Roll 9 and 3/4: A magical Harry Potter / Dungeons & Dragons adventure, featuring the hosts of PotterCast!
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Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:
1. Choose a Tarot DeckThere are many tarot decks available, each with its own artwork and interpretation. The Rider-Waite deck is one of the most popular and is often recommended for beginners due to its clear symbolism.
2. Familiarize Yourself with the CardsThere are 78 cards in a tarot deck:
- Major Arcana (22 cards): These cards represent significant life events or spiritual lessons.- Minor Arcana (56 cards): These cards represent daily life events. They are divided into four suits: Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles.
Spend time with each card, studying its imagery and traditional meaning. Many people find it helpful to keep a tarot journal.
3. Formulate a QuestionBefore drawing cards, have a clear and specific question in mind. This will help you interpret the cards in relation to your query.
4. Shuffle the CardsWhile shuffling, focus on your question. Some people like to cut the deck into three piles and then reassemble it, while others prefer to shuffle until they feel it's time to stop.
5. Choose a SpreadA spread is a particular arrangement of cards. Here are a few common spreads:
- Three-Card Spread: Past, Present, Future.- Celtic Cross: A 10-card spread that provides a detailed look at a situation.- One-Card Draw: For a quick answer or daily guidance.
6. Draw and Place the CardsDraw the cards from the top of the deck and place them in the spread's designated positions.
7. Interpret the CardsBegin by interpreting each card individually, considering both its traditional meaning and the imagery in relation to your question. Then, look at the cards as a whole to see if there are any patterns or themes.
For example, a lot of Swords might indicate conflict or mental challenges, while many Cups could point to emotional matters.
8. Trust Your IntuitionWhile traditional meanings are important, your intuition plays a crucial role in reading tarot. If a particular symbol or detail stands out to you, or if you get a strong feeling from a card, trust that. Your personal connection to the cards will deepen with practice.
9. Record Your ReadingWrite down the cards you drew, their positions, and your interpretations. This will help you track patterns over time and see how your readings evolve.
10. Close the ReadingThank the cards and, if you like, cleanse them by knocking on the deck, using sage, or placing them in the moonlight. This is especially important if the reading was particularly heavy or emotional.
11. Practice RegularlyLike any skill, reading tarot improves with practice. Read for yourself, offer readings to friends, or join a tarot study group.
12. Continue LearningThere are many books, courses, and resources available on tarot. As you continue your journey, you might want to delve deeper into the symbolism, history, and various interpretations of the cards.
Remember, tarot is a tool for guidance, reflection, and insight. It's not about predicting the future with certainty but rather about exploring possibilities and gaining clarity. Enjoy the journey! -
ヤンタン56年の歴史上初めて女性1人っきり、地元・大阪MBSから等身大の「浪花っ子」トークで、ダンスや音楽の他、舞台、漫画、絵、カメラ、動植物、芋をはじめ食べ物・・・他方面に興味深々の彼女の魅力を爆発させます。 -
肩の力を抜いて一緒におしゃべりしませんか? -
まだ何色にも染まっていない駆け出しのアイドルWHITE SCORPIONが、“表の顔”も“裏も顔”も見せびらかしていく番組です。
これを聴けばWHITE SCORPIONの全てが分かる!?かもしれない取扱説明書的ラジオプログラム!と、なっていく予定です。
ラジオ初心者の彼女たちが手探りながらも成長していく様をどうぞ、お楽しみに! -
乃木坂46の4期生、清宮レイと松尾美佑の新レギュラー番組『ベルク presents 乃木坂46の乃木坂に相談だ!』は、10代のふたりが同世代から大人まで、幅広い世代のどんな相談にものっていくラジオ番組です。
時には「それって相談じゃなくてオーダーじゃない?」といった無茶な相談にもチャレンジしていきます。 -
ジブリの森のラジオの川のほとりに建つ、スタジオジブリ・プロデューサー、鈴木敏夫さんの隠れ家、『れんが屋』。 ここには夜毎、汗まみれな人が集って映画談義に花を咲かせます。 その模様は、TOKYO FM 80.0MHzをキーステーションに、JFN系列38のFM局毎週日曜23:00~23:30に『鈴木敏夫のジブリ汗まみれ』の番組で放送中。 この番組がポッドキャスティングでもお楽しみいただけます。
Continuing America's love affair with comedy and those lovable characters that make us laugh with great entertainment from early radio.
「Muggles’ Giggles ハリーポッターと翻訳の魔法」はひょんなことから出会った英和バイリンガル女子、カリーとかんながJ.K. ローリングの名作「ハリーポッター」シリーズの原作と松岡佑子さんの和訳を「ここ最高!」「ここモヤモヤする」などと1作、1章ずつ比べながら物語内の好きなシーンも語っていくポッドキャスト。
Discover The New Magic of Harry Potter You Never Knew.
新しい魔法を、あなたに。 -
A weekly podcast featuring Hawaiian artists and halau performing off-island and around the world.