
  • Draft Mechanic Episode #124: Return of the Randowriters

    Roll ‘em! It’s time for another round-up of Randowriters, still the hottest craze in lil’ games with pencils, pens, dice and cards. We’ve got four of ‘em (one is an app). Oh, and just in case you don’t want to be random, we’re also talking about the new word deduction game Decipher. Plus a few Kickstarter notes, Danielle talks about some data gathered from the Untappd “At Home” venue, and our community chimes in on games that were a pleasant surprise. Thank you again for listening, we hope you enjoy today’s episode!

    00:45 Show Intro, News & Updates

    02:20 Kickstarter Updates

    02:46 Kickstarter: As You ‘Wich

    05:25 Kickstarter: Coven Creatures

    06:58 Recent Plays: Decipher

    17:50 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    18:53 Randowriters: Cartographers App

    26:19 Randowriters: Silver & Gold

    35:47 Randowriters: On Tour (Second Edition)

    46:48 Randowriters: Corinth

    62:28 On Tap: Corinth

    66:36 Untappd At Home

    76:15 Final Round: Pleasant Surprises

    81:28 Next Final Round & Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of several designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #123: Bargain Quest

    I sure hope you like value! In this episode of Draft Mechanic, you get not just ONE game in the feature segment, but ONE and a half! An expansion too! That’s such a steal! But don’t steal Bargain Quest. But if you want to steal, your dexterity is probably high? Right? Is that a good segue to three games that have dexterity or physical mechanics? I don’t know. But we talk about CTRL, Megacity Oceania, and Flash 8. And, as an added value, Danielle’s going to tell you about Sorachi Ace hops! WHAT A DEAL.

    00:45 Show Intro, News & Updates

    02:54 Kickstarter Updates

    03:30 Kickstarter: Endangered: New Species

    08:07 Recent Plays: CTRL

    19:37 Recent Plays: Megacity: Oceania

    33:39 Recent Plays: Flash 8

    46:22 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    47:05 Six Pack Review: Bargain Quest

    48:43 Bargain Quest: Gameplay Overview

    55:51 Bargain Quest: Discussion

    86:46 Bargain Quest: Final Thoughts

    88:21 On Tap: Bargain Quest

    93:52 Hop Primer: Sorachi Ace

    104:20 Next Final Round & Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of several designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


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  • Draft Mechanic Episode #122: Hats, Chai, Traintopia, Arkadia, Sabro hops

    Hope you’re thirsty, because it’s tea time! We’re maneuvering hat cards in teams or individually in Hats, we’re opening our own tea shops in Chai, and… ok, that’s where the tea metaphors run dry. In other recent plays, we go back to 2006 for Arkadia and back current for Traintopia, and Danielle talks about Sabro hops, one of the trendiest hops going in the biz today. Ok, so there’s not really an overarching theme for this episode. Let that one simmer for a bit.

    00:45 Show Intro, News & Updates

    02:50 Ashes Reborn

    05:49 Wolfgang Warsch’s New Expansions

    09:17 Kickstarter Updates

    10:23 Kickstarter: Lunar Base

    15:55 Recent Plays: Arkadia

    28:38 Recent Plays: Traintopia

    45:27 Recent Plays: Chai

    65:13 On Tap: Chai

    70:48 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    71:31 Six Pack Review: Hats

    72:02 Hats: Gameplay Overview

    79:38 Hats: Discussion

    95:16 Hop Primer: Sabro

    100:38 Closing Remarks & Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of several designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #121: High Rise; Roar & Write; Stay Cool; Carcassonne: Wheel of Fortune; Black is Beautiful beer initiative

    Your eyes don’t deceive you, it is for sure a new episode of Draft Mechanic! Thanks so much for sticking with us, and we’re glad to bring you a feature review of High Rise, the latest from Gil Hova’s Formal Ferret Games. In recent plays, we roll, we write, we roar, we stay cool, and we move a wooden pig around a wheel. We hope you’re doing ok out there in podcast land, and thank you for welcoming us back into your ears for another round!

