
  • We all face long journeys into the unknown with only truth in our hearts. This might be becoming a mother for the first time, or starting your own business and entering the entrepreneurial world.

    We choose to trust our gut and go for our goals and in that process, we will have to face the parts of ourselves that need to be healed. When we are faced with our own inner critic and inner shadow our relationships get influenced the most.

    “As an entrepreneurs wife - the journey isn’t difficult - it’s how we show up to the journey that creates difficulties in our lives. You have to make the decision to show up and say today is my day, “ Amy

    No journey we will encounter in our life will be “difficult”. It is how we show up to those experiences that will either create pain and struggle or joy and ease. This is where the work comes in, not only for yourself but for your romantic relationship partners too.

    Join Amy and me, as we discuss the entrepreneur's wife’s journey, how that influences and impacts the relationships in ones life and insights on how we can all approach life, love, and happiness better.

    Amy Stefanik is a wife, mother, published author, speaker and along with her husband Matt Stefanik, has been riding the entrepreneur roller coaster since 2002. Amy is the Creator of "The Entrepreneur's Wife™," whose aim is to help strengthen and encourage the entrepreneurial family. Through "The Entrepreneur's Wife™," Amy coaches the concept of "one shared vision" in regards to the entrepreneurial journey.

    Private Circle: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheEntrepreneursWifeOfficial/
    Website: https://theentrepreneurswife.com/
    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Untold-Story-Entrepreneurs-Wife-Entrepreneurial/dp/164279080X
    Instagram: @theentrepreneurswife

    Instagram: @theentrepreneurswife

  • How often do you connect with your intuition and actually allow that creative, intuitive side of yourself direct your experience of life?

    We are both fluid, and solid - change and constantly changing. We are both heart and head - yet MOST of us are not tapping into our heart to get clarity on what we need.

    Even though this is the quickest way for WOMEN to embodied their femininity, most of us simply aren’t equipped with the understanding of how to embrace our inner goddess.

    Join Christy and me as we share practical wisdom to:

    Remove interference in the body to connect with the voice within to create health, wealth, and love they deserveTurn within and Ask what you actually need in this moment as the FEMININE goddess you were born to beThe powerful influence of flowUnderstand HOW to create connection to your HEART versus your headMake decisions that align with the women with their best selves

    Author and transformational coach, Christy Renee is a growth addict with a passion for deep connection in life. As a reformed Type-A control-freak, she knows what it’s like to feel stuck in a life of frustration, disconnection, and debt. Spending years as the household provider, Christy sported a ’tough girl' mask as protection from the isolation and loneliness she felt inside. Through her book and coaching program, she now teaches how to remove interference within the physical body in order to connect to the voice inside. With her guidance, women get clear on the difference between fear and intuition and use their newfound power to create the health, wealth, and love they know they deserve.

    Amazon link:

    Speaking Your Body's Language:

    Get Clear on Fear vs Intuition & Create The Health, Wealth, & Love You Know You Deserve



    Find her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christy.stehle

    Instagram: @as_christy_sees_it

  • Episodes manquant?

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  • There are primary energy sources that drive us, motivate us, and activate us to create positive change and impact in the world. However, most of us aren’t aware of how to tap into these energy sources to do so. That coupled with societal oppression, indoctrination, and condemnation leads to the majority of us struggling when it comes to owning our Power, enjoying SEX to the fullest capacity, and being Financially abundant.

    Within the latest Embodied Enlightenment podcast, Aaron and I discuss the specific strategies needed to do just this… plus so much more.

    When you listen to this podcast gain insights around:
    - Societal association to sexuality
    - Integrating the same energy cultivated in the bedroom into the world
    - Tantra beyond the category of sex
    - Understanding the mind as the co-navigator of your ship
    - How to awaken through your contrasexual self
    - How to have better sex and more money
    - Energy, money, purpose and seriously so much more...

    Aaron Kleinerman is a Transformational Sex and Relationship Coach, Facilitator and Speaker. He came from a childhood of complete chaos, dysfunction and at a young age completely lost faith in humanity. After attending the prestigious US Merchant Marine Academy, he found a great job, traveled the world and made tons of money, but realized he wanted more. His soul journey brought him close to death numerous times on both the high seas and his travels to remotes places across the globe.

