
  • At 16, Corey Keyes seemed to be thriving after a brutal childhood. He excelled in school, played quarterback on the football team, and lived with his loving grandmother in Wisconsin, USA. However, as he writes in his book, Languishing: How To Feel Alive Again in a World That Wears Us Down, he felt a "restless emptiness" whenever he slowed down. Determined to understand this feeling, he became a sociologist.

    Corey explains that languishing is a normal reaction to life's challenges but can become debilitating if not addressed. He describes it as “the absence of wellbeing…the absence of the really good things that make life meaningful and worth living.” He goes on to explain that “We all languish in a slightly different way. You may feel you don’t have purpose in life. You don’t belong. You’re not contributing. You don’t have warm relationships. You’re not growing as a person.”

    Dr. Keyes identifies 11 qualities essential for well-being, including social and psychological aspects. The discussion delves into how mental illness impacts functioning and the importance of preparing for adversity. Corey highlights the significance of mental health preparation, emphasizing the need for social support.

    Corey and Fiona discuss importance of social support in healthcare, encouraging professionals to acknowledge and appreciate their colleagues. They also discuss trust in high-performing teams, offering strategies like daily check-ins to build trust and openness. The conversation addresses languishing and ghosting in the workplace, stressing the need for consistent communication and connection.

  • Jordana is full of energy, a joy to listen to and as one might expect of a Yale Law School grad she really "Knows her stuff". She's also brutally honest explaining her own struggles through a seemingly ideal life of high achievement and how much of her perfectionism stems from a mother who herself "was a ruthless perfectionist, and she tried to perfect me."

    Jordana and Fiona also discuss the critical role of trust and vulnerability in effective mentoring and more importantly in simply being human - highlighting how these qualities are often overlooked, especially by professions where they are most needed. They debunk the idea that success requires sacrificing well-being, revealing instead that well-being fuels success. Jordana explains that positive psychology involves acknowledging negative emotions to fully experience positive ones, helping to explain the key differences between positive psychology and toxic positivity. She also explains that acknowledging negative emotions is crucial to fully experience positive ones. They also discuss the impact of positive emotions and how they enhance cognitive function, creativity, and resilience.

    Jordana is a certified positive psychology coach and the founder of JC Coaching & Consulting. She helps lawyers, doctors, and other high achievers transform their lives for the better.

    To connect with Jordana go to:


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  • Gelmi and Fiona begin the conversation with an exploration of personality development for leaders and leveraging psychometrics as a tool to uncover innate qualities and potential. Gelmi uses the analogy of nurturing plants to illustrate how individuals can flourish given the right conditions. He also emphasizes the importance of mentoring, self-reflection, and creating safe environments where people feel valued and heard, in order to drive high-performance teams.

    The discussion examines the significance of perspective, empathy, and emotional intelligence in leadership and workplace culture. Gelmi stresses the need for consistent modelling of desired behaviours by leaders to effect change across workplace cultures. He encourages embracing human emotions rather than shying away from them, highlighting the role of authenticity, self-awareness, and effective communication in fostering trust and openness.

    Throughout the episode, Gelmi provides practical advice and thought-provoking insights, offering listeners a roadmap for personal and professional development in today's dynamic world.

    Gelmi’s website is a great resource for anyone wanting to explore this topic further. You can find it at:


    And to find Thomas on Linkedin go to:


  • During the podcast Alex shares her inspiring journey and the inception of the foundation. Coming from a family with a deep love of sports, Alex's early exposure to hockey instilled in her a profound love for the game. She embarked on her own sporting journey with a fervent desire to represent England in hockey. Supported by her family, coaches, and teachers, Alex pursued her dream with unwavering determination. However, her path took an unexpected turn when she faced rejection at the under-16 England trials. This setback deeply affected Alex, leading to a struggle with her mental health as she grappled with the loss of her identity as a hockey player. Reflecting on her experience, Alex realized the need for young athletes to have a holistic relationship with sports, one that goes beyond performance on the field. She recognized that while sports play a significant role in shaping individuals, they are just one aspect of a person's identity. Fueled by a desire to support young people facing similar challenges to herself, Alex founded The Mindtridge Foundation.

