
  • Experience the ultimate rollercoaster of topics in this episode of "Don't Be Sour"! Ever wondered why some pets accompany their owners everywhere while others stay home? I, Max, break it down with personal anecdotes about my dogs, Nala and Dude. Then, we ponder whether to squeeze in a new club opening amidst our packed schedules, all while gearing up for the nationwide Target launch of Sour Strips candy. We also get into the nitty-gritty of marketing strategy, debating the merits of splurging $20,000 on billboards versus opting for digital advertising.

    Hop in as we then rev the engines on a discussion about high-end electric vehicles, comparing the new Wagoneer S with the more economical Tesla Model Y. From the logistics of reserving and purchasing luxury cars to the fascinating impacts of motion sickness and Apple's latest iOS updates, this segment is packed with insights and lively debates. But that’s not all—we also share personal stories about car sickness, offering tips and tricks to combat it based on vehicle types and new tech innovations.

    Finally, brace yourself for a deep dive into a massive house renovation project, featuring a 15,000-square-foot home with jaw-dropping amenities like a basketball court and multiple garages. We discuss the challenges and thrills of modernizing a classic home while balancing luxury with practicality. The conversation extends to the evolving landscape of social media, AI, and the changing face of food delivery services. From ethical discussions sparked by recent pop culture to the future of AI in social media, this episode is a smorgasbord of engaging topics you won't want to miss!

  • As Joe and I welcomed the goomah to our lively discussion, we couldn't help but dive into the drama of urban pet etiquette, beginning with Joe's dog and an uncooperative Uber driver. It's a jungle out there for pet parents, and we navigate the thicket of traveling with our furry companions, debating everything from the back of truck beds to the choice of self-defense on those late-night walks. But why stop at our four-legged friends? Credit card charges sneak up like stealthy cats, and our brush with a forgotten water bill shows just how quickly convenience turns into a cold shower of reality.

    Then, the conversation flows as easily as the water in our shared shower quirks. Who knew the length of a shower could reveal so much about a person's life philosophies? Whether it's gym hygiene or the secrets behind that perfectly coiffed hair, we uncover the odd, the meticulous, and the downright hilarious in our daily routines. But it's not all soap and water; we chew over diet and health, pondering the veracity of food fads and questioning whether a well-toned physique truly equals wisdom in nutrition.

    Cranking up the volume, we strum through topics of expensive hobbies like those high-priced LEGO sets and rare guitars, teasing out who's really playing with these grown-up toys. The tempo shifts as we reflect on musicians like Eminem and Kid Rock, unboxing their unshakeable personas and the culture they embody. Our candid symphony crescendos into personal revelations about body insecurities and self-consciousness, before winding down with musings on language evolution and the sentimental value of possessions. Be sure to stick around for the finale as we reminisce on video game nostalgia and the tender subject of family planning, wrapping it all up with our 'ever forward' beat.

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    Joe on IG https://www.instagram.com/joeknows.best

    Christian on IG https://www.instagram.com/christianguzmnanfitness

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  • Buckle up for a wild ride with your hosts and the ever-entertaining Joe as we navigate through the turbulent waters of business realities and shipping woes. Ever wondered how a simple mistake in quality control can snowball into a financial nightmare? We've lived it, and we're laying bare the gritty tales of when business smarts collide with real-world pressures. Plus, we're dissecting the fallout from Lil Dicky's hot-topic music video, drawing parallels to the current artist landscape, and sprinkling in our take on the nuances of time management, from waiting for that friend who's never on time to the epic time-sink of personal beauty routines.

    Strap in for a no-holds-barred conversation that touches on life's most debated topics, like bathroom etiquette versus hygiene habits that will have you nodding in agreement or laughing in disbelief. We're reminiscing about the days of lavish spending and how our priorities have shifted with time – from blowing cash on nightlife to more thoughtful financial choices. It's an honest look into the changing tides of our spending habits, wrapped up with personal anecdotes that'll have you questioning your own daily rituals.

    We don't shy away from the heavier topics either; join us as we thread the needle between personal beliefs, societal norms, and the ever-present balance of religion in contemporary scenarios. From the intricacies of Christian doctrine to the conundrums of home security and self-defense, we're unpacking the delicate dance of living a principled life in an imperfect world. Throw in our musings on the influencer hustle, the pressures on law enforcement, and the shockwaves from P Diddy's controversial past, and you've got yourself an episode that's as enlightening as it is entertaining. Joe's back, and together we're doing what we do best – stirring the pot and serving up thoughts for your consideration.