    Through these experiences, he realized that life is not about personal achievements and egotistic desires, but rather about deep soul remembrance and fulfilling one’s dharma. He has learned from the great masters in the field of sexuality and transformation, including earning a master’s degree in spiritual psychology. Now he helps his clients remember who they truly are in order to awaken their inner erotic wisdom.

    Aaron went from being a licensed captain navigating ships to a sexual behavior and movement specialist navigating souls. His workshops, retreats, sessions and speeches help humans integrate body movement, psychology, sexuality and spirituality. He speaks and shares honestly and transparently so that others can unlock the real reason for their human existence. Aaron is now fulfilling his own dharma and has dedicated his life to helping humanity wake up and remember their soul’s unique gift. www.AaronKleinerman.com

  • Get ready to geek out and learn key insights on the functionalities of your body. Shawn and I dive right in as he shares his insane wisdom and provides us with incredible tips to optimize our bodies and our minds.

    Join our conversation as we discuss:

    Eastern vs Western medicine

    How to Heal Your Body Yourself (what supplements you should be taking right now)

    The Medical Mindset


    How to select the best alternative medicines for YOU

    Anti-aging and longevity tips


    And so much more. EEEE. What an incredibly packed episode for body and brain enhancement and optimization. Listen now!

    Shawn is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist, Fellow in the International Society of Sports Nutrition, and practiced over a decade as a Chief Clinical Dietitian in acute (hospital) and skilled nursing settings.

    He has formulated supplements for over 20 years and speaks all over the world, has also been on top podcasts national radio shows (One Life Radio weekly on iHeartMedia), He is also featured in a documentary yet to be released internationally on dietary supplements.

    Shawn has also been on the ketogenic diet for over 20 years and speaks all over the world on this topic as well. He was featured in the international documentary, the Skinny on Fat that released in 2018 and was most recently on Fox News television talking about 2019 health trends (including keto, fasting and more).

    Mr. Wells is a nutritional biochemist and has been dubbed in the supplement industry as "The World's Greatest Formulator" where he as formulated over 500 products available around the world. He has been integral with patents of 10 novel ingredients including TeaCrine, Dynamine.

    Shawn is CEO of Zone Halo Research, a founding partner in World's Greatest Ingredients and founding partner in Kwired (a branding and acquisition readiness company).

    Connect with Shawn below:




    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shawn.zhr

    Twitter: @zonehalo or https://twitter.com/ZoneHalo

    Instagram: @zonehalo or https://www.instagram.com/zonehalo/

  • Ever wondered how we all influence each other... the energy that bridges world and connection all things? Brett has been fascinated by humans influence on and from the collective consciousness field, or as Brett calls it Universal Intelligence. I invite you to take a moment, slow down, and join in the conversation between Brett and myself within the latest Embodied Enlightenment episode to understand universal intelligence.

    Brett opens his heart, sharing his story of extreme contrast of his childhood and his longing search of deep connection and the feeling of belonging.

    We touch on how to reach and maintain flow states by deprogramming the identifications we've built and created. We go even deeper on integrating the wounds we all have within and the default paradigm with exist within.

    This episode is filled with golden nuggets, especially if you want to learn more about quantum fields and flow states. Your invitation to join us is waiting.

    Brett is currently exploring a new level of surrender to the divine and a new level of trust in the universe. On a personal level, he in the process of doing a breatharian initiation and transformation, working with Zero point technologies.

    Professionally Brett works as a Daka, facilitates Awakening Creation Circles around the world and organizes interesting alternate events, conferences, retreats, workshops, hackathons and parties combined where people and groups enter into flow states (unified with the quantum supercomputer) and from this field we relate, integrate (Heal), love what is, manifest new realities, and create together.

