by Paul F.J. Arañas
podcast for PLS 363 at Akita International University
image credit: "Busan, South Korea" by GilloD is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
music credit: Cycling Through Ikebukuro by Koen Park is licensed under a Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
The logic of personal, philosophical and political freedom.
The establishment media is doing everything possible to make sure you do not hear some of the most important voices out there on medicine, science, politics, business, media, and so much more. But at Conversations That Matter, host Alex Newman interviews key people with important information to share that they don’t want you to hear–information that might save your life and family, literally, as well as your liberty.
Once per week, Hillsdale College president Larry P. Arnn joins Hugh Hewitt to discuss Great Books, Great Men, and Great Ideas.
Subscribe via Apple Podcasts.
A Correction is an economics podcast that seeks to demystify the economy and make economics accessible.
The official podcast for Judicial Watch--a conservative, non-partisan educational foundation promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law. Through our educational endeavors, we advocate high standards of ethics and morality in our nation’s public life and seeks to ensure that political and judicial officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people. Judicial Watch fulfills its educational mission through litigation, investigations, and public outreach--because NO ONE is above the law!
In Search of Black Power challenges conventional narratives around Black policy, Black movements, and Black Life. We focus on creating a new language to discuss the issues presenting Black America, with a focus on independent institutional building and seeing Black folks as the solutions to our own problems.
Big Brother, the New World Order, and the One World Religion have prepared to track you NOW ... and your every important move, personal and business. RFID chips will contain a unique number, known as the EPC (Electronic Product Code) and will soon replace the present bar code UPC numbering system. A great seaport city will be destroyed that will be a center of Muslim economy and Islamic ideology! Exact details by Prince Handley. What to look for and how to prepare for the end.
For more than 15 years, the Fordham Institute has been hosting a weekly podcast, The Education Gadfly Show. Each week, you’ll get lively, entertaining discussions of recent education news, usually featuring Fordham’s Mike Petrilli and David Griffith. Then the wise Amber Northern will recap a recent research study. For questions or comments on the podcast, contact its producer, Stephanie Distler, at [email protected].
Pastor Jack's desire is to see your relationship with Christ deepen and your effectiveness for His purposes maximized. His bold preaching will encourage and challenge you to walk with Jesus.
In the run-up to the Dutch Parliamentary Elections of 17 March 2021, two political nerds armed with nothing but their microphones guide you through everything you need to know about the politics that make the Netherlands tick.
Prepper News and Survival Tips. A podcast about survival skills, prepping, preparedness and politics. This is not your typical basic prepping podcast. We dive onto a wide range of topics like current events, politics, technology and anything else that helps us stay prepared for whatever challenges life might throw at us.
To bring about less government, more responsibility, and with God's help a better world.
Dis na Ogbonge pidgin talk talk show wey we dey host ontop podcast to talk about plenty things wey dey affect us as a people and our community. The hosts for dis talk talk show na two brothers, Femi and Maazi.
Hosted by writer Emma Atkinson, RadioEd is a triweekly podcast created by the DU Newsroom that taps into the University of Denver’s deep pool of bright brains to explore the most compelling and interesting research coming out of DU.
In this unique civics podcast, discover how the principles of George Washington's Farewell Address (patriotism, civility, faith, education, national unity, and fiscal responsibility) apply to today! With a focus on American political institutions and policymaking, hear fascinating stories and discussions that any America-loving listener can enjoy!
This non-partisan podcast is a remarkable mix of solo shows, interviews and special guests that gives you a great boost of freedom! New episodes on the first two Mondays of each month! -
Interdisciplinary conversations about new works in the broad world of business research.
Quite Frankly is a podcast about the the University of Pennsylvania, its students, higher education and Philadelphia. Each episode examines a specific topic in depth, highlighting first-hand student perspectives, administrative input and commentary from experts. Whether you’re a student, professor, alumnus, administrator, parent, or Philadelphian, tune in. Quite Frankly is presented by the Daily Pennsylvanian, Penn’s independent, student-run newspaper.