    Subscribe to Joe on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/JoeKnowsBest

    Follow Shawley on IG https://www.instagram.com/shawleycoker

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

  • Listen in as we kick things off with a spirited chat about the quirky dilemmas of sporting headphones alongside bling, which segues into a broader exploration of 'dial-ness'—a term we dissect in all its forms, from style to work ethic. We share a laugh over the trials of growing facial hair, complete with a nod to the adventurous use of minoxidil, and round off the segment by playfully challenging the misconceptions surrounding steroid use. All this while, we banter about the term 'dialed,' pondering its roots and place in our modern lexicon.

    Join the conversation as we navigate the landscape of comedy and influencer culture, weighing the staying power of internet sensations against the backdrop of seasoned comedians like Dane Cook and Kevin Hart. We analyze the nuances between podcast humor and stand-up comedy, drawing from personal experiences and culminating in a recount of a memorable podcast recording with comedy legend Dane Cook. Hip hop beef and music then take center stage as we analyze the role of artists and producers in shaping the industry, using recent feuds as a lens to discuss the art of collaboration and the intricacies of rap battles.

    Wrap up your listening experience with a candid look at the balancing act between work and personal life, from the oddities of disconnection in our digital age to the importance of maintaining boundaries at home. We share insights into the personal branding strategies and business challenges faced by entrepreneurs, and the complexities of growing a business while managing team dynamics. Don't miss out on our personal reflections and discussions on leadership, company culture, and the necessity of a clear communication path for the growth and success of any venture.

  • Navigating the labyrinth of international travel can fray the nerves of even the most seasoned jet-setter, as my companions Guma, the Giraffe, and I discovered on our Spanish expedition. From customs delays in Frankfurt to frantic layovers, we hash out the chaos of altered flight plans and long drives upon arrival, all while dissecting the dynamics of travel groups and the dreaded 'travel princess' syndrome. But it's not all turbulence and lost luggage—there's humor to be found in our contrasting travel styles, with Guma's laissez-faire attitude and the giraffe's limited flights, against my own aversion to anything airborne.

    Patience might be a virtue, but in the hustle of everyday life, it's often in short supply. We've all been there—tapping our foot waiting for a check, or cutting conversations short for the sake of brevity. In a candid chat, we confess our impatience sins and explore the peculiar world of airport dining, while pondering the shift towards voice messages for more efficient communication. Hear about our insights from a Spanish business trip that highlights the value of face-to-face interactions, and join us as we navigate staying informed amidst a digital detox.

    Strap in for a segment where no topic is too controversial, from sports integrity rocked by doping scandals to the psychological whirlwind of celebrity life. We dissect the current climate of student protests with a critical eye, weighing the balance between activism and inconvenience. Then, shifting gears to lighter fare, we geek out over film ratings and the 'natty' division in bodybuilding, joking about the logistics of drug testing. Before we wrap, we dive into gym growth strategies and muse over AlphaLand's latest developments, from expanding recovery areas to tackling the curious case of unused lounges and invasive mulch dust. And for those in search of a little real estate envy, we dish out the dirt on luxury homes, complete with basketball court dreams and the financial commitment of upscale living.

  • Prepare to join me, Maxx, along with Christian and Joe on a whirlwind adventure that goes beyond the studio walls and tackles life's unexpected twists with humor and insight. Unpack the secrets of financial resilience as we share personal anecdotes that will have you rethinking your emergency fund and chuckling at the barter system that landed us a fresh studio look. From tales of Spanish manufacturing woes to musings on whether a treadmill can indeed be a bargaining chip, this episode of 'Don't Be Sour' is a treasure trove of laughs and lessons.

    Ever wondered about the intricate dance between letting go and staying hands-on as your business expands? We've got you covered. Get the scoop on the struggles content creators face in an ever-evolving YouTube landscape, hear our candid thoughts on everything from coffee machines to male health, and join the debate on athlete salary disparities. We don't shy away from the thorny issues either—democracy, social movements, and that fickle beast known as public opinion—all get their time in the spotlight. Threaded with our trademark banter, this episode serves hearty helpings of real talk peppered with our personal quirks.

    As I gear up for my Spanish sojourn, we wrap things up by sending out an open invitation for your engagement and thoughts. Whether you're here for strategic insights or to simply revel in our dog tales and not-so-hidden disdain for online trolls, 'Don't Be Sour' promises to be your go-to for a fresh perspective. So, buckle up and get ready to digest content that's as thought-provoking as it is entertaining, and remember—life is best lived with a little humor and a lot of forward momentum. Join us, and let's navigate this wild ride together.