    He has spent the last 35 years of his life exploring and experimenting with ecstatic and flow states. He has studied engaged in and obsessed over peak performance states in extreme sports, creative software development teams, dance, plant medicines, Trance Parties, shamanism, and Tantric sacred sexuality. This searching has to lead him to found extreme software development companies, living in ashrams in India, Buddhist monasteries, living with ayahuasca drinking communities in the Amazon, living with and studying with powerful dakini's and with the pygmies in the Jungles of the Congo basin and many, many more exciting places. He has also studied a number of transpersonal transformational practices, Taoist energy healing, sensual and sexual massage, quantum collapse, family constellation, HeartMath, Demartini, relationship mastery and heartIQ circling.

    Before all this he studied as an Engineer first, then an Accountant and lastly as a Software Developer.

    Connect with Brett below:

  • Do you feel like your life is only being partial fulfilled? That you love what you are doing but feel like something is missing? Or are you a spiritual warrior that has lived in the world of business as well as the world of being barefoot, naked, and completely liberated and desire integrated the two?

    In the latest episode of the Embodied Enlightenment podcast, Pablo and I discuss the benefits of being a generalist in a world of specialist as well as the key components on how to best navigate taking on that role. Pablo has mastered satisfying all aspects of his soul and he sharing his story, insight, and wisdom on how to stay true to his spiritual free nature while still being grounded in the world of business.

    Pablo is a Berlin-based entrepreneur, Biodanza teacher, Yogui, coach and consultant. His life has been a journey of searching for his own path by integrating the practical world of business and the integral world of yoga and dance. He has over 15 years’ experience as an organizational consultant, coach, and trainer. He has worked in designing, facilitating, consulting and implementing more than 200 different organizations reaching more than 4000 people. As a senior consultant, he has worked with a wide range of clients that include private companies, public institutions, international NGOs and educational institutions.

    His goal in life is to lead processes of enhancing human consciousness from gratitude and love to help create a better world.

    “My main focus in Berlin is to expand and share with the world my vision and thrive by helping to create a world in which consciousness and mindfulness are the key to evolve as species. 7 Sessions is the platform that has manifested through me to connect unconnected dots, lead, co-create and sponsor independent-conscious, collaborative entrepreneurs/projects by acting as a platform for new, inspiring and integrative relationships.”

    You can find out more about Pablo on his website here: http://www.7sessions.de/

  • As an entrepreneur, I know all too well the overwell and additional stress that comes from choice fatigue, especially within the digital world. I believe we all have an innate gift within us that is meant to be shared with the world. But when faced with the choices of how to share our message and market it for our business we can be left feeling overwhelmed at where to start and where to go next. Amelie, a digital marketing maven, has held my hand as I get my message online and now she is sharing her secrets for you to do the same. In this Embodied Enlightenment episode, Amelie and I go deep into conscious conversation about how to play within the digital space, what technology to use, where to start, and how to do all of this consciously from a place of service.

    When you listen or watch this episode you can expect to learn about:

    - Playing in the digital space: how to handle the overwhelm of choices and play the conscious marketing game so everyone wins

    - Choosing the right technology

    - Letting your content speak for itself

    - Why it's imperative to manage your expectations, for yourself and your tribe

    - How to deal with the growth of highly suspicious humans online

    - How are you showing up in a 5th-dimensional experience in the service and exchange of energy you are offering

    - Why you shouldn't be telling everyone about your life, what you are feeling, and experiencing

    If you are looking to share your message with the world, this is an episode you definitely do not want to miss.

    Amelie Mettenheimer is the creator of JustAskAmelie.com and is on a mission to help new coaches and entrepreneurs go from no clue to in the know through mastering technology in order to create more freedom and ease.

    Having grown up (and still living) in Europe, the US and South Africa she is uniquely in tune with the needs of the modern female entrepreneur. Amelie created Just Ask Amelie to provide a source for new coaches to find usable and actionable answers for their blocks in a beautiful and fun way without huge expense. She is also a certified breathwork facilitator supporting those who are looking to release trauma and stuck energy to feel more connected to themselves, their creativity and life energy.

    Amelie works with passionate women all around the world through her workshops and programs, teaching you how to have more freedom and ease in your life while making those business dreams come true. She has been featured on WFTV, BeFit and ZoneOne Radio among others. With her loving yet no nonsense approach, Amelie inspires talented individuals to take charge of their life, success, and happiness by boosting their self-confidence, dropping the BS excuses and infusing huge amounts of fun into each day.

