
  • In today's podcast, Drew Canole shares 11 profound ways to form rock solid habits and transform your life into anything you want it to be.

    1. Start small: When forming new habits, it's important to start with small, manageable steps. For example, if you're trying to improve your physical health, starting with just a few steps or walking a short distance each day can be a great way to build momentum and stay motivated. The same can be applied to other areas of life, such as drinking more water or practicing gratitude. By starting with small steps, you can build up to bigger changes over time.

    2. Track your progress: Keeping track of your progress can be a great way to stay motivated and see the progress you're making. Whether it's tracking the number of steps you take each day or the number of pages you read in a book, tracking your progress can give you a sense of accomplishment and encourage you to keep going.

    3. Make your habit harder to break: Setting reminders and removing temptations can make it easier to stick to new habits. For example, setting out your gym clothes the night before or removing junk food from your home can help you stay on track. Additionally, reminding yourself of your "why" - the reason you started the habit in the first place - can help you stay motivated when things get tough.

    4. Celebrate small successes: Celebrating small successes can help keep you motivated and make the habit more enjoyable. Whether it's treating yourself to a spa day or simply taking a moment to acknowledge your progress, celebrating small successes can help you stay on track and build momentum.

    5. Establish rituals and routines: Establishing rituals and routines can help you build habits more easily. For example, journaling in the morning, getting outside for some sun, or playing an instrument at the same time each day can help you build habits that become a natural part of your routine.

    6. Visualize it: Visualizing your success can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Creating a mental picture of what success looks like can help you stay motivated and keep moving forward, even when things get tough.

    7. Be consistent and patient: Building habits takes time, so it's important to be patient and consistent. Remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint, and that it's okay to take things slow and steady.

    8. Seek support from others: Surrounding yourself with supportive people can make it easier to build new habits. Whether it's finding a coach or mentor or simply sharing your goals with a friend or loved one, having support and encouragement can make a big difference in staying on track.

    9. Take breaks when needed: It's important to take breaks and avoid burnout when building new habits. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to exhaustion and make it harder to stick to your goals over time. Remember to take care of yourself and find balance in your life.

    10. Unplug from tech once a week: Taking a break from technology can be a great way to recharge and focus on yourself. Whether it's taking a day off from social media or unplugging from email for a day, finding time to disconnect can be an important part of building healthy habits.

    11. Have a weekly check-in: Having a regular check-in with a partner, friend, or mentor can help keep you accountable and on track. Whether it's a business or health check-in, having someone to hold you accountable and offer support can make it easier to stay motivated and achieve your goals.

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  • In today's show, Drew Canole discusses how to increase creativity and connect with oneself and a higher power, leading to relaxation, motivation, and healing. He emphasizes the importance of reframing situations to put oneself in a state of elation and encourages seeing the world through the eyes of wonder to feel more connected, make wiser decisions, and experience more joy.

    Drew provides ten ways to achieve this state of wonder and awe. First, he suggests waking up and appreciating the world around youself, seeing with "wow" goggles, and meditating or praying all day long.

    Second, he recommends getting uncomfortable and trying something new, such as buying a ticket to a random destination at the airport.

    Third, he advises seeking out inspiring people who make one uncomfortable, humbling oneself, sparking conversations with strangers, and creating a vision board.

    Fourth, Drew highlights the power of music, finding inspiring music that impacts emotions, and drops one into the heart. They say music soothes even the savage beast, and although this sounds like a no-brainer, it really can make a huge difference in your life. Choose the soundtrack of your life. Don't let it be cars honking, words of complaining coworkers, or worse, the news!

    Fifth, he recommends reading books and viewing oneself as a student to learn something new every day.

    Sixth, Drew suggests taking time off from technology, spending time in nature, and doing breath-work to tap into what is real.

    Seventh, he encourages following one's dreams and avoiding being a cookie-cutter cog in the matrix for someone else.

    Eighth, Drew emphasizes the importance of learning something new every day, studying things one never understood, and opening up to AI.

    Ninth, he suggests taking a trip, breaking out of a routine, and connecting with nature.

    Lastly, Drew advises breaking out of a groundhog day mentality and seeing through the eyes of wonder.