  • Strap in for a wild ride through the labyrinth of life's amusing complexities, as we start off nursing a hangover but swiftly move into high gear, discussing the weighty matter of presidential ratings—including President Biden's report card. Ever wonder what kind of political animal you might be? We've got you covered with a playful quiz that cuts through the noise, offering a genuine peek into our political wardrobe, without scaring the neighbors. And speaking of neighbors, we'll spill the tea on the suburban dream and the gritty reality of city dwelling, all while dissecting the cost of breaking leases and those sneaky property taxes that never seem to take a holiday.

    Join our cozy roundtable as we grapple with the prickly topics of gun control, the societal staple of dog ownership, and the latest celebrity shenanigans—yes, we're looking at you, Kardashians. But it's not all dog walks and drama; we also probe the thorny issues of Iran's drone dance with Israel and the perpetual puzzle of the Middle East. Fasten your seatbelts as we navigate the suburban sprawl, share horror stories of house hunting, and confess our own real estate ambitions and blunders. And if you think flossing is the only habit we're examining, think again—our musings on lifestyle creep and the chase for the almighty dollar are sure to hit home.

    As we ponder the pursuit of happiness, we dissect the psychology behind the chase for wealth and the elusive retirement 'sweet spot.' Considering the juggling act between present contentment and future aspirations, we share our musings on personal finance, the phenomenon of lifestyle creep, and the poignant questions that shape our life's journey. And in a nod to our next episode, we tease a special guest appearance that promises to bring an extra dose of political zest to the table. So, whether you're contemplating schooling for your kids or mulling over that dream investment, tune in for a heartfelt exchange that connects the dots across the complex mosaic of human experiences.

  • Join us on "Don't Be Sour" as we hit our 80th mark, a testament to our unwavering commitment to spark lively discussions and keep you entertained. Maxx Chewning here, alongside my unofficial yet indispensable co-host Joe, brings you a blend of banter, personal anecdotes, and a touch of the unconventional. From debating the solitary confines of a one-man podcast to the light-hearted disagreements over regional identities and southern charm, our conversations are anything but mundane. Listen in as we laugh over our last ski trip, dissect the intricacies of small talk, and navigate the vibrant landscape of social interactions across the States.

    In this episode, we tackle a buffet of thought-provoking topics, stirring the pot with our takes on current events and societal changes. We confront the quirky conspiracy theories surrounding the upcoming solar eclipse, challenging the absurd notion that it might awaken slumbering giants. Then, we pivot to the palpable impact of a new $20 minimum wage for fast-food workers in California and the possible repercussions it could have on the economy and the job market. Our debate extends to the looming specter of automation and AI, questioning the balance between technological advancement and the value of human employment. And if that's not enough, we wade into the murky waters of property laws, squatter rights, and the often-overlooked nuances that can leave homeowners grappling with outdated legislation.

    Finally, we're not shying away from the more personal aspects of life, such as safety habits and the intriguing possibilities of a bachelor party devoid of clichés. As we share tales of our younger, wilder days, we also ponder the ever-evolving landscape of parenting, from managing adolescent behavior to navigating the digital age with potential future children. Whether it's a debate over sleepovers and underage drinking or the complex dance of discipline and societal norms, we leave no stone unturned. So, grab your headphones and get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions and insights, peppered with our signature humor and the occasional unexpected guest appearance.

  • Hey everyone, buckle up for a rollercoaster of topics this week! Listen in as we kick things off with a candid chat about the everyday battles with allergy season, the enigma of personal pains, and the daunting dance with medical insurance. Ever wondered how a Ford Raptor R measures up against a Jeep? We swapped rides and have some opinions to share, alongside a hearty dose of friendly roasting. But it's not all laughs; we're tackling some serious neighborhood concerns with rising crime rates and the ethics of bystander intervention. Plus, get our take on replaying video games – do they hold up on the second run?

    The conversation takes a turn into the home with thermostat tug-of-wars and the dynamics of household spending, especially when it's on your partner's dime. We'll have you questioning whether to crank up the AC or the heat. And if you're navigating the tricky waters of romantic gift-giving, you're not alone. We're dissecting the pressures of dating expenses, from the anticipation wrapped around big gestures to the value of those priceless little moments. As we pull back the curtain on Nickelodeon controversies, the lines between childhood nostalgia and uncomfortable realities blur, prompting a reflection on the industry's role in safeguarding young talents.