    The foundation aims to help young individuals develop positive relationships with sports by harnessing the power of positive role models, including Olympians and Paralympians and providing young people with the guidance needed to navigate the world of sports while maintaining a strong sense of self-worth and identity. Her vision is to ensure that no young person experiences the isolation and struggle she faced, but instead finds fulfillment and empowerment through sports in any capacity. So far the charity has helped 88,000 young people. Concluding the episode, Alex and Fiona share their shared vision for empowering youth and overcoming obstacles through preparation, determination, and a commitment to fostering inclusive and supportive environments within the sports industry.

    Fiona is lucky enough to be one of the Mintridge Squad – part of the team supporting the amazing work that Alex and the charity are doing for young people.

    To learn more about Mintridge or to donate to this worthwhile charity please go to:


  • Zoiey is a trailblazing inclusion activist who has made significant contributions to the world of sports. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, she has worked her way up from being an athlete to becoming a highly respected inclusion consultant. In 2017, Grazia magazine recognized her as one of the top Black British influential figures in the UK.

    Zoeiy's journey is one of unwavering determination and resilience. She shares insightful anecdotes and personal experiences, highlighting the importance of embracing one's identity and advocating for inclusivity in sports and beyond.

    Throughout the episode, Zoeiy also reflects on the challenges she's faced, from childhood encounters with racism to navigating gender biases in the sports industry. Her candid insights shed light on the importance of creating inclusive spaces and challenging societal norms. Zoeiy's dedication to promoting diversity and inclusivity, her impact on the industry is undeniable.

    For more from Zoeiy you can find her at:


    To find out more about Oka and how we can help to improve DEI within your work place go to:


  • Through her work with bloss.m, Lola is breaking barriers for underrepresented groups in the workplace and addressing systemic obstacles to success. She emphasizes the importance of mentorship, personal growth, and self-awareness in achieving long-term goals.

    Join us as we explore Lola's impactful journey, her commitment to empowering women and girls, and the transformative power of mentorship and self-reflection. Lola radiates warmth and inspiration, illuminating every room she enters or, in this case, every airwave she graces. With her fearless approach to life's journey, she charts paths less traveled, guiding others along the way and encouraging others to discover their true potential. We can all learn from Lola's insights and be inspired to make a difference in our own life and the lives of others.

    For more from Lola go to https://www.linkedin.com/in/lolaolaore/

  • In this episode we discuss the complexity of taking care of yourself and a newborn, and explore the unique challenges and experiences that come with motherhood. As Garrett shares her own experiences, she also delves into the products that made a difference in her life and how she and her family decided to create a company to provide solutions for other moms. Garrett shares that “The early stages of postpartum life redefined the word “comfort” for me and now I'm on a mission to help others get cozy while doing the hard things including but not limited to parenting, birthing and business building.”

    She also touches upon the need for support and understanding in those critical moments, emphasizing the role of men as allies in this journey. This is something that we’re all too aware of at Oka, as well as matching women to mentors who have been through similar experiences (like for example returning to work after having a baby) we guide the allies (e.g. male colleagues, partners) in how to provide the best support while also looking after themselves.

    Prior to kozēkozē and motherhood, Garrett wrote and published a novel based-on-true events from her own life called, "Dare To Move." She also hosts the kozēkozē podcast where we bring in experts doing the hard things, like birth and business, to share their vulnerable stories on business and self-development.

    Garrett’s first career was in real estate development and she helped with the US rollout of Caffè Nero. Her love of fitness guided her to teach at Shred415 in Chicago and also Barry’s Bootcamp in Boston for 7 years.

    Join us for this insightful episode as we explore the challenges and opportunities that come with motherhood, entrepreneurship and personal growth.

    To find Garrett’s products go to:


    To sign up to Oka where we can help you back on your journey to fulfilling your potential in a way that fits or to support another woman through your own experience please sign up to


  • In our conversation, we delve into the essence of Michelle’s beliefs, emphasizing the importance of seeking support when needed and shattering the stereotype that Olympians must always be infallible. At the heart of our discussion is the recognition of the 'whole person' behind every champion. Michelle's perspective is firmly rooted in the value of hard work, as she aptly puts it, "You might be a natural at languages, math, or even athletics, but beneath it all, there's still a need to put in the effort."

    And she also acknowledges that her own story and the stories of countless other successes go far beyond mere talent and effort. Embracing vulnerability and reaching out for help when necessary is, as she believes, a hallmark of strength. She articulates this beautifully by saying, "Being strong, in my very humble opinion, is accepting the need to raise your hand and say to those closest to you, 'I need support today.'" In her own words, she humbly states, "I'm not just an Olympic medalist; I am a girl who dared to dream." Daring to dream and unwavering tenacity are the driving forces that carry champions through the toughest times, "when it's hard, when you're injured, when you stumble, when you feel you can't go on."