    Throughout the podcast, Drew highlights the benefits of reframing one's perspective, practicing gratitude, and approaching life with a sense of wonder. By following these ten steps, he believes that one can achieve a more fulfilling, creative, and connected life.

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  • In today's podcast, Drew emphasizes the importance of exercise for mental health, and how physical activity can help regulate mood and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. Drew explains that exercising releases serotonin and dopamine, two essential neurochemicals that help regulate mood, and that a simple 30-minute exercise routine can boost serotonin levels by up to 80%.

    He recommends low-intensity cardio in Zone 2, which is an inclined walking pace that maintains an average heart rate of 115 beats per minute. Drew suggests that this form of exercise is excellent for mental health because it promotes a sense of accomplishment and well-being, which can translate into better decision-making in other aspects of life, such as work and relationships.

    Drew also stresses the importance of a vision board, which is a tool that can help people visualize their goals and stay motivated. He explains that vision boards can help people access their unconscious mind and tap into their innermost desires, which can be a powerful force for change. Drew shares his personal experience with a vision board, explaining that he didn't see any real results from his workouts until he started using a vision board to focus on his goals.

    In addition to exercise and visualization techniques, Drew also emphasizes the importance of mindfulness practices such as meditation, breath-work, and spending time in nature. He explains that these practices can help people stay focused on their goals, reduce stress and anxiety, and make better decisions about their health and well-being. Drew also recommends spending time with pets, as he believes that they can have a positive impact on our energetic body and help us connect with nature on a deeper level.

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  • This episode is about forgiveness and the amazing gifts that open up to us when we "let go and let God." Drew shares his story of overcoming a traumatic childhood filled with abuse, drugs, and violence. Drews tells of his heartbreaking experience when his father burned him with cigarettes for not putting his shoes on fast enough, left him outside to sleep in the rain, and stabbed his sister in the eye with a fork.
    Despite the challenges he faced at such a young age, Drew managed to turn forgiveness into a superpower that has helped him heal and transform his life.

    Drew begins by explaining the psychological stages of forgiveness. He notes that the first step in forgiving someone is to acknowledge what they did and that it was wrong. The next step is to make the decision to forgive them, and then work on empathy by trying to understand why they did what they did. Drew suggests that sometimes people hurt others because they are themselves hurt, and that understanding this can help in the process of forgiveness. He emphasizes that forgiving someone does not mean justifying their actions or excusing them, but rather choosing to let go of the anger, sadness, and resentment associated with the pain.

    Drew explains that forgiveness can lead to special gifts and experiences, and shares a personal example: He used to have a recurring dream about a monster that was very scary. Eventually, he realized that the monster represented his abusive father. Once he forgave his father, the monster in his dreams became friendly and the nightmares ceased. Drew notes that trauma can be fuel for transformation, and that waking up during the dream was a one of the supernatural gifts.

    Drew also stresses the importance of forgiving oneself, especially for people who struggle with addiction or negative self-talk. He notes that we also need to forgive family members, and suggests that reaching out to them to apologize or to let forgive them can be very healing.

    The podcast episode provides scientific evidence for the benefits of forgiveness. Drew explains that forgiveness can reduce anxiety and cortisol, improve mental health and emotional wound healing, and even improve physical health by lowering blood pressure. He notes that forgiveness can also increase trust and optimism, and lead to longer life and positive emotions.

    To help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, Drew suggests a few exercises, including deep breathing, singing or humming, gargling water, cold therapy (such as cold showers or immersing your face in cold water), and using a chi machine or doing wall sits. Drew emphasizes that forgiveness can also increase our "I am safe vibes," which can lead to even more benefits.

    Overall, the podcast episode offers a powerful message about the transformative power of forgiveness, and provides practical exercises and scientific evidence to support the benefits of forgiveness.

    Listen to Ho'oponopono Meditation for Healing, Forgiveness & Sleep here https://youtu.be/V8RpkTpP3gM

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  • 0:55 "I've always loved eyes. Looking at people's eyes it's just, amazing. So adding iridology where you can look at the iris and the sclerology being able to tell a lot about people's health, it was really eye opening for me."