    Momentum Mastery: A 90 Day Program designed with only one thing in mind - accountability + planning so you not only move the needle but actually do the things you wanted to do. There are no groups, videos, workbooks or other items to get your distracted. All you do it write one email per week over the 12 weeks and watch your productivity soar.


  • This episode is different than any episode released yet. Also so much so that I thought maybe I shouldn’t publish this. The roles were reversed as Johanna took over interviewing me. She asked extremely personal questions about my life, my personal practices, and the magic of breathwork.

    As a former founder of an activewear brand for pole dancers, Johanna knows all about the challenges and hustle of female entrepreneurship.This experience motivated her to empower other female entrepreneurs in the Berlin startup scene by hosting events such as the Factory Women’s Brunch and through videos on her YouTube channel fem.courged. Her natural gift of spotting extraordinary talent she not only uses to select brilliant female speakers for events and interviews but also as a recruiter for skill-fisher where she connects best-fit digital talent with traditional organizations and startups.

    You can check out Johanna by clicking on the links below.

    ++ YouTube

    ++ Instagram

    ++ Linkedin

    ++ Facebook

  • If you are anything like me you are consciously working towards a harmonize balance in all aspects of your life. I work to maintain harmony within first, balancing the ying and yang aspects of myself and then apply those same balancing principles to my business.

    Utilizing these two qualities of energy as a dance leading us into flow states.

    This week, we had the master herself, Joanna Turner sharing her insights into this exact methodology.

    Joanna shares her story of what it’s like to feel and be unbalanced between the two qualities of energy that exist within all things, and more importantly how she was able to navigate herself into flow. This lead to optimizing her business profits but also influencing other aspects of her life.

    Joanna and I dive into the masculine and feminine qualities of energy and how to understand what those qualities really mean as well as how to best tap into them when you are out of balance. She also shares her way to realize if you are out of balance and her simple technique to get back on track.

    If you feel like you are behind in your business, or pushing too hard, or maybe not pushing enough this is the episode for you. It is time to do the inner work to make outer change.

    Join Joanna and me for the latest Embodied Enlightenment episode.

    Joanna Turner is an International Speaker and leading Spiritual Success Mentor, (and former Chartered Accountant!) She is a mentor to female entrepreneurs and specializes in busting money blocks and helping them to alchemize fear into flow and awaken their infinite possibility. She acts as a bridge between the spiritual and business worlds combining; her strong business acumen, gained from spending 17 years in Finance, with her years of spiritual practice, including being a Shamanic Reiki practitioner & Master NLP Practitioner. She is the founder of Akashic Alchemy, teaching people to read their own Akashic Records, using her simple technique to align to their Soul Purpose and beyond. She is a digital nomad and is on a mission to raise the frequency of the planet.

    She was recently nominated for the Telstra Business Woman of the Year Award 2016 in the Entrepreneurship category.





    Get your free gift from Joanna here: https://www.openmyakashicrecords.com/optin22350921

    Embodied Enlightenment podcast episode 15.

  • If you are a creator, a teacher, a coach, a business person, a healer, or someone with something to say you desire to be fully seen and heard in this world.

    The truth is we all want to be heard and seen. It’s part of our ingrained human value system… we want to be valued as an active member of the tribe.

    As technology enhances it can feel as though our message is not getting through to anyone. You might find yourself checking how many likes you have received on your latest post, or asking yourself how do I get in front of more people to share my gifts with the world.

    Sarah is the women to teach you how to make that happen. In the last few years she has reached over 200 million views through her social media inspiration videos and she is sharing all her secrets in this podcast.

    Listen along and hear directing from Sarah as she tells us about her humble beings, her ability to shift her perspective around innovation, and how learning how to listen changed the game of her life.

    Within this episode Sarah shares her wisdom on where to start, what your videos should be about, and the best editing tips to get your videos to go viral.

    Even more importantly Sarah goes into the common mistakes everyone is making in editing and the do’s and don'ts about creating viral videos.

    This is a podcast episode you do not want to miss.

