It was a sad realization that convinced me that a fair number of people have no idea what self love is and and even less of an understanding of how to practice it. We have been, from our earliest part of life, fully indoctrinated by actions, words and subtle inferences. Our parents, teachers, siblings, extended family, religious people, friends and more have impressed all of their beliefs, attitudes, fears, insecurities onto you. You learn a great deal about yourself early on and I can step out on a limb and say that, unless you’re a narcissist, you probably don’t think too much of yourself. We must redefine self love. We tend to go with a very 3rd dimension definition that says we must pamper ourselves and become fully involved with trying to convince our ego that material things and activities are the remedy for poor self image. It has been my experience that if I stared slowly by finding things about myself that I approve of while stating the intention that I will realize and be enamored of my truest self, the one hiding under tons of wrong perspectives, self loathing and feeling as though I was so flawed and unworthy of any good thing that I could dig my way out of what seemed a never ending nightmare. It is a journey for sure and takes dedication to the endeavor of self reflection in order to change all of those beliefs that keep us from realizing who we really are and why we’re here. It is more important than ever that we learn the skills that direct us to places of discovery within ourselves because that’s where our answers are, that’s where we learn how powerful and eternal we are. Join Kristin and I as we share what we know about this subject! Blessings!
Martha Juchnowski -
Join Martha and Kristin for a discussion about how energy has an impact on empaths. Many of us have been there before, you walk into a room and can “feel” that something is not quite right. Without being told, you zero in on the person who is troubled and feel the need to be of assistance because you may feel it’s your duty to help. Or you know when something or someone is “off” and feel the need to leave the premises. You may also feel someone’s pain or illness. Welcome to the world of the Empath! Of course there’s more to being an Empath but I think we get the message. Being an Empath is significantly different from being empathetic, for example, I can have empathy with someone who has a toothache because I have experienced it myself and can honestly say that I understand. I feel your pain because I too have had a similar experience. An Empath feels your discomfort without having had the experience personally because Empaths are highly and deeply sensitive to the energy of a person or situation. It is important to remember that Empaths are susceptible to being drained energetically and that it is advisable to protect that energy by employing methods that allow you to continue to offer energetic support without being drained. There are various methods such as surrounding yourself in a bubble of light and ways to “sanitize” your field if you have given too much away. Each night before I go to bed, I will cleanse my field with sage or high vibration incense and state that I cleanse my space of any and all negative energy or entities, cut ties to any low vibration attachments and acknowledge that I am a vessel for Source. Join Kristin and I as we explore this subject in more depth and detail on this latest episode of Empowered Empaths.
Many blessings, Martha Juchnowski -
Episodes manquant?
Join mental health counselor, Kwan Patton, with hosts Martha and Kristin discussing just how an empath figures out they are, in fact, and empath. It's a whole new world folks!
Join special guest Leah Barrett, psychotherapist and host of the podcast Precarious speaks with Kristin about how we can perceive our lives.
https://www.leahbarrett.com/ -
Join Kristin and Martha for discussion about how we perceive "progress" when it comes to our personal journeys.
Martha and Kristin discuss what seems to be going on in the world right now and how we empaths navigate our paths.
Join Martha and Kristin as they talk about the importance of cord cutting. Meditation included.
Did you get into that habit again of negative self-talk in the past couple of years? It is addictive and hard to break but not impossible. Join Kristin and Martha for a discussion on how to build those mindful chatter self-care boundaries back up and feel at peace in your body again. Welcome Home!
Listeners - our incredible editor of Empowered Empaths is Joseph Fusaro. The below is one of his poems that aligns with this episode in a lovely way. Enjoy!
Think Mind Think
by @sincerely_joe
Think Mind think
Think of all of the things that
you’ve ever wanted to think
Maybe the individualist within
is all they’ve ever wanted to
Think mind think
Trying to stop you only continually
pushed both of us close to the brink
We could very well be more alike than either of us have ever wanted to think
Think mind think
Impress me
Show me your loves
Show me your fears
Show me your envy
Show me your blame
Show me your source
Show me your insecurities
Show me your impurities
Show me your credibility
Show us all the egotistical bullshit
that we have repeatedly been forced to witness
Push me to think.
Push me to drink
Push me to lose it all
Push me to give up
taking care of my body
Push me to give up on
hope, faith, love, and
all the good there is to give
Push me to ruin everything.