    Michelle also encourages each of us to discover our unique sources of joy and pursue them with unwavering determination. She shares her own daily life as an example of what this entails.

    This episode is a genuine wellspring of inspiration, featuring a truly remarkable woman.

    To find Michelle go to:


    To join the Oka waitlist and find a mentor or coach to support you on your journey go to


  • In our discussion, we delve into how social media affects adolescent well-being across diverse societies and demographics. With his background in social work, Sebastian sheds light on the intricate interplay between individual differences and societal context, offering a holistic perspective on this complex issue.

    We explore the nuanced impact of social media on adolescent mental health. While research indicates a small negative impact on average, we delve into the vulnerabilities that adolescents face during the transition from childhood to adulthood, when social media's influence can be most pronounced. The discussion extends to how social media affects children's development, and we emphasize the need for empirical data to hold social media platforms accountable for hosting abusive content.

    Social media regulation is a hot topic, and we explore the challenges it presents. Sebastian highlights the importance of thoughtful policy changes and societal action, especially in the global South, to address issues beyond individual control.

    Workplace pressure is another pressing issue. We examine how excessive pressure can erode trust and lead to mental health strain among healthcare workers, especially in child protection services which has a broader knock on impact.

    To sign up to the Oka mentoring app follow this link: https://oka.life/waitlistpage

  • Discover practical strategies to savour every step of your personal and professional growth, no matter how big or small so that you end your working life with no regrets. Whether you're leading a global corporation or tending to your garden.

    "A series of studies have shown this….when you ask people at the end of their working lives to look back, 'What are the main regrets or lessons or advice that you would have for others?' And three things emerge, typically, and are really quite significantly ahead of all the other kinds of regrets."

    Embracing Risk: "I wish I'd taken more risk in my life, more risk in doing what I really wanted to do, more risk in relationships.”Enjoying the Journey: "I wish, instead of just going down tramlines on autopilot, I'd ask myself, am I enjoying this journey? Am I really being satisfied here?"Legacy and Fulfilment: "I wish I'd thought about the legacy I was going to leave behind."

    Mentorship as a Catalyst: But here's the most exciting part for me. When it comes to embracing risk and crafting your legacy, mentorship is a powerful and positive way to achieve both. Mentors guide you in taking those leaps of faith, and they inspire you to envision the lasting impact you can create. And being a mentor also allows you to enjoy your own journey more and ensure that you’re passing on your learning and legacy to the next generation. Join the Oka waitlist to be part of our psychologically backed mentoring.


    Gurnek Bains was born in Bhangal, a relatively poor village in the north of India. Although his parents and three sisters slept in one room with no electric lighting, Gurnek’s father grew up believing that they shouldn’t be as poor as they were. He dedicated himself to bettering his family’s life chances and became school principle at the age of 32. When he and the rest of Gurnek’s family eventually moved to the UK, he worked multiple jobs and always encouraged his children to learn.

    Watching his parents make huge sacrifices, Gurnek developed what he described as a huge “compensatory drive”. He managed to make it into grammar school and after many years of hard work went on to earn a PhD in social psychology at Oxford University.

    While he first practised as a clinical psychologist, it wasn’t long until Gurnek moved into business psychology and set up Britain’s first consultancy dedicated to harnessing the power of psychology, YSC. Two decades later he and his colleagues had built YSC from a company of two to employing over 250 people in over 25 offices around the world, and were working with over half the FTSE 100. His company became known as one of the best for driving performance, improving cultures and unleashing the power of potential at work. To be “YSC’ed” became a familiar verb in business circles around the world.

    Gurnek has always been interested in how psychology can serve society as well as business. While he continues his consulting work at his smaller boutique firm, Global Future, he also leads its sister think tank NOUS and works privately with a number of senior political figures. He has written two books; ‘Meaning Inc.’, which explores how to build meaning and purpose into work, and ‘Cultural DNA’, a book dedicated to helping people empathise with different cultures. He also regularly contributes as a writer and commentator to Psychology Today.

    Gurnek is hugely grateful to the UK for the opportunities it has given him, and feels a strong need to give something back. Over recent years he has become dedicated to helping people understand how we can navigate the turbulence of modern society with purpose and investment, with our mental wellbeing intact and ultimately, with optimism.