    Sarah Snow is an inspirational videographer, executive producer, and visual artist. She currently is the executive producer for Jay Shetty and Lewis Howls social media video platforms.

    In 2016, as the Director of Audience Development at Widranked in the Top 100 Most Creative People In Business By Fast Company, has over 200 million views on her inspiring and thoughtful Facebook videos. She was previously the community manager at video

    Sarah Snow is the director of audience development as Widso. She was previously the community manager at video-messaging app Glide, where she interacted with and createed video content for the company's users. She spearheaded the company’s efforts to serve and work with the deaf community, which has embraced the app as a more natural way to communicate in sign language, their first language, than text messaging. Before joining Glide at the age of 19, Snow—who was born in the U.S. and moved to Israel with her family at age 10—worked in the oncology ward of an Israeli hospital, assisting patients and nurses and, most importantly, listening to people’s stories. Feedback Snow collected from Glide's deaf users has led to thoughtful new features in the app, like the ability to disable a function that degrades video quality if the user has a weak Internet connection. In 2015, she launched a social media campaign titled #WithCaptions, in which she asked YouTube creators to caption all their future videos.

    Her videos have now reach more the 200 million people across the globe, leading her to launch her own viral video course.

    If you are interested in creating your own viral videos click here for more information to work with Sarah directly:


    Follow Sarah here:




  • In this week’s episode of the Embodied Enlightenment podcast, Nicolas Matt and I explore the concept of finding new ways to evolve within the balance of the masculine and feminine qualities of the Self. He goes deep into his story and shares why he believes it’s imperative that we rethink how we approach personal growth and development.

    Dive deep into releasing emotional blockages by learning:
    - the 8 primary emotional blockages
    - how to remove them
    - ways to readjust your vision and why that’s a vital step in creating balance with the polarity of the Self
    - living life to the fullest by experiencing all of it
    - if you are in a success trap and how that could be stagnating your growth

    Nicolas Matt helps people to grow mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. He coached more than 15.000 people in more than 10 years all over the world.

    He studied Communications in Social and Economic Contexts, Media-Psychology, Media-Sociology, Design Thinking and Asian Economics in Berlin, Potsdam and Bangkok. A major career step was becoming a lecturer at the famous Mannheim Business School with just 24 years of age. Against all odds, he founded his first company at the age of 18 and quickly became Germany‘s youngest rhetoric trainer with appearances on several German media stations. For more than 9 years he is working for the who-is-who of international companies like Bayer, Daimler, Merck, Kärcher and Deutsche Bahn.

    He is a trainer, speaker, and coach for international top-universities and works with famous athletes, musicians, and CEOs in his fresh and uncomplicated style. With his just do it mentality, the double social-awardee initiated a successful environmental project that became number one in Germany and was funded by UNESCO.

    He founded several companies in his young age like a strategic marketing agency, that is still successful in the field of sustainability, consulting and also positioned a multi-million dollar company that is new on the market.

    You can find out more and work directly with Nicholas below:

    Coaching: www.releasing-emotional-blockages.com

    Workshop: www.the-path.me

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicolasmattofficial

  • As a society, we are facing a serious increase of loneliness and isolation; a feeling of being disconnected due to our limited opportunities for face to face connection. Loneliness is an epidemic that has been directly related to weight gain, depression, and a ton of other symptoms. However, there is a super easy cure to combat these feelings of loneliness. This cure will not only invoke a feeling of deep satisfaction, but it will also nourish and heal your body, mind, and soul.

    Listen to the latest embodied enlightenment podcast with the leading health and performance coach, Laura Bolton. Laura is on a serious mission to bring people together, utilizing cooking as an act of service and love. She says, “The experience of cooking with/for others can give us a D.O.S.E of happiness (Dopamine. Oxytocin. Serotonin. Endorphins).”

    During this episode, Laura opens up and shares her story of how she using cooking to combat her own feelings of loneliness, how she developed an early love affair with food, and her triumph of healing herself after the food she was eating made her extremely sick.