    00:45 Show Intro, News & Updates

    03:39 Kickstarter: The Fuzzies

    11:26 Recent Plays: Roar & Write

    24:40 Recent Plays: Carcassonne: Wheel of Fortune

    34:56 Recent Plays: Stay Cool!

    43:55 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    44:41 Six Pack Review: High Rise

    45:54 High Rise: Gameplay Overview (and some discussion)

    56:10 High Rise: Discussion

    88:03 High Rise: Final Thoughts

    91:48 On Tap: High Rise

    98:07 Black is Beautiful beer initiative

    105:02 Closing Remarks & Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of several designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #120: Mystery House; CYOA: House of Danger; Captive; Crusoe Crew; Summit Hops

    #stayhome and play some of these mysterious games about houses! It wasn’t intentional, we swear. Mystery House, CYOA: House of Danger and Captive all take place in houses. And the Crusoe Crew - well, it starts at home, so that qualifies too. Seriously though, we hope you’re doing well out there in podcast listener land. Stay healthy & wash your hands!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    04:06 News: Golden Geek Awards voting is live

    06:40 News: tabletop.events needs your help!

    09:52 Kickstarter Updates

    11:06 Kickstarter: Planet Unknown

    17:29 Recent Plays: Graphic Novel Adventures “Captive”

    34:57 Recent Plays: The Crusoe Crew

    45:22 Recent Plays: CYOA: House of Danger

    59:55 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    61:00 Six Pack Review: Mystery House

    61:32 Mystery House: Gameplay Overview

    67:11 Mystery House: Discussion

    89:20 Mystery House: Final Thoughts

    91:50 On Tap: Mystery House

    96:17 Hop Primer: Summit Hops

    103:40 Final Round: Convention-going with your SO

    110:39 Next Final Round Topic

    112:04 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #119: In the Hall of the Mountain King, Lions of Lydia KS preview, Zoned Out, Felix the Cat in the Sack, Mosaic Hops, House Rules

    Hello again! In this new era of staying at home, why not make that home in a mountain? We’re excavating a mountain cave in our feature review today with In the Hall of the Mountain King. It’s the formation of economy in Lions of Lydia, building a city in Zoned Out, and Felix the Cat in the Sack is also in this sentence. No pun there, sorry. Danielle discusses Mosaic hops, and Jake asked the slack about House Rules back when we were allowed out of our houses. Wash your hands and stay home.

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    09:21 Kickstarter Updates

    10:42 Kickstarter: Lions of Lydia

    11:40 Kickstarter Preview: Lions of Lydia

    28:50 Recent Plays: Zoned Out!

    51:37 Recent Plays: Felix the Cat in the Sack

    60:38 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    61:49 Six Pack Review: In the Hall of the Mountain King

    62:50 In the Hall of the Mountain King: Gameplay Overview

    69:50 In the Hall of the Mountain King: Discussion

    94:40 In the Hall of the Mountain King: Final Thoughts

    97:44 On Tap: In the Hall of the Mountain King

    101:19 Hop Primer: Mosaic

    106:24 Final Round: House Rules

    110:17 Next Final Round Topic

    111:23 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #117: Mechanica; Draw Your Own Conclusions; Ecos; Thunder Alley; Galaxy Hops; Culling

    It’s episode beep, beep boop! Or rather, 118, in which we talk about Mechanica, and the bots we make along the way. Plus: Drawing in Draw Your Own Conclusions, Continenting in Ecos: First Continent; and racing down Thunder Alley. Danielle’s hop of choice this episode is Galaxy, and listeners chime in on how they cull their collection. Beep boop!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    03:49 News: Plaid Hat leaves Asmodee

    08:23 Kickstarter Updates

    09:28 Kickstarter: Graphic Novel Adventures Series 3

    12:27 Kickstarter: Ludocherry

    15:41 Recent Plays: Draw Your Own Conclusions

    25:20 Recent Plays: Ecos: First Continent

    37:53 Recent Plays: Thunder Alley

    49:08 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    50:11 Six Pack Review: Mechanica