    Wrapping things up, we're hitting hard on current events and political maneuvers, from bridge collapses to the swirling predictions for an upcoming election that might just see no debates at all. What does this mean for the political climate and voter inclinations? Then, for a lighter touch, join us as we muse over the craft of comedy and the comedians who leave us in stitches – all while keeping an eye on the fine line they tread. So grab your headphones, and get ready for a whirlwind of laughter, debates, and insightful musings with us and our guest Joe, whose coolness you definitely won't want to miss.

  • If you've ever wondered about the bizarre feeling of waking up mid-surgery or the odds of getting a traffic ticket turned into a sweet exchange, then you're in for a treat. I'm joined by the ever-entertaining Joe Bop and Boopy as we crack open our personal medical stories, share an amusing run-in with Texas law, and reveal how my Sour Strips became the unlikely hero during a traffic stop. From the operating table to the open road, we're peeling back the curtain on experiences that'll have you rethinking your next doctor's visit and eyeing every state trooper with a hint of anticipation.

    Shifting gears, our conversation takes a turn towards the foundations of home—literally—as we delve into the triumphs and trials of constructing dream abodes from the ground up. Imagine the clash of a three-car garage versus your home gym aspirations, or the kitchen island debate that ends up as a hot topic over dinner. And it's not all bricks and beams; we're navigating the emotional landscape of childhood memories and how they influence our present choices. Whether you're a seasoned homeowner or just love a good blueprint banter, this segment is built with laughter and lessons in every corner.'

    But we don't stop there; we've got your tech and culture fix covered too, folks. From musing over a potential TikTok ban to discussing the mighty presence of tech giants, we're unpacking the heated debates that touch our digital lives. And for those who've ever faced a moral dilemma in a public restroom or wondered if the Cybertruck will redefine our roads, our candid chat is sure to resonate. So, get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the quirks of everyday life, the maze of modern living, and the electric future that awaits us. Strap on your headphones, because this isn't just any conversation—it's a journey through the hilarious, the mundane, and the utterly unexpected.

    Subscribe to Joe on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/JoeKnowsBest

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    Subscribe to Maxx on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/maxxchewning

  • As I sat down with my good friend David De La Marinas, known for his YouTube channel 'How to Beast', the conversation quickly turned into an enlightening exploration of the emotions and logistics of moving across continents. Between laughs and reflective moments, we cover the allure of Spain's rich culture against the undeniable pull of American convenience, touching upon David's own odyssey that saw him bouncing between Austin, Houston, and Spanish sunsets. From the cost of transatlantic moves to the deeper reasons behind choosing to settle down, this episode peels back the curtain on the personal side of international relocation, providing insights that extend beyond the logistical headaches to the heartstrings that guide our decisions.

    Navigating the waters of financial success and public perception can be as tricky as steering a ship through a storm. David and I don't shy away from discussing the intricacies of maintaining authenticity amidst growing wealth, debunking the myth that money changes everything, and highlighting how it can be a force for motivation and inspiration. We also wade into the modern dating scene, dissecting the impact of social media and cultural narratives on relationships, and sharing our criteria for finding that 'good girl' who can walk alongside us as we pursue our ambitions.

    Wrapping up this heart-to-heart, we turn the lens towards the future — the prospect of marriage, starting families, and how these milestones intertwine with our careers and personal aspirations. This episode is as much about the journey towards building a stable foundation as it is a celebration of the close bonds we share with our partners, and the importance of communication and balance in nurturing those relationships. For anyone standing at the crossroads of major life changes or simply seeking a deeper understanding of the ties that bind us, this conversation with David is a treasure trove of wisdom and camaraderie. Join us for a session that's as enriching as it is entertaining, and may just leave you reevaluating your own life's compass.

  • Join us for a riveting session where we pull back the curtain on the intricacies of leadership and entrepreneurship with the company of fitness moguls Russ and Shawdog. We shed light on the complexities of guiding a team beyond the realm of example-setting and into the trenches of active management. Listen in as we traverse the challenges of business ownership, from the tough decisions that shape the course of a company to the emotional toll it takes on those at the helm. We don't shy away from the candid confessions of our struggles, embracing the often solitary path of a CEO and the seismic shifts in career paths, like the pivot from gym ownership to the digital spotlight of influencing.