    “I envision a world where cooking nourishing healthful food, and eating together, is the new norm. The mission is to create a movement. To reignite a culture of cooking and cultivate opportunities for people to connect through this. To nourish minds, bodies and souls for collective health and wellbeing.” Laura states.

    If you want to know more about Laura or work with her directly… or share her incredible mission of creating connection through cooking you can find her here:

    Insta @laura.jane.bolton

    Facebook page is @laurajaneboltonofficial

    Website is www.laurajanebolton.com

  • If you are an entrepreneur driven by a higher purpose this is an episode you do not want to miss. Join Paul and I as we dive deep into foundational principles around course creation and getting your message heard.

    Creating an online space to connect and bring a community together through sharing our gifts is the way of the future. As an entrepreneur myself, I know how scary and overwhelming technology can be. Our minds can go into a downward spiral of logistics and take us away from why we are truly here.

    Do you ever worry about the following:

    - Where do I start?

    - How do I know anyone will want to listen to me?

    - What are the steps I need to take to get my message heard and my course built?

    Paul has the innate gift of creating ease, structure, and support. He is a gift in and of himself and throughout the episode shares his incredible wisdom on how to use technology to harness what you do and amplify it.

    When you listen in you will learn:

    - Important steps you can’t miss before you even start creating the course

    - How to overcome self-doubt and resistance by learning easy, actionable steps to getting your course online

    - How to determine who your audience is and the RIGHT way to speak to them

    - How to get customers to come directly to you

    Paul Thomson has built an online business empowering six, seven, and even eight-figure business owners to create and sell online courses. Specifically, he’s helped dozens of entrepreneurs at all levels to share their expertise in the online space, scale their business, and make money while they’re at it. He is an Australian native currently living in Bali while traveling the world. Featured in Forbes, Thrive Global & Founder of The Online Course Creators Hub, Paul continues to pave the way as one of the leading industry experts in course development & marketing.

    Find out more about how to work with Paul directly here: www.thepaulthomson.com

  • Everything we do in our life is selling, persuasion, and connection. Listen to the latest episode of the embodied enlightenment podcast to understand the impact of always selling from a place of love.

    If you are experiencing blocks with money you will definitely want to listen in to this conversation. Jason and I go deep through communication and collaboration explaining the energy exchange of money. You see, money was created as an energetic tool to understand the value of exchange of goods and services or time. Money is this very amazing tangible tool. Yet, we all have a lot of beliefs wrapped into our experience of wealth. Our beliefs have formed embedded emotional responses. Within this episode you will see that every time there is an energy exchange there is also a primary emotion. You have to ask yourself: Are you taking from the collective consciousness or adding to the enhancement of that energy? What are the emotions that come in within every sale you are trying to make - all it is an exchange between a single or collective.

    Key Insights:

    Where fear comes from around selling and how to shift away from it to increase your sales and life

    Three loves that need to happen if you want to sell from love for the products you are presenting to the world

    What is the impacting your sales are making in the world and have it is directly related to the flow of your financial abundance

    How to get familiar with a cycle of rejection to move past it

    Melt the resistance of sales by learning to operate from a different paradigm

    Why should you listen to Jason? I would call him a sales guru. Jason Campbell is one of the primary sales and marketing leaders at Mindvalley, working directly with strategic partnerships and sales. A company impacting billions of lives around the planet. He is a growth hacker with high energy, wits of a ninja, get things done, and is obsessed with his LOVE of sales. He is also the host of Impact @ Work, and speaks about sales on stages around the world.

  • Get into the next stage of your business and life with the latest episode of Embodied Enlightenment. In business and in life, we can go through stages of confusion. We can feel unsure and unsteady about what direction we should be headed. In this podcast, Alex and I go deep into conversation about how to use storytelling as a tool to achieve insight into where you want to go, as well as, understand the complexity of what makes you, You. Listen to the episode too:

    Learn to communicate better

    Build relationships and rapport more easily

    Learn accountability systems to execute easier

    Become joyful diligent

    Alex T. Steffen is a business consultant, bestselling author, and award-winning presenter. Formerly a Director of Show Quality at Disney, his professional focus is innovation management and the future of work. Alex' mission is to make transformation more joyful for leaders. He works with businesses such as Mercedes, AirBnB, and Huawei on the design of digital ecosystems and innovation communities. Alex is the co-founder of Growth Masters, an invite-only adventure Mastermind, which combines crowdsourced coaching and accountability systems to push entrepreneurs to the next stage in their business.