    50:33 Mehcanica: Gameplay Overview

    54:49 Mechanica: Discussion

    69:48 Mechanica: Final Thoughts

    72:15 On Tap: Mechanica

    75:49 Hop Primer: Galaxy

    83:15 ProtoATL Sponsorship Spot

    84:10 Final Round: Culling the Collection

    92:46 Next Final Round Topic

    94:36 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #117: Atlantis Rising, Gorinto, Tumble Town, The Isle of Cats, Huell Melon hop primer

    Do you think you have what it takes to save the people of Atlantis from the wrath of the Gods? No? Well, how about in a co-operative worker placement game? We sure hope so because we’re going to talk about Atlantis Rising from Elf Creek Games. We’ve got a pair of Kickstarter previews: Gorinto and Tumble Town, plus we talk about The Isle of Cats. Danielle’s hop primer is about Huell Melon today, and that’s what you’ll get in jam-packed episode 117!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    04:01 Kickstarter Updates

    04:57 Kickstarter: Gorinto

    06:09 Kickstarter Preview: Gorinto

    18:01 Kickstarter Preview: Tumble Town

    32:29 Recent Plays: The Isle of Cats

    51:00 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    52:00 Six Pack Review: Atlantis Rising

    53:58 Atlantis Rising: Gameplay Overview

    63:05 Atlantis Rising: Discussion

    83:35 Atlantis Rising: Final Thoughts

    85:17 On Tap: Atlantis Rising

    89:00 Hop Primer: Huell Melon

    95:41 ProtoATL Sponsorship Spot

    96:37 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #116: The Taverns of Tiefenthal; Azul: Summer Pavilion; Dizzle; Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers; Strata Hop Primer; Convention ‘Must Haves’

    It’s an early episode of the year, and that apparently means a Wolfgang Warsch game! Today we sidle up to the Taverns of Tiefenthal and talk about Warsch’s latest big box game from North Star Games. Also we’re playing the new Azul spinoff, the randowriter Dizzle, and then go back into the Carcazone with the Hunters & Gatherers standalone game. Enjoy!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    04:40 Kickstarter Updates

    06:03 Kickstarter: The Rival Networks

    08:49 Kickstarter: Zine Quest 2

    11:12 Recent Plays: Azul Summer Pavilion

    23:11 Recent Plays: Dizzle

    30:44 Recent Plays: Carcassonne Hunters & Gatherers

    46:14 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    47:18 Six Pack Review: The Taverns of Tiefenthal

    48:40 The Taverns of Tiefenthal: Gameplay Overview

    53:45 The Taverns of Tiefenthal: Discussion

    68:42 The Taverns of Tiefenthal: Final Thoughts

    73:00 On Tap: The Taverns of Tiefenthal

    78:41 Hop Primer: Strata

    85:43 Final Round: Convention ‘Must Haves’

    96:25 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #115: PAX Unplugged & 2020 Convention Outlook

    Hey, we promised a PAX episode and here it is! There’s a big ol’ list of games we played, and we just got some of them in this episode. Look for more as we work into some reviews in the next few episodes! Danielle also continues on her hop research trek with Columbus, the workhorse of bitterness. Enjoy and say hi on the internet if you enjoyed today’s episode!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    03:46 Kickstarter: Oath

    08:41 PAX Unplugged!

    10:25 PAXu Played: Stay Cool

    15:52 PAXu Played: Arraial

    20:06 PAXu Played: Noch Mal… So Gut!

    27:33 PAXu Played: Spy Club

    33:53 PAXu Played: Adventure Games: The Dungeon

    40:03 PAXu Played: Quirky Circuits

    46:49 PAXu Played: Cascadia

    52:39 PAXu Played: Newfoundland Jam

    56:07 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    57:01 PAX Unplugged & 2020 Conventions

    70:57 Hop Series: Columbus

    77:21 Final Round: 2019 Gaming Memories

    84:55 Next Episode’s Final Round

    85:58 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of four Draft Mechanic shirts today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #114: 2019 In Review

    Oh hi there! Good to see you again! We’re back from our 2019 Winter Break and ready to talk about our favorites of the year. We’ve got our usual superlative categories, our favorite beers of 2019, and our six favorite games of last year to serve up for you. Thanks so much for sticking around, we’re excited to be back for the first episode of 2020!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    04:55 What We Did on Winter Break

    07:23 Our 2020 Plans for the Podcast

    13:27 The 2019 Superlative Categories

    51:56 Our Top Beers of 2019

    76:40 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    77:32 Our 2019 Six-Pack of Games

    110:27 Next Episode’s Final Round

    111:14 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of four Draft Mechanic shirts today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #113 and a half: Draft Mechanic’s Winter Break

    Hey all, just dropping in a quick note to share what we’re up to in December. See you at PAX Unplugged!