    This episode is also a heart-to-heart exchange, as we touch on personal matters ranging from health scares to the quirks of our friendships. Discover the lighter side of our dynamic as we banter about the peculiarities of personal hygiene preferences and navigate the social intricacies of modern dating. We emphasize the importance of mental well-being, sharing anecdotes that underscore the need for genuine connection beyond professional interactions. Plus, get ready for some playful debates that blur the lines between anime and cartoons, dissect the nuances of the superhero genre, and challenge the status quo of the music industry.

  • As I sat down with Heidi and Christian Guzman, the dynamic duo behind those leggings you can't live without, we didn't shy away from the gritty - politics, finances, and the delicate dance of maintaining joy amidst it all. We cracked open the playbook on their entrepreneurial hustle, from the scrumptious scrunch design secrets to the influence of political climates on their business and personal worlds. But it wasn't all shop talk - we veered into the personal territory too, musing over wedding bells, the journey to joint bank accounts, and the anticipation of honeymoon escapades that await.

    Fasten your seat belts because this episode isn't just about the snug fit of athleisure wear. We journey through the trials of fertility treatments and the candid conversations that couples face when dreaming up their future families. Let's not forget the blueprint for building a dream home post-nuptials, where the whispers of an orchard and a garden are as loud as the laughter of future children. I even peeled back the curtain on my personal experiences, from the lessons of homeschooling to the aspirations of shaping a community around our growing families.

    Closing the loop, we delve deep into the art of expansion - not just our waistlines from testing too many leggings, but our businesses and dreams. From laying the first stone of Alpha land to launching Sour Stirrups, we uncover the thrills and spills of evolving from fabric to flavors. Join us as Heidi and Christian hash out who indeed is the reigning monarch of leggings, and whether my new sign-off catchphrase will have you barking with laughter or tuning in for more.

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    Follow Heidi on IG https://www.instagram.com/buffbunny

    Follow Christian on IG https://www.instagram.com/christianguzmnanfitness

    Buffbunny Clothing https://www.buffbunny.com

    Alphalete Clothing - https://www.alphaleteathletics.com

  • Ever wonder how to thread the needle of hiring top talent without drowning them in tasks? Or what goes into the emotional journey of stepfatherhood? Grab a seat as Shawly Coker, and Joe join me for a no-holds-barred conversation on the twists and turns of business growth, the personal metamorphosis of parenting, and the tough love of investment strategies. We're sharing everything from the psychological thrills of long-term investing to the high-stakes game of real estate, and you're invited to eavesdrop on our candid musings.

    Strap in for an episode that bridges the gap between professional insights and personal confessions. As we unpack the eccentricities of navigating a hernia diagnosis with humor, we also take a deep dive into the world of cryptocurrency - without the usual jargon. Join us for a robust debate on the ethics of animal captivity and the thrill of Formula 1, peppered with anecdotes that'll have you questioning the role of technology in your life, all while contemplating the security of a safe room or the weight of firearm responsibility.

    We're wrapping things up with a heartfelt look at the complexities surrounding modern relationships, the evolving notions of wedding celebrations, and the tough decisions about destination nuptials. Whether you're curious about the financial implications of saying "I do" afar or simply need a fresh perspective on your morning routine, this episode's got you covered. It's life, unfiltered, through the eyes of four guys who aren't afraid to get real about the rollercoaster ride. So, kick back, hit play, and let's get this conversation started.

    Subscribe to Joe on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/JoeKnowsBest

    Follow Shawley on IG https://www.instagram.com/shawleycoker

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

  • Join us on "Don't Be Sour" as Joe leads the charge in a series of candid conversations that traverse a landscape of life's eclectic moments. From the surreal experience of modeling in a wedding photoshoot at my co-host's future marital venue to contemplating the return of the Apple Vision Pro headset, we share insights and personal anecdotes that span the spectrum of our daily lives. Listen in as we debate the merits of gaming on Macs, ponder the political complexities at the Texas border, and consider the impact of technology on global power struggles and the future of AI-generated content.

    Step into our world where we explore the intersection of personal aspirations and the practicalities of modern living. Discover the joys and challenges of building a dream house, complete with musings on ideal features and a dash of zombie apocalypse survival planning. We share the intimate journey toward creating a family home and the importance of maintaining good credit along the way. Furthermore, we navigate the sometimes perplexing realm of personal finance, investment insights, and the nuances of happiness in relation to money. Each story and discussion is a piece of the larger mosaic of our experiences.

    In the midst of unpacking these diverse topics, we also take a moment to critique modern music trends and reflect on the enduring social and political issues in South Africa. The importance of honest critique in friendship and navigating the delicate balance of relationships and politics are also at the forefront of our exchange. Tune in as we dissect the intricacies of credit management, the controversial practices of dealerships charging over MSRP, and share financial strategies that may just give you an edge. So grab your favorite energy drink and settle in for a series of engaging dialogues that promise to entertain, inform, and perhaps even inspire.