  • Navigating through entrepreneurship feels like climbing uphill with tumbling rocks flying at you, massive storms rolling in followed by the most beautiful rainbows, and having to trust fully in yourself. It’s all too easy to get into the energy of grinding it out… but even easier to shift into victim mentality as an entrepreneur.

    Being an entrepreneur is the ultimate creator state.

    When you are first starting, as I am, you have to actually get unbalanced. Something that is again everything I believe in! ARG.

    I completely understand that as an entrepreneur I have to get super unbalanced with all my focus an intention on what I am building AND still hold the intention of the VISION I am moving towards.

    Yes, you have to put in the work but we forget it’s only temporary versus the mistake most entrepreneurs make which is staying within the grind and not knowing when to lean back and take care of themselves.

    Entrepreneurs sometimes forget they intention behind why they want to be entrepreneurs in the first place - SERVICE, FREEDOM, MANIFESTATION, AND INTENTION and fall into the trap of comparison, competition, and proving their worth… or chasing the money.

    That’s why I am so excited about this podcast with Matt. He has 16 years in the industry and drops some serious entrepreneur knowledge.

    Key insights from this episode:
    The habits you need to start your day to set you up for success
    How to handle situations when your business is hitting serious challenges
    The entrepreneurship hero’s journey to greatness

    Matt Stefanik, aka "The Lifestyle Architect," is a marketing expert, consultant, speaker, and lifelong entrepreneur. He has spoken at various marketing events around the world including in Atlanta, Cozumel, Tokyo, Las Vegas, Montreal, and London. Matt is the creator of "The Lifestyle Architect" brand and is the Founder and CEO of Futimmo, the ecommerce platform of the future. In 2002, Matt dropped out of college, started his own real estate business, and 16 years later is still successfully self-employed. Matt is a husband, father of three, serial entrepreneur, and lover of comedy, craft beer, and The Ohio State Buckeyes. Connect with Matt at https://fb.com/MattStefanik.

  • I am so jazzed about this episode because Dorota and I go deep into conversations around reaching flow states, ecstasy, and nirvana. She offers key insight and wisdom to allow you to be in your sense,s right here and right now so that you can accept your entire emotional world in each moment.

    Join us for this episode to uncover:

    - The three things you need to do to achieve happiness.
    - What is taking you out of this very moment and why it’s so important to be in the PRESENT.
    - Where your unhappiness originated and what to do about it.

    Dorota Stanczyk is a Polish visual artist, creative director, movie director, commercial and fine art photographer and designer. She completed her studies at the world-renowned College of Applied Arts ESAA Duperré in Paris.

    To Dorota, art is instantaneous. She developed her taste for ephemeral design through her experience as a photographer and visual artist before transitioning into video direction. Upon her arrival to Paris in 2006, Dorota worked with brands such as Christian Dior, Alexis Mabill, Nouvelle Vague Music, Under the Influence Magazine and others. Her distinctive aesthetic styling enabled her to provide unique concepts for her highly visible clients. As a visual artist and video director, Dorota’s talent has been recognized through numerous awards, including Photo Awards for Creative Direction and Oakland Independent Artist’s Award for “Best Music Video.”

    With a passion for traveling and exploring new cultures, Dorota has lived in Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Asia. Her travels were the inspiration for her 2013 worldwide art project, S.E.W.N. Into the World. S.E.W.N. (South, East, West, North) explores the liberty, equality, integration and union between people and the world.

    After 10 years of working in Visual Arts, Dorota created MoonKava — a conceptual artistic brand with a unique, well-defined style. The brand combines digital and physical arts to conceptualize services and create inspired innovative designs and projects. Dorota believes that the greatest ideas are born from intuition, not from the process of rational thinking.