    00:10 What’s a Winter Break

    04:35 “Superpower of Choice” by The Liberation Jumpsuit

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Spoiler Episode Omega

    In this spoiler-filled episode of Draft Mechanic, we look back on the final TIME Stories scenario of the “White Cycle,” Madame. If you listened to our review/discussion in Episode 100, you might know how this one turns out. We have mostly everyone from Team Alpha and Team Beta here for this discussion that clocks in just over an hour.

    Thank you. We’ll be back soon.

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!

  • Draft Mechanic Episode #113: Fantastic Factories, Haven, Cartographers, Trapwords, Cascade Hops

    Factories are all about efficiency, and this episode is gonna be an efficient punch of board game info! We’re reviewing Fantastic Factories in the feature segment, we’ve got the beer pairings as we do; plus a pack of others: Haven, Cartographers and Trapwords! Danielle dives in to the Hop Primers with a look at Cascade hops. Let’s go!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    02:38 Beer News: MolsonCoors on the Move

    05:06 Kickstarter Updates

    07:58 Kickstarter: Classy Dice Buddies Part 2

    09:27 Kickstarter: Honey Buzz

    12:16 Recent Plays: Haven

    24:06 Recent Plays: Cartographers

    36:17 Recent Plays: Trapwords

    47:08 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    48:02 Six Pack Review: Fantastic Factories

    48:40 Fantastic Factories: Gameplay Overview

    51:21 Fantastic Factories: Discussion

    70:25 Fantastic Factories: Final Thoughts

    72:14 On Tap: Fantastic Factories

    76:20 Hop Primer: Cascade

    81:56 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #112: Tapestry, Escape Tales: Low Memory, Quacks of Quedlinburg expansion

    We’ve got three heavy hitters in this episode! First, the hottest of the hot with Jamey Stegmaier’s new civilization game Tapestry as our lead feature. Second, the follow-up to our number one game of 2018 with Escape Tales: Low Memory. Third, the highly anticipated expansion to the Quacks of Quedlinburg, last year’s Kennerspiel des Jahres winner! Danielle continues on with her series on hops, specifically what they actually add to beer. And in our final round, we’re talking about game balance! So get in there!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    03:12 Kickstarter Updates

    05:39 Kickstarter: Twain

    08:24 Kickstarter: Fossilis

    11:25 Kickstarter: Cosmic Colonies

    13:37 Recent Plays: Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Herb Witches

    27:00 Recent Plays: Escape Tales: Low Memory

    45:38 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    46:30 Six Pack Review: Tapestry

    47:16 Tapestry: Gameplay Overview

    51:13 Tapestry: Discussion

    78:51 Tapestry: Final Thoughts

    82:55 On Tap: Tapestry

    86:50 What do Hops Add to Beer?

    94:50 Final Round: Game Balance

    98:52 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #111: Welcome to Thematic Neighborhoods; The Search for Planet X; Slyville

    It’s all about the future on Draft Mechanic 111! We’ve got a Kickstarter preview of The Search for Planet X, plus a look at Slyville coming at Essen from Hexy Studio. Our main feature is five (five!) new neighborhoods for Welcome To! And later in the show, we’re talking with Mark Kale, the organizer of our local board game con, MegaMooseCon about what it’s like to be headed into year four of the event. All this plus more, tune in!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    03:22 Games News: Castles of Burgundy’s New Look

    06:24 Kickstarter Updates

    08:15 Kickstarter: Dance Card!