Oh wait…you already did.
Think mind think
Show me something
You taught me.
To tear it down.
Now built it back up
Think mind think
Until you come back
home to me with bliss
Until then,
into the wind
I will blow you
one more kiss.
Think mind think.
You never really gave us a chance
and we have overcome everything
Think mind think
For the first time
in my entire life…
I can hear
the crickets
https://www.mentalhealthnewsradionetwork.com/our-shows/good-air/ -
Martha and Kristin are back. We actually never went anywhere but we needed to pull in and regroup. A lot has been happening and if we have anyone still interested in listening, we hope you enjoy this discussion. If you are new to this show, welcome.
If you’re like me, you were raised to accept what shows up in your life as “the will of God” and never, ever question or complain about what does show up. I always thought I was a peon,
flawed, a sinner who had no business speaking to God other than to say I’m sorry for my many faults. Little did I know how wrong I was! I began, slowly but surely, to feel as though I was a
being that is and always was a beloved individuated aspect of that Creator and I have been on a journey of awakening since. What I know now is that we live in a participatory universe and we play the central role in conscious creation. What I also know is that we haven’t come to the full realization of our powerful gifts and abilities and need a little feedback and reinforcement as we go along and that’s why I have learned to ask the universe some questions. The first is “what if”.
What if all that I believe about myself is false? What if I am not hopeless, lazy, ugly, fat, stupid,
unworthy? You’re not making statements that your subconscious mind can’t believe and will therefore guide you back to the old default thoughts. You are merely looking at possibilities that have never been entertained. The other “challenge” I give to the universe is this: Show me how
it can get better”. Kristin and I talk about these ideas on this week’s episode of Empowered
Empaths. This may change your life for the better so join us and find out for yourself. What if it is true? -
Join Kristin and Martha for an uplifting and informative conversation with psychic/tarot reader
Misty. We are so fortunate to have the privilege of speaking with so many gifted
psychics, mediums, and healers and sharing their unique perspectives on what’s been
happening in the world as well as how they guide their clients to awakening and growth. Misty
is a deeply empathetic counselor and also uses the tarot to share the spirit of wisdom with her
many clients. Along with her business, she homeschools four children which we all agreed is
the hardest job around!
Misty can be reached at mysticvisions.net as well as her Facebook page. -
Join Kristin as she discusses with Kim Saeed what communal narcissism is and how to handle things if you find yourself in this situation.
www.kimsaeed.com -
Join Kristin and Martha as they discuss how we have all been dealing with the changes in the energy around us. While the past year feels as though it has beaten us up, Martha helps us learn more regarding how we can process some of it and move past this.
There has been much speculation about what’s going on in the world right now, everything
from Armageddon to the return of Christ. We can all see and feel the changes in the world and
while it looks chaotic, many of us know this to be a paradigm shift of epic proportions. When a
paradigm is shifting, chaos can and does manifest as the old energy is no longer helpful and is
shifting to a higher vibration. Those who are not ready to grow and expand will find themselves
feeling fearful, angry, and unsettled. Those of us who are engaging with and cooperating with
the process can feel the stress in our own endeavor of uncovering what no longer serves us
and healing ourselves. On this week’s episode of Empowered Empaths, Martha welcomes our
friend, psychic, medium and healer, Deborah Hendrickson as they discuss their own
experiences as well as how to remain centered and optimistic. While it is an uncomfortable
time to be alive, we came well equipped with all the tools we need not just to survive but thrive.
Deborah’s insight and wisdom helped us to remember who we are.
Her website is sacredtreevisions.com and welcomes visitors! -
Everyone has some familiarity with tarot cards either through a personal reading or anecdotal
testimony. The practice of reading the cards has been associated with darker esoteric
practices and has been largely misunderstood. This week, Kristin and Martha welcomed healer,
teacher and reader Meghan Rose who brought a new understanding to the practice of reading
the tarot and how the cards inspire the reader to a deeper understanding of the client,
triggering the reader’s intuitive gift of insight and empathy. Meghan shared her gift by giving
Martha a “mini” reading that was insightful and impactful. A peek at Meghan’s website,
www.Meghanrosewellness.com, will give you an idea of the services she provides. Join us for a
fun and informative trip into the spirit of the tarot! -
Kristin and I have an unusual approach to our show content. Unless we have a guest, we allow
our guides to inspire us with the subject matter and then allow the flow to happen, and it
always does! This week, my guides had a message that they requested to be shared with our
audience and I found myself taking dictation. I was asked if I would be willing to be a
messenger for them in this venue as they have much to say so we can expect more messages.