    11:07 "We grow a lot of our own food, we source it locally from organic farmers. What you eat is 80% of your healing. You're investing in your health or taking away from it."

    20:38 "My dad always had brown eyes... and then he had a heart attack and started juicing. He has green eyes now. When you start juicing you start pulling toxins out."

    32:11 "I'm a holistic practitioner, so I don't just look at eyes. I've been very blessed that I can consider nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle."


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  • 8:10 "It was almost like I couldn't be silent anymore. I couldn't NOT speak. There was a day when I just reached my tipping point."

    18:20 "I think for each of us it's different. I just happen to be like, I'm someone who's always had a strong constitution. I want to know the truth, I want to know the reality, even if it's uncomfortable, even if it's really heavy or difficult."

    33:45 "When I feel LIFE on something, that is an indication for me to take a step in that direction."

    54:11 "Everybody likes to talk about the great reset, and then there's the great awakening. That's kind of like the counter to that. We want to be part of the great awakening. We want to resist this and counter that and instead come into truth and light and love."

    1:13:22 "Consciousness is the final frontier. They talk about space out there, what they're really interested is not outer space, it's inner space. They still do not understand consciousness, and they need to in order to build AI."

    1:22:19 "God created our minds. He created our bodies, he created our consciousness to operate in certain ways. He gave us a gate. When you're in these altered states, that gate is down, and you're very susceptible to the spirit world."

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  • 1:27 "Right now i have a pre-breakfast breath practice, where i'm taking ten inhalations, as deep as i can, two thirds through the belly, one third through the chest."

    8:54 "It's the difference between the teacher and the mentor. The mentor is somebody who's lived it. They've experienced it. They probably have both left brain and right brain wisdom and knowledge, but they're not just a default to what code and curriculum would suggest. "

    16:12 "I knew in her eyes that it was over. So I didn't try to salvage. So I said fine, I'm out of here."

    23:28 "I'm a firm believer that everything in life should be a relationship, and let's get as raw and vulnerable as possible."

    34:30 "As an entrepreneur, how do I bring that element of play and get familiar with it such that it's almost like a tool in my tool belt, and merge it with the highly productive lanes of life that I exist in?"

    46:13 "I think for a lot of women it's "is what I'm doing enough? Is this okay and is it enough for you?"



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  • 5:10 "I guess I've never used the word healer at the beginning to think of myself. However, I was certainly on a healing journey."

    14:00 "If you really come to the truth of the reality that you are loved and that your boundaries are in tact, you don't need to outsource your power..."

    24:10 "Suffering is the disconnection and the disallowance of what is here on this plane, what we signed up for. It can be navigated very wisely when we have that connection. The right resources will show up."

    36:15 "We believe very strongly in deep, deep levels of intimacy. Which is why we love monogamous relationships. The deeper you go down, the more you see the divine."

    51:10 "there's this level of selection of food and supplements that can be used when one is embodied. Before that point, I think it's important to have a guide."


    [email protected]

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  • Melissa and Steve join Drew to talk about German New Medicine, also known as Germanic Healing Knowledge, which was started by Dr. Hamer. Dr. Hamer noticed a pattern that a specific conflict preceded the development of specific types of cancer. He also discovered five biological laws of nature after reviewing 10,000 patient cases.

    A conflict shock is something that catches an individual off guard, and the body always does something that is sensible and meaningful in response. The body's adaptation can be traced back to a conflict shock if the response occurred absent an injury, deficiency, or poisoning.



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  • We'll resume after the holidays on January 3rd everyone!

    2:25 "Anything that could harmonize my body, which is the tuning fork, would allow me to soften and accept what's going on in the world."

    4:26 "Corporations run this country. "

    8:27 "It's not so you can download a movie in 3 seconds. It's so they can monitor you."

    12:14 "That was conspired by the deep state..."

    17:31 "My path is one that marries the old indigenous way of living with the modern."

    27:17 "Your spine is what holds everything together, and if I'm not holding myself together mentally, that will show up in my spine."