    10:38 Kickstarter: Camp Pinetop

    12:54 Kickstarter: Arch Ravels

    15:20 Kickstarter: Calico

    16:44 Kickstarter Preview: The Search for Planet X

    36:11 Recent Plays: Slyville

    47:35 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    48:31 Feature Review: Welcome To Thematic Neighborhoods

    55:17 Welcome To… Halloween

    61:16 Welcome To… Outbreak

    66:54 Welcome To… Doomsday

    70:41 Welcome To… Winter Wonderland

    73:10 Welcome To… Spring

    78:50 Welcome To… Final Thoughts

    79:50 On Tap: Welcome To… Thematic Neighborhoods

    84:51 GABF 2019 Results

    93:20 A round with Mark Kale, MegaMooseCon Founder

    106:34 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #110: Letter Jam, Las Vegas Royale, Lanterns Dice, Keyforge Blue

    Happy birthday, us! It’s the start of Season Five and our fourth anniversary, and we’ve decided to be pretty business-as-usual about this one. Especially after that Episode 100 blowout! So we’re reviewing Letter Jam, the delicious, delectable new word game from CGE. We’ve got games with subtitles in the recent plays: Las Vegas Royale, Lanterns Dice: Lights in the Sky, and Keyforge: The Blue Ones. I mean, Age of Ascension. Yep! Danielle’s gonna tell us why we need to keep draft beer lines clean, and our listeners are going to tell us what the lyrics to our theme song are, because even the guy that sung them doesn’t remember them. Let’s go!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    02:15 Thank you for Four Years!

    04:05 Games News: BGG’s getting systematic

    06:43 Kickstarter Updates

    08:13 Kickstarter: Good/Evil DM Challenge Coin

    09:44 Kickstarter: Detective: City of Angels / Smoke & Mirrors

    12:23 Kickstarter: ROOT Tabletop RPG

    16:01 Recent Plays: Keyforge: Age of Ascension

    27:43 Recent Plays: Lanterns Dice

    39:04 Recent Plays: Las Vegas Royale

    54:18 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    55:10 Six Pack Review: Letter Jam

    55:49 Letter Jam: Gameplay Overview

    61:52 Letter Jam: Discussion

    77:11 Letter Jam: Final Thoughts

    78:19 On Tap: Letter Jam

    83:45 Draft Line Cleaning

    90:45 Final Round: Theme Song Lyrics

    102:13 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #109: Sessionable Games Six-Pack; LOTS & Calico

    We’re dressed to the nines! Episode 109, that is. Releasing on 9-9-19! It’s a coincidence I’m sure. Anyway! On with the show. We’ve got a double six-pack of sessionable games (30 minutes or you’re play’s free!), a double Kickstarter preview with LOTS & Calico, Slide Quest on tap, and a bunch more! Enjoy!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    03:27 Game News: Stonemaier Games’ “Tapestry” sells in a flash

    07:05 Kickstarter Updates

    10:20 Kickstarter: After the Empire

    12:40 Kickstarter: YEDO Deluxe

    17:07 KS Preview: LOTS

    26:22 KS Preview: Calico

    39:10 Recent Plays: Slide Quest

    45:49 On Tap: Slide Quest

    48:32 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    49:31 Six Pack List: Sessionable Games

    79:16 BA Member Diversity

    96:32 Final Round: Board Game Burnout

    85:06 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #108: Imhotep: The Duel

    Hello there! It’s been a minute, but we’re back and ready to board game podcast. This one has games for all: one player, two player, three and four player, old, young, really that covers everything I think. But yeah! We’re talking about Imhotep: The Duel today - how does it translate to a two-player contest? We’ve got a smattering of new HABA content, some puzzles, and more ring stacking than you’d expect on a typical day with Moon Base. Dig in and enjoy!

    01:00 Show Intro, News & Updates

    03:20 Beer News: ABInBev is shopping again

    05:52 Kickstarter Updates

    09:28 Kickstarter: Fiasco in a Box

    12:20 Kickstarter: Sleeping Gods

    22:06 Recent Plays: Blokus Puzzle

    29:45 Recent Plays: Moon Base

    38:58 Recent Plays: Wobble King

    44:49 Recent Plays: Dragon’s Breath

    52:11 On Tap: Dragon’s Breath

    58:28 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    59:22 Six Pack Review: Imhotep The Duel

    59:42 Imhotep The Duel: Gameplay Overview

    65:26 Imhotep The Duel: Discussion

    75:47 Imhotep The Duel: Final Thoughts

    77:06 Hop Cultivation

    85:06 Outro

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!