  • In this episode, we embark on Andrew's incredible journey into the world of social media and sports. From the fast-paced business of sports streaming to the art of storytelling in the realm of Major League Baseball, we uncover the secrets of connecting with diverse audiences.

    But that's not all. We delve into the transition from professional athlete to entrepreneur and explore personal development gems. Andrew shares insights on finding the right job, the ever-evolving journey of self-awareness, and the power of learning from mistakes.

    Join us for a thought-provoking conversation that promises valuable takeaways for your own journey.

    To find out more about progressing your personal growth with the help of a mentor or to be a mentor find us at Oka Life.

  • Schneider’s journey will resonate particularly with those navigating the entrepreneurial realm, where challenges and triumphs often intertwine. Refreshingly Schneider challenges the conventional mindset that success breeds happiness, advocating for a shift from "Have, Do, Be" to "Be, Do, Have." finding contentment within, propelling purposeful actions, and allowing rewards to naturally follow.

    Schneider describes how with age, the entrepreneurial journey becomes a dance with escalating stakes. He highlights the crucial interplay between challenges and mental well-being and underscores the power of faith, whether in oneself or the universe, as a resilient foundation against life's uncertainties.

    In the pursuit of success, Schneider spotlights the significance of valuing relationships. He counters the corrosive nature of comparison, advocating for a focus on authentic impact and in finding solace in outward focus. By extending kindness and support to others, he has experienced personal growth. While he acknowledges personal milestones he also underscores the profound fulfilment derived from aiding others on their journeys.

    Mentorship also emerges as a guiding light in Schneider's narrative. Learning from those who've trodden similar paths mitigates avoidable missteps. He emphasizes the transformational power of translating mentorship into actionable steps.

  • Esme Verity supports founders, those who are 'Zebras'. The insights she shares throw light on to a world which favours a cookie cutter approach to success, even within the area of start-ups where our expectation may be different. Fiona explores Esme’s journey and the interesting experience she’s gained on “building a business that doesn't fit into this mainstream mould that we now have, a sort of Silicon Valley mould.” Why by investors looking only for businesses that offer a 10x return on investment leads to so many startups that are critical to the world being disregarded and left struggling to survive.

    Esme ran an antique jewellery business from the age of 18 and throughout university. When she left, she sought funding to help grow that business, and that’s when she was thrown into the world of Venture Capital. The VC world is very much focussed on finding the next unicorn business, something that’s going to grow incredibly big, very quickly. But Esme explains how she thinks that this reflects ‘a very limited definition of ambition’ and just ‘because you don't want to build a huge giant business doesn't make you not ambitious, it just means that you want something different.’ Wanting to do things differently and support the diversity of people within the start-up world, not just the unicorns, Esme has been on a mission ever since to advance her understanding of alternative approaches to growing a business that’s sustainable and to share that knowledge with others.

    Esme teaches about alternative funding and has worked with hundreds of purpose-driven start-ups, non-profits and governments to help democratise access to alternative funding sources. Prior to founding Considered Capital, she was Director of Chapters at Zebras Unite, an international and intersectional hybrid cooperative dedicated to creating new financial instruments for the next economy. Esme is an active angel investor and was named one of the Top 100 Women in Social Enterprise by Pioneers Post. Esme is the founder of Considered Capital, a platform for start-ups and organisations seeking alternative funding. Considered Capital simplifies and speeds up the journey to finding and accessing the right funding fit through courses, community and content.

    To find Esme go to Linkedin or her website Considered Capital

    For Zebras Unite click here

    For more from Fiona and her startup Oka click here.

  • Bhavin Visavadia is a senior and experienced Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and Clinical Leader. He is a surgical educator teaching around the world and was a member of Council of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS). He was also Chairman of the Consultants and Specialists Group here. Bhavin has the position of Regional Director for London (NW) at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He is also President of the Oral Surgery Club of Great Britain

    Bhavin qualified in medicine and dentistry at King’s College London and undertook his specialist surgical training at Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead, Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford and Guy’s and King’s College Hospitals, London. Bhavin is highly committed to surgical training supporting mentoring and pro-actively engaging with the development of surgeons, doctors, nurses and dentists.