    In 2017, she became the Creative Director of Mindvalley, an online education and personal growth company whose values aligned with hers. She applied her artistic knowledge to support new, innovative learning approaches and led a department of filmmakers, designers, writers and content marketing specialists. She created media campaigns, inspirational movies, content and immersive experiences (A-Fest, Mindvalley Reunion, MVU) that united and empowered people to become the best version of themselves, spread positive change and create lasting impact on the planet.

    She also starred in her first full-length documentary, Enhanced States of Consciousness, which examines how people can tap into their creative potential by reaching higher states of consciousness.

    At a personal level, Dorota has been studying relationships for over 10 years. She completed her first socio-spiritual book.. The book critically examines relationships by explaining how people’s behaviours impact their relationships with family, friends and most of all themselves.

  • Join Jason Prall and me for the latest episode of the Embodied Enlightenment podcast. Jason Prall is a powerhouse, soul-infused, scientific spiritual badass. He is a wealth of knowledge and insight on human longevity and optimal health. Check out the latest Embodied Enlightenment podcast below.

    When you listen to this episode you will gain key insights on the following topics:
    Affirmation + Confirmation that health is already within you
    Heart Math
    How Emotions + Thoughts Influence Your Health and how to use them to get Healthier
    Brain Waves, Cellular Shifts, and Societal Stimulus

    Jason Prall is a former mechanical engineer turned entrepreneur, filmmaker, and Health Optimization Practitioner. Due to 20 years of his own health challenges, Jason was given the opportunity to discover the reality behind his symptoms. Over the years, he transitioned from working in the integrative disease care model to a model of health optimization and lifestyle medicine. In May of 2018, these lessons culminated in a documentary film series called, "The Human Longevity Project", which uncovers the complex mechanisms of chronic disease & aging and the true nature of longevity in our modern world.

  • For the longest time, I didn't want to show up on social media. I would find myself comparing to others, or numbingly scrolling for hours. Secret: I did this even on the toilet. I mean WTF? What a lot of us haven't realized is social media is a digital dimension that we are acting engaging in without really understanding the energetic dissidence its causing.

    You couple all that with trying to navigate the social media world and stay in your feminine essence (goddess this is for you) in a push, masculine driven society... no wonder a lot of us feel burnout on social media.

    In comes Katie Brockhurst to the rescue.

    I am so excited about connecting with Katie in this podcast because she drops such wisdom on how to drop back into alignment, and show up on social media in a fun, playful, soft way.

    YES, You don't have to push. You can use a spiritual approach of trust, faith, and authenticity in your social media strategy.

    Begone 5 steps to mastering your Instagram. Katie teaches how to shift your energy so you can simply BE versus DO in this new, expanding digital dimension.

    Social media consultant and coach to authors and experts in spirituality and well-being, Katie Brockhurst is described by her clients as a “Social Media Angel”. It’s more than a nickname: it's a job description, an ethos and a mission statement. Katie has worked with many Hay House authors, including Diana Cooper, Sonia Choquette, John Parkin, Kyle Gray, and Rebecca Campbell. She is loved for her simple, positive, actionable strategies that play to people’s strengths and authenticity, and enable them to create meaningful content, communities, and results online. You can find Katie @katiekdot_socialmediaangle or facebook group: facebook.com/groups/socialmediaforanewage or grab a copy of her brand new book Social Media for a New Age here: https://www.amazon.com/Social-Media-New-Katie-Brockhurst/dp/1912779196/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1533630169&sr=1-1&keywords=social+media+for+a+new+age

  • Have you ever wondered why we are here and how we got here in the first place? This question has both science and spirituality searching for the answer. The most recent research shows that these once two opposing viewpoints are now in alignment with the answers to life's biggest questions.

    Join Flo and me for this weeks' episode as we explore multiple different rabbit holes from thermal dynamics to the big bang theory, to the illusionary reality of Maya. Get ready to have your mind blown way open as we navigate the world of science and spirituality.

    Florian Eberhart doesn’t like labels - he calls himself an experiential being. He likes to maximize his experience and just going with the flow. But if you want to give him labels he used to have a lot of them - from theoretical astrophysicist, entrepreneur, advisor, thinker, biohacker, QiGong Instructor, to business and peak performance coach. You can follow him @floebb