    How to eat, move and be healthy - Paul Chek
    the nourishing traditions book of child and baby care - Thomas S. Cowan, Sally Fallon
    Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil - Paul Levy
    Easy Strength: How to Get a Lot Stronger Than Your Competition-And Dominate in Your Sport - Dan John and Pavel Tsatsouline

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  • 1:07 "The metaverse is a virtual world filled with spaces that you can actually access and go into and create your own environment."

    2:33 "Think about how much facebook, instagram, myspace and these other apps have radically changed our lives."

    4:35 "I think the more we try to have technology take the place of that, I think we give up our humanity."

    7:00 "I love being human, I love being in reality. I'm not really trying to escape reality at this point."

    9:40 "They're saying they're going to plug our neocortex into wifi? We already have that, when we get still."

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  • 3:40 "We shared a similar conviction because we both read the article that kids were no longer going to live as long as their parents."

    6:13 "We have obliterated people's attention spans."

    10:00 "I was 45 but I had never, ever read the bible and it was the only thing that made sense."

    16:00 "I don't think it's the mark of the beast, because we have to get to the one world government first."

    18:45 "God created all this stuff, but now you have man who wants to use microchips to make this man-made world."

    25:10 "Anytime there's censorship, 99% of the time it's censoring the truth."

    29:15 "If you look at every single totalitarian, communist, socialist regime, one of the first things they do is ban the bible.

    41:02 "It's a game for souls."


    The Holy Bible

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  • 6:29 "I had amassed a lot of experience and discovered a lot of things that worked to support your health and vitality."

    12:15 "The reason I got into EMFs was... I was studying all of these fringe, alternative doctors."

    17:52 "Everyone's arguing about being paleo, vegan, vegetarian, carnivore, whatever, and it's like dude, you're probably sleeping next to a wifi router."

    24:18 "There's a whole other realm of dealing with EMF which makes them less harmful and that's in the harmonizing space."

    30:24 "When you take a nutrient IV, you only get peak blood plasma levels for 1 to 2 hours... the rest kind of goes to waste."

    49:50 "It's a real confirmation that doing the work has really been worth it... Closing your heart to the experience of love is never the right answer."

    57:50 "There's one common denominator here, and it's me."




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    Here are 50 compiled signs of a narcissistic parent (NPD):

    1.Constantly needing the conversation to be about them, often victim stories, their life is “hard”

    2.Immature and selfish behavior

    3.Bragging about your achievements to others, but rarely acknowledging you or supporting you emotionally

    4.Blaming others for any problems you may have that actually stem from their own behavior

    5.Snoop, spy, Internet stalk, will even go through drawers and closets seeking dirt on you, denying it every step

    6.Deny personal privacy at every age and suggest it is their right as a parent

    7.You feel you are essentially property, an extention, intended to bring them attention, pride and glory

    8.Being well-liked and important to others, but controlling and harsh when no one is looking

    9.Flirt with people that should be off bounds including others spouses, dates even extended family members

    10.Divulge they are a potential interest or interested in people outside their relationship, they always have the idea of “ a back-up”

    11.Making you feel bad for not doing what they want immediately

    12.Making you feel guilty by boasting about how much they have done for you

    13.Harshly opinionated at home but putting up a front for other people

    14.Being ruthless and unforgiving, doing anything to be on top

    15.Making you feel anxious and often lowering your confidence, often with sarcasm and “jokes”

    16. Being absent for your life events

    17.Making you engage in sports, musical lessons or other activities, despite your wishes

    18.Failing to provide warmth and emotional nurturance in the relationship

    19.Using you to attain personal gain

    20.Being bothered and annoyed when you need time and attention

    21.Making poor excuses to limit time together

    22.Displaying sudden mood changes and volatile anger

    23.Obsessive about their appearance and clothing, home and vehicle

    24.Constantly tidying and attempting to have home visually perfect

    25.Issues relaxing, must be busy

    26.They are very well liked rapidly, they charm

    27.They are often highly creative

    28.They tell good stories where they get the hero attention

    29.They are often upstanding in places like churches, schools and communities, pillars publicly

    30.Grandiose unrealistic future visions where they will get recognition, wealth or fame

    31.Using religion as a scapegoat for actual behaviors avoiding acknowledging wrong. God forgave them already what is your problem?