  • Draft Mechanic Episode #107: Gen Con 2019 Recaps

    That was Gen Con - and this is the Gen Con recap! Look, I’m sorry, I’m not getting more specific with the timestamps below because then I’d have 100,000 entries. Wait - you actually look at those? Well. I guess. But you asked for it - we talk about a lot of games. Also, there’s two special guests on this episode! Hooray!

    01:00 Thursday Recap Intro w/Shane!

    04:11 Thundergryph Games - Hats, Rolling Ranch

    06:46 Adam’s Apple Games - Thrive, Truck Off Roll-and-Write

    11:24 Fowers Games - Burgle Bros 2

    12:54 XYZ labs - Arch Ravelry

    16:11 Funforge - Namiji

    18:10 Junk Spirit Games - Battle of the Bards

    19:35 Brain Games - Iron Forest, Pigasus

    23:42 Karen Twelves’ Improv for Roleplayers class

    26:17 Storm Chaser / Greater Than Games - Medium

    31:05 HABA - Miyabi, Club der Tatzen

    37:22 Blue Orange - Detective Club

    41:05 Helvetiq - Kawaii

    42:36 IDW - Tonari

    45:00 RDTN strike tournament

    46:15 Elf Creek Games - Honey Buzz

    53:20 Friday Recap intro

    55:17 Asmadi Games - 1001 Odysseys

    59:44 Space Cowboys - T.I.M.E Stories Revolution ‘Damien’

    69:42 Portal Games - Imperial Settlers Roll-and-Write

    71:06 Good Games - Fluttering Souls

    74:01 Resonym - Mechanica

    79:33 Dire wolf digital - Raiders of the North Sea, Root, Sagrada digital, Clank Legacy

    84:15 Board&Dice - Yedo Deluxe, Trismegistus, Escape Tales Low Memory

    91:32 North Star Games’ Wits & Wagers Vegas Game Show

    92:30 Renegade Games Studios Rally

    95:12 Foxtrot - the Search for Planet X

    97:22 Grey Fox Games Sponsorship Spot

    98:26 Saturday Recap Intro w/Gates!

    100:44 Z-Man Games - Noctiluca

    102:35 HeidelBAR Games - Wordsmith, Decipher

    106:24 HUB Games - Megacity: Oceania, Holding On: The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr

    111:35 Libellud - One Key

    114:11 HUB Games - Flip Over Frog

    115:35 Sizigi Studios - Cake Duel

    117:10 Pandasaurus - Wayfinders

    119:09 Gather Round Games - Schedule Simulator

    122:05 Pandasaurus - Dead Man’s Cabal

    128:08 Kuma’s Corner Burger Trip

    130:34 Sunday Recap Intro

    131:17 HUB Games - Flip Over Frog

    133:48 HABA - Wobble King

    135:55 Wrap-up and The Trip Home

    138:29 Outro

    140:12 Punchboard Media show ads

    143:21 Level check

    We hope you enjoyed today's episode! Send us some feedback at draftmechanic@gmail.com and visit us on the web at draftmechanic.net!

    Pick up one of three designs for a Draft Mechanic T-Shirt today!

    Join our Draft Mechanic Slack Channel, or our BGG Guild (#2470)!

    We’re also on Twitter and Instagram - follow us at @draftmechanic! Also, Like us on Facebook!

    Draft Mechanic is a proud member of Punchboard Media, where we all bring something to the table. Check out our diverse group of audio, video and written board game content creators!

    Draft Mechanic is sponsored by Grey Fox Games. Check out their website for information on all their great games, and sign up for the newsletter for updates direct to your inbox!

    Our theme and bump music is from the album “Superpower of Choice” by the Liberation Jumpsuit - thanks to the band for their help! Come listen to the full album on our website!

    Thanks for listening! Please game responsibly and we’ll see you back here again soon for another round!