    Subscribe to Joe on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/JoeKnowsBest

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    Subscribe to Maxx on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/maxxchewning

  • Coming at you with another episode of 'Don't Be Sour' where Joe and I leave no stone unturned – from the comedic tale of my latest eyewear escapade to the nitty-gritty of navigating the tech and political world. Recently, a politician's club antics had us pondering the secret lives of public figures, while my dog's antics took a more... aromatic turn. We also hit up the tech sphere, mulling over Apple's shiny new VR headset and its implications for the future, because let's face it, who isn't intrigued by the chance to catch a virtual football?

    This time around, we cracked open the complexities of modern dating – think of it as a conversation over drinks minus the awkward pickup lines. We shared some real gems on our own love stories and the changing landscape of relationships. It wasn't all hearts and flowers, though; we peeled back the layers on job market struggles and the raw reality of tech industry layoffs, proving that sometimes, the sour bits of life add the most flavor.

    To cap it off, we ventured into the delicate dance of financial planning, tossing around investment strategies and the looming question of when to trade saving for investing. No session is complete without a dose of humor, so I had to spill about my impromptu horse purchase – because why not add a little equestrian flair to the investment talk? So, lace up for a run through our latest musings and maybe, just maybe, you'll find yourself laughing, nodding, or even face-palming along with us.

    Subscribe to Joe on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/JoeKnowsBest

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    Subscribe to Maxx on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/maxxchewning

  • Ever wondered how life's milestones, like impending nuptials and aging, can shift your perspective on everything from late-night antics to merging bank accounts? Join us as we share our personal triumphs and trials, from assessing our bodies' decreasing tolerance for post-game celebrations to navigating the complexities of financial harmony with our future spouses. We're not holding back – it's a candid conversation about the realities of life changes and how they make us rethink our choices, both in revelry and in romance.

    The entrepreneurial journey is no walk in the park, and we open up about the sweat and strategy that goes into building a clothing brand and YouTube empire. We'll take you through the evolution of our business tactics, from inventory juggling to design innovation, and the fine line between staying on brand and keeping things fresh. Plus, we're dishing out the truth about the pressure of growth versus the pursuit of profit and how we keep our creative integrity intact amidst audience anticipation.

    Strap in for a discussion on the luxurious side of success – from the fleeting thrill of supercars to the calculated splurge on first-class travel. We confront the realities of making social media a full-time income and the adaptability it demands. Navigating the nuances of content creation, we give you an inside look at the importance of staying relatable even as success scales, and how we're mentoring the next wave of creators. Tune in for a full panorama of highs, lows, and the relentless drive that keeps us at the pinnacle of our game.

    Subscribe to Christian on YouTube - @guzmanchristian

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    Subscribe to Maxx on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/maxxchewning

    #business #christianguzman #alphalete

  • On this very special episode, which falls on the 19th anniversary of the passing of their father, the Chewning brothers reconnect on the to talk about improving your health, finding love, having kids, marriage to the importance of family.

    ➜ Follow Chase on Instagram http://www.Instagram.com/chase_chewning

    ➜ All of Chase's businesses - https://chasechewning.com/

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    #maxxchewning #brothers #chasechewning

  • Christian Guzman is BACK on today's episode to discuss what has been going on since our last discussion. Learn about why his project "Odilia" has been paused indefinitely, the current status on his romantic destination wedding with Heidi Somers, his goals for 2024 as well as his journey of self improvement when it comes to his hair, health and body.

    Listen to all of this and more on today's episode of DON'T BE SOUR!

    Subscribe to Christian on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@guzmanchristian

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    Subscribe to Maxx on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/maxxchewning

    #hairloss #christianguzman #alphalete

  • On today's episode, we have special guest Ryan Ankrom joining the boys to discuss a range of wild topics. They dive in the recent updates on Epstein Island and why these billionaires were going there, the concept of getting tattoos, dumb things you did as a kid, the cool factor of vaping and smoking cigarettes, as well as why nobody is joining the military.

    Listen to all of this and more on DON'T BE SOUR!

    Ryan's Business - https://www.theanabar.com

    Subscribe to Joe on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/JoeKnowsBest

    Follow Maxx on IG https://www.instagram.com/maxxchewning

    Subscribe to Maxx on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/maxxchewning

    #Epstein #tattoos #military