodivergent Aesthetics.
Check out Beau's website, containing his writing, here!
Resources:Neuroqueer Heresies by Dr. Nick Walker
Phil Smith
Michael is back this week to talk about his 6-year-old daughter who also has an autism diagnosis. He shares the challenges she faced in the schooling system, and the journey to finding a supportive and accommodating school.
Here at Differently Brained we sometimes make hyperbolic statements.This time is different! Jacinta and Lachlan list their top 3 things (it's a broad category) they can't live without as neurodivergent/mentally ill individuals.
It's a short episode this week, but a fun one!Tell us your top three!
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