    32.Children feel pitted against each other as goldens or goats

    33.Gaslighting and denial of feelings of others

    34.Discuss marital problems with kids or run down spouse behind their back

    35.Do “takeaways”, ask for gift ideas and never get the thing you requested to keep you coming back

    36.Love bombing- execute grandiose words/acts in early stages to win supply with kids and grandkids

    37.Affection consuming- parents in early years often get affection from child to feed themselves then abandon affection once kids mature and gain other relationships.

    38.Deal breakers, often make deals to get to do things then do not fulfill their end and blaming the child with a new wrinkle or rule.

    39.Self-forgiving, expecting “I’m sorry for anything you might have thought I did that hurt you. I’m human. I always had good intentions.” - to whitewash any and all issues.

    40.Blame reframing- Any issue brought to light is a result of you being hateful and unforgiving or “holding onto the past”.

    41.There are “secrets” your parent expects to you keep

    42.Money has always been hard to give but parent lives in style

    43.They have friends they can outshine and cut down behind their backs, often other narcissists or simply supply

    44.Wills and estates are used as bait and ransom to elicit behaviors

    45.You have felt like a puppet often

    46.Surprise punishments and groundings for kids are common when there are events that are inconvenient or parent doesn’t like the idea of you attending

    47.Friends are criticized, you are great but your “crowd”, not so much

    48.There is no lie too bold to tell and double down on

    49.The overt narcissist will not allow any child to outshine them, they discourage or hamper advancement

    50.The covert narcissist will passively aggressively insult or demean success and acheivement, “you are going to get a fat head”

    And finally, you will know it is all factual when they will acknowledge no actual errors, flaws or real genuine hurt they caused.

    They admit nothing.

    Everything is a misunderstanding. Yours.

    They will never humbly apologize.

    They will play hurt and the victim without end.

    You are a hateful accuser that can’t just let it go.

    They will run from the responsibility of the past and may even cut you off, lash out, send flying monkeys to indimidate you and make you appear crazy or the bully.

    They may sue you, cut you out of wills, and tell horrible and sometimes embarrassing true stories about your past.

    They will attempt to poison your relationships if they have access to your friends, your spouse or your children. Everone is a pawn and they will make any move to appear a flawless victim.

    At the center of all NPD’s is shame and cowardice. They are underdeveloped emotionally most likely as a result of aloneness and rejection at or around ages 3-5. There may be a genetic link to a parent with NPD. They are small stunted people filled with shame, self-loathing and rage.

    The only escape is walking away and grey rocking them.

    The sick mind of sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists cannot obtain the rational observation that they are sick. It is an unacceptable hypothesis to them. They cannot self-diagnose or see it. It will garner smugness, laughter, egoism, rage and condescention should you bring it up.

    Expect them to run from the room, leave the table or hang up on you in anger. Confrontation about their ego will trigger a flight or fight response.

    They may bark once, but then they will run because they cannot help it. They are cowards who feel deep shame at their core.

    You can be assured their childish rage will have them plotting and working to destroy you in the shadows.

    It is not a choice for them.

    It is a reflex.

    The manipulations of a person with NPD are boundless and unique.

    If 30% or more of the above applies to your parent or relative there is a high likelihood they are diagnosable by a professional as having NPD. Only .5% of the population gets diagnosed due to avoidance.

    They will never go.

    Your only resolution is no contact.

    It will feel like a death to you.

    Narcissists only feed from empaths.

    Like emotional vampires. They suck life.

    They know they are doing it. They are 100% aware and they loathe themselves yet can’t stop. Thus they keep a busy schedule. Sitting and realistically reflecting is not an option.

    Accept that you are worth loving, that’s why they picked you.

    Accept that THEY can’t love you. That is unfortunately also why they picked you.

    Whatever you do, don’t hurt yourself.

    Secretly once outed their great hope is you do, and they get to prove you were crazy and unstable and gain a whole new supply of attention and sympathy from the other suckers.

    People with NPD must win at any cost.

    The only way to beat them,

    Is to go live a great life without them.

    One in a million will address their trauma that caused this but you as their source has a zero percent chance of making them see the light through their darkness. They are getting their light from you as the source.