Having worked with these folks for many years, I know and trust them and their guidance. I
include this message below and may it be a blessing to you.
“It is now time to put into use all of the memories of self that you have uncovered through
years of inner work and self-healing. There are those who have been diligently occupied with
the process of remembering who you are and are eradicating all false assumptions of self that
have been imposed upon you and now it’s time to capture and incorporate a new idea of self.
No longer will the belief that we aren’t worthy be entertained, if you cling to the old, obsolete
beliefs that belittle and disempower you, we will remind you of the truth. You came here with
unique skills and those skills are needed now. There is no need to labor over this truth to bring
it into your awareness, your singular contribution is now ready to be given and all you have to
do is open your eyes in the morning and breathe. The more you “try” the more you confuse
and confound yourself and then the flow of this dynamic expression of you is complicated
unnecessarily. What is requested now is that you enter into expansion by giving more attention
to your gifts and abilities and less attention to what you perceive to be your faults. The world
does not need a daily influx of negativity from the lightworkers who have chosen to incarnate at
this time and continue to feel deeply their perceived flaws and imperfections. Now is the time
to focus on our light, our successful transmutation of generational patterns of darkness, the
goodness of our core self, and the miraculous manifestations waiting to be born through our
hearts. We were there at the birth of this material reality and are part and parcel of its
miraculous existence. Accept this understanding, let its vibration reside in every cell, and then
allow it to expand into every aspect of your beingness. Know that we celebrate you, we love
you beyond any human measure and we await your request for guidance and assistance.
Above all...remember who you are.”
Join Kristin and I as we discuss this message and how it impacts our daily life. Namaste,
Martha. -
There is little doubt that we have just lived through one of the most difficult and frightening
years that any of us can remember. Our lives were locked down, threatened with a deadly
disease and an undercurrent of simmering anger and hatred caused many of us deep trauma
that led to various mental health challenges. All of us have been affected and even the most
positive thinking, spiritually awakened folks feel a bit like they’ve been repeatedly pulled
through a knothole in a fence. Empaths everywhere are feeling overloaded, frazzled, and deeply
challenged to maintain a stable center of gravity, and on this week’s Empowered Empaths,
Kristin and Martha speak honestly about their personal challenges over the past year and how
they were able to survive AND thrive. Join us for an honest discussion about fear and a great
big dose of hope! -
On this week’s Empowered Empaths we are joined by our friend, psychic/medium, and healer,
Deborah Hendrickson as she and Martha discuss ways to connect with your abilities. We are
asked by clients how to tap into our intuitive gifts, whether it be psychic knowing or connecting
with the departed as well as energy healing and Deborah and Martha share time-tested
methods that open the door to these gifts. Everyone is different and there is no “one size fits
all” way of learning but there are some practices we can use to activate our higher
consciousness so join us and expand your horizons!
sacredtreevisions.com -
In another journey into the heart of things, this week's episode of Empowered Empaths
explores the epidemic of self-blame and self-loathing. Why are we so quick to believe that we
embody the worst attributes of humanity and why do we believe that everything bad that
happens is our fault? Have we ever examined why we are so harsh with ourselves? If we spoke
to others the way we speak to ourselves, we would have no friends and would probably have
many scars from being beaten up. So why do we continue to berate and belittle ourselves and
can we change the inner narrative to something that more accurately reflects our true nature?
Join Kristin and Martha as they share personal stories of failure and triumph while traveling the
road to self-love and respect. -
Join Kristin and Martha on this episode of Empowered Empaths as we welcome recovery
specialist Joe Mitsch to discuss the idea that our greatest challenges can be our most valuable
tools for our spiritual growth and evolution. When we observe life from a cosmic perspective,
we realize that we are here by our own choice, having the experiences that our souls know will
serve our growth and awareness. That realization, plus the fact that we are equipped with all
the tools we need to be successful, allows us to abandon the idea that we are victims of a
cruel and random universe. Our lives have meaning and purpose beyond the day to day
actions we perform by rote and Kristin, Martha and Joe discuss how this perspective impacts
their lives. - Montre plus