    For more on opportunities to get involved in mentoring or to be mentored go to:


    For more from Fiona go to:


  • Hannah has observed the pop-culture messaging of "love yourself”, “reduce stress”, “avoid burnout”, “safe spaces”, “take it easy”, and “hack culture". All of which are promoted with good intentions. However, Hannah is passionate that these messages lead to adverse outcomes.

    Because of her diverse experience and when looking through the prism of a female soldier (or those taking on demanding physical challenges) Hannah promotes tremendous success by doing the opposite.

    Hannah is on a mission (pun intended) to convince people to seek out discomfort, to take a leap of faith when feeling overwhelmed by emotions and continually action their goals. Hannah’s simple strategies and lived experience can cut through some noise, helping all walks of life!

    Hannah's Bio:

    At the tender age of 18, Hannah joined the army and has served for 12 years, including two operational tours in Afghanistan. During this time,Hannahhas lived in Germany, worked for NATO, and was also privileged to serve the late Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on ceremonial duties, including Garden Parties, Diplomatic Receptions, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s wedding and the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh funeral.Hannah's versatility extends beyond military service. She is also a skilled ski instructor and has participated in various adventure training activities, including parachuting and a military competition where she carried 40 pounds of weight over 40 miles. Also, Hannah placed 2nd in her age and gender group in the military section of an Ironman competition.

    Her passion for personal growth and resilience has led her to establish Simple as Hannah, where she hopes to help individuals enhance their health and well-being, build their stress tolerance, and reach their full through regular exposure to discomfort with simple and actionable protocols to help along the way. With her unique combination of military discipline and physical challenges,Hannah is well-equipped to guide others on their journey of self-discovery and growth.

    For more about Hannah please go to:


    For more from Fiona go to:


  • Giles is an award-winning author, podcaster and screenwriter. Giles' first novel for adults One Hundred and Fifty-Two Days come out in March 2020. Author of several books for children and two adult novels, with a third on the way. His book One Hundred and Fifty-Two Days has been adapted by Giles and Elizabeth Morris for Arclight Films and Future Artists Entertainment. Giles is the writer of six short films for Little Angel Theatre. Giles’ children’s books include The Fearsome Beastie, winner of The People's Book Prize 2012, Heart of Hawick Children's Book Award 2013, Bizziebaby Gold Award, The US Forward National Literary Award and Shortlisted for The Rotherham Children's Book Award 2012. Tamara Small and the Monsters' Ball is shortlisted for The People's Book Prize 2013. He has written several picture books, including Things You Never Knew About Dinosaurs, Princess Stay Awake and a collection of nonsense poetry.

    Giles' is co-host and producer of the award-nominated Blank Podcast and regularly writes for Aquila Magazine. He’s also co-host of the ‘A Little Bit of Positive’ podcast with Julia Bradbury and co-host of ‘Things I forgot were good for me’ with Dr Radha Modgil.

    Giles lives with his wife and two sons in East Sussex

    To pledge for Gile’s next book go to:


    To connect with Giles on Twitter go to:


    For more from Fiona go to:


  • So while Sophie’s subjects are animals, her ability to watch people and question why people are doing what they're doing, whether they're doing what they should be doing, or think they should be doing, or whether they're actually being kind of authentic to themselves must have influenced her ability to so accurately reflect not just the image of the animals but the emotion that comes with that. As she says herself:

    “It is impossible to admire the beauty of the natural world without also reflecting on its vulnerability.”

    Sophie has dedicated her time and artistic work to raising awareness for issues surrounding animal welfare and the environment. Her art is magical, emotive and so realistic that it’s hard to believe it’s not a photograph stepping out of the canvas toward you. Sophie says:

    Throughout her career as a fine artist and since founding the online gallery and art store, Art Basket, Sophie has donated 10% of her profits to wildlife & conservation charities and has worked closely with foundations such as IFAW, The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation and Explorers Against Extinction to help to make a difference.

    In 2021, Sophie was awarded the ‘medal of excellence’ by the Artists for Conservation foundation for her outstanding work in the wildlife & conservation sphere. Sophie was also the winner of the Leisure Painter People's Choice Award 2020 and 2021, runner-up in the BBC Wildlife Magazine People’s Choice and was deemed ‘highly commended’ in prizes such as the Wildlife Artist of the Year competition, the Sketch for Survival Award and the Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize. In 2021, Sophie was selected to be one of 20 Artists to exhibit at COP26 in the Blue zone.

    To see some of Sophie’s brilliant work go to:


    For more from me go to