    You must leave them in the dark as an act of love for yourself.

    Good luck

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    1:19 "Most people are tired, most people are wired throughout the day." Getting adaquate amounts of sleep can help reduce stress. How is your sleep, are you hydrated? The thickness of your blood can affect how quickly you fall asleep.

    4:20 "Sleep and naps are a great way to lower your stress."

    5:50 "Next up would be organic food." If you're gut is in all kinds of disarray, it's going to suppress the serotonin release in your body.

    9:20. "Next up for stress I would say exercise." There are so many neurochemicals released when we work out, we're expanding the central nervous system.

    12:00 "There's benefits to doing things that once freaked you out." What once scared you, doesn't have to, and you can move past it.

    12:30 " How are you breathing?" What's your breath like? Your breath says everything about your body's vibration.

    15:20 "You can always add adaptogens to your day too."

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    00:20 "Every single person at organifi... we go through a multitude of personality tests." Surrounding yourself with good people requires a good test or at least good judge of character.

    1:00 "I'm here to talk about the power of belief..." All the beliefs that you have, have shaped who you are in this moment.

    3:00 "The real work is actually in the thought realm." When in doubt focus out. The more we get outside ourselves the more selfless development we do... rather than just self development.

    4:33 "There's a lot of netflix n' chillin' going on. Not a lot of people are demonstrating power of will." The power of belief should eventually motivate you to action.

    6:30 "so when you perceive your reticular activation system in your brain lights up, shows you more of what you're focused on."

    8:05 "How willing are you to receive the gifts prepared for you?" Everything you could ever imagine is yours right now. The work is to remove the obstacles and the blocks that keep you in a limited pattern of creation.

    10:36 "You're in this material landscape, fight or flight." Are you the type of person that believes you're just this feeble little organism rolling through time and space? Or do you believe that you have the power to create the most amazing existence in all of universal history?



    The Biology of Belief - Bruce Lipton

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    2:55 "I got a string of 5 really good hits out of the park early on, and I got a string of disasters... I had to do some cultivating of why I was winning and why I was losing. I had to do some soul searching. At the end of the day I realized my great loves in life are God, creation and art." Once we realize what we're here for and how we can use our gifts to truly help people, that's when more abundance returns our way.

    4:16 "Time and space are related, and are also related to velocity... when you realize the sun is moving through the universe, we're moving really fast... what you really are in appears to be a universe, and it is, but it's also a huge clock." We can never go back in time, because the past is also in a different place. We must always be looking forward.

    6:50 "Let's talk about how time travel would really work if you had to go through time and space... in order to travel through time you need to become invisible to the universe."

    11:01 "What remote viewing is, is essentially being able to close your eyes and visualize another time and space continuum. " No one is more psychic than anyone else and everyone has the ability to let go of their restraints and see what may not have happened yet.

    16:32 "We come here complete. We don't come here like a bicycle with three parts missing." Instead of spending so much time and energy trying to become something else, we can fulfill our true potential by finding out who we really are.

    20:00 "You're not only adding quality days to their lives right now... You're also making their lives longer and healthier and to those people around them." Selling a great product or idea is just persuading someone to improve their life.

    21:50 "I had five successes and five failures. The stuff that worked was good for other people."

    22:28 "When you can have thousands of ambassadors for you, that' much more powerful than the greatest media campaign or ad spend that you have."

    25:03 " I think we're getting to a place where as people we can design our own lives, and feel like we have some autonomy in the direction we go."

    28:55 "You can sell people... even and idea, if you ask three questions and if you ask the questions in the right order." The first question touches their hopes or their fears.

    29:40 "The second question is a hint at innovation." We reveal a breakthrough or provoke curiosity with this question.

    30:14 "The third question tells them there's an offer for it." This is when we ask them if they're curious about the solution. After they've said yes to these questions, now you just address their objections.

    33:45 "Who are the three folks that you strongly admire, and the character traits of those guys or gals?"

    38:30 "If you get these value-centered questions up front with people, not only are they telling you who they are, they're signing up to be that person."


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    0:15 "There are things that we do every single day that we give our power away to." How can we stop giving our power away and have authentic power, coming from an internal source?

    1:13 "I think we need to first and foremost declare our intention." Declare what your vision is, never apologizing for your ambition. Far too many people are quiet about what they want to vocalize in the world.

    3:00 "Self awareness is one of the first steps in owning your personal power." Becoming a reframe expert is super powerful. No matter what you're up against, reframe it.

    4:19 "Be an advocate for everyone you come into contact with." How can I show up in a way to positively impact their lives?

    6:38 "Speaking up and sharing your ideas." People are reluctant to speak up, to share, to have the courage to share their opinions. How can YOU speak up more? What you have could be absolutely brilliant.

    7:41 "You can only give from a full cup." The more self care you give yourself, the more power you have to give to other people.

    8:45 "If you were to take stock in your five best friends and the books that you're reading, that's the future you. Are your friends building you up? Are your books building you up?" If not, you may want to consider building up your personal network to establish more of your person power.

    11:52 "Write down all the ways you abandon yourself."


    The Compound Effect - Darren Hardy

    Atomic Habits - James Clear

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    2:10 "Just to know that you have brought a life into the world and that life is going to carry on whatever virtues and values and things that you believe in, it's a humbling moment." It's not about you anymore.

    8:33 "I was looking for love because I wanted something that I wasn't myself." How many times have we found ourselves chasing a type of person who we were envious of? Maybe we didn't truly have a connection with them but we we felt like they had something that we were missing.

    13:02 "Sometimes God's will, in order to heal generational pain, we have to go into the fire a lot hotter than other people." Introspection is powerful. For some of us, it conjures up very intense emotions and traumatic memories.

    17:08 "We are all being tested to go through this threshold right now because we have fallen asleep to how amazing and powerful we really are." The world is full of chaos and confusion right now, but maybe we've brought this upon ourselves. What's the lesson here?

    22:55 "We are at this place of recognizing how divine and how infinite we are." The turbulence and confusion we're facing needs to be met with patience and understanding.

    25:46 "Default mode network is the posterior cingulet cortex, the pfc and the amygdala. If we can use any tool we have to turn down the safety mechanism in our brain, then we won't be a victim." There are both physical and mental strategies we can use to reduce the 'knee-jerk' reaction our brain has to fear and anxiety in the world.

    32:45 "What blocks us from keeping the promises we made to ourselves... it's worthiness." Many times we feel like we're not worthy of becoming that person who keeps commitments to themselves.

    34:30 "In order to have faith, you have to have virtues, and if you don't have virtues, you don't know yourself."


    Becoming Nobody - Ram Dass

    The Fourth Turning - Neil Howe and William Strauss

    King, Warrior, Magician, Lover - Robert Moore & Doug Gillette


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    7:33 "there's a lot more going on than what's revealed in our 5 senses." There's so much going on inside of us. Our body is interacting with our habitat in ways most scientists will never understand. When you're feeling alone or lonely, rejoice in the space that you have to sit and listen to nature for a while.

    10:33 "retrospection actually opens up dream time." Think back on your life. Don't give in to the negative thoughts, but focus on the positive ones. This is just a sliver in time, a window, between activities. Use this time to be grateful and gather learnings from your past.

    12:55 "Reach out to somebody you haven't talked to in a while." Maybe this is a sign. Maybe this season of separation is a message to you, that you should reach out to someone in need who maybe you've forgotten about.

    14:45 "Make the most out of your interactions." How can you ask more questions and REALLY listen? Millionaires talk a lot, but billionaires ask a lot of questions.

    17:03 "Talk to other people about how you're feeling alone." Explore coping strategies together and don't be scared to ask someone for help.

    20:46 "Get a pet." It's hard to argue with man's best friend. We evolved alongside each other to be friends. We're here for them and they're here for us.

    22:26 "Loneliness is not permanent my friend. It could be something dietary, it could be in your gut." Alkalizing your body helps, cleaning up your diet, along with getting enough exercise and even doing that with friends.

    23:25 "Loneliness can be turned into ALL one-ness. It can be turned into a relationship with God." The word "alone" is the state of being separate from "all-one." All-one-ness would be the antithesis of alone-ness, or loneliness, once we realize that we're not separated at all, but connected at the very source.

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